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6/30/2008 7:56:23 PM personality?  

Semmes, AL
age: 47

Do you think it possible to change your personality, or is it embedded into your dna?

alpha to beta, beta to alpha

6/30/2008 8:00:50 PM personality?  

Dellroy, OH
age: 34

This is a super huge topic in psychology

Personally I go with it is both dna and environment... we inherit traits from our parents but we are also molded by their parenting styles...our friends...our living conditions...past experiences.. etc the list can go on forever.

the idea is that we can re-shape our personality through modification of our environment and our reactions to stimuli

6/30/2008 8:02:21 PM personality?  

Houston, TX
age: 41

Yep its very easy to change...Mine has changed multiple times from being a shy teenager to a 20 something know it all, to a 30 something go getter a to a 40 something...I need a nap...type.

Personality evolves with your life experience.

6/30/2008 8:03:43 PM personality?  

Westerville, OH
age: 49

I believe you can change your personality. It most likely depends on how motivated the person is to do so.

6/30/2008 8:07:06 PM personality?  

Dellroy, OH
age: 34

Motivation is a must

6/30/2008 8:08:20 PM personality?  

Fresno, CA
age: 63

I feel one can become more conscious, more aware, more compassionate. Are these changes in personality?
I suppose with much effort one could make some changes in the personality, nothing is set in stone. Much of
who we are is our temperment and early childhood experiences. For example, I never heard adults raise their
voice to each other or curse when I was a child. My former lover grew up in an abusive home where the
adults slammed one another around. It took 4 years before he starting slamming me around! And I, true
to the upbringing, never raised my voice.

6/30/2008 8:09:31 PM personality?  

Petersburg, IN
age: 49

Why would you change who you are? I mean like it took me years to get this messed up

6/30/2008 8:14:19 PM personality?  

Woodway, TX
age: 58

I think a person can change some of his /her personality. I agree that there are some things that are inherited. However I also know that somewhere DNA overrides environment. A person who changes even a bit of his /her personality is like an addict. One slip up and you are back to what you were.

6/30/2008 8:16:49 PM personality?  

Alpharetta, GA
age: 34 online now!

Pretty much, unless you have gone through drastic changes in life or trauma regarding certain things that happen in life, the personality you develop by age 5 will be the personality that will stick with you throughout your lifetime. What a child experiences from birth to age five will have an impact on his/her personality, behavior, introvert or extrovert thereafter.

[Edited 6/30/2008 8:17:24 PM]

6/30/2008 8:18:26 PM personality?  

New South Wales
age: 51

I dont think we can change our basic personality...We are who we are..But we can however improve on different aspects of our personality...As we go through life we evolve constantly and our outlook changes and the different things we experience has impact on our personality and who we are..But i believe the basics of our personality remains intact...

6/30/2008 8:20:30 PM personality?  

Brooklyn, NY
age: 42

maybe not your basic personality, but if you have a trait, a habit, a characteristic, that impedes your developing normal relationships with other people... if you are someone who is full of anger, or hatred, or a narcissist.... those traits can be changed or at least lessened when you become aware of how they are affecting you and those around you.

People can change themselves... we can't change other people.

6/30/2008 8:27:38 PM personality?  

Tallahassee, FL
age: 41 online now!

There are so many factors that make up a persons personality or their "mask" and so much information out there that this puny forum would never be able to explain it all. Under wiki you have the following;

Freedom versus Determinism
Heredity versus Environment
Uniqueness versus Universality
Proactive versus Reactive
Optimistic versus Pessimistic
Trait and Type Theories
Nature versus Nurture
and the list goes on and on...

I believe your personality is always forming, changing, growing with every stimuli you come across. It will continue to do so until you cease to be cognizant.

6/30/2008 8:48:59 PM personality?  

Red Deer, AB
age: 46

alpha beta sierra oscar lima uniform tango echo lima yankee

7/3/2008 10:45:13 AM personality?  

Mansfield, TX
age: 46

I don't think you can change your basic personality...adapt, yes...survive, you must. But I would find it extremely difficult to change my intrinsic nature & personality.

However, I have seen some Alpha females become Alpo females...but that's another topic!

7/3/2008 10:51:44 AM personality?  

La Crosse, WI
age: 41

born with some, mostly learned. old can renew. hang with a lighter side and positives.

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