7/9/2008 9:36:43 PM |
Anyone just a witch out there? |

Beaufort, SC
age: 40
I am a Witch by natural origin. Its in my bloodline by my granddad but I dont "snob" it over others. I live my witchcraft. It is a natural part of my life just as being Bi is a natural part of me. Anyone want to chat I have aol IM, its wtchyp126. Please dont IM me to preach.
7/18/2008 7:49:10 PM |
Anyone just a witch out there? |
Neshkoro, WI
age: 59
Bright Blessings to you Browneyes. Yes there are a few of us out here. Some just call themselves Wiccan/pagans. Some don't like to reveal themselves as "witches", understandably so. There are some "others" that would just love to debate our spiritual path until they feel they have justified themselves in trampling us into the ground. I have been a Wiccan for a very long time, although I have interests in many other areas.I do respect other belief structures as long as they don't hurt others, or try and convert me. I don't usually like to stir up the cauldron, and try to live a quiet life amoung the Earth Mothers treasures. I feel comfortable with myself and what I believe in. Hail the full Moon! Blessed Be
7/19/2008 8:56:30 AM |
Anyone just a witch out there? |

Beaufort, SC
age: 40
Thanks butteflye for answering my post. I was begining to think that I was not going to get an answer. lol
I have been practicing witchcraft for the past 6 years officially but before that as a child I was drawn to it. I'm not wiccan. The wiccan path didn't feel like me but I have wiccan friends. Youre right about some wanting to trample you down spiritually as them being better or smarter or what not. I'm just looking to find friends who want to share a common interest & don't judge. I think we have many things we can share & pass to each other. i practice witchcraft but have many other areas too. I hope that we can become friends & that many others will respond. I do understand the need for privacy as I just started coming out openly that I'm a witch & lesbian/bi(?)
I'm looking for people to talk with who share my interests & maybe we can help each other on our paths in this life.
7/20/2008 6:15:33 PM |
Anyone just a witch out there? |


Brattleboro, VT
age: 59
Blessed Be....all
8/27/2008 11:20:55 AM |
Anyone just a witch out there? |


Concord, NH
age: 27
Brightest Blessings! Doesnt look like theirs too many of us here.
8/29/2008 6:52:19 PM |
Anyone just a witch out there? |
Boise, ID
age: 69
My mother came from a line of witches. She had no daughters to pass on the Craftof The Wise . So I decided to carry on the tradition. My mother died when I was elven so she could not teach me I had to find my own path
8/29/2008 10:46:28 PM |
Anyone just a witch out there? |

Wichita, KS
age: 39
Love and light all.
9/17/2008 8:10:21 PM |
Anyone just a witch out there? |


Brattleboro, VT
age: 59
My mother came from a line of witches. She had no daughters to pass on the Craftof The Wise . So I decided to carry on the tradition. My mother died when I was elven so she could not teach me I had to find my own path  I bet she was an interesting person.
9/17/2008 9:46:26 PM |
Anyone just a witch out there? |

Columbia, SC
age: 21
im a witch, not by birth per say, but i still hold the title proudly. I have a lot of differing ideals on religion, but my spirituality is that of a witch. blessed be all.
9/17/2008 10:58:19 PM |
Anyone just a witch out there? |

Anacortes, WA
age: 20
i looked into witch craft, not for me. but i kno a bit about it. i prefure to do "magick" or as i prefure to call it "energy work" the mostly self taught way. :/ makes it hard though to not have a teacher.
9/19/2008 6:07:03 AM |
Anyone just a witch out there? |
New Bedford, MA
age: 23
im not wiccan but i am into wicca learning about it
9/19/2008 6:53:31 AM |
Anyone just a witch out there? |

Atascadero, CA
age: 36
I'm just me. Yeah, magic has always been a part of my life since birth. The term "witch" has negative connotations in many cultures so it's not the term with which I was raised. Then again my father's family, around whom I was raised my first 9 years, are Ludad (a group of Romany/gypsies from the Transylvanian region of Romania.) As with many Romany groups I was raised with a very strong belief in magic and in my natural abilities.
10/5/2008 7:44:28 PM |
Anyone just a witch out there? |
Lampasas, TX
age: 44
Blessed Be...
10/7/2008 11:43:07 PM |
Anyone just a witch out there? |
Bellaire, OH
age: 46
I'm interested in learning about Wicca,my grandmother believed in black magic,did that make her a witch?idk ,can anyone tell me please,also when I was young and just recovered from a serious illness,My grandmother told my father that I was not of this earth,Can anyone please explain what this means I'd like to know. 
[Edited 10/7/2008 11:44:21 PM PST]
10/9/2008 8:18:04 PM |
Anyone just a witch out there? |

Mahomet, IL
age: 50
Maybe what she meant was this. There are people on this earth who feel they are watchers. Meaning they are not of this planet but from another planet put here to observe and gather. And when the time comes they pass and go back to their planet.
Maybe she just thought you were to heavenly to be from the earth. Little angel. 