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7/10/2008 4:23:16 AM what happened with my 5 month dating period?  

Novi, MI
age: 32

Why do guys act unpredictable? So I'm dating this guy on average of once every two weeks for FIVE months then suddenly wham! He cuts off communication and contact. Cancels his account on the site we met so I can't email him anymore; and doesn't answer when I call or return my messages. IF it were a "sexual" issue we did just cuddle closely once but I didn't give him hints that IF he were to try more I'd definitely say no....So my question to you is, what happened/ what was he thinking? I mean, I could tell by hints and body language etc. he didn't exactly adore me or think most higly of me but to cut me off like that when I can't see how it could have been an "annoyance" issue either since it's not like I called him up constantly and always wanted to do something or anything like that really makes me wonder....... anyone?

[Edited 7/10/2008 4:25:02 AM]

7/10/2008 4:41:24 AM what happened with my 5 month dating period?  

Hartselle, AL
age: 47

my feelings on this is that if things didnt move further in 5 months than a cuddle once well its not gonna happen and he gave up or began to feel used. I am not saying jump into things from the get go but after a month you should know if your ment for one and other and move slowly twords the more intimate feelings, if its not there well why drag things out? also to me its a warning sign when after 5 months he isnt seeing you more than a time or two a week! did you go into this just looking for a date or friend?

7/10/2008 4:43:31 AM what happened with my 5 month dating period?  

Alpharetta, GA
age: 34 online now!

Both men and women have the potential to be unpredictable. It all boils down to the individual and their motives, greed, and or other reason. Some women do the same thing you described herein. He showed you some red flags, but for some reason, you were willing to over look them, thus it also boils down to one's decision as well either to continue despite red flags or leave. You chose the former.

Take this as a learning experience for the next time.

[Edited 7/10/2008 4:46:50 AM]

7/10/2008 5:46:01 AM what happened with my 5 month dating period?  

Fresno, CA
age: 63

You were on his back burner. My guess is that he was working on another, more important (to him)
relationship.... of course, it could also be health reason, family reasons, dark secrets.

7/10/2008 6:00:16 AM what happened with my 5 month dating period?  

Brooklyn, NY
age: 42

OP... You say that you could tell by hints and body language etc he didn't exactly adore you or think most highly of you....

why'd you stay around for 5 months?

You saw him once every two weeks for 5 months... so that's what, twice a month? 10 times? Sounds like there was other stuff going on somewhere, and he just decided to go with that stuff...

Don't waste your time worrying about someone who doesn't think you're all that and a bag of chips... cause you are...

7/10/2008 6:04:23 AM what happened with my 5 month dating period?  

Tallahassee, FL
age: 41 online now!

We're electrical entities. Electricity always follows the path of least resistance. He simply found a gal who is least resistant in whatever it is. Probably the sexual part. He probably didn't have the heart to tell you so he took the wimp way out and disappeared.

7/10/2008 6:06:47 AM what happened with my 5 month dating period?  

Cool, CA
age: 59

to answer fairly i'd have to blow suds off a few beers with the guy. hear his side you see. you're buying the beer.

7/10/2008 6:08:31 AM what happened with my 5 month dating period?  

Houston, TX
age: 41 online now!

5 months and no jiggery pokery?....well there is your answer....5 days and I would be gone!

7/10/2008 6:23:22 AM what happened with my 5 month dating period?  

Beverly Hills, CA
age: 49

You made yourself to available to him. You call a man once he doesn't return your call leave it at that point. There are to many men out there to be chasing behind one.

7/10/2008 6:40:59 AM what happened with my 5 month dating period?  

Splendora, TX
age: 54 online now!

What do you care, he obviously wansn't good enough for you, he found something to occupy his time and puff he was gone. Good rids to bad rubbish, if he doesn't get what he wants from the next one he'll come sneaking back with some lame as excuse. Better to know the chump wasn't in it for the long haul now, than after you invested more time an emotion in him. Say too bad, so sad, bye see you later. And look for a better man. (DAMN I WISH I'D LEARN TO TAKE MY OWN ADVICE)

7/10/2008 6:55:47 AM what happened with my 5 month dating period?  

Port Saint Lucie, FL
age: 60

Looks to me that you weren't interested in him from the get-go, and after a fairly decent amount of time, he realized you were going to try the "let's be friends" line on him. That would not have been fair to you or him, so he took the easy way out and just disappeared. You never explained in detail why you weren't sexually into him, so I see no reason why he would have to give you an explanation as to why he left. The chemistry wasn't there for you and he needs the chemistry.

7/10/2008 7:56:08 AM what happened with my 5 month dating period?  

Mansfield, TX
age: 46

I hate dating on my period....

7/10/2008 8:14:58 AM what happened with my 5 month dating period?  

Ottawa, ON
age: 35

Five months.. no sex?

I'd dump you also.

7/10/2008 10:01:15 AM what happened with my 5 month dating period?  

Alpharetta, GA
age: 34 online now!

Quote from evileddy:
Five months.. no sex?

I'd dump you also.

7/10/2008 10:58:58 PM what happened with my 5 month dating period?  

Novi, MI
age: 32

Quote from stopntrafic:
my feelings on this is that if things didnt move further in 5 months than a cuddle once well its not gonna happen and he gave up or began to feel used. I am not saying jump into things from the get go but after a month you should know if your ment for one and other and move slowly twords the more intimate feelings, if its not there well why drag things out? also to me its a warning sign when after 5 months he isnt seeing you more than a time or two a week! did you go into this just looking for a date or friend?

a date.... so I guess I kinda see yur point

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