Saint Paul, MN
age: 33
Oh Lord, LOL talk about some holy roll'en and hawl'en cause I stell am and it's hard to type, the tears of laughter are still in my way and my gut hurts.LOL LOL Haa Haa Just alittle difficultly breathing.LOL!! Is there a way I can get a copy of that so I can show my friends, they'll love it. Cause the Pent. Church I was raised in...LOL "Come as ya are as long as ya didn't have manure on the souls of your boots. If so leave'm out with your horse upside the church step and come up to the alter and we'll pray for your soul and if ya feet stinck we'll wash'em like Jesus did, if ya aint had a bath yet we can baptise ya in river down road." No joke, LOL.
Oh Oh my gut hurts. I love it thank's for the laugh I sure did need it. Pray for me Ya'll going through a dry spell. Thanks...M in WA.

Paso Robles, CA
age: 21
you forgot a few... i came from a country church and these are true...
When your church desides to get a horse hitching post insted of a bike rack (city code required one or the other pastor said we'd actaully get use out of the hitching post)
When everyone is happy that the wooden outhouses got converted to running water bathrooms... (yes our church actaully had those for a while bathrooms are still located in a building outside BTW)
When your pastor won the local rodeo
When you have a service every year at the rodeo because half the chuch couldn't make it otherwise
When cowboy hats are still perfered over offering plates
When everyother car is a truck compeate with a Dog you better not try to pet!

Minden, LA
age: 39
yeeehaw!! ....and can I get an amen?
(Hill you're so cute)

Saint Paul, MN
age: 33
Amen...It still cracks me up. And once again made my day. Thank you again. God bless and keep me and my family in your prayers.