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8/20/2007 9:15:07 PM |
Bible bashers beware..... |

Omaha, NE
age: 54
#3 I believe the stories in the Bible were to teach us lessons.
peace. out.
8/20/2007 9:17:03 PM |
Bible bashers beware..... |

Howell, NJ
age: 38
"The Book Of Shadows"

8/29/2007 1:56:05 AM |
Bible bashers beware..... |

Lebanon, KY
age: 30
If forced to choose solely from the options listed, unfortunately I would have to be assigned to 'bible basher,' although I would prefer the designation of 'an existential humanist,' that is to say, I place more importance on individual choice than a doctrine or bible.
I've seen several posts that question why people, who do not believe in a select religion or identify themselves as an agnostic or atheist, post in this forum. The reason I post here is because of a personal interest in all the moral traditions, and the conviction that love, universal compassion, and mutual respect are not dependent upon mandated doctrines, but upon individual and personal choice. Belief systems or doctrines that suggest retribution or fear as justification for acceptance, or even reward, seem to me to be rather inauthentic and cheap. What's virtuous about an action, when an authoritarian script dictates it?
Ethical judgments, in my opinion, are too personal to try to force into an objective mold. Reading literature about other people's spiritual journeys can most certainly yield inspiration, but the decisions we make in our own lives should be rooted in our own journeys. SWCW, I don't know if you would be interested in this author, but I highly recommend the works of Soren Kierkegaard to you, I think you would enjoy them. He was a Danish Christian theologian, philosopher, social critic, and regarded as one of the founders of the loosely connected philosophical movement known as existentialism. Although I'm more aligned with Martin Heidegger and Jean Paul Sartre than Kierkegaard, his work set the stage for their ideas.
Personally, I find the existential phenomenon of death to be a more productive advisor than a punishing / forgiving God. Acknowledging death as a precondition of our existence brings us face-to-face with our own mortality, and in so doing, places the burden of responsibility for our choices upon our own shoulders. Through the acceptance of responsibility, wherein a certain dread or anxiety ensues, our future choices garner the individual attention and mindfulness they deserve. Feeling bad or guilty about previous choices is unnecessary, and once they are acknowledged, our acceptance of their responsibility lends itself toward how we exercise our freedom to choose in the future. We are the series and totality of our choices, so that's why I feel more attention should be paid to our actions and the individual choices that dictate them, rather than a Bible or a predefined moral code. So when I post in this forum, in regards to the Bible, it is usually to point out what I recognize as an inadequacy of the attempt to universalize ethical foundations and the contradictions therein. I hope one would not consider this bashing, but I feel that pointing out these inconsistencies, in and of itself can be an ethical action.
8/29/2007 2:34:28 AM |
Bible bashers beware..... |

Morgan, VT
age: 65
the bible is a great work for primitive man
8/29/2007 10:54:59 AM |
Bible bashers beware..... |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
Thanks Starlight....Looking back,I now realize that Bible Basher was the wrong choice of words.Bash means attack hence, Bible Basher=Bible Attacker.For some,(me)if you "attack" my love or passion for my Bible it is met w/ defending and attacking back..(BY ME) Weather that is right or wrong,Christian or not, does not matter to me at the time.
The choice should have read.3- ANYONE who wants to share their feelings on the Bible!
It doesnt matter to me how people feel about the Bible,I love hearing anything related to Religions or Beliefs(its a passion of mine),what matters to "me" is how you "present" your feelings. Kindness is contagious, so is critiscism,I strongly prefer Kindness!!!!!
I not only agree but am plagued w/ the damages of proccupation w/ guilt and feeling bad about past bad choice(in many aspects). But there is also the damages that ensue when proper(common sense)values and responsibilities are not instilled in someone(children specifically).Theres such a fine line where that is concerened. Ill give an example. Theres so many i could choose from! LOL
I was taught as a child that I had to respect my elders and authoritve figures.Cops were police man,Priest were Father,my friends mother was Mrs.so+so and so on.If I came home from school w/ a "note" I was screwed,no if ands or buts,punished.You will go to hell if you sin(i missed the class on forgiveness,or did I?)Clean your room and do your homework NOW,or else!!I was taught this by people who cared and or loved me. Thats what they were taught.
But now I have been taught,told,encouraged and in some cases I dont even have a choice,on how damaging those things were(on SO many levels)and "THIS" is how things are taught or opined,now a days. Im only voicing some of the things I have often heard said.
What,is your teacher crazy,that cop is crooked,that preacher bastard doesnt know squat,.
Yes johnny I believe you that your teacher doesnt like you,Ill call him TOMORROW!
Im a fairly new, Sunday School Teacher and the kids say Im swearing when I speak of "a hell".(their so cute).Jesus forgives EVERYTHING!Sally,honey,its time to do your homework,no I know your playing,but its the 6th time Ive asked you,oh ok just 10 more minute though,Sally does her homework in the morning before school,again. Well its "your" room" and your "choice" so if your ok w/ maggots on the floor than Im ok w/ it too,honey.
Were my first examples wrong? YES for so many reasons. Where my second examples wrong? YEs
for just as many reasons. SO wheres the "happy" "healthy" "respectful" "productive" and I hate to use this but,"spiritual" MEDIUM???? I believe there has to be one.
I know I missed a lot and it would be more than welcomed in this thread!
Ps.Starlight,I tend to go on and on(did u notice?LOL) but Ill respond more later,I loved your post and thanks for the heads up on Soren Kierkegaard,I will certainly look for it!!
8/29/2007 11:22:09 AM |
Bible bashers beware..... |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
swcw: There are few techniques that you can easily do in order to clear the past truama in your life that is keeping us from progressing unknowingly which causes everyone to keep going in circles and never getting anywhere emotionally. Most everyones life is always a rehash of more drama drama drama from the past holding them back, same ole story. At some point we need to get ahold of ourselves and move forward. Nothing ever changes and everyone is going to be talking the same drama using different ways to discribe it all 5 years from now.
8/29/2007 11:44:10 AM |
Bible bashers beware..... |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
Thanks Jewelz....Its the old "shit or get off the pot",you know. My biggest problem is not,not letting go of the past,my problem is....that I have been so hurt and abused by people who have loved me,and those people "believe" and have told me that its my own fault...that Im deathly afraid to think about my past,let alone talk to someone about it.That"guilt" is unbareable for me to "face! Gotta go! Thanks again,it meaant a lot to me,what you said!!!! Peace
8/29/2007 12:01:35 PM |
Bible bashers beware..... |

Chesapeake Beach, MD
age: 49
Thanks for the rephrasing SWCW25, I wouldn't want to be considered a basher of anything. I hope that expressing a different opinion isn't considered bashing?
8/29/2007 1:43:54 PM |
Bible bashers beware..... |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
Thanks 9th...I wish I could change the intro but the option to edit is not here anymore.
You are always welcome to post anything to me anywhere!!!!!I always enjoy you sharind and often learn something as well!!! Be good.
ps.Im gonna try to change my screen name cause its gotta suck having to remember those initials + 25...I usually dont ever sigh off but sometimes I have to resign in and even I have to stop and think.. Too much stikin thikin!!! Peace
9/2/2007 8:14:03 AM |
Bible bashers beware..... |

Bellevue, WA
age: 45
While I don't "bash" the bible, I do take it with a grain of salt, knowing that it is a second hand interpretation by men who are just writing their experiences/impressions, with their own views, attitudes and perceptions thrown in, and not what I would call "literal" in any way.
However, hypochristians and those who use the bible as a weapon, and never accept that others have different views, them I would bash, stomp and pound into the ground, when I can stop laughing at them long enough.