7/12/2008 8:08:43 AM |
~Party Weekend at "Veteran61's"~ |

Peoria, IL
age: 50
Hello all, and happy Saturday!
Here's hopin' that those goin' to Mike's weekend party, all arrive safe~n~sound!
I feel certain that a grrrrrreat time will be had by all, and pretty sure that there will also be lots of "Kodak Moments"!! LOL.........
I'm sorry that I couldn't make it, but I have a family gatherin' this evenin', followed by a family weddin' tomorrow.
Hope ya' all toast many "cold ones" for me and those that were not able to make it! We are with ya' all in spirit!!
7/12/2008 6:34:48 PM |
~Party Weekend at "Veteran61's"~ |

Belleville, IL
age: 48
I was busy caring for my folks this weekend.
But would love to see the pix of which I'm sure there will
be plenty of!!!
7/12/2008 7:06:16 PM |
~Party Weekend at "Veteran61's"~ |

Peoria, IL
age: 50
Ahhhhhhhh yes, can not forget those "Kodak Moments"!!
7/13/2008 3:33:19 AM |
~Party Weekend at "Veteran61's"~ |
Farmington, IL
age: 47
Thank you all! The party was a resounding success! I'm sure that there will be stories told for a LONG time! (Most will be true)
Again, I would like to thank Vintage57 and wid4 for all that they did to make this a great party! I couldn't have done it without them! Thank you, Brian and Dolores!!!!
7/13/2008 8:18:20 AM |
~Party Weekend at "Veteran61's"~ |
Silvis, IL
age: 48
Vet!! So when is the next one since I couldn't make this one?
7/13/2008 8:41:01 AM |
~Party Weekend at "Veteran61's"~ |
Farmington, IL
age: 47
Already in the planning stages!
7/13/2008 12:36:06 PM |
~Party Weekend at "Veteran61's"~ |

Galesburg, IL
age: 50
Thanks Mike ,for having all of us out at your place,and it was my pleasure to meet and get to know everyone that was there. It was a blast; Mighty short nights though !!
7/13/2008 1:41:00 PM |
~Party Weekend at "Veteran61's"~ |

Port Byron, IL
age: 54
Hi everyone I made it home safely from Mikes and I am still in recovery mode. LOL Sure had a great time and if I ever unload my car I will find the camera! Yep that good.
Thanks again to all who helped get everything ready for us to come decending down onto mikes place and thanks again mike it was -Sweet!
[Edited 7/13/2008 1:41:23 PM]
7/13/2008 2:34:45 PM |
~Party Weekend at "Veteran61's"~ |
Farmington, IL
age: 47
The pleasure was all mine! To those that missed it, you missed the party of the year!
7/13/2008 2:44:00 PM |
~Party Weekend at "Veteran61's"~ |

Mooresville, IN
age: 55
just got back from mikes, and let me tell you all that couldnt make it. You all missed out. had enough food to feed an army, pink pants and I kicked a** in the ring toss game, (your a good teammate pink)
although cin cin and wid4 was making us sweat there at first.
and I think the apples to apples game was rigged ( I'm still not sure how you pulled that one off vintage)
but seriously I want to thank wid4 and vintage for helping mike get everything ready.
And mike "you're the man" buddy, and I didn't know you looked so good in a spagetti strap tank top I cant wait for all the pics.
everyone there was a blast to meet and I've made some new friends.
7/13/2008 3:06:17 PM |
~Party Weekend at "Veteran61's"~ |

Mooresville, IN
age: 55
OK, everyone wants to see pics.
let me post the first pic from the party
This is my new friend "Cooper"

7/13/2008 3:50:00 PM |
~Party Weekend at "Veteran61's"~ |

Mooresville, IN
age: 55
I know, ya'll was thinking it was going to be the one of Mike in the tank top  
7/13/2008 4:05:41 PM |
~Party Weekend at "Veteran61's"~ |
Farmington, IL
age: 47
You wouldn't!!!!!!!
7/13/2008 7:14:49 PM |
~Party Weekend at "Veteran61's"~ |

Lapeer, MI
age: 36
You wouldn't!!!!!!!
I CAN and I WILL! 

Forrest made me do it... Had to be done   
[Edited 7/13/2008 7:30:43 PM]
7/13/2008 7:17:30 PM |
~Party Weekend at "Veteran61's"~ |

Benton, IL
age: 71
WOW! sounds like it's gonna be a good one