8/17/2007 11:34:14 AM |
Why does any one do the right thing? |

Citrus Heights, CA
age: 50
If right is right and wrong is wrong then choosing right should be right, and vice versa- So why is it so many claim to be and want right and then do the wrong? Should you not do the right thing for yourself and have it being nothing to do with any other? Words define intentions and can be used to deceive however is that not wrong?Forever should be just that,No short time commitments for action shows the motive behind the word.As I am sure I am not alone in this experience wherein: "A person professes a belief that echoes your own simply to ensnare a captive and does so, then alternately soon therein chooses another way professing the very same commitment in direction as they did prior enabling there departure from the original commitment." Wrong or Right? I would be interested in any opinion.
8/17/2007 4:18:47 PM |
Why does any one do the right thing? |

Oyster Bay, NY
age: 19
could u give an example?
8/17/2007 5:48:19 PM |
Why does any one do the right thing? |

Poplar Bluff, MO
age: 56
Ignoring the body after the question and just responding to the question I do the right thing because I try to live a life that follows a Book in the Bible. Regardless of my religious beliefs it is a lifestyle that emphasizes the treatment of others.
Anyone know the Book?
I am not a Jesus freak, there was a point in my life when religion was a major factor.
[Edited 8/17/2007 5:56:43 PM]
8/17/2007 5:52:48 PM |
Why does any one do the right thing? |

Ben Wheeler, TX
age: 24
You are adressing an issue as old as Humankind itself. Why do people want right then do wrong? the answer is as simple as "Free will". Selfishness, Self-rightiousness. there is not a man more dangerous than a man convinced of his/her own moral superiority. Why would a person claim to hate a liar and then turn around and lie? why do people kill in the name of a religion that says killing is against the will of the deity in question?
People justify wrong doing as a means to a (what they perceive as) good intended end.
others to hide their own selfish natures by masking themselves in good deeds. still others simply slip along the way. the "right" path is always narrow. however it seems to widen as much as it takes to accomidate as many that take it. there are many reasons to take the wrong instead of the right. there is not a single answer. My previous statement about moral superiority is not saying that one should not be moral. or that someomes convictions of being moral are wrong. it is saying that one that thinks anything he does is automatically the moral and right thing without thought. or, bad judgement. we should strive to do the right thing. but there are a group of people that beleive their own belifs are right and the rest of the world is wrong. these people know right from wrong and choose to decive anyway. the answer for them is selfishness and fear. there is not a lot else that can be said.
8/17/2007 5:52:54 PM |
Why does any one do the right thing? |

Beckley, WV
age: 56
I take it you got burned in a relationship..I'm not real clear on what you are saying..can you elaborate some?
8/17/2007 6:02:40 PM |
Why does any one do the right thing? |

Gainesville, GA
age: 61
From John Prine's "Dear Abby"
"Unhappy Unhappy you have no complaints
You are what you are and you ain't what you ain't
So listen up buster and listen up good
Stop wishing for bad luck and knocking on wood"
8/17/2007 6:40:30 PM |
Why does any one do the right thing? |

Texarkana, TX
age: 46
well thats cause most don't know what the right thing is u got to understand some people been going through the worng thing for year and now they don't get what the right thin is
8/18/2007 4:04:30 PM |
Why does any one do the right thing? |

Tacoma, WA
age: 51
Sometimes it is fun - especially when someone gives you the wrong change. they expecte a response when the customer is short changed, but when you point out that you received too much money. There is a look of subtle surprise.
It is especially fun when a clerk argues with you when they gave you too much change.
8/18/2007 5:01:29 PM |
Why does any one do the right thing? |

Riverdale, NJ
age: 48
its looking out for self interest. most people know whats right and how to present themseves favorably and truthful sounding to others. to get what they want.
if their genuine motives and character is a different story, that will elicit a negative response from the target. whether it is a job, person, winning something, etc.
so a profile of honesty and saying the 'right' thing is the most effective way to achieve the sought after results.
words should define intentions but the reality is not always the same. may not be for the intention to deceive but the end result is still deception.
8/19/2007 6:46:49 PM |
Why does any one do the right thing? |

Oyster Bay, NY
age: 19
thanks justfun, it wasn't clear to me either. i couldn't tell if this was a theological discussion on free will or a down to earth question on a specific incident.
i dont think there is any one reason for why people do the right thing, it probably depends on the situation. some people do the right thing because it makes them feel good, some do it because its the right thing to do, some people do the right thing because they are afraid of the consequences if they do wrong.
8/19/2007 7:28:34 PM |
Why does any one do the right thing? |

Butte, MT
age: 63
china I really like your thoughts, thanks for all your insite.
8/19/2007 7:59:41 PM |
Why does any one do the right thing? |

Oyster Bay, NY
age: 19
thanks montana 
8/19/2007 8:10:00 PM |
Why does any one do the right thing? |

Evanston, WY
age: 50
in an alternate univers would right be wroung and wroung be right? if so would you be doin the wroung right thing ?
8/20/2007 3:56:12 AM |
Why does any one do the right thing? |

Citrus Heights, CA
age: 50
I haven't found any one or any thing better as far as a reply for 5150-[interesting handle] but in a reply to the "burned aspect" I would have to say that we all have, You know, nothing ventured nothing gained kinda thing--If you hope you risk if you risk you loose So of course this would mean any one looses, every one gets burned if the chance is taken and in turn of course I am among those who have entered a relationship thinking one way and finding another existing there, so "whak" off with my head!Been Married twice forever- No stranger to pain I could say. But truly it is not the pain I was asking about, no- just I guess as 5150 put it "The moral aspect" not superior or inferior just the "right thing"--
No worries though, I was curious is all..
8/20/2007 4:15:22 AM |
Why does any one do the right thing? |

Bronx, NY
age: 39
Sometimes I think people do the right thing because of the possible fear that the wrong thing may be the right thing for them. There is a sense of security in doing the right thing even if it means doing the wrong thing unto oneself. By doing the right thing someone else is doing the wrong thing in order to make the right thing right? It's a neverending circle, someones sunlight is anothers darkness.