8/27/2008 4:49:49 PM |
An older single parent ... struggling |

Shelton, CT
age: 48
My son brushes his teeth his mom did`nt brush hers now she don`t have any.
8/28/2008 11:11:08 PM |
An older single parent ... struggling |

Shelton, CT
age: 48
Dido on that were the bad guys for making are kids doing what is good for them.
8/29/2008 10:51:32 AM |
An older single parent ... struggling |
Canby, OR
age: 44
My kid are 17,19,20 we are always out and about doing things..They share their music and burn CD's for me..Its not uncommon to come home and my son is listening to Aretha Franklin. Or my daughter having me listen to a new band she found like I Monster which we had to special order. I took my daughter to her first concert which was really great..my other two are not much into that. I think you just have to be really open to try and do things with your kids. It amazing how much fun we have together.
8/29/2008 8:36:44 PM |
An older single parent ... struggling |

Portland, OR
age: 53
My kids think I can be mean, since I do put conditions on some things. But for the most part, they know they are loved and we have great times together. Sometimes, it is hard to find "me" time and to be able to go places where I can be just an adult. Now that my daughter is older, she's working and my son is relatively independent so it is getting easier by the day. LOL ... I still fight both of them on brushing their teeth ... what the heck! At least they're not pierced and tatooed yet! 
8/30/2008 1:53:25 PM |
An older single parent ... struggling |

Reedsburg, WI
age: 44
Well, I'm a mom of six...my oldest 3 girls are all grown up & on their own. Then I went & had 3 more... a set of almost 7 yr old twin girls & an almost 5 yr old son. It's tough, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.
8/30/2008 3:13:48 PM |
An older single parent ... struggling |

Akron, IN
age: 60 online now!
My daughter is 11, trying to keep up with her is a challenge at times...LOL But she keeps me young and laughing most the time. I believe I would be one sour old man without her around....LOL
8/31/2008 11:25:16 AM |
An older single parent ... struggling |

Shelton, CT
age: 48
My daughter is 11, trying to keep up with her is a challenge at times...LOL But she keeps me young and laughing most the time. I believe I would be one sour old man without her around....LOL
I`m 12years younger then you and I understand how it can be having a young child late in life. But imagine life without them would be to hard to bare.Here`s to you Pop live long and prosper.
[Edited 8/31/2008 11:26:34 AM]
8/31/2008 2:40:58 PM |
An older single parent ... struggling |
Owensboro, KY
age: 41
I am 41 and have a son who just turned 18 and a daughter about to turn 11. Yes, it is a difficult ride, but you have to just enjoy every minute of it. One day they will be grown and gone.
9/1/2008 7:01:24 PM |
An older single parent ... struggling |

Bakersfield, CA
age: 41
I am a single mom of a 14 yo and an almost 12 yo...they are huge Lynyrd Skynyrd, Led Zep, AC/DC, etc. fans. They listen to the music I rocked to when I was a kid and listened to in junior high and high school. I don't know about your parents, but my mom hated my music when I was a kid, so having this way to bond with my boys is very special and very cool. My kids think it is awesome I know the words to the songs and that I let them listen to "their" music in the car. I am blessed to have two awesome well-behaved boys who are good to their mom and respect our relationship, and I am not their friend, I am their mom, but we can let loose with our music and just enjoy this fun together. However...I am hearing a lot of "just wait" from others and "it's coming"...should I be scared??? My oldest just started high school...so far so good. I've heard it either makes or breaks them. Any advice?
9/2/2008 7:38:00 PM |
An older single parent ... struggling |

White Lake, MI
age: 50
I feel all the pain. Having 6 children. being 50 now with a 9,8,16 yr old at home and single Its always a struggle. I trag my kids everywhere I go.....If they don't like it thats to bad. I have to live too.I love spending time with them. Still to this day. I don't know what I would do without them.
9/4/2008 6:53:11 PM |
An older single parent ... struggling |

Portland, OR
age: 53
My 9 year old son started school yesterday. Fourth grade. It goes by so fast. My daughter is away for highschool, her senior year with plans to enter medical school. Wow, the days flew away. You are so right, they keep us young and worth every gray hair and sleepless night. My biggest challenge was when my daughter was a freshman in highschool. Growing pains I guess ... stretching for her independence.
Last week my son and I attended my father's funeral. All five of us gathered at my sister's home. I looked at my neices and nephews ranging in age from 38 down to 4. Wow. Some are professional musicians. They pulled out their instruments and jammed to Led Zep, Rush, Seger, etc. It was fun to sit with my brothers and sisters, singing "Stairway to Heaven" and remembering all the fun years we shared in our youth. It is awesome to know we are contributing to our childrens memories, fond ones, even at a wake. My twin nephews (17) guitars in hand, playing their hearts out with pride, are incredible young men with great potential.
I'd like to engrain that memory forever. The dim lighting of the room, candles, my father's pictures on the mantel and everyone just enjoying each other. I am grateful for my age and for their youth. Being able to share the simple, wonderful pleasures of life with them makes our everyday struggles seem all worthwhile.
Yes God was giggling when he sent me my son when I was 44, but alas ... he knew what he was doing.
9/9/2008 6:27:36 AM |
An older single parent ... struggling |
Urbana, OH
age: 47
im a 47 yr old mom of 2 girls 8 and 10, boy its hard but im having the time of my life and enjoying every minute of it. i laugh all the time at them there keeping me young. its just sad because there father is missing everything and he lives only 10 miles away, but he will reap what is sow. good luck everyone with your children
9/9/2008 7:57:20 AM |
An older single parent ... struggling |

Winchendon, MA
age: 58
I am raising a 7 year old boy. He has ADHD. He keeps me hopping. I even can seem to meet anyone either. Would like to meet a very nice single lady.