Willow Springs, MO
age: 48
Don't tell me there aren't any social people in Mo.Where are they hiding?

Perryville, MO
age: 43
Social? I usually just read the threads and post everyonce in a while. I think I'm a sociable person.
Hannibal, MO
age: 53
If you find out let me know too ok? 

Springfield, MO
age: 54
We're on the singles group 50+

Monett, MO
age: 31
Well they wont let me in there for some odd reason... I think its cuz I don't remember when you could have one job and be able to afford a car and still have money to put gas into it. LoL

Everton, MO
age: 53
That is about the sum of it. I am in that group and I had to sell my car due to not being able to afford it on social security disablility.
There is going to be a Bash at the Lake Aug 20 through 24th. Sounds like a blast. It is going to be co hosted by bountyman. Look up his profile and read all his post for details.
I do know it will be at Stockton lake, Roark bluff camping area. There is a group place reserved for us. It is not just MO. People are coming from all over. There will be a dance with a band one night. Alot of BBQ's.
I think it will be a blast, kids are included so it won't be one big drunken brawl and if you have a bike there will be a motercycle run also.
The old folks LOL will be doing something in Sept. We are going to the Dixie Stampede. YOu can read about it in the 50's group and e mail anyone you have a question about it. They will let the younger ones read you just can't post in there. Just like I can read the younger groups but can't post. 
That is all the social things I know that are going on. 

Joplin, MO
age: 44
I can't speak for the rest of the state........but I'm very socialable!

Waynesville, MO
age: 48
Hiding in Waynesville... peek-a-boo y'all!
[Edited 9/15/2008 5:53:32 PM]
Farmington, MO
age: 51
reading posts some are so funny!

Bloomfield, MO
age: 27
I am trying to be very social. I have posted on a lot of treads. Check it out. 

Saint Robert, MO
age: 40
I've been on here for a few days and have had a lot of looks, a couple of winks and received some emails. Seems somewhat social to me.