Essex Junction, VT
age: 50
^ ll53 summed it up nicely
Love at first sight only happens in cheesy romance novels,and soulmates the stuff of fantasy.At first there has to be a spark of attraction for both,not physical just something.It then takes effort to fan that spark into a flame,preferably without getting burned.Until that happens,the process is not so much a hunt,it's more like fishing.

Medicine Hat, AB
age: 58
This is confusing here today.....
I think I will go take a nap and reread this....
The first meeting makes you exclusive?????? WOW...no one explained that to me...
Emailing more than one lady at a time makes you a player even if you have not met anyone in person......?
I guess some one should write these rules down and make everyone sign a waiver that they have read and agree to them...
People should not assume that a first meeting leads to sex any more than it means that they are now exclusive. OR that it will lead to a second meeting.
Even if you meet someone one night and another new one every night of the week so what?
This is a place to meet people....some you weed out by emails....others by calling...others by meeting....
When you find that one that really interest you then why bother continuing to look until you know they are not the one. This is something that will take more than one date.
some people believe in blind fate...he asked me out so he must be the one...only in a small closed world of a small closed mind.
 Well said 
I agree......This is a "DATING" site, not a "COMMITMENT" site. When a man says he is a one woman man, he means that when two people fall in love, are compatable and decide mutually to spend the rest of their lives together, then the one woman/one man comes into play. Not before!!!!! Any man/woman who emails, texts, calls is in search mode for the one and only to commit to and when confronted with exclusive rights (so wrong) so soon after contact, he/she can only scratch their heads and say "WOW, CONTROL ISSUES" and move on. It's called maturity.    

Diamond Bar, CA
age: 48
One thing I have to criticize about most (or maybe all ??) women, is you expect a quality of romance in a relationship that you read about in all the romance novels, and what you see on daytime soap operas. You ignore the fact that these are FICTION stories, written with the objective to sell more books, or to draw the highest TV audience, which in turn increases the advertising fees that networks can charge product sponsors. And when we men don't live up to how men are portrayed in romance novels and daytime soap operas, that makes us villains.
As for the rest of you guys reading this, it is counter productive to living a promiscuous lifestyle, of disrespecting a woman after she gave herself away to you on a first date. The decent thing to do is to immediately call her the very next day to let her know you appreciated the time you spent together, follow it up with another dinner, then kindly, very gently, tell her in person you want a FWB (friends with benefits) relationship, and not a monogamous one. Instead, you don't bother to call, and leave it to her to figure out what your silence means. If, on your first date, you had led her to believe you were looking for a monogamous relationship, but was really looking for a one-night stand, then you are truly a villain who deserves the worst that life can throw at you.
I think the answer to simplifying the dating ritual, is to say up front, "I'm looking for a one-night stand" or "I'm looking for my soul mate." Anyone who deceives the other, just to get into their pants should be held liable, and pay a monetary damage no less than a week's pay of the defendant's 40 hours of labor compensation.