7/19/2008 1:48:28 PM |
Why do men do it. |
Cartersville, GA
age: 37
Why do men talk to you on the chats,email you thru the site, text you,call you on the phone? Say they are a real man their a one woman man. Then you decide hey I'll give it a shot and go out with them. Right they assume their getting lucky first off. Wrong assumption there's too too much ajax can't wash off out there. When they don't get lucky they say that's okay I too wanted too become friends first and see where it leads. Okay well if you want to be friends and you are a true one woman man. Why do you contact other women on the site and yes some of us are friends and your telling both of us the same thing. I don't claim to be beautiful by any means. But I can tell you that I don't like being two timed or treated like dirt either. Ya'll talk about us with drama. Some of you men have enough drama to do us women a lifetime. So why do ya'll two time. I believe in talking to people but doesn't mean I'm gonna go out with a different man every night of the week. 
7/19/2008 5:07:23 PM |
Why do men do it. |
Brimfield, MA
age: 88
Other men probably do that because "I just wanna be friends" is not the response that they are looking for. They will continue to look for women until one of them say "I will be more than just friend with you".
Men define "Just Friends" as a woman saying: I don't find you sexually arrousing. So what are the men to do? Masturbate for the rest of their lives? No. Go find someone who will say: I will be more than friend with you.
Think about it. Would any man be on a chat line/ website to look for a "woman" to be just friends with? Not many.
[Edited 7/19/2008 5:07:54 PM]
7/20/2008 8:58:38 AM |
Why do men do it. |

Butler, KY
age: 53 online now!
Well my dear you are damned if you do and damned if you don't.. Alot of men are after that conquest..Then they do ya they don't call back..I can never understand men.. They want sex. They find a woman that will give them sex. Then they do ya and move on..Why not stay around with the woman they know they can get it from.. Just plain stupid if you ask me lol
7/30/2008 7:45:59 AM |
Why do men do it. |

Chicago, IL
age: 43
I agree with Shary1955; I my self am doing what I call "elimidate before the date" weed out the bad apples, or just shop for Ms right, that eventualy would bee the best candidate to become Mrs GZD Dugic ok.
So us that know better lets just chillax, and chat omungst us and together weed out the bad apples, and just bee carefull not to bite the wrong one!!

7/30/2008 9:22:51 AM |
Why do men do it. |

Three Rivers, MI
age: 55
This is confusing here today.....
I think I will go take a nap and reread this....
The first meeting makes you exclusive?????? WOW...no one explained that to me...
Emailing more than one lady at a time makes you a player even if you have not met anyone in person......?
I guess some one should write these rules down and make everyone sign a waiver that they have read and agree to them...
People should not assume that a first meeting leads to sex any more than it means that they are now exclusive. OR that it will lead to a second meeting.
Even if you meet someone one night and another new one every night of the week so what?
This is a place to meet people....some you weed out by emails....others by calling...others by meeting....
When you find that one that really interest you then why bother continuing to look until you know they are not the one. This is something that will take more than one date.
some people believe in blind fate...he asked me out so he must be the one...only in a small closed world of a small closed mind.
7/30/2008 7:25:41 PM |
Why do men do it. |

Brooklyn, NY
age: 41
Men are looking for sex, the same as women but we admit it. Not all men are looking to get lucky once we meet you. Sex is only as good as the person you are with and the last time you did it. Being attracted is a long way from sex or being exclusive.
8/4/2008 3:49:45 AM |
Why do men do it. |
County Down, N. Ireland
United Kingdom
age: 87
Times have not changed Shari...men do want sex, women want sex in a secure context; the dilemma is, if a woman allows the man to have sex with her, he will assume if it's THAT easy for him, then it will be easy for the next guy and she'll cheat on him, so he loses his desire for her once she's given in so early...BUT if she doesn't have sex with him, he'll then move on to the one who will let him; so it's true, she's in a lose-lose situation. With the advent of the internet, men can hop about all they want unless they want a wife then they'll stick with the one who says 'no', as she is more of a prize. It's all so hypocritical in a way, but that's historically what it's been and I don't think things have changed all that much otherwise why so many young, single mothers? I think even people who meet on here should make themselves clear and men should not say they are committed to the woman until they are. Both should say what they want out of a relationship or a date so there's no misunderstandings at the time. Just be fair to each other and treat each other with respect. Geese and ganders are equal.
Well my dear you are damned if you do and damned if you don't.. Alot of men are after that conquest..Then they do ya they don't call back..I can never understand men.. They want sex. They find a woman that will give them sex. Then they do ya and move on..Why not stay around with the woman they know they can get it from.. Just plain stupid if you ask me lol
8/4/2008 4:22:56 AM |
Why do men do it. |

Rockford, MN
age: 57
I think one problem is we live in a society
that bows to immediate gratification.The
sense of urgency we feel is spurred by the
media and advertisements that we are constantly
being bombarded by today. Look at the rate of
speed on the highways; drivers always in a hurry
and not thinking about the reason why.
Do we want to keep our eye on the destination
or enjoy the ride?
8/4/2008 4:30:07 AM |
Why do men do it. |

Atco, NJ
age: 38
Well my dear you are damned if you do and damned if you don't.. Alot of men are after that conquest..Then they do ya they don't call back..I can never understand men.. They want sex. They find a woman that will give them sex. Then they do ya and move on..Why not stay around with the woman they know they can get it from.. Just plain stupid if you ask me lol
According to studies men get a surge of testosterone after sex which make them want to flee.its a male hormone thing that we had when we would hunt and gather food. I would have to agree with that.The feeling men get after sex is not the same before the sex.
8/4/2008 4:35:42 AM |
Why do men do it. |

Atco, NJ
age: 38
Other men probably do that because "I just wanna be friends" is not the response that they are looking for. They will continue to look for women until one of them say "I will be more than just friend with you".
Men define "Just Friends" as a woman saying: I don't find you sexually arrousing. So what are the men to do? Masturbate for the rest of their lives? No. Go find someone who will say: I will be more than friend with you.
Think about it. Would any man be on a chat line/ website to look for a "woman" to be just friends with? Not many.
This is also true.A women wouldnt want a man if she offered herself sexually and the man said "No,we are just friends".Women want to control the sexual arena.Times have changed.
8/4/2008 10:20:46 AM |
Why do men do it. |

Las Vegas, NV
age: 39
They think that the grass is always greener and it's just in their nature!!
8/4/2008 11:03:42 AM |
Why do men do it. |

Evansville, IN
age: 40
A guy friend recently told me that he's looking for his soulmate, and he feels that when he first sees her, the power of their connection will hit him like a bolt from the blue.
If a guy doesn't feel that initial zing but finds you somewhat attractive, it might grow into something more, but I wonder if that unmet desire leads some relationships to end even though things seemed OK to you. His love for you was real, but that desire to bond with his soulmate remained unmet.
Sad, but looking at it that way, it's only fair to you that when he finds her, he lets you go so you can find what he has found in her.
8/4/2008 11:11:33 AM |
Why do men do it. |

Las Vegas, NV
age: 49
Im not going to get deep into this one. It swings both ways beleive me but I will say this like in life everything has to take it's course. Not all men are just in it for sex. I could go on but won't. Good luck darlin
8/5/2008 6:09:07 PM |
Why do men do it. |
County Down, N. Ireland
United Kingdom
age: 87
Goood choice of words at the end, considering the topic, lol
I think one problem is we live in a society
that bows to immediate gratification.The
sense of urgency we feel is spurred by the
media and advertisements that we are constantly
being bombarded by today. Look at the rate of
speed on the highways; drivers always in a hurry
and not thinking about the reason why.
Do we want to keep our eye on the destination
or enjoy the ride?
8/14/2008 10:06:49 AM |
Why do men do it. |

Splendora, TX
age: 55
I'm sure glad to hear only men do this and it's all men (I must be a lesbian), a men have got all the drama, sure glad the ladies don't. I have a little secret I would like to share with OP, it's not only the ladies who have to kiss all the toads to find the prince, princess' are hard to find among the toads as well.
I don't have the answer, I have to admit that with so many good people looking for someone to share their life's journey with you would think they could find each other simply by weeding out the liars, cheaters, and players. Apparently it just ain't that easy.