9/17/2008 9:19:04 AM |
Did you know there are people who dont believe in God? |
Albuquerque, NM
age: 37
As for the reason why this world is so violent is because of sin existing in this world. Sin came in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve sinned by going against God and eating of the fruit that gave them knowledge of good and evil. And yes, in the Bible, it does talk about the "Heavens and the earth," and it also talked about the dinosaurs living at the same time as mankind. there are a few places where leviathons are mentioned in the Bible, and one of them is mentioned in the book of Job, which came way after the time of the flood. Did you know that according to scientific and archaelogical theory, that before the flood of the earth occurred, that the population of the earth was about the same as it is today?
9/22/2008 12:24:00 PM |
Did you know there are people who dont believe in God? |

Albuquerque, NM
age: 42
I believe in GOD but i don't but into the bible at all SORRY!
Many of you christens might consider that you may be wrong about a great many things.
Like many people in the past being wrong about such basic issues like the earth being flat, or revolveing around the sun. I seem to recall a great mathimatician being thrown in a prison cell for proveing the earth wasn't the center of the universe.
So i ask you people who take the bible to heart
(are you going to hold on to unreasonable ways of thinking just to get your imaginary gold seat next to jesus)
Quit sinning by eating shellfish and shut your mouths and let scientists and researchers do there job and figure out the world around us OK.
Besides faith is about the why not about the how
The salem witchburning trails are over a long time
Grow up and pray directy to god as jesus wanted
9/22/2008 4:20:58 PM |
Did you know there are people who dont believe in God? |


Los Lunas, NM
age: 47
I believe in GOD but i don't but into the bible at all SORRY!
Many of you christens might consider that you may be wrong about a great many things.
Like many people in the past being wrong about such basic issues like the earth being flat, or revolveing around the sun. I seem to recall a great mathimatician being thrown in a prison cell for proveing the earth wasn't the center of the universe.
So i ask you people who take the bible to heart
(are you going to hold on to unreasonable ways of thinking just to get your imaginary gold seat next to jesus)
Quit sinning by eating shellfish and shut your mouths and let scientists and researchers do there job and figure out the world around us OK.
Besides faith is about the why not about the how
The salem witchburning trails are over a long time
Grow up and pray directy to god as jesus wanted
You are entitled to how you portray your views and beliefs but you have no right to tell us to shut up. Unless you don't mind shutting your mouth too. You are welcome to talk and express here but not judge. Who cares who is right or wrong. It is just interesting to find out what everyone else has to say.
9/22/2008 11:49:50 PM |
Did you know there are people who dont believe in God? |
Albuquerque, NM
age: 37
You might want to consider and think about which god you believe in then? Cause if you believe the Bible to be a bunch of lies, then you obviously can't believe in the one true God who created us, died for us, rose again, and is coming again very soon! Figure out which one you are referring to that you believe in, then come back and let us know your opinions. Cause a man who says he believes in God, but doesn't accept His word as truth, may not actually believe that He really exists? Maybe your god isn't really God at all.
9/23/2008 6:09:01 PM |
Did you know there are people who dont believe in God? |


Los Lunas, NM
age: 47
Froggie what happened to your picture?
9/23/2008 8:48:39 PM |
Did you know there are people who dont believe in God? |
Clovis, NM
age: 52
I believe in God! If there isn't a God, then life would be totally pointless. It's people I don't believe in. They lie to you, let you down, and never give it a thought.
9/24/2008 3:49:59 AM |
Did you know there are people who dont believe in God? |

Albuquerque, NM
age: 26
I believe in GOD but i don't but into the bible at all SORRY!
Many of you christens might consider that you may be wrong about a great many things.
Like many people in the past being wrong about such basic issues like the earth being flat, or revolveing around the sun. I seem to recall a great mathimatician being thrown in a prison cell for proveing the earth wasn't the center of the universe.
So i ask you people who take the bible to heart
(are you going to hold on to unreasonable ways of thinking just to get your imaginary gold seat next to jesus)
Quit sinning by eating shellfish and shut your mouths and let scientists and researchers do there job and figure out the world around us OK.
Besides faith is about the why not about the how
The salem witchburning trails are over a long time
Grow up and pray directy to god as jesus wanted
Whats with the shellfish??? Thought u ppl didnt like cloven footed animals? And by 'u ppl' i dont mean "U PPL" i mean you zealots... and i dont think the word of God uses vocabulary thats found in the Dictionary. Words can only cheapen certain feelings.
10/6/2008 5:32:19 PM |
Did you know there are people who dont believe in God? |

Farmington, NM
age: 53
There are actually people who believe that god is, is creator, and is an unreachable a**hole who doesn't keep his promises as found in the most venerated scriptures.
They just might be right. he hasn't shown otherwise from their perspective. And to them your perspective doesn't matter.
I'd rather illogically believe in god than feel totally disappointed by him and judged, rejected and condemned by his "faithful".
So if you're faithful more power to you. Just don't try to explain god to someone who doesn't share your perspective. That's god's job. And if god isn't explaining, or answering, don't make things worse by inserting your irrelevant data where it doesn't apply.
Just a thought.
10/7/2008 8:50:52 AM |
Did you know there are people who dont believe in God? |
Williamsburg, NM
age: 45
One thing that WE ALL will find someday is the truth... When we are dead, we'll know.
I just wonder what the earth would be like, if no one believed in god... it would be a dog eat dog world, more so than it is now. God's law for many, helped keep things in check... One thing that has ALWAYS bothered me when people discuss god is the mention of him having mercy on mankind... Then you see, hear, read, etc. of all the straving children, those born with defects or develop terminal illnesses and die when they are infants or small children. The answer I normally hear is that they (the children) are born with mans sins..... WTF is that..... they should be born pure if god has mercy..... But, we'll all know someday and to think, wouldn't it suck, .... you have been a good person all your life and when your dead, your dead..... Of course theres the other side also.....
10/28/2008 12:11:40 PM |
Did you know there are people who dont believe in God? |

Albuquerque, NM
age: 42
It is funny how you would be labled having radical views when you embrace science. I say to all that thought My comments were over the top. To please reply with a carrier pigeon. You know all that science stuff must all be non sense or maybe a tool for satin. Abondon your pc and till yer field Ok I have said enough to the people against science. But if they truly believed all their bull, they would not be online.
I am agnostic I love to eat hoven animals they taste great.
10/28/2008 12:34:30 PM |
Did you know there are people who dont believe in God? |

Albuquerque, NM
age: 42
OK As I was reading through I had someone say I was judgeing (I wasn't) I don't care if people believe anyway they want. I dislike it when many try to hold back progress due to something written in a different time by humans. Ok I have the right to scream from the moutain top just like anyone else. For the person saying i may not be beleaving in god at all cracks me up for the reason that again this person could be wrong.
you know there is a big difference of saying stay out of my way , and your faith is wrong.
If someone wants to pray to a little silver bug why would i care.
when that person who prays to the little silver bug tells me scientists can't do research to help paralysed people because the little silver bug says so that pisses me off.
It should piss off more than the poor sap who cant poop on his own.
If i offend everyone who is old fashioned so be it
I know we will all see the light in the end and i fight my position again as god wants me to.