7/25/2008 5:51:51 AM |
Did you know there are people who dont believe in God? |

Albuquerque, NM
age: 35
"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth" Genesis 1:1
Did you know that Time (past, present, future), Space (length, width, Height), and Matter (solid, liquid, gas) all have to come into existence at the exact same time? They are codependant. God created a trinity of trinities in the Bible.
3- time, space, matter
3x3- TIME (past, present, future) SPACE (length, width, height) MATTER (solid, liquid, gas)
"In the beginning (time) God created the heaven (space) and the earth (matter)"
Anyone care to take a guess of how old the world is? If you believe in God then the world is about 6000 years as it shows in the Bible.
[Edited 7/25/2008 6:04:07 AM PST]
7/25/2008 2:45:28 PM |
Did you know there are people who dont believe in God? |

Roswell, NM
age: 39
They are out there!!!! Boy are you getting in it deep...... well someone has to. My favorite book is Psalms. Read it every day or try to.I enjoy the bible it explaines a lot of what is going on even in todays world.
7/25/2008 7:52:10 PM |
Did you know there are people who dont believe in God? |


Los Lunas, NM
age: 47
I think it's awesome that people want to talk about God and the Bible. I actually believe that the world itself is much older than that shadow. But as far as population and human beings? Maybe 6,000, give or take a few. Remember the world already existed. It took God 6 days to create it. Now if you go by the saying that a thousand years is as one day to God then I can see how you came up with 6,000 years old. but, it already existed before then. It was just a vast globe of water and dirt, mainly water. Then God started creating his masterpiece. 
7/26/2008 5:43:50 AM |
Did you know there are people who dont believe in God? |

Albuquerque, NM
age: 35
ah yes, that verse tends to confuse people. It is telling us that God is outside of time. It is not 2008 in Gods realm. Time is for us here as posted earlier. Gods word is something you either believe or you dont. The bible is clear that God created everything, including angels to be ministering spirits to us, in 6 days then rested. The bible is deliberateraly written in a certain way to show us how old everything is. If you consider the flood and the fact that God spared Noah, his 3 sons (Shem, Ham, Japheth) along with all 4 of thier wives, our poulation is right where it should be if you study the population curve. The flood happened about 4400 years ago and all factors being considered we are exactly where we should be in population. Im sorry but the world is just like the bible teaches, about 6000 years old. Can I ask why you believe the world is older and how old you believe it is? I ask because I have extensive knowlwdge in this area and I can better show you if I know the specifics. I just love talking God and science! Im sure we can all learn a great deal from each other. Heres to new friends and truth 
7/27/2008 6:44:56 PM |
Did you know there are people who dont believe in God? |


Los Lunas, NM
age: 47
ah yes, that verse tends to confuse people. It is telling us that God is outside of time. It is not 2008 in Gods realm. Time is for us here as posted earlier. Gods word is something you either believe or you dont. The bible is clear that God created everything, including angels to be ministering spirits to us, in 6 days then rested. The bible is deliberateraly written in a certain way to show us how old everything is. If you consider the flood and the fact that God spared Noah, his 3 sons (Shem, Ham, Japheth) along with all 4 of thier wives, our poulation is right where it should be if you study the population curve. The flood happened about 4400 years ago and all factors being considered we are exactly where we should be in population. Im sorry but the world is just like the bible teaches, about 6000 years old. Can I ask why you believe the world is older and how old you believe it is? I ask because I have extensive knowlwdge in this area and I can better show you if I know the specifics. I just love talking God and science! Im sure we can all learn a great deal from each other.  Heres to new friends and truth 
Would love to discuss these with you. I'll be back in a day or two. Interesting topics, but then again the Bible is an interesting yet secure future for us.I will be back.
7/27/2008 7:13:33 PM |
Did you know there are people who dont believe in God? |

Albuquerque, NM
age: 48
Greetings dear man... LOL... so what you are saying here is that we have to have FAITH that yeah the world and ALL creation was created in 6 days, because GOD rested on the 7th day just like we have to believe that the donkey spoke to Baal, that GOD allowed the sun to stand still for a whole day, just like Elisha brought back life to dead bones... lol... thank you for BIBLE STUDY Jeremy, I absolutely enjoyed it and was truely blessed! btw... Hey there RUTHIE, I miss you in BC chat...
7/28/2008 5:42:30 AM |
Did you know there are people who dont believe in God? |

Albuquerque, NM
age: 35
Yes, the bible tells us that faith comes through knowledge. Science proves the earth was created in six days. Science proves there was a flood. Science can prove God is real to those who are open to seeing Gods fingerprint on everything in our frame of reference. Thats for you pricilla, thats what you left me feeling.
7/28/2008 6:55:44 AM |
Did you know there are people who dont believe in God? |

Rio Rancho, NM
age: 33
I personally would like to know how science proves that the Earth was created 6000 years ago, when Radio Carbon Dating of objects are millions- billions of years old.
7/28/2008 7:24:54 AM |
Did you know there are people who dont believe in God? |

Albuquerque, NM
age: 35
Thank you for your question on Radio Carbon dating. Radio Carbon dating does not date anything billions of years old. It is in fact the Geologic Column that dates things at Billions of years old. If you date something using Radio Carbon dating several times, then you will find that you will obtain several different results varying millions of years. You can date the exact same sample and you will never get the same dates. This is where the Geologic Column comes in. The date that closest matches what is in the geologic column is the date that is "selected." The Geologic Column functions off the principle of layers (jurrasic layer, etc) much like the layers you see at the Grand Canyon. Some scientists claim that each layer represents a different age. So the depending on what fossils are found in what layer they will say it is x million or billion years old. The problem is the layer theory is bologna. This is why they find fossilized trees upright through several layers at a time. The layers came from the flood in the days of noah. This is why trees are found through several layers. If you take a glass of water and a handfull of dirt from outside and mix them and shake them, then let them sit. You will see that it will sort itself into layers as it settles on the bottom. Now if you were to place a small tree in the middle of the glass you would see several layers settle around the tree. The layers are not time periods, this is a lie. The layers came from the flood. There is absolutely no other way to explain it that makes perfect sense. Scientists are baffled as to why trees are found upright through several. They will never be able to explain this because the Geoligic Column is a lie based on assumptions and not facts.
Potassium Argon dating is also loaded with flaws. This is another attempt to date organic items that doesnt work.
I hope this helps shed some light on your question. Please feel free to post if there is anything else I can answer. Keep in mind this by now means the longest most thorough answer I could give. This is just to wet your taste buds. Dont believe me? Research Carbon Dating and the Geologic Column and you will see the truth for yourself...its out there. There is only one God who created the heaven and the earth, period. Cheers friend!
7/29/2008 5:58:13 AM |
Did you know there are people who dont believe in God? |

Albuquerque, NM
age: 35
Did you know the sahara desert grows an average of about 4 feet per year? It does this because it has what is called a prevailing wind pattern (the wind always goes the same direction). SCIENCE has dated this desert at about 4000 years old. Completely consistent with the flood in the time of noah that happened about 4400 years ago.
Did you know the oldest living tree in the world has been dated at about 4000 years old? Why would the oldest tree in the world be about 4000 years old? The bible is absolutely true and the world is about 6000 years old and the flood that wiped out the world happened about 4400 years ago. There is no denying God or science.
9/14/2008 9:36:34 PM |
Did you know there are people who dont believe in God? |
Albuquerque, NM
age: 20
Religion is fake. Deal with it. earth is 6000 years old? LMFAOOOOO. Good old pre-historic time when there were no relgion. Only travling from place to place, living in peace, and hunting for food. Mo' Jesus Mo' Problems. That's what i say.
9/15/2008 8:29:36 AM |
Did you know there are people who dont believe in God? |
Albuquerque, NM
age: 37
Sorry singleman, you would be surprised to find that even men who lived in caves and traveled everywhere they went in search of food still had some sort of religion or worship. Every race on the earth has some sort of religion they worship and some story as to how it all came about or how their tribes were created and where they came from. Religion is not fake and has been around since the beginning of time and the beginning of man. If you do not believe this, then you have not studied history! As for dating the earth at 6000 years old, that could still be up for discussion since what I have heard and or learned is that some have dated humankind back at least that far. Even the bible dates man almost that far back. From what I have studied, and heard in bible studies, the earth is somewhere closer to 10,000 years old. Scientific studies done more recently have suggested that it only took about 150 years for the Grand Canyon to carve itself out of the earth using erosion from the river. The other evidence of the flood not presented versus other scientific evidence of a meteor shower that destroyed the dinosaurs is that if a meteor hit the earth killing them, then there would be no bones to discover and no fossils to find. A meteor of the large sizes that have hit the earth in the past have the power far greater than even our best nuclear bombs. That would of deleted anything from existence in its path. The flood however drowned everything out, and the silt/sediment layers came from when the dirt of the earth settled, thereby covering up many of the bodies of the dead animals that did not survive the flood. That is why we can discover them in complete forms, all in one piece where they lay instead of scattered from here to infinity.
A lot of new secular scientists have now proven through modern science that the creation of the world we live in, the earth, and each living thing could not have come from anything other than a divine creation. We, the animals, and every living thing on this earth are way to complex to have been formed from some muck that transformed over millions of years into what we are today. Science has already proven that idea to be false. Just take time to look at the details of every living thing around you and see and try to understand just how complex and detailed they are. Something like we are could not have been formed from some evolutionary soup, but MUST have been created by a divine being.
9/15/2008 10:17:02 AM |
Did you know there are people who dont believe in God? |
Albuquerque, NM
age: 56
I have just read all the posts with great interest. I'm not really religious but often wonder why we are here on this beautiful planet earth. Look out at the Grande Canyon makes my existence seem insignificant! So, why are we here?
9/15/2008 11:43:18 AM |
Did you know there are people who dont believe in God? |


Los Lunas, NM
age: 47
I totally agree with shadow and frog. But i believe this planet was here long before that. Life form may have been created back 10,000 or 6,000 years ago, but this planet was here. Evolution is what scientists use to try and defy God's existence. They can not and will not (most of them) accept that we have a Divine creator. Wouldn't want to be in thier shoes on judgement day. The Grand Canyon is only one of the many brilliant creations caused by the big flood. Meteors? Of course! Why? Because God did not literally bring down his hand and dig it himself. He played marbles with the comets and neteors and decided to aim for earth and create all these things for us to enjoy. All pun aside, every disaster and every wonder of the world was created by some act of God.
Single, I don't mean to make fun of you or push my theory on you. Just my opinion. We don't mind your input but could you be a little more nicer and discuss instead of getting angry and sarcastic about it please?
See ya in a while everyone, gotta run.
9/15/2008 11:43:59 AM |
Did you know there are people who dont believe in God? |


Los Lunas, NM
age: 47
I have just read all the posts with great interest. I'm not really religious but often wonder why we are here on this beautiful planet earth. Look out at the Grande Canyon makes my existence seem insignificant! So, why are we here?
hey brit welcome to the forum. Jump in and discuss with us.