8/20/2008 11:42:42 AM |
When your in a relationship when do you want sex? |

Freehold, NJ
age: 25
To say that it is typical for a guy to say they want sex as soon as possible is very stereotypical. Just because a guy is vocal about wanting sex doesn't mean that most women aren't thinking the same thing, they just don't have the courage to say it or act on it. I think that women tend to be less vocal/agressive when it comes to sex because they are afraid of being viewed negatively. Physical attraction is what initially brings people together (and if you say that's not true you're lying to yourself) so if there is a strong physical attraction sometimes it is better to act on it so it's not distracting you from really getting to know someone.
8/20/2008 12:06:37 PM |
When your in a relationship when do you want sex? |

Dumont, NJ
age: 46
Don't women know within the first 15 seconds?
8/20/2008 12:08:43 PM |
When your in a relationship when do you want sex? |

Mount Holly, NJ
age: 47
Southern..I agree 100% we are adults aren't we? I'm not a mind reader either
8/20/2008 5:08:56 PM |
When your in a relationship when do you want sex? |
Long Branch, NJ
age: 27
Im ready from the jump! but she has to be ready...
8/20/2008 6:38:42 PM |
When your in a relationship when do you want sex? |

Woodbridge, NJ
age: 48
Again I say it goes by the individual, yes you can be attracted to someone andd as soon as you see them and want to go right for it. Some women, have no problem with this and then there are others who carry baggage. If you decide to go asap, then remember that the whole attraction might just be about sex. Now, that makes me wonder, if you wait and get to know each other and you really get along with each other and then you go to bed with each other and it just is no good. What happens then or you wait and it turns out to be the greatest and you have feelings for each other to go with the passion that you have just experienced. I don't know it all sounds good to me. It's sex and I assume alot of us on here ain't getting any...such a pitty.... .....Sin 
[Edited 8/20/2008 6:40:38 PM]
8/20/2008 6:46:54 PM |
When your in a relationship when do you want sex? |

Woodbridge, NJ
age: 48
You go girl!!!
i love sex and i like it 4 times a day or more !!!

Just Joking, but enjoy  ..Sin
[Edited 8/20/2008 6:47:56 PM]
8/20/2008 8:22:25 PM |
When your in a relationship when do you want sex? |
Hawthorne, NJ
age: 56
As an HIV precaution ALWAYS remember this: if/when you DO get intimate with someone that you're "sleeping" with them and everyone you've EACH slept with for the past 10 years! So, personally I don't rush in to it these days unless I'm at least familiar with each other's sexual history. Bottom line: intimacy should be a rewarding experience for each partner.
8/20/2008 8:30:00 PM |
When your in a relationship when do you want sex? |

Freehold, NJ
age: 50
Well I believe in not waiting to long. You should know very soon if the sex is incredible. If it isn't then why did you have to invest in so much time with the wrong person. I will not be in a relationship with someone that the sex is bad, what's the point. It doesn't matter if the person is rich, young, famous, hot or have a great personality. If you miss the great sex you will always be looking somewhere else.

8/20/2008 8:38:31 PM |
When your in a relationship when do you want sex? |
Plainsboro, NJ
age: 32
it really depends on situation, but if both have feelings go for it and decide if one could make other feel as great as one did, if so go for it again and keep on   
[Edited 8/20/2008 8:39:53 PM]
8/22/2008 11:42:51 PM |
When your in a relationship when do you want sex? |

Newark, NJ
age: 21
when you both are ready to commit to a higher level. then when you reach that level let him have it. OMG!!! it worth the wait lol
8/24/2008 12:21:45 AM |
When your in a relationship when do you want sex? |

Ventnor City, NJ
age: 49
Sex on the first date has been getting rarer in the last half of my life, but if I'm wise I'm going with on that date with a pack of condoms - just in case.
The first sexual encounter is always a welcome surprise gift to me.
I'm not one to push the issue, but neither am I one to decline.
Get your Sadie Hawkins on ladies.
8/24/2008 11:48:41 AM |
When your in a relationship when do you want sex? |

Woodbridge, NJ
age: 48
So, you had one of those too? I totally understand 16 years, been there done that, move on. That is one thing that is important to me also, make sure things are good in that department and working well......Sin 
Well I believe in not waiting to long. You should know very soon if the sex is incredible. If it isn't then why did you have to invest in so much time with the wrong person. I will not be in a relationship with someone that the sex is bad, what's the point. It doesn't matter if the person is rich, young, famous, hot or have a great personality. If you miss the great sex you will always be looking somewhere else.

8/24/2008 9:16:33 PM |
When your in a relationship when do you want sex? |

Westfield, NJ
age: 37
If the girl is shy well as she gets to know you she'll warm up and also if she's that shy I most likly wouldn't be dating her. My personality doesnt work well with really shy types it takes a little stronger women. I will say this in a truly commited realtionship I really perfer intimacy all the time and if that leads to sex all the time great but if it's just a realtionship and if were at that point I will happily bend her over something at every chance 
8/28/2008 4:33:20 AM |
When your in a relationship when do you want sex? |
Hillsdale, NJ
age: 42
to be honest, it depends on the 2 parties. It could be the first date or the third ect.
Women don't always know in the first 15 seconds. I would think it takes longer then that. Do men know in the first 15 seconds. yeah probably. There usually is a physical attraction. But is having sex just to fill a need for both of you which is ok . Or do you both want more from it .So it's just sex or is it something more. Women do have needs and urges just like you men so your not alone. This is something that the to parties need to agree on before, after. during so one gets their heart broken . And even if th woman know in the first 15 seconds How do we know that thats what the men want. We are not mind readers . Usaually a woman will wait for the man to make the first move
8/28/2008 9:03:25 AM |
When your in a relationship when do you want sex? |

North Bergen, NJ
age: 59 online now!
I'll be honest as I've gotten older I let the women make the first move when it comes to sex for the first time if women are comfortable they are much more...giving  you will find when you get older your true inner freak will come out but once the relationship has moved to the more intimate type I'm good to go every day but I try to earn it everyday. Women don't just turn on and off like men do so you have to work at it the one thing that is not cool is many women use sex as a weapon to control and I won't have that at all.
Very nice