8/28/2008 12:37:07 PM |
When your in a relationship when do you want sex? |

Woodbury, NJ
age: 23
I take my time to find the right guy.I don't believe in sex outside of a relationship.But, once I have him,the sky is the limit.
-jess in jersey
8/29/2008 9:41:34 PM |
When your in a relationship when do you want sex? |

Ridgewood, NJ
age: 25
When the man AND the woman are ready then go for it. Personally I am still a virgin and proud of it. I don't rush women into anything they aren't comfortable with. If anything I let them have the first move or let them give me a hint of their intentions. I'm mainly a virgin because I choose to be one since I don't want to risk a woman getting pregnant or getting stds, aids, and hiv. When I saw videos of std victims back in middle school it woke me up to the negative side of too much sex. I plan on losing it when I get married. I figured your only a virgin once so if anyone is going to take it away from me it better be someone special.
8/30/2008 3:53:17 PM |
When your in a relationship when do you want sex? |

Phillipsburg, NJ
age: 21
Um when it happens it happens...
9/2/2008 1:36:59 PM |
When your in a relationship when do you want sex? |

Phillipsburg, NJ
age: 19
not a question that i answer but if thats all u want on the first date but thats not me i really have to feel something for the person!!!
9/2/2008 3:27:57 PM |
When your in a relationship when do you want sex? |

Carteret, NJ
age: 26
i believe when a women is ready to do it then she will let u know no need to rush them into.
9/2/2008 3:37:13 PM |
When your in a relationship when do you want sex? |

Carteret, NJ
age: 26
i think it should be till the women is ready ive always been that way n will be i was taught rite should respect a women totally when she is ready she will tell u she is
9/3/2008 1:41:25 PM |
When your in a relationship when do you want sex? |

Saddle Brook, NJ
age: 54
I'll be honest as I've gotten older I let the women make the first move when it comes to sex for the first time if women are comfortable they are much more...giving  you will find when you get older your true inner freak will come out but once the relationship has moved to the more intimate type I'm good to go every day but I try to earn it everyday. Women don't just turn on and off like men do so you have to work at it the one thing that is not cool is many women use sex as a weapon to control and I won't have that at all.
Very Nice.... If more men realized women don't turn on and off like they do, they'd probably ouldn't be complaining so much how they never get any.
Things just get better and better as we get older.
9/10/2008 6:22:54 AM |
When your in a relationship when do you want sex? |

Madison, NJ
age: 22
when i feel like it, if i'm in the mood. it depends on the situation..
9/10/2008 6:24:11 AM |
When your in a relationship when do you want sex? |

Madison, NJ
age: 22
when i feel like it, if i'm in the mood. it depends on the situation.. if you want to have sex and your partner is sleeping or lazy. you just have to strip and get on top and rock his world.. good luck
9/12/2008 9:54:58 AM |
When your in a relationship when do you want sex? |

Toms River, NJ
age: 45
When the man AND the woman are ready then go for it. Personally I am still a virgin and proud of it. I don't rush women into anything they aren't comfortable with. If anything I let them have the first move or let them give me a hint of their intentions. I'm mainly a virgin because I choose to be one since I don't want to risk a woman getting pregnant or getting stds, aids, and hiv. When I saw videos of std victims back in middle school it woke me up to the negative side of too much sex. I plan on losing it when I get married. I figured your only a virgin once so if anyone is going to take it away from me it better be someone special.
I have to give you credit for staying a virgin in this day and age. As for me, I have only slept with two people in my life, my ex-husband and the person I just ended a relationship with. My ex-boyfriend knew that I was intimate with only one person before him and he waited until I was ready. At the beginning of the relationship I saw him about 2-4 times a week for about a month. Yes, I made him wait for a month and again he was ok with that, because he wanted me to feel comfortable. Nowadays when speaking to a lot of men on these sites, unfortunately, the first thing that they talk about is having sex which is a big turn off, at least, for me it is.
9/12/2008 5:38:19 PM |
When your in a relationship when do you want sex? |

Medford, NJ
age: 43
The post says when in a relationship........so
I want to have sex everyday when I am in a realtionship.
Now just dating......hmmmmmmm