8/1/2008 10:12:00 AM |
How's everyone's progress coming along? |

Gateway, AR
age: 33
I mean, after losing your spouse. Are you doing well, just ok, or still in a deep state of grief?
Me, I'm doing pretty good. I've accepted that Lydia's never coming back, & I'm a happy person most days & dont think about it very much anymore.
People still don't trust me by myself, which, honestly's getting on my nerves.
Dont guess the dreams are going away anytime soon, but it's getting easier to blow em' off because of the new woman in my life, I've told her everything.
How're you folks doing these days?
8/1/2008 11:02:54 AM |
How's everyone's progress coming along? |

El Paso, TX
age: 51
I think everyone heals in their own way. I'm so glad for you to have found someone to relate to. I for one, am trying to get on with my life.
You said something about people not trusting you being by yourself. I went thru that to. With my inlaws. They thought they needed to take care of me. What they didn't realize was they were not letting me grieve my way. They really thought I was going to kill myself because my husband died. I wasn't irrational or anything, but I did want them to let me grieve "My Way". I will always love my husband with my whole heart and soul, but not enough to kill myself. Its only been 5 months, but I know he loved me until his dying day and I him.
"Father Time will heal broken hearts"
8/1/2008 11:06:59 AM |
How's everyone's progress coming along? |

Gateway, AR
age: 33
See....that's exactly why noone leaves me by myself.
8/1/2008 9:44:47 PM |
How's everyone's progress coming along? |

Tabor City, NC
age: 57
This September 22 will be 4 yrs since my husband passed. I think I am better but I have to say it has been one more roller coaster ride. Never know how my day is going to be, most days I'd rather stay covered up in the bed but I know thats not the thing to do. I hate being by myself so I spend a lot of time with my family. It is hard for me to pick up and go on with my life but I pray the Lord will give me the strength I need to keep moving forward. May God Bless you all. 
8/5/2008 7:29:49 PM |
How's everyone's progress coming along? |

Conyers, GA
age: 50
tomorrow will be 3 years since my husband died and i'm not doing good at all..i feel the lonliness set in more each day..i don't know how to go on without him..you'd think after this long i would by now but when you spend your entire life with someone you can't just pick up and go on..i was 15 and he was 18 when we married and was married for 31 years when he passed away..i want him back and my life back and that will never happen..the panic sets in when i realize that i'm alone and very well could be from now on..i hate it..i loved being in a relationship,marriage..i so want that again.
8/6/2008 4:10:58 PM |
How's everyone's progress coming along? |
Blackstone, MA
age: 45
Well this february will be 5 years since my mike took his own life.There are days I am okay but than if I hear a certain song or something that would remind me of him I would get depressed all over again.My family did'nt know how to handle me because of what I was going through,they also thought I was suicidal.I am not but I ca'nt bring myself to date anyone just yet when I still have so much love for him.I feel it would not be fair to get involved and always think of him.I found a website that is really good for support on this.It is called www.dailysupport.com the people there are really great and everyone there has been through this.
8/8/2008 4:25:19 PM |
How's everyone's progress coming along? |
Blackstone, MA
age: 45
I wrote down the wrong site.The correct site is www.dailystrength.com sorry about that
8/9/2008 1:53:26 PM |
How's everyone's progress coming along? |
Minneapolis, MN
age: 53
It will be 5 years for me soon that my husband died. He was my best friend and soul mate. Did everything together. There is such an empitness that I feel. I do take antidepressants and if I didn't I don't think I would be here. We had a wonderful marriage and I feel sorry for those when I hear them talk bad of their spouse who is still alive. If only they knew what real love was. God gives me strenth though and I do pray alot.
8/20/2008 10:04:35 AM |
How's everyone's progress coming along? |

Kansas City, MO
age: 57
I'm doing great...but...it's been going on 11 years since Larry died. I see from reading alot of the posts in here that many of you are much less. Sometimes I wonder if I'm saying something to offend when I post in some of these threads because my posts kind of "dead end" the threads !!!
I hope I don't ever overstep my boundaries....but I am living proof that things really do begin looking up !
I've made so many great friends and actually am enjoying my life...I date...and don't feel 'guilty' anymore about it.
I still dream about him occasionally...and they are wonderful when they happen...because he will always be in my heart !
God Bless all of you !!
8/20/2008 10:12:09 AM |
How's everyone's progress coming along? |

Stateline, NV
age: 55
I'm doing great...but...it's been going on 11 years since Larry died. I see from reading alot of the posts in here that many of you are much less. Sometimes I wonder if I'm saying something to offend when I post in some of these threads because my posts kind of "dead end" the threads !!!
I hope I don't ever overstep my boundaries....but I am living proof that things really do begin looking up !
I've made so many great friends and actually am enjoying my life...I date...and don't feel 'guilty' anymore about it.
I still dream about him occasionally...and they are wonderful when they happen...because he will always be in my heart !
God Bless all of you !!
Jazz, I know the feeling about dead ending a post and I didn't want you to feel that way and thank you for the input. It does show that life does go one and that you date without the quilt feelings. That is something that I worry about. The one thing that I haven't done is dream about my husband and I wish I could. Someone told me that once you do dream about your spouse that means the healing as started, I don't know if it is true or not. I thought I would have dreams about him dying as I was with him when he left this world, but I haven't, maybe that is a God send.
Anyway I do wish all of you peace in your lives.
8/23/2008 8:13:55 AM |
How's everyone's progress coming along? |

Murrieta, CA
age: 54
It's been a little over two years for me. This is the second time that I've been widowed and have gone through a much harder time than the first. I still miss him terribly and losing him almost killed me. But with help from my children and friends I'm still here. I'm now fairly content in my life but still suffer constant "flashbacks."
Since my track record with men hasn't been the best I am scared to pieces at the thought of loving someone and then losing them again. I haven't been looking for a future with anyone and don't plan to get married again but I recently hit a crossroads in my life and met someone new. I'm still working on overcoming my fears and anxieties and will just have to see how it all unfolds. It sure isn't easy.

9/26/2008 4:19:49 PM |
How's everyone's progress coming along? |
La Porte, IN
age: 36
Well Sept 5th would have been our 10th wedding anniversary. I had always told John that I wanted a pearl necklace for this anniversary, so I went ahead and got one for myself. Most days I am pretty good. It has been almost 2 and a half years, but it is still hard for me. I started dating, but it is kinda hard cause I am not working at this point in time. I felt my place was to be home with the boys and make sure that they got to all their counseling appointments. And with both of them being so young and not in school yet I did not want them to feel abandoned by me.
9/26/2008 5:59:25 PM |
How's everyone's progress coming along? |

Freeman, MO
age: 40
This next week will be a tough one for me...in more ways than one...
On Monday I have a court hearing on Kenny's disability..they are doing what they all a Determination after Death..a first major court thing..then on Wednesday will be my 40th birthday..another big first..
I had plans for the big 4 0, and none of them are going to happen...I want to go out the following weekend, but I have an 8 year old that i can't find a babysitter for..
But, I have good days and bad days..mostly bad here lately...at one point I was actually telling my aunt that I wanted to go and be with Kenny...but I had to worry about my son..
They say it will get better in time..right now, it doesn't seem like it, but then there are days when it does...
Jazz...I appreciate everything that you have to say..sometimes your words are what gets me through..
9/26/2008 7:49:58 PM |
How's everyone's progress coming along? |
Findlay, OH
age: 50
doing ok but cant wait till we meet again,,,,,,,,,very lonly world with out the spouse
9/27/2008 6:01:25 AM |
How's everyone's progress coming along? |

North Augusta, SC
age: 62
I get by because of my faith. Lost Ed Christmas Eve 1994. Met and married Jim Dec. 30 1995 and he passed away Dec.28 2004 2 days before 9th anniversary. Hard? Yes, it is very hard. Epecially these days when I have neither to advise me with all this financial troubles in our country.