Duncan, OK
age: 34
whats up with womankind without meg?

Statesboro, GA
age: 19
may i ask who or what is being disrespected?

Reading, MI
age: 43
this is a question for jewelz5. Where in the Bible anywhere do you find that the holy spirit is the You or me or self? You wont it is not in there. Just thought i would let you know not everyone is buying this stuff your trying to sell. But please keep it up it is fun to read. God bless you and have a great day.

Monteagle, TN
age: 53 online now!
The authority of man’s intrinsic Selfhood has been molested by the connoisseurs of deception, by those with a great deal to lose should the subjects under their hypnotic power awaken and become ignited by the Spirit of Rebellion which lies dormant within them.
It is this spirit, after all, that is exemplified by the great saviors of the world. All of them, from Tonatiuh, to Odin, to Christ, to Socrates, were rebels, iconoclasts and outcasts. And yet, each was sent to the world by the higher power to execute the will of the so-called “Holy Spirit.” Rebellion, the hallmark of all light-bringers, Servant of Truths and Saviors is, therefore, a true service to the Holy Spirit.
Rebellion against those authorities, systems, or ideas which attempt to molest, impede or confound our sacred individuality, sovereignty and true voice, constitutes service to the Holy Spirit. Rebelliousness is the hallmark of the Holy Spirit. Little wonder then that the Christians personified this Spirit of Rebellion as Lucifer the fallen angel.

Reading, MI
age: 43
The holy spirit was sent by Jesus as a comforter not the other way around. I am just a dumb hick and i reckon I don't know how to put a all the words in a nice way you do. But you refer to the bible all the time but then only use just a small part. than you start saying things from some where eles to make it look like you got it from the bible.
And you never did answer my question. Or if you did I missed it somehow. best wishes and Good luck to you and yours.

Morgan, VT
age: 65
rite on hamandbeans...eatim up

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
well i like where you guys are headed off topic lol

Seymour, IN
age: 62
Well maybe you should let some threads pass on Bass and maybe we wouldn't get so bored with them that we have to change the subject.