Middlesboro, KY
age: 51
Thanks guys and gals...but I'm trying to thank you dang it!! 

Auburn, WA
age: 53 online now!
we know that. But I personally don't know what else to say for all your hard work,
time and energy....sooooo.....
for this is eventually where everyone goes and we all go
I didn't say this very well but


Farmington, IL
age: 47 online now!
I am bringing this back up in hopes that we will all remember why we are here. We used to be one big happy family. Now, we are just a bunch of people that happened to wear the same uniform. What happened to us?

Auburn, WA
age: 53 online now!
here you go Mike... I agree.

Emporia, KS
age: 52
hi im ACE!! i was in 1st force recon until it was deactivated in 74 so some of us went to 1st recon 0321 and then sum(look above). i was in some green and black ive have been out fer a few but i have PTSD(zoloft)and then sum i know wots its like to put a ka-bar in the base of sumones skull and also reach out and touch sumone. im also in pain all the time hense fentanyl,hillbilly heroin(yes BOTH at the sametime) and then some yes the history says the war was over in april 75 fighting man out in 72 b.s. look at op. knife then it fail so they called us in (the gov. tried to cover it up) so now its called mayaqayze incedent!(may 75)my mom and dad signed for me at 17. ive friends no BROS die in my arms and i still CRY when i hear TAPS!! i was just a E-4(cpl) IM NOT AN EX-MARINE NOR AN OLD MARINE IM A MARINE VET!! OOHH RRAAA SEMPER FI! ACE!! also whiskey tango foxtrot?

Auburn, WA
age: 53 online now!
Hi Ace and welcome to this corner of the DH world.
Thanks for your service.
Bettye E-4 USAF