8/5/2008 10:50:05 PM |
If someone Organized a Get Together would you go TAKE 2 |

Tucson, AZ
age: 39
1. Yes |
2. No |
3. Maybe |
4. Willing to help organize |
Alrighty!! Back by popular demand. We are going to try organizing another get together. The potluck in the park idea is the one we are going to try this time. So I am going to need everyone's help to:
1.Pick a date
2.Pick a time
3.Pick a location
4.Get the word out
I will need someone to volunteer to call around to find a park. I unfortunately won't be able to call during the day due to my work schedule.
So give me some feed back when, where, and are you willing to go.
8/19/2008 5:32:39 PM |
If someone Organized a Get Together would you go TAKE 2 |

Tucson, AZ
age: 39
HMMM!! Guess this idea was a flop too. Is it that no one wants to actually meet or that this is more of a chat room environment than a dating site. 
8/19/2008 6:41:45 PM |
If someone Organized a Get Together would you go TAKE 2 |


Glendale, AZ
age: 36
this is my thought... if we do a park party, it should be when the weather gets a bit cooler, like in november. i think it sounds like a good idea. it would be fun to bring some sporting equipment like some frisbees or lawn darts, whiffle ball too! where were you thinking on having it? i am sure there are some who would like to come but live kinda far, there are some pretty big distances to cover in this state. so maybe once a location is picked people can check local room rates or some who are close to the location might be willing to host some attendees in their home for a night...
8/19/2008 7:54:46 PM |
If someone Organized a Get Together would you go TAKE 2 |
Quartzsite, AZ
age: 19
I like those ideas! Somewhere safe we could feel comfortable, because a long drive would be required for most of us!
8/19/2008 8:42:00 PM |
If someone Organized a Get Together would you go TAKE 2 |


Glendale, AZ
age: 36
stephanieloise that girl 4barsazchick is your age and she lives in mesa, maybe she might be a good person to hook up with... i know a park in phx that is nice, and easy to find. i think phoenix would be the place to have it, seeing how its pretty much in the middle of the state. any other opinions???
[Edited 8/19/2008 8:42:42 PM]
8/19/2008 9:05:04 PM |
If someone Organized a Get Together would you go TAKE 2 |
Quartzsite, AZ
age: 19
I like Phoenix. Its the mid-point I think.
8/20/2008 6:04:03 PM |
If someone Organized a Get Together would you go TAKE 2 |

Tucson, AZ
age: 39
I'd even be willing to drive to PHX but wouldn't be able to take the lead to organize it sinceI'm in TUS How about it wanna take the lead?
8/20/2008 7:25:22 PM |
If someone Organized a Get Together would you go TAKE 2 |


Glendale, AZ
age: 36
jeez i am such a procastinator... let me set the goal of calling the parks service for a reservation before i commit. give me till this weekend guys...
8/20/2008 7:28:18 PM |
If someone Organized a Get Together would you go TAKE 2 |
Quartzsite, AZ
age: 19
Hahaha we need more people!!!
8/20/2008 8:22:13 PM |
If someone Organized a Get Together would you go TAKE 2 |

Phoenix, AZ
age: 60
8/20/2008 11:17:14 PM |
If someone Organized a Get Together would you go TAKE 2 |

Prescott, AZ
age: 28
I think that we would indeed need more people. I do not know how many people on this site are actually interested in meeting one another. I would be down with a day at the park. In order to organize something bigger...we should do it somewhere outside of Phoenix where it is cheaper. There are unlimited options in this state...let us not go somewhere flat and beyond hot....
8/26/2008 7:42:48 AM |
If someone Organized a Get Together would you go TAKE 2 |

Tucson, AZ
age: 39
Ok this is copied from another thread but it also pertains to this thread... GETTING TOGETHER. I posed the question of how many people have actually met off this site and as a majority most have not but those that did are still looking. I am a firm believer that if you get 100 people together you will find at least one who might peak your interest. That is why I have been trying to organize these GTs but many are just not interested either because they are too busy at times or don't want to have nothing more than a online life. So the suggestion came up to maybe set up a thread for nothing more than GTs to get at least a thread on here that will allow us to post events and last minute " show up here and meet" sort of thing.
There are a few small groups I have been finding lately that use networking for get togethers and I think that is something we should try.
Find a resturaunt and say meet here at such and such date and time with red shirt on or something like that. Many resturaunts have a bar section that doesn't require a set seating. For example I just recently went to a place called Buddies (Swan and Grant here in Tucson) Awesome place and GREAT FOOD! The group I met up with was actually by accident. A friend had met one of the girls who goes on a regular basis and we were then invited. So now we have been asked to come back again.
I think if we plan this and then post it we all could work the threads to our advantage no matter where we are. We could post something a week in advance and then have that as an option to meet. Worse case you set something up, no one shows so you eat alone. The world doesn't end! So tell me what you think.
8/30/2008 12:31:19 PM |
If someone Organized a Get Together would you go TAKE 2 |

Chandler, AZ
age: 45
Chimeing in...
If we do this when it's cooler, November, I would not be swimming. And a lot of us may not feel comfortable 'stripping' in front of a bunch of strangers the first day we meet.

The park idea sounds best to me. I doesnt require us to pay resort prices, there's lots of room for activities, and opportunities to find a quiet place to talk. Plus, if you feel like leaving for one reason or another... there's no door to hit you in the butt. lol 
9/4/2008 7:39:41 PM |
If someone Organized a Get Together would you go TAKE 2 |

Tucson, AZ
age: 35
Wait wait wait....what was that about stripping? this idea just took a whole new turn but it all comes down to (again) getting people to actually commit to showing up. i'll go, these things always need comic relief...and if there is stripping involved, well, i'm still the comic relief
9/6/2008 6:05:17 AM |
If someone Organized a Get Together would you go TAKE 2 |
Phoenix, AZ
age: 33
count me in.