8/6/2008 6:05:12 PM |
The definition of a gentleman |

Jonesboro, AR
age: 23
a civilized, educated, sensitive, or well-mannered man: He behaved like a true gentleman.
Was I the only one who just realized these dont' exist anymore?
8/6/2008 6:06:08 PM |
The definition of a gentleman |

Mesa, AZ
age: 21
I think it exists!
Not as much, for sure.... but it still exists.
8/6/2008 6:10:43 PM |
The definition of a gentleman |

Jonesboro, AR
age: 23
lol, well this was pretty much a rebuttal to the "definition of a lady" thread. Men were trying to say what a "lady" was and had it all kinds of wrong to the point of being completely rude.
8/6/2008 6:35:36 PM |
The definition of a gentleman |

Craig, CO
age: 49 online now!
The true definition of a gentleman is "bunnyfastard". Check it out in Webster's.
8/6/2008 6:39:25 PM |
The definition of a gentleman |

Vinemont, AL
age: 24 online now!
actually they do exist and that qualities are what a true gentleman has and im glad u realized it. U have to truly want a gentleman b4 u can find them. Its kinda hard to find them though because they get bash for wanting the same qualities in a female.
[Edited 8/6/2008 6:43:42 PM]
8/6/2008 6:42:04 PM |
The definition of a gentleman |

Inglewood, CA
age: 21
a civilized, educated, sensitive, or well-mannered man: He behaved like a true gentleman.
Was I the only one who just realized these dont' exist anymore?
That's because there's no benefit to it anymore.
8/6/2008 6:44:10 PM |
The definition of a gentleman |

Jonesboro, AR
age: 23
I'm always kind to the "gentlemen". Sadly they tend to be too old for my taste. The few who aren't always have girlfriends who mistreat them.
8/6/2008 6:46:15 PM |
The definition of a gentleman |

Evansville, IN
age: 40
Gentlemen are wonderful! They treat ladies with respect. They will open the car door for you, try not to offend you, and restore your faith in mankind.
8/6/2008 6:47:35 PM |
The definition of a gentleman |

Middleville, MI
age: 35
I dissagree. true gentlemen do exist. I'm living proof. A true gentlemen is a gentlemen in all relationships including strangers. I find myself being the only one waiting to hold a door open if anyone is with in 15 ft of coming in. People look suprised and sometimes shocked as they approach. This obviously extends to relationships as well but being a gentlemen is a way of life with every human encounter and I pride myself on this. Wouldn't this world be a greater place if we could all be a little more considerate.
8/6/2008 6:48:20 PM |
The definition of a gentleman |

Suffolk, VA
age: 30
a civilized, educated, sensitive, or well-mannered man: He behaved like a true gentleman.
Was I the only one who just realized these dont' exist anymore?
Sorry honey, but that is a bit stereotypical and close minded of you to say. Just like if I said there are no women left with and value you might take offense to that thinking that you are a woman of value.
8/6/2008 6:49:34 PM |
The definition of a gentleman |

Jonesboro, AR
age: 23
I have run into a few, but again they are either taken and just being polite or too old for me.
Men on here say they want a lady, yet they attack one girl for speaking her mind (not me though, just what I read on a post). How would they expect a "lady" to respond to that kind of disrespect? They then get defensive when someone questions their legitimacy. Tis rare that a young man of this day and age act like a gentleman. Their grandfathers have passed or will pass before they are adult enough to pay attention to the lessons they teach.
8/6/2008 6:49:36 PM |
The definition of a gentleman |

Fort Lauderdale, FL
age: 28
a civilized, educated, sensitive, or well-mannered man: He behaved like a true gentleman.
Was I the only one who just realized these dont' exist anymore?
you attract what you put out.....  
8/6/2008 6:52:13 PM |
The definition of a gentleman |

Jonesboro, AR
age: 23
I treat everyone with respect, and am kind to everyone I see. These days guys use the "gentleman" ways of opening doors as a way to try to get what they want from you. Open the door just to grab a handful of ass...
8/6/2008 6:53:15 PM |
The definition of a gentleman |

Killeen, TX
age: 40
a civilized, educated, sensitive, or well-mannered man: He behaved like a true gentleman.
Was I the only one who just realized these dont' exist anymore?
Maybe you are just looking under the wrong rocks.
8/6/2008 6:53:44 PM |
The definition of a gentleman |

Killeen, TX
age: 40
I treat everyone with respect, and am kind to everyone I see. These days guys use the "gentleman" ways of opening doors as a way to try to get what they want from you. Open the door just to grab a handful of ass... 
Then quit giving it to them.