6/10/2009 11:44:17 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |

Elizabeth, NJ
age: 25
The problem with women is its in their nature to tease. They carry on with that crap and the nice guys fall 4 it (been there) and those women just keep teasin, makin u think u got a chance until they drop u like a wet fart for some d*ckhead in a c*ck extension- nice car. I meant nice car. dont get me wrong, im into cars i just dont see tham as an extension of my c*ck. I prefer to use my charm wit and good looks to attract women; which works fine until some guy with a car chats them up. F**kin women; can't live with them. Can't live without them. 
Heres the joke.
Buy a small car and live by that standard. Why? Smaller car = smaller extension to already big package.
It makes -total- sense. Let them get the big cars and crap like that. They need it.
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

6/28/2009 1:35:54 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |

Cisco, TX
age: 20
Is it just me or...doesn't it seem that sleazy guys who use women and treat them shabbily are always getting dates, while those of us who are gentlemen and respect our female counterparts are often left lonely?
I believe it to be true, becaue i am 19 and i have only had 2 girlfriends, one i dated for 2 years then she moved away to go to college and etc, and another for 8 months, i have oh course asked many girls out, but every time i was turned down, because i was the nice guy. I was always the good friend they would hang out with and talk to about their problems. id have to sit there while they talked about the jerk they were dating and how he always did things to upset them, and i would have to again be the nice guy and make them feel better while thinking they could be dating me, but its the same everytime. the average looking nice guy gets pushed to the side for the good looking jackass who will treat them like dirt, and it seems girls never learn because they keep going back to the same kind of guy, all the while saying there are no nice guys left, when the truth is there are some, but most of us have given up because there is really no point in being a nice guy it doesnt get u anywhere.
6/28/2009 1:47:43 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |


Toms River, NJ
age: 52
at times yes,,,but i will just keep letting the jackasses run themselves off the cliffs
an patiently await the awakening of the smart gals
6/28/2009 2:09:22 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |

Memphis, TN
age: 33
yes. Honestly the nicer I get the more people don't like me. lol In the beginning they are drawn to me, but then they inevitably fall for someone who's less so. And when I'm nice I just have it taken advantage of by people who want to feel better about themselves until someone else comes along.
7/8/2009 3:09:10 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Big Rapids, MI
age: 32
Don't quit. You will finish last only if you give up and quit.
7/8/2009 5:45:25 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Semmes, AL
age: 60
7/13/2009 10:50:19 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |

Goodview, VA
age: 30
Yes, they really do... I am living proof of it.
7/14/2009 12:03:01 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Big Rapids, MI
age: 32
I real man has courage, dignity and integrity and if she doesn't appreciate you then you don't want her anyway.
[Edited 7/14/2009 12:05:57 PM ]
7/14/2009 11:26:38 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |

Saskatoon, SK
age: 57
The whole idea of compeating for a woman's attention is a trap. You'll do back flips, posture, show off, and for what? For the hope that she will spend a little time with you, get to know a little about you. That's just our biology talking,at that level we are no differant than a buck in rutting season and basically its game playing. If nice guys want to compeat expect to loose. On the other hand if you are truely a nice guy them here's a tip or two. Be a carefull listener and watch her body language most women will pick a man that can understand her and communicate well over the excitement of the bad boy. Have your own value and boundries and respect her's, No really means No not maybe or yes. The woman a "nice guys" a real man wants is the one that respects him for who he is inside. The rest is just window dressing...
7/14/2009 11:31:32 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |


Columbia Falls, MT
age: 37
Yes, they really do... I am living proof of it. 
grow a pair of testies and a warm glass of self-esteem
7/24/2009 7:08:52 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |

Marshalltown, IA
age: 40
when i use to work the clubs in texas it always seemed like the women were more attracted to a guy the worse he treated her...if you ignore them once you meet them they will annoy you trying to get your attention...women want attention and it annoys them if they dont get it
7/25/2009 12:25:04 AM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |

Vernon, NJ
age: 29
Nope, just sloppy second.
7/25/2009 5:46:14 AM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |

Memphis, TN
age: 33
women want attention and it annoys them if they dont get it
That's definitely true with any female I was ever interested in... It's really annoying. I still sya in the long run the nice guys will come out the winners, but hopefully it's a nice woman they end up with because it annoys me if a woman rejects nice guys to have fun and then when SHE is ready tos ettle down she goes to the nice guys and they then take her and she got away with ignoring them the rest of ehr life. 
7/28/2009 8:57:24 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |


Chelan, WA
age: 66
Women like the BAD BOY. Not the ovely nice guy... he is a wimp... a wussy !
You need to treat them equal not overly special, then they have more respect for you.
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12/22/2009 6:23:31 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Mancelona, MI
age: 37
yup we do no gal wants a nice guy ke us guys they all want no good a**holes they always go for the pretty boy bum with no job no money screw us
12/23/2009 5:59:57 AM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |


Toms River, NJ
age: 52
i would rather continue to be A NICE GUY and finish last
than an a-hole
12/23/2009 11:04:24 AM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |

Upland, CA
age: 24
Ive been the nice guy and 2 of my ex's cheated on me with the "Badass's" (Even though im a guitarist in a metal band lol) And everyone of them called me the perfect Boyfriend. Every girl who said that either cheated on me or broke up with me.. So the whole nice guy finishing last seems true to me.
12/25/2009 4:55:33 AM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |

Germantown, TN
age: 33
Women who are worth being with want a guy who is nice. It's ok for them to want someone who may have a little "bad boy edge" as someone mentioned on the first page, but the oens who flat out go after the jerks are a waste of time, as are the jerks. A lot of guys who are rude will say it's the way to get women, but 1. they wouldn't be on this site if it was working out for them and 2. it's only good for the guys whow ant sex.
But anyway me personally I can be both and be a good combo, I think. But sometimes I get too nice or let emotion control me too much. I need to talk to more GUYS where I stop having emotion play too big of a role. I don't want to be like the "normal guy", but I do need to lean that direction a bit more as I end up in thought too often instead of flat doing things.
12/26/2009 9:02:14 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |

Corpus Christi, TX
age: 53
2/27/2010 6:00:42 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |


Phillipsburg, NJ
age: 48
The older I get the more I see examples of nice guys finishing last.
3/1/2010 5:19:35 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |

Surprise, AZ
age: 57
Yep been told that several times..."you're too nice" They all say they want a gentleman, but I beg to differ!
3/4/2010 8:38:03 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Belpre, OH
age: 50
It is actually a Vicious Circle, Women don't want to Ruin a Friendship with Sex so they stick the Nice, Decent, Caring Guys off in the FriendZone and Hookup with the Jerks. When that does not work out they come to Forums like this and piss and moan that they can't meet a Good Guy........Hey Ladies, look in your Damn FriendZone for a Good Guy to have a Relationship with, Simple as that!!
3/5/2010 5:57:41 AM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |

Rome, NY
age: 48
i have been told the same thing as most guys (lets be friends) and then they go date either the a**holes, bad boys or black guys i am not prejudice but give us nice guys a chance.
3/5/2010 6:43:08 AM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |


Raleigh, NC
age: 47
There are a lot of people here who are confusing "Nice Guy" with "Decent Man".
Concentrate on being the second one & you'll have no problems.....just remember the Man part comes first. 
3/5/2010 3:24:47 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |

Jersey City, NJ
age: 44
I think there are 2 reasons this happens:
1. women are attracted to power, but the immature ones (no matter what age they are) think that power means a guy who can kick anyone's butt, who will be the total a-hole. More mature women also are attracted to power, but they realize power can also mean intelligence, status, money, etc.
2. Women, and men also, tend to go for the same type over and over again. When a woman starts out with immaturity and goes for a-holes she seeks that same type over and over. Men also seek out the same type over and over, and they can end up seeking out women who are immature and have no appreciation for nice guys, so they continually approach these women who aren't worth their time.
3/6/2010 8:50:09 AM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |

El Cajon, CA
age: 38
stupid woman syndrome is an epidemic
3/6/2010 5:13:48 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |

Binghamton, NY
age: 24
Hmm definitely.
3/7/2010 12:51:39 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Niles, MI
age: 35
I'll have to agree with onnightwings
Be a Decent Man.
Maybe it's my circles, but I am very open and honest with everyone. I treat women with respect, I wouldn't purposely do or say anything to offend them. On the other hand, I met a friend of a female friend of mine for the first time the other night. Half way through the night she came back to the table from wherever, she had made good eye contact with a few times, no where to sit ... I told her she can sit here ... she thought she meant my chair at first, until I had her hips on my lap and she was laughing.
POINT ... I used to also be the robot Nice Guy ... women I have met don't want that boring guy. I had my hands on her hips with a slight pull of my finger tips, but the "Decent Guy" let her be the one to sit on my lap and not embarrass her in front of everybody if that isn't what she wanted! Needless to say, she let herself fall on to my lap. Trust me, for her, spending the rest of the night on my lap after just meeting, along with my very whatever goes dialog .. plenty of bad boy, and they can still feel and know they are safe because of that Decent Man that is there.
((Now, a jerk, would be the guy that just pulled her down ... probably too rough for her tastes too.))
I digress.
3/8/2010 6:07:01 AM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |


Raleigh, NC
age: 47
plenty of bad boy, and they can still feel and know they are safe because of that Decent Man that is there.
Yep...that's the magic formula. They can flirt, have fun AND be safe.
But let's be clear in that "bad boy" doesn't equal a self-centered, narcissistic jerkwad....but rather an interesting, challenging guy who is his 'own man' & doesn't automatically cave in to the demands of others. This is what they are talking about with the #1 thing many women find attractive in a man....Confidence.
Face it, good-looking women are used to having men fall all over themselves to gain their approval.....the guy who is politely different than that will certainly catch their attention. 
3/8/2010 9:51:30 AM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |


Columbus, OH
age: 29
Yeah we do, I had some girls break up with me for that reasons bcause I was too nice and they felt they couldn't match what I gave them. I think its in part to that we choose the wrong womenm just like women choose the wrong men. Not to mention that men and women conneect on different levels.
3/9/2010 8:47:45 AM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Stowe, VT
age: 30
the worst thing any women that has dated a young punk and treated them like sh@t it puts a scare and then when a real man comes along that doesn't play games knows how to treat a lady doesn't cheat gets the shaft because of them::::
3/10/2010 6:59:21 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |

Miami, FL
age: 30
man women are goes for bad boy type are idiots they will just end up in a bad releationship or bad marriage they are idiots I will rather go for the nicer person not for looks
3/12/2010 4:05:33 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Stowe, VT
age: 30
not the way it works tho!!
3/13/2010 4:58:21 AM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |

Pittsburgh, PA
age: 31
Speaking from experience, yea I'm a nice guy, you may need to change your game. Just because your a nice guy doesn't mean you can't get a smokin girl or any other type your looking for. Good luck!
3/30/2010 8:15:33 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |


Phillipsburg, NJ
age: 48
Add me to list who agrees that nice guys finish last.
3/31/2010 6:44:07 AM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Beech Island, SC
age: 60
What do you consider a nice guy or a bad boy? What is it that you do to show your one of the nice ones? In the female eye, what are they looking for? Nice guy or bad boy? Or combination of both?
Nice guys and gals tend to be boring. Not much excitement in there lives. Nice guys go bowling, out to dinner, bring flowers, open the door for her, always on guard for her feelings, have family as their most important interest, won't say a word that might be deemed derogatory to her, try to prove they can be a great provider, etc. etc. etc. Nice guys don't frequent places where there is plenty of action. For fear someone might mistake their intentions.
BORING.............She may want that eventually. You may want that eventually.
Bad boys. Not always of the criminal element. Or bullies. Or a bad choice for a womans life mate. Bad boys are exciting, adventuerous, spontaneous, with a hint of dangerous. They are assured of themselves and don't mind the occassional rejection. The bad boys are the ones approaching that single female while the nice guy is sitting there thinking of how to approach her to not get rejected. Trying to figure out what their opening line is going to be with this particular one. Or worrying about insulting her.
I'll agree that there are men that don't respect women at all and abuse them. But a lot of times the women will get out of that just to get right back into another bad relationship. Do you nice guys really want one of those women who have little to no self esteem anymore and always expecting a repeat of what they got out of? Or are you out to save some poor damsel that spent time with the big bad wolf?
4/3/2010 12:00:20 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |


Wake Forest, NC
age: 54
Is it just me or...doesn't it seem that sleazy guys who use women and treat them shabbily are always getting dates, while those of us who are gentlemen and respect our female counterparts are often left lonely?
The short answer is "yes". That applies to more women than not. There are women out there who actually look for men who won't treat them like crap but they tend to get married early on to those men and stay that way so there are far fewer of them who are "looking".
4/30/2010 7:08:46 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |

Cincinnati, OH
age: 44
Yes! Nice guys finish last.women only like jerks! So treat them like shit and they'll love you.
5/26/2010 9:29:41 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |

Anniston, AL
age: 26
Those who live behind the excuse of "nice guys finish last" are typically those who are...
- too nervous or shy to go up to a woman and engage in conversation.
- are social awkward
- intimidated by pretty women who ooze confidence
- calls too often or confesses feelings too soon.
- is not confident in their own self
- allows them to only be the doormat for women without taking a stand - allowing them to be the boss - so that they will spend time with him or continue talking to him.
While somethings that "nice" guys do is cute and nice and women like it... the above stuff with destroy their attraction in you. To be a "nice guy" and not finish last....
- don't be a pushover / doormat
- be charming, but not cheesy or for Jersey Shore
- have confidence
- take on a masculine role
- be a challenge to her.. don't confess everything up front.. create an adventure.
- respect women but also give plenty of time and focus on your on life and your ambitions.
- have a good personality with a good mature sense of humor.
- carry on interesting conversations.
the typical nice guy that is mentioned in the topic of this thread.... would be described by women as being dull, predictable, and boring. They also associate it wtih guys who pay them too much attention and waste too much time and effort on frequent over the top gifts. Frequently these guys are too emotional, needy, and clingy. Women don't want that.
5/27/2010 7:32:05 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Indianapolis, IN
age: 30
Nice guys do finish last, and that is why I am no longer a nice guy. Trust me it works.
6/4/2010 9:26:02 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Prospect Heights, IL
age: 20
Is it just me or...doesn't it seem that sleazy guys who use women and treat them shabbily are always getting dates, while those of us who are gentlemen and respect our female counterparts are often left lonely?
hell yeah. its a meat market. women like to hook up with guys who look like they just jumped off one of those stupid romance novels they read. the problem is those guys are sleazy but women always think they are a diamond in the rough. Its biology. The best looking male they find they believe will be their best mate then they cry and call all men pigs when they get hurt. Its a meat market. No matter what women say its a meat market for them too. Doesn't matter if your the coolest, most laid back guy on the planet, if you don't have the looks you're screwed.
I was lucky enough to find a nice girl. She's real cool, easy going. I like her. Hope y'all find one like her too
6/5/2010 8:07:35 AM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Farmington, MI
age: 48
good luck but it will ghange they do all the time 
6/8/2010 1:24:53 AM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |

Point Pleasant Beach, NJ
age: 63
Its an over used stupid expression. Sometimes you do good--other times you do bad---its life--its just the way it goes. You no sooner get a good dating life--then your car gets smashed or your hot water heater breaks--life is never very fair!!! You can sit and feel bad--OR--you can get outside and do something productive. Its all up to you!!
6/17/2010 5:28:31 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |


Elyria, OH
age: 39
It does seem that way sometimes, but I'm sure there are a few instances where the nice guy came out on top.
6/18/2010 7:45:13 AM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |


Raleigh, NC
age: 45
Yeah they do......
Take a hundred guys and put them in the room....
The woman will go for the biggest a**hole in the bunch everytime.... 
6/20/2010 9:09:56 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |


Phillipsburg, NJ
age: 48
Yeah they do......
Take a hundred guys and put them in the room....
The woman will go for the biggest a**hole in the bunch everytime.... 
You took the words right out of my mouth!
6/21/2010 3:35:54 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |

Ottawa, KS
age: 51
no nice guys dont place most of the time. seems that the majority of women go for the same type of guy that they had before,you know the reason they are single now and looking for a date. 
8/19/2010 8:37:05 AM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |

Williamstown, VT
age: 58
Hi ,Iam one of those nice guys And i have bin told ( your a nice guy ...But ) Do nice guys finish last ....Yes....And why ...There no bad boy
8/21/2010 6:04:24 AM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Bristol, CT
age: 40
Yup, nice guys don't even PLACE! My advice is simple...be your own person and rely on no one for your happiness or whatever you need in life! A woman or man should not "complete" you", only accentuate your life!
8/21/2010 7:42:13 AM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
New Britain, CT
age: 18
LOL this is an awesome chat because there are alot of key points here, if a girl wants to date an a**hole let em, they'll get pregnant and wonder what did I do wrong????? O______O UMMMMMMM DUR? You dated a mentally challenged buffalo thats why!!!
8/23/2010 9:12:25 AM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Mattapan, MA
age: 44
nice guys do finish last that is why I'm in the middle & I also set my priorities kinda low so that i'm never disapointed.
8/23/2010 11:57:44 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Winlock, WA
age: 62
Check out the movie, The Boyfriend School, Shelly Long, Steve Guttenberg, its a comedy with more fact than fiction.
8/26/2010 4:01:13 AM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |


Gainesville, FL
age: 46
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last?
WEll I am a nice guy and I would say YES ! Usually I start out nice and if I feel I am being used or taken advantage of I get ugly ..Guess what when I do the gal usually starts chasing me ..
Now I say usually you can do your own field test to see what happens 
Prefer to consider myself a little old fashioned and a gentleman not NICE 
8/26/2010 1:53:44 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 41
Be Nice. NOT WEAK.
8/26/2010 7:20:54 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |


Arnold, MD
age: 42
Of course nice guys finish last...it would be impolite to finish before the woman!   
9/7/2010 11:07:54 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |

Chula Vista, CA
age: 46
you keep counting on that your never going to get your chance...women love cocky,funny,jerk
men like if they were some kind additive drug..women dont like nice guys at all..dont ask me why..thats just the way it is..so!!! if you are a nice guy,you need to start acting like
a cocky,funny guy..and dont be nice right away..self confidence is another,there so many
things that women find attractive in a man...they can read men like an open book..if they
see you got a wuss personality they run away in a heart beat,honest!..work on your inner game..forget about the nice guy in you..be a jerk..dont be abusive or violent...dont compliment her as soon as you start a conversation..DO NOT DO THAT..that kills the attraction..bust on her,make fun of her..but dont push it..use humor at the same time.
damn..theres so much..have fun..if she rejects you dont take it personal..attraction is not a choice for them..in other words,you dont have to be good looking..looks dont bother them as much as a wuss personality,now that realy bother them..im going to stop here..
good luck..stay strong  be cool
9/10/2010 5:05:08 AM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |

Wimberley, TX
age: 25
im all over the bored... first last third... i mean....
9/10/2010 11:59:12 AM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |
Tyler, TX
age: 45
I agree with this above all others. Be a Man always. Not what they want you to be. Keep your balls in your pants, and not in there purse. A "Nice" guy IE.. A Real Man will always attract a Real woman looking for a Real man. We just out number the Real woman. Who do you think invented the Metrosexsual and or the Homosexual. Not real Men.
9/10/2010 1:57:50 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |


Las Cruces, NM
age: 45
up until recently, i didn't think nice guys could finish last. now....i know that it is possible! ouch! 
9/11/2010 6:57:15 PM |
Do Nice Guys Really Finished Last? |


Phillipsburg, NJ
age: 48
sad but very true