11/9/2014 11:07:28 AM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |

Waterford, CT
57, joined Jul. 2014
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

11/9/2014 11:09:25 AM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |


Orlando, FL
29, joined Jun. 2014
It works on women that don't get enough attention, need a rebound, are desperate, etc.
It works on a lot of dumb women, especially when it's done subtly.
But the dudes that are like "DAMN GIRL, YO A** BE POPPIN!!!" generally just faceplant in a big pile of fail.
11/9/2014 11:09:38 AM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |


United Kingdom
40, joined Jan. 2014
Huge difference between hi have a nice day than nice tits.
Someone took it to the extreme
11/9/2014 11:10:26 AM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |


San Antonio, TX
50, joined Jun. 2012
Because they expect women to deal with behavior they either wish they got from HOT WOMEN...but not from all women........
Orrrrrrrrrrrr because they think we should contend with all of their bullshit even when they wouldn't deal with it............ 
11/9/2014 11:12:32 AM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |

Reno, NV
44, joined Jul. 2014
Huge difference between hi have a nice day than nice tits.
Someone took it to the extreme
You mean there is a difference between humans being looked as another human or as objects 
11/9/2014 11:12:42 AM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |


White Plains, NY
35, joined Jun. 2013
This is news to me...?
11/9/2014 11:15:10 AM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |

Waterford, CT
57, joined Jul. 2014
Then a women tweets: Bro, ni hao, ni hao! Where you from? China, right? I went to China once. You wanna get Chinese food sometime?
Next guy: "Dude you look so lonely! You waiting for your girlfriend or what? You're too handsome to not have a girl, brag"
next guy tweets: *high-fives stranger*
Damn, nice aim. You must play a lot of Halo, because you're obviously an angel.
The #DudesGreetingDudes tweets are hilarious because they’re ridiculous. After all, everyone knows men would never actually talk to each other like that.
But why wouldn’t they?
The common explanation is that street harassment—yes, including the “nice,” non-explicitly sexual kind—is ultimately about asserting male dominance over women, forcing them to give men their time and attention. It wouldn’t make sense for a man to infringe on another man’s mental and physical space in that way.
But I think there’s also a little more going on here, and it has to do with the ways in which men are socialized to view women not only as sexual objects, but as their sole outlet for companionship, support, and affirmation. They’re socialized to view women as caretakers and entertainers, too.
Researchers have noted before that men’s friendships with other men—especially straight, white men’s friendships with other men—tend to lack the sort of intimacy and openness that we generally associate with close friendships. Moreover, contrary to popular belief, men want these things from their friendships as much as women do.
Perhaps as a result, men (as well as women) tend to confide more in women than in other men. And because prevailing social norms may make it difficult for men in monogamous relationships to have close, intimate friendships with women besides their partner, the person that they end up confiding in the majority of the time is their girlfriend or wife.
11/9/2014 11:16:08 AM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |


Vale, OR
60, joined Oct. 2013
its a thin razor edge sometimes...first we became afraid at work to tell a woman she looked nice today now we r afraid to say hello to a woman on the street...I realize that because of extreme bad behavior of some men the pendulum starts to swing to the other direction.... anyway hi how r u?
11/9/2014 11:17:15 AM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |

Waterford, CT
57, joined Jul. 2014
In a blog post about the Elliot Rodger shooting last spring and the conversations that sprung up around that, blogger Sarah O reflected on how these norms harm both men and women:
I said the article was long. There's one more page too.
[Women] aren’t magical. We’ve been trained to make connections in ways men haven’t, but, just as women have been learning how to negotiate male space and take on male roles and learn to do the things that men are taught to do in our culture, men completely have the capacity to make empathic connections with each other, to tend to their own valid, complex emotional processes, and to basically make themselves happy (or, as is the case with most women I know, at least baseline emotionally ok.
[...] Women need men to learn how to be emotionally connected to other men. We need men to learn how to draw emotional support and nurturing from other men. Not to do that in absence of us, but in addition to us. Because men being isolated and lonely- it really, really is killing us.
Men and women, it is really killing us.
What does any of this have to do with men coming up to random women on the street and telling them to “have a blessed day?"
First of all, I’m not entirely sure that men like Michael Che are being entirely honest—or self-aware—when they claim that these comments are meant just as random acts of kindness. Because if they were, then, like Elon James White astutely pointed out, they’d be doing that stuff for other men, too.
But let’s grant for a moment that it really is just about saying hi and connecting with another human being. Let’s grant that it is earnestly important to these men to be able to greet random strangers on the street and receive their attention. As both research and data show, it can be difficult for men to reach out to other men for things like that. When a guy is bored on the subway or while walking down the street and wants someone to brighten his day, chances are, he’s going to ask a woman.
11/9/2014 11:18:23 AM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |

Reno, NV
44, joined Jul. 2014
Now, this call from a cat you speak of. Is that the one where you lock a male tom up while the females are in heat and the noise that little f**k makes is like demonic voices speaking broken Yiddish?
I think most men are capable of this sound 
11/9/2014 11:18:53 AM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |

Waterford, CT
57, joined Jul. 2014
A lot of times when I’ve been harassed in public by men I don’t know, there was nothing directly sexual or romantic about it. Often they did not even compliment my appearance. They just started trying to talk to me. Asking me what I was reading. Telling me about their life. Wishing me a “blessed day.”
Of course, in some cases this could’ve merely been a lead-up to a more sexualized sort of attention, but not always. They seemed to expect me to entertain them with conversation. They seemed to want attention, not necessarily sexual gratification or social dominance.
Why do men so rarely approach other men like this? Probably because they don’t see other men as receptive to it, and because they know that most men, just like themselves, were socialized to ignore this type of thing.
Women, on the other hand, are often socialized to tend to men, entertain them, and grant all of their requests for time and attention.
Men who approach women in this way may or may not be consciously aware of that gendered difference. It may be simple social learning—throughout the course of their lives, women have tended to pay attention to them in this way and other men haven’t, so they’ve learned to approach women and not men. A more cynical (but still probably accurate) explanation is that men know quite well that women are taught to indulge them, and so they choose women as the targets of their attempts to make conversation with strangers.
There’s also the rarely-spoken fact that many men are almost as afraid, if not as afraid, of other men as women are. If a man pesters a woman on the street, she is very unlikely to respond with physical violence. Other men are more likely to.
In this way, toxic masculinity—which perpetuates the idea that men should respond to irritation, anger, or offence with physical violence—hurts men, too. But the solution is to work to dismantle toxic masculinity, not to pester those who are less likely to respond with physical violence.
The expectation that women indulge random men’s desire for socialization and affirmation may be slightly less gross than the expectation that women indulge random men’s desire to spew sexual profanity at them, but it stems from the same basic premise—namely, that women must be willing to fulfill men’s desires at all times, whether it’s in the bedroom, in the workplace, in the subway, or on the street.
Over and over again we are told that men just want to “brighten” our day or make us “feel good.” But this was never about women’s feelings. If it were, then the moment mass numbers of women started speaking out about street harassment, these men would collectively go, “Oh, oops, I guess that didn’t make you feel so good.”
Instead, they insist over and over again that we actually do like it or that we’re actually too sensitive or that we would like it if only the guys were hotter or that feminism has ruined us.
It was never about how it makes women feel. It was always about how it makes men feel.
Look, I get it. Commutes can be boring. Cities can be lonely. The desire to go back to some fictional idealized 1950s small town where everyone knows each other and makes small talk all day long can be strong for some people.
However, if you’re an adult, it is your responsibility to entertain yourself and manage your own emotions—hopefully with help from friends and family. It is not the responsibility of random women you do not know to entertain you or smile at you on command.
11/9/2014 11:20:45 AM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |

Hamburg, PA
51, joined May. 2014
I am going out on a limb. I would say about 80% of men who actually get a date should feel very lucky.
Considering most the posts are fat women and race and guys are still here looking for a date, they might wish to consider retiring from dating all together. No one wants you.
11/9/2014 11:21:19 AM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |

Waterford, CT
57, joined Jul. 2014
I really enjoyed the article but I know some of you rather hang out in the "crazy people" threads and that's fine too.
It brought humor where I felt we could all use some and common sense to many, if they can read. Also a little understanding for our fellow human being.
I hope some of you enjoy the article as much as I did.
[Edited 11/9/2014 11:22:47 AM ]
11/9/2014 11:22:05 AM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |

Madison, VA
43, joined Aug. 2014
Think you left out the fact the men on the video were all negros and spics , dumb old c*nt op lol
11/9/2014 11:23:19 AM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |


Vale, OR
60, joined Oct. 2013
love is in the air
11/9/2014 11:23:41 AM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |

Waterford, CT
57, joined Jul. 2014
And he's gone.
11/9/2014 11:26:40 AM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |


Vale, OR
60, joined Oct. 2013
gone but not forgotten
11/9/2014 11:32:34 AM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |

Waterford, CT
57, joined Jul. 2014
@jer he is forgotten and you seem to be more a problem than a solution lately.
11/9/2014 11:39:56 AM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |


Far Rockaway, NY
53, joined Mar. 2011
I know this is a long article but for those that enjoy a good read, this is one.
By Miri Mogilevsky on November 06, 2014
After that NYC catcalling video went viral online, some men (not all men!) were upset, not because they were trying to defend their right to shout “nice tits” at a random woman, but because even non-sexual comments were being defined as harassment. For instance, Michael Che, co-host of Saturday Night Live’s Weekend Update, wrote on Facebook, “I want to apologize to all the women I’ve harassed with statements like ‘hi’ or ‘have a nice day.’”
In response to comments like these, This Week in Blackness CEO Elon James White created a hashtag called #DudesGreetingDudes:
It starts with: I'm so confused as to why dudes are complaining about not being able to say hi to women. Go say hi to other dudes if you need to so bad.
Next guy:" I'm just saying, I'm a nice guy. I want to say hi. You're going to accept this greeting whether you f**king like it or not."
First guy: If you feel society has lost its decency, let's bring it back. Let's start the #DudesGreetingDudes movement! Say Hi to each other!
You see a dude in a nice suit, just roll up on him like 'Damn. You wearing that suit. Hmm Hmm!"
Then a women tweets: Bro, ni hao, ni hao! Where you from? China, right? I went to China once. You wanna get Chinese food sometime?
Next guy: "Dude you look so lonely! You waiting for your girlfriend or what? You're too handsome to not have a girl, brag"
next guy tweets: *high-fives stranger*
Damn, nice aim. You must play a lot of Halo, because you're obviously an angel.
The #DudesGreetingDudes tweets are hilarious because they’re ridiculous. After all, everyone knows men would never actually talk to each other like that.
But why wouldn’t they?
I'll post more of the article next.
thats bullchit women love cat calls if they think the dude is hot, it has worked for me more than once .
11/9/2014 11:42:45 AM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |

Bronx, NY
54, joined Aug. 2013
Huge difference between hi have a nice day than nice tits.
Someone took it to the extreme
I get this all the time untill the other days
someone inbox me and wrote I love your
Fun bags. 
11/9/2014 11:46:17 AM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |


Zanesville, OH
43, joined Feb. 2014
online now!
Depends on the cat.
Depends on how u call for the cat.
Them dudes aint doin it right...even tho there was no chance anyway considering her purpose of making the video.
But if u look at their environment , it's all natural to them. I've been to that dump a few times. They are a different breed.
11/9/2014 11:46:56 AM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |


San Antonio, TX
50, joined Jun. 2012
Women, on the other hand, are often socialized to tend to men, entertain them, and grant all of their requests for time and attention.
Right here was the "kill zone"....I said the exact same thing in Forums the other day....when I saw the women rushing in to defend "ugly men" in another thread.
I had no issue with them doing it........only pointed out that women will do this..men rarely do.
OT to you stating it............we are chastised for not appreciating unwanted attention by women. We are called rude...ungrateful.........etc.
Peer pressure........to conform to their ideal of how to deal with attention they are NOT getting..........I am.
They can handle it how they choose to.
However calling me names because I won't ?
Seriously ?
I see it as you do.........a control issue. They are damned to force their attention upon me.
There is a huge diff if I am looking at a man and he says "Hello"
And him following along side me talking while I never acknowledge his presence.
Or him saying "Hello" and me smiling slightly ..and looking back down to what I was doing....
Me being in public does not give a human the right to invade my space 
11/9/2014 11:49:46 AM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |

Fort Worth, TX
45, joined Jun. 2013
online now!
Confucius say........man who call cat....get no p*ssy 
11/9/2014 11:52:49 AM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |


Zanesville, OH
43, joined Feb. 2014
online now!
He also said" Woman who screw in strawberry patch gets asss in jam"
11/9/2014 11:56:38 AM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |


Henderson, NV
55, joined May. 2009
Thanks, Sweetsingle. I hadn't seen that article and I enjoyed it. It put into words what I couldn't. I notice that still people are saying that it's bs and what they want to do is paramount and much more important than what anyone else tells them.
Did you also see that someone(s) did the same experiment in a couple of other countries and there was no catcalling? I found that very interesting.
11/9/2014 12:14:43 PM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |

Waterford, CT
57, joined Jul. 2014
Thanks, Sweetsingle. I hadn't seen that article and I enjoyed it. It put into words what I couldn't. I notice that still people are saying that it's bs and what they want to do is paramount and much more important than what anyone else tells them.
Did you also see that someone(s) did the same experiment in a couple of other countries and there was no catcalling? I found that very interesting.
Lake I didn't see the experiment done in another country, very interesting though.
I'm glad you enjoyed the article. I knew when I posted it few would bother to read it through. I felt like I could almost pick out the people that would. It is interesting to see some of the reactions here although I'm not at the least bit surprised many still think it's bs. That should help the ladies out though.
Thanks for everyones feedback as well.
[Edited 11/9/2014 12:17:39 PM ]
11/9/2014 12:44:08 PM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |

Albany, NY
25, joined Oct. 2014
See that's just the thing, and anyone who is a guy who walks alot can tell you, guys say hello and good morning to guys just as much as they do to girls! Part of the whole pleasure of walking around a city, is to socialize a little bit with strangers along the way.
The thing with catcalling is, that some of the things these guys are saying, reflect a mix between poor social skills and being told to "go get her" and to appear confident, and as a result, not knowing "how", they say these absurd obnoxious things. Some even end up developing fragile egos. I'm just glad I saw through the PUA movement as a scheme to take advantage of lonely men.
As a man with insecurities who isn't the best socially, I can kind of understand the perspectives that can push these men to do dumb shit. While at the same time, I think that maturity and selfawareness are deeply wanting, if grown men are saying things like "nice tits" to random strangers.
11/9/2014 12:44:54 PM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |


Mesquite, TX
63, joined Oct. 2010
online now!
Offering free lobster don't even work for me anymore! 
11/9/2014 12:50:39 PM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |


Long Beach, CA
50, joined Jan. 2011
I didn't read this blather.
Nice TITS!! 
11/9/2014 1:04:43 PM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |
Laval, QC
51, joined Jul. 2014
Hmm, I'm skeptical about the whole thing. (connecting, etc)
Men aren't paying compliments in many cases, they just want something.
I'm not saying men can't pay compliments, that are genuine , sincere without hope of something in return.
But women are all too aware that they can be attempts to get something or- that the person so inclined to voice how they feel to a stranger may be, potentially, a bit too aggressive or greedy to be trusted.
Depends how it's done but in that vid I can understand how she can feel insecure, in some sort of potential danger.
[Edited 11/9/2014 1:07:32 PM ]
11/9/2014 1:13:11 PM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |

Albany, NY
25, joined Oct. 2014
That's just the thing though, there's no such thing as a selfless act. Every interaction one has with the world, one hopes to get something in return. Even if that's a feeling that one has done a good thing for another person.
11/9/2014 1:16:37 PM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |


San Antonio, TX
50, joined Jun. 2012
Quote from IamArrogant:That's just the thing though, there's no such thing as a selfless act. Every interaction one has with the world, one hopes to get something in return. Even if that's a feeling that one has done a good thing for another person.
Exactly.............no action is NOT SELF DRIVEN.............
Even giving to charity is followed by the "warm fuzzies"...........
And I have run out of quotes already DH ????????????? Fkn really ???????????  
11/9/2014 1:17:53 PM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |
Laval, QC
51, joined Jul. 2014
That's just the thing though, there's no such thing as a selfless act. Every interaction one has with the world, one hopes to get something in return. Even if that's a feeling that one has done a good thing for another person.
If I help it's free. It's a gift.
How twisted than to think we don't give, for real..
[Edited 11/9/2014 1:20:32 PM ]
11/9/2014 1:27:21 PM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |


San Antonio, TX
50, joined Jun. 2012
Dan....this has been established...............you may not realize it.........
11/9/2014 1:28:47 PM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |


Saint Louis, MO
60, joined Jun. 2007
11/9/2014 1:30:34 PM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |
Laval, QC
51, joined Jul. 2014
What, that it's always self-driven?
I beg to differ. I know it isn't so.
11/9/2014 1:35:46 PM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |


San Antonio, TX
50, joined Jun. 2012
You can hun............more than your prerogative ......
11/9/2014 1:45:40 PM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |


Saint Louis, MO
60, joined Jun. 2007
I remember many years ago I was riding my bike when some gals in a passing car gave me some cat calls.
It boosted my ego and I was not offended in the least.
11/9/2014 1:46:47 PM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |

Montreal, QC
33, joined Jun. 2014
@get2 & ibane
11/9/2014 1:55:39 PM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |

Albany, NY
25, joined Oct. 2014
Yeah, but there's a difference between flirting and the type of catcalling people find degrading. Honestly, I think catcalling, whether done by a man or a woman, to random strangers, is immature. Can't we have adult conversations? Waiting until after we say "hello" and eachothers names before we start flirting?
11/9/2014 1:56:15 PM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |
Laval, QC
51, joined Jul. 2014
You can hun............more than your prerogative ...... 
It hasn't been established, as you claim.
It's an opinion.
11/9/2014 2:00:10 PM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |

Sacramento, CA
36, joined Nov. 2012
I remember many years ago I was riding my bike when some gals in a passing car gave me some cat calls.
It boosted my ego and I was not offended in the least.
Back in highschool I remember a few guys I hung out used cat call what they considered below avg looking chicks... People would be like WTF??
His response was aww come on... They need to feel special too!
11/9/2014 2:00:28 PM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |

Florence, OR
28, joined Jul. 2014
I don't say hi to women I don't know.
11/9/2014 2:01:29 PM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |

Albany, NY
25, joined Oct. 2014
Yeah, it actually is:
Even a man who jumps on a grenade to save his comrades, knows full well he wants them to live, that's his desire. He too performed his actions selfishly, perhaps also seeking honor and heroism. Just because its selfish doesn't mean that its bad.
11/9/2014 2:03:05 PM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |
Glendale, AZ
99, joined Oct. 2014
men would never actually talk to each other like that...But why wouldn’t they?
That's pretty simple.
Because the naturally occurring chemicals that flood the body and brain of a guy when he encounters an attractive woman affects his brain differently than a woman.
And if a (straight) guy encounters another guy, that incentive or inducement to behave is not present.
The common explanation is that street harassment—yes, including the “nice,” non-explicitly sexual kind—is ultimately about asserting male dominance over women
If that is the "common" explanation then it mostly proves that schools are failing.
Nothing like reading what is tantamount to "if you, as a man, respond to your attraction response, you are victimizing women, and the only reason you are attracted to women is because you were taught to be."
Women need men to learn how to be emotionally connected to other men.
More advice on what all men "need" to do.
Good luck with that.
Especially since you've (the article) already offered evidence that schools are failing.
And that's pretty much the only place every "male" has in common for indoctrination.
Good luck getting the Asians, Mexicans, South Americans, etc., to "learn" this.
And that's completely discounting the idea that men can just "get over" the effects of things like testosterone and dopamine.
But removing the central nervous system and areas of the brain that respond to women are simple surgical procedures compared to trying to teach every single man in existence to all respond emotionally in the same way.
However, if you’re an adult...
However, if you're an adult, and find any relevant meaning, insight, or humor in this article, then please realize you need an education.
11/9/2014 2:08:13 PM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |


San Antonio, TX
50, joined Jun. 2012
Much has been written and discussed about : Psychological egoism
11/9/2014 2:10:00 PM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |


San Antonio, TX
50, joined Jun. 2012
Quote from mehblehHowever, if you're an adult, and find any relevant meaning, insight, or humor in this article, then please realize you need an education.
Negated all the typing you did prior to this statement.......with that statement ....
11/9/2014 2:13:02 PM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |


Rifle, CO
45, joined May. 2011
Where did my CLEAVAGE GO ! ! !     

11/9/2014 2:33:01 PM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |
Laval, QC
51, joined Jul. 2014
Much has been written and discussed about : Psychological egoism
But between theory and actuality there's a gap..
if you want to argue that when I hold a door open, help someone in urgent need, take care of someone who needs some care, I don't do it out of pure gift of myself, out of decency, without trying to get something out of it directly or indirectly, that's a pretty unsound idea.
I'm more than self-aware enough to know this. The psycho-babble may seem to have some good points. I don't do anything for the fuzzies. 
11/9/2014 2:41:07 PM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |


San Antonio, TX
50, joined Jun. 2012
Okay Dan...............I said earlier it was okay.............now I am saying it again..........
Maybe if I type it slower ?
I am in no mood to discuss something we have clearly established you see one way and I see another..................
Okay ?
I need to stay out of here for a bit.................damn............
[Edited 11/9/2014 2:42:01 PM ]
11/9/2014 2:41:29 PM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |

Albany, NY
25, joined Oct. 2014
I do agree though Dan, that alot of women do need to stop focusing on how men need to be, and focus more on how they should be. Only men can dictate what real men they ought to be. Rather, each man ought to be the dictator of what kind of man he should be, as should a woman what kind of woman she should be.
11/9/2014 2:43:47 PM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |


Mesquite, TX
64, joined Jun. 2007
Hell i open doors and \hold them for all men women kids my mother is 90 she would still slap the piss out of me if i didnt.. But it is the right thing to do more young people should try it.
11/9/2014 2:44:19 PM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |


Fairfield, CA
55, joined Dec. 2011
I do agree though Dan, that alot of women do need to stop focusing on how men need to be, and focus more on how they should be. Only men can dictate what real men they ought to be. Rather, each man ought to be the dictator of what kind of man he should be, as should a woman what kind of woman she should be.
That would be nice, wouldn't it?
The problem is, they won't.
If they think their bad behaviors are ok, they don't and won't change it themselves.
11/9/2014 2:46:19 PM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |


Henderson, NV
55, joined May. 2009
Well, that, and what about all the men who are insisting how the women should take all these unsolicited "compliments". Shouldn't they stop deciding for someone else how they should think about something, too?
11/9/2014 3:25:23 PM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |

Los Angeles, CA
26, joined Aug. 2013
I think there should be some type of law where men get fined if they speak to a woman who obviously doesn't wish to be bothered.
The other day I was entering a store and a man said hello to me 3 times. I ignored him those 3 times and then he waved his hand in front of my face because damn it he was going to GET a response from me.
Men wouldn't want to be harassed by other men as they venture out and women who don't want ANY attention have the same right too.
I don't give a F**K if you're getting me or asking me to have a nice day. If you don't say it to EVERYONE of EVERY AGE and EVERY GENDER then stfu and leave ME alone. Don't get mad because your passive aggressive attempts at a response didn't work.
Those chicks who walk around with their titties and asses hanging out? The ones who wear NO sunglasses and NO headphones because they want to hear EVERY cat call? Say hello to THEM. 
11/9/2014 3:56:41 PM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |

Sacramento, CA
36, joined Nov. 2012
It's actually funny and hilarious to watch these type of people try to live their lives in the real world. I just sit back and watch as they go through their "I want to be left alone and prejudging the whole world lives." A simple honest person just saying hi and then getting bent out of shape, Like the whole world is crumbling upon them. Cheep laugh and entertainment....
11/9/2014 3:58:42 PM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |


San Antonio, TX
50, joined Jun. 2012
Quote from 6969foryou:It's actually funny and hilarious to watch these type of people try to live their lives in the real world. I just sit back and watch as they go through their "I want to be left alone and prejudging the whole world lives." A simple honest person just saying hi and then getting bent out of shape, Like the whole world is crumbling upon them. Cheep laugh and entertainment....
Try reading there accuser of "prejudgment"...........wait....it was so much easier to type that whole statement filled with nothing but judgement wasn't it ?
Never the fk mind .............
11/9/2014 4:02:46 PM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |


Zanesville, OH
43, joined Feb. 2014
online now!
Alot of broads get wound up quick and of course the first thing that comes to mind is "get away creep".
Musta had themselves some bad experiences.
Id like to see em do another "study "
Where the guys saying "hi" areall driving Ferrari f40's....bet ya she smiles and says hi back
11/9/2014 4:06:45 PM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |

Lompoc, CA
24, joined Aug. 2014
Generally, and this generalization is justified, any man b*tching about their public relations indecency towards women are just whining manbabies. We all know the type of harrassment and bullshit a pretty girl has to go through on a daily basis. The article and many posters here have already expressed key points.
So long as society tells men that these sorts of behaviors are okay women need to continue to do away with the bullshit.
11/9/2014 4:08:42 PM |
So we've established cat calling is not how to get a date |

Sacramento, CA
36, joined Nov. 2012
Alot of broads get wound up quick and of course the first thing that comes to mind is "get away creep".
Musta had themselves some bad experiences.
The funny thing is that's the simple but true answer.
You know I don't hang out or have chicks friends that have this problem. I guess I have a way to avoid people with that mindset,'and make friends and relationships with those with a positive outlook on things.