8/16/2008 5:29:18 PM |
I am meeting one of my best friends |

Medford, NJ
age: 43
I typed this into my blog but I thought that I would share this as a success story. I know that these stories are supposed to be for people that found their match but mine is a bit different. I met one of my best friends on this site. God and fate brought us together to help each other through some really dark days! I love you Jeff!!!!!!!!
I am so excited!!!!!!!!
by nab5055 at 8/16/2008 5:10:20 PM
I am going on vacation tomorrow. Going to Ohio.....I know, doesn't sound so exciting but while I am there I am going to meet a very special friend in Indiana.
In March, I was cruising the forums during some downtime and I read a post that was very sad. A man told a sad story and he was looking for a friend. He said that no one would talk to him. I really think it was fate that we met........I emailed him and we chatted. He was in a really dark period in his life. I won't tell his story because that is private but what I will say is that we became best friends. We talk and email daily. I have formed a bond with Jeff and his kids and they are now like family to me.
I bought gifts for the kids, it is going to be like xmas for them. I am so excited, I can't wait.
Jeff........I know you will be reading this, this is to you. In a few days we will get to share that great big hug that we always talked about. Our families will meet and we will continue to strengthen that bond that we have built over the past few months. I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!
8/16/2008 6:29:26 PM |
I am meeting one of my best friends |

Medford, NJ
age: 43
To all the people who read this I want you to know,there is such a thing as answered prayers.
I am the man she speaks of in this posting,My wife of 18 years has just left me with four children to feed.She just walked out just like that.I was completely devastated as she went on seemingly happy with her new man.And as quick as she walked out In stepped Nancy.She pulled me up from the deepest darkest depths of hell and held my hand while I cried from 547 miles away.I was as close to suicide as one human can be and still so scared to die.I know in my heart if Fate hadn't brought us together I would not be here writing today.the more we talked on the phone and IM ed with each other the closer we became and when I would lie down in bed at night I would pray that somehow someway I would get to put my arms around the woman that saved my life.I often fell asleep at night thinking about her and she danced through my thoughts during the days.
Now my prayers have been answered and she is coming to visit me Wednesday.I'm so excited and anxious.For not only did she help me get through the toughest part of my life she also helped my children.The first thing she told me when we met was never send anyone money,ever.but what did she do when she found out that when my wife left she also took all the income with her.she sent me money to feed my children who were going hungry.after telling me never to do that.
Nancy is the most wonderful, compassionate,caring,lovable,sharing,confident,woman I have ever could of had the privilege to meet and Nancy I can absolutely not wait until Wednesday.
8/16/2008 8:55:29 PM |
I am meeting one of my best friends |

Mount Ephraim, NJ
age: 58
Nancy ---really happy you are going to get to meet Jeff ---only sorry I have not found the time to talk to Jeff myself as you have said what a great guy he is
Stay safe traveling & Don't Have to Say To Have Fun ---The Meeting Will In Itself Be Fun
Be Away Myself This With My Girls Nancy /To Cape May ---Can't Wait To Relax
Enjoy & Have Fun Yourself 
8/20/2008 7:43:51 PM |
I am meeting one of my best friends |

Maricopa, AZ
age: 55
Awesome story....I wish the best for you both.......Sea
8/20/2008 7:45:55 PM |
I am meeting one of my best friends |

Medford, NJ
age: 43
Today was the day!!! We had an awesome time. I love Jeff and the kids!! The weather was perfect, we spent the entire day together. Jeff and I will be friends forever!!!!
8/20/2008 7:47:39 PM |
I am meeting one of my best friends |

Poynette, WI
age: 46 online now!
great to hear some good stuff once
8/20/2008 7:49:45 PM |
I am meeting one of my best friends |

Omaha, NE
age: 53
thats awesome..i'm happy for you both ! You are such an angel and Jeff and his family are blessed to have you in their lives..
8/21/2008 5:34:35 PM |
I am meeting one of my best friends |

Medford, NJ
age: 43
We met!!!! Check out the thread in general dating called I cried twice today!!!!1
8/24/2008 7:21:46 AM |
I am meeting one of my best friends |

Ashley, MI
age: 50
I am very happy for the both of you and all the children too. They needed someone like you in their life. I wish you all the good luck in your life.