9/25/2008 4:48:43 AM |
If you had one wish |
Conyers, GA
age: 52
Jewel...I couldn't agree with you more...Don't settle...Don't sell yourself out...Not for anyone....You deserve love, and to be loved.....I forgot that once....I want won't settle anymore....We all deserve to have it ALL!!!!!!
Judy.....I am so sorry....My prayers and thoughts are with you.....
Keep the wishes and dreams coming big or small....Love to hear them!!!!! 
thank you...
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

9/25/2008 4:57:42 AM |
If you had one wish |
Amanda, OH
age: 42
i wish i had gotten my daughters away from my ex wife before she hurt them
9/25/2008 11:43:59 AM |
If you had one wish |
Billerica, MA
age: 40
vyper....Hopefully you can help them now.....I am running into stuff now with my children and their father. I wish I had all the answers but I don't....One doesn't want anything to do with him because of his girlfriend....It saddens me to see children sad because of adults mistake. So I know what you mean....I can relate...
I wish for all children to be happy in this world!!!!   
Keep the wishes coming big or small. Love hearing them!!!!
9/25/2008 11:52:25 AM |
If you had one wish |

Oregon, OH
age: 47
i wish i had gotten my daughters away from my ex wife before she hurt them
Makes me sad to read this kinda stuff...I am sorry
9/26/2008 4:32:29 AM |
If you had one wish |
Amanda, OH
age: 42
thank you. i try hard to remember that she was sick, it helps me not to be angry. she tried to take their lives but i cought her. everything works out for the good eventurally. they have helped soo many other kids in the same situration. they are awsome kids. always dream big. work like it all depends on you and pray like it all depends on Him. 
9/26/2008 4:42:20 AM |
If you had one wish |


Port Jervis, NY
age: 52
Probably for a bit of companionship.
9/26/2008 4:49:06 AM |
If you had one wish |
Mesa, AZ
age: 44
I wish, I could find a highly intelligent woman, who I find attractive.
I am also of high intelligence, and have had my best relationships with women who were certified geniuses.
But, like many intelligent people, I'm also complicated. I'm a carpenter, by Trade, so I don't make that much money.
I wish I could find an Intelligent, Professional, woman, who wouldn't make the mistake
of thinking that I'm some dumb a** just because I don't make a six figure income??
9/26/2008 5:06:48 AM |
If you had one wish |
Monticello, MN
age: 48
I wish Santa would get off the stick and stop playing with all those elves and reindeer.
9/26/2008 5:23:32 AM |
If you had one wish |

Beaver, UT
age: 40
That my son would't could grow up making his own choices without the pressure of his mothers life stile that i know will effect him latter in his life.
10/2/2008 5:11:47 PM |
If you had one wish |

Alexandria, VA
age: 45
End world hunger
10/2/2008 5:20:13 PM |
If you had one wish |

Greenville, NC
age: 30
find my soulmate, and retire in the bahamas.
10/2/2008 5:22:08 PM |
If you had one wish |

Minneapolis, MN
age: 52
I would wish my late husband was alive
10/2/2008 5:25:51 PM |
If you had one wish |
Tellico Plains, TN
age: 55
I just wish this online dating wasn't so hard ! They are here one day and gone the next! Why can't guys open up and say what's really on their minds. That's frustrating!

10/2/2008 6:25:35 PM |
If you had one wish |
Brainerd, MN
age: 42
To have 3 more wishes...
10/2/2008 6:33:33 PM |
If you had one wish |

Suncook, NH
age: 26
is there a way to instant message on here?
it's nice to meet everyoe on here. hows life going with everyone? i'm new at this so i wanted to know how to im people
10/2/2008 6:44:14 PM |
If you had one wish |

Front Royal, VA
age: 34
no need to wait a couple years...I'll be there soon 
10/4/2008 4:02:03 AM |
If you had one wish |
Billerica, MA
age: 40
Vyper68....You really opened my eyes...Thank you! My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family, and I will pray that everyone remembers that the little things we do can make a difference in someones life.
Just kindness or a smile goes alone way....
I'm with the person who said jump a few years and skip the dating years and be with that special someone....
Happiness Always!
Keep the dreams coming big or small, Love to hear them!!!!! 
10/4/2008 6:30:32 AM |
If you had one wish |
Pleasantville, IA
age: 53
I would wish ....that someone , somewhere, could look past my obvious flaws and past the barriers i have built around myself... and see the heart of me. To understand where the perversness comes from!! LOL To take a few moments and dig beneath the first impressions and not be frightened of the massive amount of passion they find there. To not be afraid of my "need" and love the "real" Judy. I am more than willing to share my thoughts and perceptions of myself.. and more than willing to "open up" to inspection...
I'm beginning to think this is not what a man wants anymore.. LOL Maybe I should revise my dreams and become shallow. Maybe just look for a "bed buddy" ... but my heart tells me HELL NO!!! I WILL NOT SELL OUT!!!!  i agree!! ( good one jewel!!!! )
10/4/2008 6:59:26 AM |
If you had one wish |
Cedartown, GA
age: 48
That I could go back in time a few years an repair a few things.
10/4/2008 7:00:59 AM |
If you had one wish |
Russellville, TN
age: 38
1 wish, my childrens happiness
10/4/2008 7:16:47 AM |
If you had one wish |


Roanoke, VA
age: 56
I wish that everyone on here that is searching, finds. I wish you hope and love and your willingness to give it time to find you. I wish you courage to reach out and take a chance. In the meantime, what an incredible experience of reaching across state boundaries and country borders to connect with good people who can empathize with each other. 
10/4/2008 9:37:42 AM |
If you had one wish |
Tellico Plains, TN
age: 55
To meet Merle Haggard in person! 
10/4/2008 9:46:53 AM |
If you had one wish |
Tellico Plains, TN
age: 55
 My Dad passed away last Saturday...I wish I knew if he knew I was with him when he died, I would feel so much better if I just knew because I had not seen him in a long time.
Wow greyidpost,
I know how you feel,
My Daddy has been gone for 15 yrs and I still miss him. I didn't have the closure that I would have liked because of his sudden death. My Daddys' birthday was Feb 1993 and he passed away on April 14th 1993. I told him Happy Birthday and gave him a hug and I loved him. That was the last I saw him alive. Hum I guess I did have a closure after all. 
10/9/2008 10:06:24 AM |
If you had one wish |

Amherst, MA
age: 42
If I have one wish...I wish to be with whom I love and then my life will be happy forever.
10/9/2008 10:12:25 AM |
If you had one wish |

Georgetown, KY
age: 21
If I had one wish it would be to hear my dad calling me and asking me how Im doing. I miss him very much.
In Memory of my Dad.
10/9/2008 10:18:39 AM |
If you had one wish |
Little Falls, MN
age: 27
I would wish to go back 10 years and tell myself to open my eyes before I lost everything.
10/9/2008 10:19:29 AM |
If you had one wish |

Beaumont, CA
age: 35
My real wish would be acceptance of others then all other good things will fall into place
10/9/2008 10:23:05 AM |
If you had one wish |

Oregon, OH
age: 47
My wish is peace and harmony through out the world, that everyone would accept each other as the HUMAN race!!!
10/9/2008 10:25:51 AM |
If you had one wish |
Peabody, MA
age: 41
My one wish would be, for my sons heart to be perfect.
10/9/2008 10:27:12 AM |
If you had one wish |


Villas, NJ
age: 35
no sickness or desease in the world
10/9/2008 10:27:41 AM |
If you had one wish |

Ottawa, ON
age: 37
I wish to UNWISH all the wishes in this post before me.
10/9/2008 10:27:50 AM |
If you had one wish |


Salem, AR
age: 52
I don't guess you could wish for more wishes?? SOOO! Some of them would have been clean! 
10/9/2008 10:45:35 AM |
If you had one wish |

Cape Coral, FL
age: 44
To have the newspaper one day in advance.
10/9/2008 2:12:17 PM |
If you had one wish |

Maricopa, AZ
age: 39
I wish for the right woman to come alone.
10/9/2008 2:36:46 PM |
If you had one wish |
Columbus, OH
age: 91
A great big PB&J..............and milk!
10/9/2008 2:39:31 PM |
If you had one wish |

Fayetteville, AR
age: 48
"I wish for the right woman to come alone."
uh....Does she usually come WITH someone?
10/9/2008 2:42:32 PM |
If you had one wish |

Bakersfield, CA
age: 42
My one wish right now is that everything goes well next week. It is not a huge disappointment, and it is not very uncomfortable. And might as well git rid of the knot in my stomache. Uggghhhh.
10/9/2008 2:43:03 PM |
If you had one wish |


Port Jervis, NY
age: 52
I don't want to wish,my lifes not all that bad.Being single is a drag sometimes but can't wish up a relationship either let it come natural.
10/9/2008 3:41:43 PM |
If you had one wish |

Dover, PA
age: 29
that my children live long happy lives!
10/9/2008 3:51:34 PM |
If you had one wish |
Columbus, OH
age: 91
"I wish for the right woman to come alone."
uh....Does she usually come WITH someone?
When your lucky she comes with company!!!!
10/9/2008 3:59:31 PM |
If you had one wish |
Milton, VT
age: 38
i realy wish that my grand dad was here today he passed away with cancer 4yrs ago i wish he was her to show my 2 neices how to fish the way he was taught or to help the oldest 1 to play the piano GOD i hope an pray hes playing the piano like he did when he was home wish u were here pep LOVE AN MISS YA
10/9/2008 4:07:47 PM |
If you had one wish |

West Covina, CA
age: 51
for an unlimited supply of wishes
10/9/2008 4:10:17 PM |
If you had one wish |


Brookhaven, PA
age: 52
To be debt free would be a great thing.
10/9/2008 4:10:31 PM |
If you had one wish |
Newaygo, MI
age: 25
If I had one wish. I wouldn't wish I'd lived my life different.. I wouldn't want to undo things that I did, because them Mistakes that I made have made me who I am. They also gave me a handsome 3 yr old son. So I don't regret what I have done in my past or wish to undo it.
I think that I would wish that I could know and find the person I am meant to spend the rest of my life with, because to be honest I am tired of searching, waiting, and to top it the heartache. Just missing the hugs n kisses and late nights cuddling on the couch.. Hmm if this wish would only come true!
10/9/2008 4:18:04 PM |
If you had one wish |
Vineland, NJ
age: 48
that I was the camera that took the picture of datenlearned
10/9/2008 4:20:51 PM |
If you had one wish |
Cobourg, ON
age: 50
Health, wealth, love and happiness.. for everyone.
10/9/2008 4:48:46 PM |
If you had one wish |
Columbus, OH
age: 91
Would you settle for PB&J ............and PEPSI 
And I would eat them in a boat.
And I would eat them with a goat...
And I will eat them in the rain.
And in the dark. And on a train.
And in a car. And in a tree.
They are so good, so good, you see!
So I will eat them in a box.
And I will eat them with a fox.
And I will eat them in a house.
And I will eat them with a mouse.
And I will eat them here and there.
Say! I will eat them ANYWHERE!
I do so like
PB&J with Pepsi
Thank you!
Thank you,
10/9/2008 4:52:41 PM |
If you had one wish |


Newnan, GA
age: 33
To be free of headaches.
10/9/2008 5:10:19 PM |
If you had one wish |

La Vergne, TN
age: 53
And I would eat them in a boat.
And I would eat them with a goat...
And I will eat them in the rain.
And in the dark. And on a train.
And in a car. And in a tree.
They are so good, so good, you see!
So I will eat them in a box.
And I will eat them with a fox.
And I will eat them in a house.
And I will eat them with a mouse.
And I will eat them here and there.
Say! I will eat them ANYWHERE!
I do so like
PB&J with Pepsi
Thank you!
Thank you,
So your wish I would assume would be to plagiarize Dr. Suess on the off chance you would seem witty to datednlearned whose pictures I might add are stunning . Personally I wish my dad had been extremely wealthy and ambiguous to my complete lack of self discipline,integrity and fortitude seeing me as the way to fulfill his destiny ... maybe not then I would be George W.
10/9/2008 5:17:22 PM |
If you had one wish |

La Vergne, TN
age: 53
To be free of headaches.
Take two and dismiss those aroung you who are causeing this to persist
10/9/2008 5:35:33 PM |
If you had one wish |
Columbus, OH
age: 91
So your wish I would assume would be to plagiarize Dr. Suess on the off chance you would seem witty to datednlearned whose pictures I might add are stunning  . Personally I wish my dad had been extremely wealthy and ambiguous to my complete lack of self discipline,integrity and fortitude seeing me as the way to fulfill his destiny ...  maybe not  then I would be George W.
....no my wish would be to spend eternity stuck in a room with people so serious they do not understand the nature of humor..... and might I add jealousy is your color....
10/9/2008 6:09:14 PM |
If you had one wish |
Moyock, NC
age: 59
that I would be loved as I love....Unconditionally......
10/9/2008 6:19:53 PM |
If you had one wish |

La Vergne, TN
age: 53
 ....no my wish would be to spend eternity stuck in a room with people so serious they do not understand the nature of humor.....  and might I add jealousy is your color....
Sorry cableguy ... apparently my attempt at humor went right over your head. So back at you ..... Are we a sensitive conservative? Just trying to keep the conversation lively.
10/9/2008 6:21:29 PM |
If you had one wish |

Colonial Beach, VA
age: 54
I'd wish for one thousand twenty two more wishes then hand one out to each of you.
10/9/2008 6:34:18 PM |
If you had one wish |
Ashford, WA
age: 61
WAKE up in the 1830s in a log cabin in the rocky mountains. yes thats what i would wish for ---LUCAS
10/9/2008 6:41:38 PM |
If you had one wish |

Greenville, NC
age: 30
id wish to be in italy, taking in the culture, enjoying a fine wine, in a small village.
10/9/2008 7:03:26 PM |
If you had one wish |
Keene, NH
age: 39
My one wish would be to be reunited with my biological mother. Its been just over 35 years and I don't know much about her except that she is alive.
This may seem a little crazy ... but, I feel it would help close a chapter in this life story of mine and help me move on.
10/9/2008 7:07:39 PM |
If you had one wish |

Overton, TX
age: 49
like most, the impossible..
redo your life, with the memories and knowledge you have now...
wow... i would be such a smart baby... most likely scare my parents to death...
but with the knowledge i would have, i am sure i would be the first baby not to poop in her diapers and no way would i nurse...
10/9/2008 7:19:49 PM |
If you had one wish |
Sacramento, CA
age: 51
lots and lots of wishes, so I could give them out to everyone.
10/9/2008 7:32:13 PM |
If you had one wish |
Columbus, OH
age: 91
Sorry cableguy ... apparently my attempt at humor went right over your head. So back at you .....  Are we a sensitive conservative? Just trying to keep the conversation lively.
sorry, philleast You must have caught me at a vulnerable moment forgive my rash behavior. I generally am a much nicer guy!