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8/31/2007 12:36:50 PM |
The God Of Abraham |

Bartlett, IL
age: 43
Here's a look at the man who started all of this?
Abraham is a figure in the Torah, Bible, and Quran whom Jewish, Christian and Islamic believers regard as the founding patriarch of the Israelites, Arabs and Edomite peoples. In what is thus called Abrahamic religious tradition, Abraham is the forefather of these peoples.
According to the Torah, Abraham was brought by God from Mesopotamia to the land of Canaan, around 2000 BC/BCE[1] There entered into a covenant: in exchange for sole recognition of Yahweh as supreme universal deity and authority, Abraham will be blessed with innumerable progeny. His life as narrated in the book of Genesis (chapters 11–25) may reflect various traditions.
His original name was Abram meaning either "exalted father" or "[my] father is exalted" (compare Abiram). For the latter part of his life, he was called Abraham (see retroactive nomenclature), often glossed as av hamon (goyim) "father of many (nations)" per Genesis 17:5, although it does not have any literal meaning in Hebrew.[1]
Abraham was the third son of Terah and the grandson of Nahor. Abraham's older brothers were named Nahor and Haran. (The city of ?aran was not named after this brother, but is spelled differently in Hebrew.)
Judaism, Christianity and Islam are sometimes referred to as the "Abrahamic religions", because of the role Abraham plays in their holy books. In the Jewish tradition, he is called Avraham Avinu or "Abraham, our Father". God promised Abraham that through his offspring, all the nations of the world will come to be blessed (Genesis 12:3), interpreted in Christian tradition as a reference to Christ. Jews, Christians, and Muslims consider him father of the people of Israel through his son Isaac (cf. Exodus 6:3, Exodus 32:13). For Muslims, he is a prophet of Islam and the ancestor of Muhammad through his other son Ishmael. By his concubine , Keturah, (Genesis 25) Abraham is also a progenitor of the Semitic tribes of the Negev who trace their descent from their common ancestor Sheba (Genesis 10:28). Consistent with the kinship pattern revealed in Genesis 4 and 5, Abraham married one wife, Sarah
[Edited 8/31/2007 12:39:15 PM]
8/31/2007 12:38:14 PM |
The God Of Abraham |

Bartlett, IL
age: 43
In the New Testament Abraham is mentioned prominently as a man of faith (see e.g., Hebrews 11), and the apostle Paul uses him as an example of salvation by faith, as the progenitor of the Christ (or Messiah) (see Galatians 3:16).
Authors of the New Testament report that Jesus cited Abraham to support belief in the resurrection of the dead. "But concerning the dead, that they rise, have you not read in the Book of Moses, in the burning bush passage, how God spoke to him, saying, "I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob?" He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living. You are therefore greatly mistaken" (Mark 12:26-27). The New Testament also sees Abraham as an obedient man of God, and Abraham's interrupted attempt to offer up Isaac is seen as the supreme act of perfect faith in God. "By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac, and he who had received the promises offered up his only begotten son, of whom it was said, "In Isaac your seed shall be called," concluding that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead, from which he also received him in a figurative sense." (Hebrews 11:17-19)
The traditional view in Christianity is that the chief promise made to Abraham in Genesis 12 is that through Abraham's seed, all the people of earth would be blessed. Notwithstanding this, John the Baptist specifically taught that merely being of Abraham's seed was no guarantee of salvation. The promise in Genesis is considered to have been fulfilled through Abraham's seed, Jesus. It is also a consequence of this promise that Christianity is open to people of all races and not limited to Jews.
The Roman Catholic Church calls Abraham "our father in Faith," in the Eucharistic prayer called the Roman Canon, recited during the Mass. (See Abraham in the Catholic liturgy). He is also commemorated in the calendars of saints of several denominations, on August 20 by the Maronite Church, August 28 in the Coptic Church and the Assyrian Church of the East, with the full office for the latter, and on October 9 by the Roman Catholic Church and the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. He is also regarded as the patron saint of hotel men.[3]
8/31/2007 12:40:41 PM |
The God Of Abraham |

Bartlett, IL
age: 43
8/31/2007 12:43:11 PM |
The God Of Abraham |

Bartlett, IL
age: 43
Binding of Isaac
Some time after the birth of Isaac, Abraham was commanded by God to offer his son up as a sacrifice in the land of Moriah. The patriarch traveled three days until he came to the mount that God showed him. He commanded the servant to remain while he and Isaac proceeded alone to the mountain, Isaac carrying the wood upon which he would be sacrificed. Along the way, Isaac repeatedly asked Abraham where the animal for the burnt offering was. Abraham then replied that God would provide one. Just as Abraham was about to sacrifice his son, he was prevented by an angel, and given on that spot a ram which he sacrificed in place of his son. Thus it is said, "On the mountain the Lord provides." (Genesis 22) As a reward for his obedience he received another promise of a numerous seed and abundant prosperity (22). After this event, Abraham did not return to Hebron, Sarah's encampment, but instead went to Beersheba, Keturah's encampment, and it is to Beersheba that Abraham's servant brought Rebecca, Isaac's patrilineal parallel cousin who became his wife.
The near sacrifice of Isaac is one of the most challenging, and perhaps ethically troublesome, parts of the Bible. According to Josephus, Isaac was 25 years old at the time of the sacrifice or Akedah, while the Talmudic sages teach that Isaac was 37. In either case, Isaac was a fully grown man, old enough to prevent the elderly Abraham (who was 125 or 137 years old) from tying him up had he wanted to resist. The narrative now turns to Isaac. To his "only son" (22:2, 12) Abraham gave all he had, and dismissed his other sons, as Abraham himself had been dismissed by Terah after Terah had given his territory to Nahor.
8/31/2007 12:50:00 PM |
The God Of Abraham |

Morgan, VT
age: 65
skip....paper #93 in the U book if you can get it tells of Abe as being a top student of
Machiventa Melchizedek,the sage of's great reading
and can be found at can also listen to it there
[Edited 8/31/2007 1:15:27 PM]
9/10/2007 10:21:17 AM |
The God Of Abraham |

Bartlett, IL
age: 43

9/10/2007 10:26:09 AM |
The God Of Abraham |

Bartlett, IL
age: 43
The Cave of the Patriarchs is a series of subterranean caves located in a complex which is referred to by Muslims as the Ibrahimi Mosque or Sanctuary of Abraham.
The compound, located in the ancient city of Hebron, is venerated by Jews, Christians, and Muslims whose traditions maintain that the site is the burial place of four Biblical couples: (1) Adam and Eve; (2) Abraham and Sarah; (3) Isaac and Rebekah; (4) Jacob and Leah. According to Midrashic sources it also contains the head of Esau, and to Islamic sources, is also the tomb of Joseph
9/10/2007 10:27:03 AM |
The God Of Abraham |

Bartlett, IL
age: 43

9/10/2007 10:28:28 AM |
The God Of Abraham |

Bartlett, IL
age: 43
[Edited 9/10/2007 10:38:48 AM]
9/14/2007 11:27:40 AM |
The God Of Abraham |

Kissimmee, FL
age: 43
wow uuhmmm still no  some where in all this knowledge jehovah (the creator)is the father of all yes abraham...but after the birth of jesus and isreal rejected begotten son Jesus so the lineage was destroyed and a new covenant was made with the gentiles.. yes many was given to abraham do to he was god loyal friend. at first sarah couldnt give birth so the slave of sara had ismel any way yes abram was blessed but he was not god his wife called him lord but it wasnt because he was a god ...but because of her summision to his headship
9/14/2007 11:35:31 AM |
The God Of Abraham |

Kissimmee, FL
age: 43
no this man didnt start it all..he help with the perfect linage for jesus to come can say the noah started but that would be wrong because he started after the flood so you have to say adam and eve started it with there first born...but that isnt true because cain killed able so some were out of the perfect garden they were thrown and even had a son god approved of and the linage started from there...reshearch for that son and i will get back one day..just my thoughts 