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4/15/2015 10:43:06 AM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

San Clemente, CA
57, joined Jul. 2014
I would have just as soon cut off a body part than vote for Obama. In fact, I didn't vote in the last presidential election. I didn't care who lost, for the choice was two bad candidates.
With that established, I laud Obama for recognizing realities of Middle East and reassessing outdated alliances and paradigms. It is long past time to disabuse ourselves of any justification for involvement in a region that is not and cannot become a credible threat to the USA. It is long past time that we elevate the USA above all other countries. It is long past time that we revert to core tenets of our Funding Fathers, staying the hell out of other countries' internal affairs being one of the more prominent. There is not a damned thing in the entire Middle East that is worth a single American soldier's life. Let's bring all of them home where they will protect the USA and only the USA.
Pat Buchanan, an authentic conservative, has again, as is expected from him, nailed it:
"Obama is not wrong here. If NATO’s Turkey, Israel, and the Gulf Arabs prefer Sunni Islamists in Damascus to an Alawite regime with which we have coexisted for 40 years, then President Obama is right to move us away from our old allies. U.S. national interests come first.
Yet, a choice between Hezbollah and the Nusra Front, ISIS and the Shiite militias, al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula and the Houthi rebels, is a Hobbesian trap that is a conclusive argument for keeping U.S. troops out of this war of all against all in the Middle East."
Source: http://buchanan.org/blog/the-obama-doctrine-15881
We have never had a mandate to democratize the world. That's a machination of the ruling elite to entangle us in foreign wars that are none of our damned business. Such foreign wars require sacrificing our soldiers' lives, force us closer to bankruptcy, and make profiteers of bloodshed rich.
Liberals, neocons, and shills with ulterior motives love wars. However, they love wars because they're sententious in their beliefs that they can dupe other Americans into sacrificing their sons in wars that are of no concern to the USA while their sons watch it on TV. Such unpatriotic, anti-America traitors have no skin in foreign wars, but they want other Americans to sacrifice their sons.
Americans are finally wising up. Americans have lost faith in politicians acting in the interests of their country and Americans. Latest polls indicate strong American sentiment of NO MORE WARS!!!
"The truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson."
---FDR to ColonelEdward House, 21 October 1933
Americans are catching on that our false flag foreign wars are of no benefit to the USA, serve the interests of foreign countries, kill their sons in useless battles, and make profiteers of warfare very rich.
I will admit that I was wrong in my erstwhile beliefs about American hegemony and imperialism. There were only three wars that we should have fought: the American Revolution, the War of 1812, and the Mexican-American War. All others wars in which we were duped into were bullshit false flag wars that were none of our damned business, except the Civil War. It was fought over states' rights, not slavery. Had Lincoln not started the Civil War, the south would have been forced to abandon slavery within a decade thereby saving at least 1.5 million American lives.
Those who have studied American history know who was responsible for instigating the American Civil War and its financiers and profiteers:
"War is a very profitable stratagem for rulers. The Rothschilds and other European financiers exacerbated the discord and hostility between the North and the South. Knowing full well that war was their best means of reaping huge profits, these vultures did everything in their power to instigate an American civil war. They worked both sides of the street, as usual.
The Union commissioned Jay Cooke to act as selling agent for its bond issues and Cooke arranged with August Belmont, the New York agent of the Rothschilds, to sell Union bonds in Europe. In 1861 the Confederacy sent James M. Mason to England and John Slidell to France to borrow money. Slidell was a nephew of Belmont's wife. In Paris, John Slidell entered into negotiations with the Erlanger company, confidential representatives of the Rothschilds. Slidell's daughter married Erlanger's son. Even though most investors in confederate bonds lost their shirt, the Erlangers reaped huge profits."
Source: http://www.hermes-press.com/cabal_1830.htm
While Americans were killing each other in a false flag war, scummy foreign bankers & financiers were reaping huge profits and gaining control over America.
[Edited 4/15/2015 10:46:02 AM ]
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4/15/2015 1:53:44 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

Ocala, FL
56, joined Jul. 2013
The war drums are beating fresh from the left to war with boko haram!
Apparently Africa can't handle it.

It's the girls, you know.. the kidnapped ones.
Nope. Not oil
It's Gates and Affleck's cocoa beans and coffee
4/15/2015 1:55:20 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |


Mount Arlington, NJ
31, joined Dec. 2012
I would have just as soon cut off a body part than vote for Obama. In fact, I didn't vote in the last presidential election. I didn't care who lost, for the choice was two bad candidates.
I didn't realize there was only two choices. No wonder a third party never gets elected.
4/15/2015 2:23:50 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

52, joined Apr. 2010
It is long past time to disabuse ourselves of any justification for involvement in a region that is not and cannot become a credible threat to the USA
This here sentence from your op is pure fabrication and an outright lie.
How conveniently you idiots forgot about the oil embargo from the 1970's.
A threat can also be an economic one and not only a military one like alluded to 
And then there's the ideology threat that comes from the Middle East.
The one that our government p*ssy foots around with whilst trying to be politically
correct so as not to offend the ideology of Islam. Deny it all you want but Islam is
an all controlling political ideology as well as an alleged religion. Islam controls
every aspect of each Middle Eastern country and it's main objective is to spread it's
ideology world wide much in the same way as communists have tried with communism.
No different then our government and it's wish to influence and spread democracy worldwide 

4/15/2015 2:44:15 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

San Clemente, CA
57, joined Jul. 2014
It is long past time to disabuse ourselves of any justification for involvement in a region that is not and cannot become a credible threat to the USA
This here sentence from your op is pure fabrication and an outright lie.
How conveniently you idiots forgot about the oil embargo from the 1970's.
A threat can also be an economic one and not only a military one like alluded to
And then there's the ideology threat that comes from the Middle East.
The one that our government p*ssy foots around with whilst trying to be politically
correct so as not to offend the ideology of Islam. Deny it all you want but Islam is
an all controlling political ideology as well as an alleged religion. Islam controls
every aspect of each Middle Eastern country and it's main objective is to spread it's
ideology world wide much in the same way as communists have tried with communism.
No different then our government and it's wish to influence and spread democracy worldwide
Really? An outright lie? Are you serious?
Well here's your chance to prove me a liar. Tell me exactly how any Middle Eastern country except Israel -Israel has a proven record of hostility towards America including declaring war on us and murdering American sailors and repeatedly spying on us- is a threat to the USA. Which country in the region has a modern navy? Which country has long range bombers? Which country has nuclear submarines? Which country has aircraft carriers? Which country has ICBM's? Tell me, genius, how is any country in that region a threat to the USA.
Israel is America's most grave enemy. Golda Mier threatened President Nixon with thermonuclear war.
“Israeli spies have done more harm and have damaged the United States more than the intelligence agents of all other countries on earth combined… They are the gravest threat to our national security.”
---Admiral Bobby Inman, Former Deputy Director of the CIA---
"Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves."
---Menachem Begin, Israeli Prime Minister, in a speech to the Knesset [Israeli Parlament], quoted by Amnon Kapeliouk, “Begin and the Beasts,” New Statesman, June 25, 1982---
[Edited 4/15/2015 2:45:05 PM ]
4/15/2015 2:50:33 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |


Cincinnati, OH
40, joined Jul. 2014
You never bothered to vote so you don't have a Dog in this fight.
4/15/2015 2:52:22 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

Wheat Ridge, CO
49, joined Jan. 2011
Really? An outright lie? Are you serious?
Well here's your chance to prove me a liar. Tell me exactly how any Middle Eastern country except Israel -Israel has a proven record of hostility towards America including declaring war on us and murdering American sailors and repeatedly spying on us- is a threat to the USA. Which country in the region has a modern navy? Which country has long range bombers? Which country has nuclear submarines? Which country has aircraft carriers? Which country has ICBM's? Tell me, genius, how is any country in that region a threat to the USA.
Israel is America's most grave enemy. Golda Mier threatened President Nixon with thermonuclear war.
“Israeli spies have done more harm and have damaged the United States more than the intelligence agents of all other countries on earth combined… They are the gravest threat to our national security.”
---Admiral Bobby Inman, Former Deputy Director of the CIA---
"Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves."
---Menachem Begin, Israeli Prime Minister, in a speech to the Knesset [Israeli Parlament], quoted by Amnon Kapeliouk, “Begin and the Beasts,” New Statesman, June 25, 1982---
Didnt take long for u to get to the Joos this time. 
U really need to drop the fake quotes though, ithwy make u look even dumber.
Did u not read the part about economics?

Oh, u need to learn what a declarition of war is too.
4/15/2015 2:59:35 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

San Clemente, CA
57, joined Jul. 2014
You never bothered to vote so you don't have a Dog in this fight.
That's as stupid as you can get.
A choice between Obama and Romney was no choice. Either way, America lost.
You are aware of how presidents are elected, are you not?
You are aware that Democrats own every state office in CA, are you not?
You are aware that Obama won close to 60% of CA's popular vote, are you not?
You are aware that Obama did not have to campaign in CA to win every single one of its electoral votes, are you not?
Most conservatives in CA that I know knew that the fix was in when the Republican Party nominated a quintessential liberal as its candidate for president.
I know of no conservative in CA that wasted his time by voting in '12 presidential election. It was an election that offered a liberal Democrat vs. an equally liberal Republican.
California is dominated by Democrats, with a decent percent of neocons, which are really liberals, and a minority of authentic conservatives.
robot, if you voted for Romney, you are a part of the problem.
4/15/2015 3:00:22 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

San Clemente, CA
57, joined Jul. 2014
Spelling Jews as "Joooooooos" is a classic indicator of a shill.
4/15/2015 3:04:39 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

Tyler, TX
74, joined Mar. 2015
Spelling Jews as "Joooooooos" is a classic indicator of a shill.
Sure is, but things could be worse. higgy51 seems to think people who are shot don't bleed. 
Glad to see I'm not the only one that has to deal with idiots.
4/15/2015 3:04:45 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |


Cincinnati, OH
40, joined Jul. 2014
Don't vote don't complain.
4/15/2015 3:05:41 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

San Clemente, CA
57, joined Jul. 2014
Don't vote don't complain.
Don't hit your enter key, don't reveal yourself a moron.
4/15/2015 3:11:41 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

Wheat Ridge, CO
49, joined Jan. 2011
Spelling Jews as "Joooooooos" is a classic indicator of a shill.
So is using fake quotes.

4/15/2015 3:19:40 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |


Cincinnati, OH
40, joined Jul. 2014
Don't hit your enter key, don't reveal yourself a moron.
There will never be two candidates running that don't have issues I doubt if there ever will be a candidate that stands out enough to offer the voters most of what they want.
Almost every election is picking the candidate that will least hurt us. But if you don't vote then take a seat in the back of the bus.
4/15/2015 3:22:06 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

52, joined Apr. 2010
Nov. 4, Tehran, Iran: Iranian radical students seized the U.S. embassy, taking 66 hostages. 14 were later released. The remaining 52 were freed after 444 days on the day of President Reagan's inauguration.
Lebanon: Thirty US and other Western hostages kidnapped in Lebanon by Hezbollah. Some were killed, some died in captivity, and some were eventually released. Terry Anderson was held for 2,454 days.
April 18, Beirut, Lebanon: U.S. embassy destroyed in suicide car-bomb attack; 63 dead, including 17 Americans. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
Oct. 23, Beirut, Lebanon: Shiite suicide bombers exploded truck near U.S. military barracks at Beirut airport, killing 241 marines. Minutes later a second bomb killed 58 French paratroopers in their barracks in West Beirut.
Dec. 12, Kuwait City, Kuwait: Shiite truck bombers attacked the U.S. embassy and other targets, killing 5 and injuring 80.
Sept. 20, east Beirut, Lebanon: truck bomb exploded outside the U.S. embassy annex, killing 24, including 2 U.S. military.
Dec. 3, Beirut, Lebanon: Kuwait Airways Flight 221, from Kuwait to Pakistan, hijacked and diverted to Tehran. 2 Americans killed.
April 12, Madrid, Spain: Bombing at restaurant frequented by U.S. soldiers, killed 18 Spaniards and injured 82.
June 14, Beirut, Lebanon: TWA Flight 847 en route from Athens to Rome hijacked to Beirut by Hezbollah terrorists and held for 17 days. A U.S. Navy diver executed.
Oct. 7, Mediterranean Sea: gunmen attack Italian cruise ship, Achille Lauro. One U.S. tourist killed. Hijacking linked to Libya.
Dec. 18, Rome, Italy, and Vienna, Austria: airports in Rome and Vienna were bombed, killing 20 people, 5 of whom were Americans. Bombing linked to Libya.
April 2, Athens, Greece:A bomb exploded aboard TWA flight 840 en route from Rome to Athens, killing 4 Americans and injuring 9.
April 5, West Berlin, Germany: Libyans bombed a disco frequented by U.S. servicemen, killing 2 and injuring hundreds.
Dec. 21, Lockerbie, Scotland: N.Y.-bound Pan-Am Boeing 747 exploded in flight from a terrorist bomb and crashed into Scottish village, killing all 259 aboard and 11 on the ground. Passengers included 35 Syracuse University students and many U.S. military personnel. Libya formally admitted responsibility 15 years later (Aug. 2003) and offered $2.7 billion compensation to victims' families.

4/15/2015 3:26:30 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

Tyler, TX
74, joined Mar. 2015
Nov. 4, Tehran, Iran: Iranian radical students seized the U.S. embassy, taking 66 hostages. 14 were later released. The remaining 52 were freed after 444 days on the day of President Reagan's inauguration.
Lebanon: Thirty US and other Western hostages kidnapped in Lebanon by Hezbollah. Some were killed, some died in captivity, and some were eventually released. Terry Anderson was held for 2,454 days.
April 18, Beirut, Lebanon: U.S. embassy destroyed in suicide car-bomb attack; 63 dead, including 17 Americans. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
Oct. 23, Beirut, Lebanon: Shiite suicide bombers exploded truck near U.S. military barracks at Beirut airport, killing 241 marines. Minutes later a second bomb killed 58 French paratroopers in their barracks in West Beirut.
Dec. 12, Kuwait City, Kuwait: Shiite truck bombers attacked the U.S. embassy and other targets, killing 5 and injuring 80.
Sept. 20, east Beirut, Lebanon: truck bomb exploded outside the U.S. embassy annex, killing 24, including 2 U.S. military.
Dec. 3, Beirut, Lebanon: Kuwait Airways Flight 221, from Kuwait to Pakistan, hijacked and diverted to Tehran. 2 Americans killed.
April 12, Madrid, Spain: Bombing at restaurant frequented by U.S. soldiers, killed 18 Spaniards and injured 82.
June 14, Beirut, Lebanon: TWA Flight 847 en route from Athens to Rome hijacked to Beirut by Hezbollah terrorists and held for 17 days. A U.S. Navy diver executed.
Oct. 7, Mediterranean Sea: gunmen attack Italian cruise ship, Achille Lauro. One U.S. tourist killed. Hijacking linked to Libya.
Dec. 18, Rome, Italy, and Vienna, Austria: airports in Rome and Vienna were bombed, killing 20 people, 5 of whom were Americans. Bombing linked to Libya.
April 2, Athens, Greece:A bomb exploded aboard TWA flight 840 en route from Rome to Athens, killing 4 Americans and injuring 9.
April 5, West Berlin, Germany: Libyans bombed a disco frequented by U.S. servicemen, killing 2 and injuring hundreds.
Dec. 21, Lockerbie, Scotland: N.Y.-bound Pan-Am Boeing 747 exploded in flight from a terrorist bomb and crashed into Scottish village, killing all 259 aboard and 11 on the ground. Passengers included 35 Syracuse University students and many U.S. military personnel. Libya formally admitted responsibility 15 years later (Aug. 2003) and offered $2.7 billion compensation to victims' families.
How much of that was Israel and it's Mossad responsible for? Did your shill website mention that?
Shall I be the one to tell you?
4/15/2015 3:26:47 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

52, joined Apr. 2010
Center; 2 more hijacked jets were crashed into the Pentagon and a field in rural Pa. Total dead and missing numbered 2,9921: 2,749 in New York City, 184 at the Pentagon, 40 in Pa., and 19 hijackers. Islamic al-Qaeda terrorist group blamed. (See September 11, 2001: Timeline of Terrorism.)
June 14, Karachi, Pakistan: bomb explodes outside American consulate in Karachi, Pakistan, killing 12. Linked to al-Qaeda.
2003 1
May 12, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: suicide bombers kill 34, including 8 Americans, at housing compounds for Westerners. Al-Qaeda suspected.
May 29–31, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: terrorists attack the offices of a Saudi oil company in Khobar, Saudi Arabia, take foreign oil workers hostage in a nearby residential compound, leaving 22 people dead including one American.
June 11–19, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: terrorists kidnap and execute Paul Johnson Jr., an American, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 2 other Americans and BBC cameraman killed by gun attacks.
Dec. 6, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia: terrorists storm the U.S. consulate, killing 5 consulate employees. 4 terrorists were killed by Saudi security.
Nov. 9, Amman, Jordan: suicide bombers hit 3 American hotels, Radisson, Grand Hyatt, and Days Inn, in Amman, Jordan, killing 57. Al-Qaeda claimed responsibility.
Sept. 13, Damascus, Syria: an attack by four gunman on the American embassy is foiled.

4/15/2015 3:28:55 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

52, joined Apr. 2010
Jan. 12, Athens, Greece: the U.S. embassy is fired on by an anti-tank missile causing damage but no injuries.
Dec. 11, Algeria: more than 60 people are killed, including 11 United Nations staff members, when Al Qaeda terrorists detonate two car bombs near Algeria's Constitutional Council and the United Nations offices.
May 26, Iraq: a suicide bomber on a motorcycle kills six U.S. soldiers and wounds 18 others in Tarmiya.
June 24, Iraq: a suicide bomber kills at least 20 people, including three U.S. Marines, at a meeting between sheiks and Americans in Karmah, a town west of Baghdad.
June 12, Afghanistan: four American servicemen are killed when a roadside bomb explodes near a U.S. military vehicle in Farah Province.
July 13, Afghanistan: nine U.S.soldiers and at least 15 NATO troops die when Taliban militants boldly attack an American base in Kunar Province, which borders Pakistan. It's the most deadly against U.S. troops in three years.
Aug. 18 and 19, Afghanistan: as many as 15 suicide bombers backed by about 30 militants attack a U.S. military base, Camp Salerno, in Bamiyan. Fighting between U.S. troops and members of the Taliban rages overnight. No U.S. troops are killed.
Sept. 16, Yemen: a car bomb and a rocket strike the U.S. embassy in Yemen as staff arrived to work, killing 16 people, including 4 civilians. At least 25 suspected al-Qaeda militants are arrested for the attack.
Nov. 26, India: in a series of attacks on several of Mumbai's landmarks and commercial hubs that are popular with Americans and other foreign tourists, including at least two five-star hotels, a hospital, a train station, and a cinema. About 300 people are wounded and nearly 190 people die, including at least 5 Americans.

4/15/2015 3:30:10 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

52, joined Apr. 2010
Feb. 9, Iraq: a suicide bomber kills four American soldiers and their Iraqi translator near a police checkpoint.
April 10, Iraq: a suicide attack kills five American soldiers and two Iraqi policemen.
June 1, Little Rock, Arkansas: Abdulhakim Muhammed, a Muslim convert from Memphis, Tennessee, is charged with shooting two soldiers outside a military recruiting center. One is killed and the other is wounded. In a January 2010 letter to the judge hearing his case, Muhammed asked to change his plea from not guilty to guilty, claimed ties to al-Qaeda, and called the shooting a jihadi attack "to fight those who wage war on Islam and Muslims."
Dec. 25: A Nigerian man on a flight from Amsterdam to Detroit attempted to ignite an explosive device hidden in his underwear. The explosive device that failed to detonate was a mixture of powder and liquid that did not alert security personnel in the airport. The alleged bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, told officials later that he was directed by the terrorist group Al Qaeda. The suspect was already on the government's watch list when he attempted the bombing; his father, a respected Nigerian banker, had told the U.S. government that he was worried about his son's increased extremism.
Dec. 30, Iraq: a suicide bomber kills eight Americans civilians, seven of them CIA agents, at a base in Afghanistan. It's the deadliest attack on the agency since 9/11. The attacker is reportedly a double agent from Jordan who was acting on behalf of al-Qaeda.
May 1, New York City: a car bomb is discovered in Times Square, New York City after smoke is seen coming from a vehicle. The bomb was ignited, but failed to detonate and was disarmed before it could cause any harm. Times Square was evacuated as a safety precaution. Faisal Shahzad pleads guilty to placing the bomb as well as 10 terrorism and weapons charges.
Oct. 29: two packages are found on separate cargo planes. Each package contains a bomb consisting of 300 to 400 grams (11-14 oz) of plastic explosives and a detonating mechanism. The bombs are discovered as a result of intelligence received from Saudi Arabia's security chief. The packages, bound from Yemen to the United States, are discovered at en route stop-overs, one in England and one in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.
Sept. 11, Benghazi, Libya: militants armed with antiaircraft weapons and rocket-propelled grenades fire upon the American consulate, killing U.S. ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and three other embassy officials. U.S. secretary of state Hillary Clinton said the U.S. believed that Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, a group closely linked to Al Qaeda, orchestrated the attack.
Feb. 1, Ankara, Turkey: Ecevit Sanli detonates a bomb near a gate at the U.S. Embassy. Sanli dies after detonating the bomb. One Turkish guard is also killed. Didem Tuncay, a respected television journalist, is injured in the blast. Unlike the bombing at the embassy in Benghazi last September, the U.S. government immediately calls the bombing a terrorist attack. According to Turkish officials, the attack is from the Revolutionary People's Liberation Party, which has been labeled a terrorist organization by the U.S. and other nations.
April 15, Boston, Mass.: multiple bombs explode near the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Two bombs go off around 2:50 in the afternoon as runners finish the race. Three people are killed. One is an eight year old boy. More than 260 people are injured. Three days later, the FBI releases photos and video of two suspects in the hope that the public can help identify them. Just hours after the FBI releases the images, the two suspects rob a gas station in Central Square then shoot and kill a MIT police officer in his car. Afterwards, the two men carjack a SUV and tell the driver that they had set off the explosions at the marathon. Police pursue the vehicle into Watertown. During the shootout, a MBTA officer is shot and one of the suspects, identified as Tamerlan Tsarnaev, age 26, is killed. A suicide vest is found on his body. The other suspect, Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, age 19, remains at large for several hours, causing a massive manhunt and lockdown for all of Boston, Cambridge, and many other surrounding communities. The manhunt ends when he is found alive, but seriously injured, hiding in a boat behind a house in Watertown. The two suspects are brothers and had been living together in Cambridge. They have lived in the U.S. for about a decade, but are from an area near Chechnya, a region in Russia.
July 17, Ukraine: A Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 crashes in eastern Ukraine near the Russian border, killing all 298 passengers and crew members. The crash occurs in territory where pro-Russian separatists have been battling Ukrainian troops. President Poroshenko says the crash is an act of terror. "I would like to note that we are calling this not an incident, not a catastrophe, but a terrorist act," he says. Ukrainian and American officials say the plane is shot down by a Russian-made surface-to-air missile, citing satellite images. Poroshenko accuses the separatists of launching the missile, which they deny. Russian president Putin also denies having any role in the disaster. A day after the crash, President Obama says he believes that the rebels shot down the plane. He calls the crash a "global tragedy" and faults Putin for continuing to arm the rebels and for not stopping the fighting. Most analysts say rebels may have thought they were targeting a military transport plane rather than a commercial jet. A day before the crash, the U.S. and Europe impose further sanctions on Russia in response to Putin's refusal to stop arming the separatists.
August 19: Members of ISIS behead American journalist James Foley, 40, in apparent retaliation for U.S. airstrikes against the group. Foley, who worked for GlobalPost, went missing in Syria in November 2012.
Sept. 2: An ISIS militant decapitates another American journalist, Steven Sotloff, 31, who worked for Time and other news outlets. He was abducted in 2013 in Syria.
Read more: Terrorist Attacks in the U.S. or Against Americans http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0001454.html#ixzz3XPWGJ6Zq

4/15/2015 3:30:23 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

Tyler, TX
74, joined Mar. 2015
@ bill_i_am2:Center; 2 more hijacked jets were crashed into the Pentagon and a field in rural Pa. Total dead and missing numbered 2,9921: 2,749 in New York City, 184 at the Pentagon, 40 in Pa., and 19 hijackers. Islamic al-Qaeda terrorist group blamed. (See September 11, 2001: Timeline of Terrorism.)
June 14, Karachi, Pakistan: bomb explodes outside American consulate in Karachi, Pakistan, killing 12. Linked to al-Qaeda.
2003 1
May 12, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: suicide bombers kill 34, including 8 Americans, at housing compounds for Westerners. Al-Qaeda suspected.
May 29–31, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: terrorists attack the offices of a Saudi oil company in Khobar, Saudi Arabia, take foreign oil workers hostage in a nearby residential compound, leaving 22 people dead including one American.
June 11–19, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: terrorists kidnap and execute Paul Johnson Jr., an American, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 2 other Americans and BBC cameraman killed by gun attacks.
Dec. 6, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia: terrorists storm the U.S. consulate, killing 5 consulate employees. 4 terrorists were killed by Saudi security.
Nov. 9, Amman, Jordan: suicide bombers hit 3 American hotels, Radisson, Grand Hyatt, and Days Inn, in Amman, Jordan, killing 57. Al-Qaeda claimed responsibility.
Sept. 13, Damascus, Syria: an attack by four gunman on the American embassy is foiled.
How much of that was Israel and it's Mossad responsible for? Did your shill website mention that?
Shall I be the one to tell you?
4/15/2015 3:31:11 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

Tyler, TX
74, joined Mar. 2015
Feb. 9, Iraq: a suicide bomber kills four American soldiers and their Iraqi translator near a police checkpoint.
April 10, Iraq: a suicide attack kills five American soldiers and two Iraqi policemen.
June 1, Little Rock, Arkansas: Abdulhakim Muhammed, a Muslim convert from Memphis, Tennessee, is charged with shooting two soldiers outside a military recruiting center. One is killed and the other is wounded. In a January 2010 letter to the judge hearing his case, Muhammed asked to change his plea from not guilty to guilty, claimed ties to al-Qaeda, and called the shooting a jihadi attack "to fight those who wage war on Islam and Muslims."
Dec. 25: A Nigerian man on a flight from Amsterdam to Detroit attempted to ignite an explosive device hidden in his underwear. The explosive device that failed to detonate was a mixture of powder and liquid that did not alert security personnel in the airport. The alleged bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, told officials later that he was directed by the terrorist group Al Qaeda. The suspect was already on the government's watch list when he attempted the bombing; his father, a respected Nigerian banker, had told the U.S. government that he was worried about his son's increased extremism.
Dec. 30, Iraq: a suicide bomber kills eight Americans civilians, seven of them CIA agents, at a base in Afghanistan. It's the deadliest attack on the agency since 9/11. The attacker is reportedly a double agent from Jordan who was acting on behalf of al-Qaeda.
May 1, New York City: a car bomb is discovered in Times Square, New York City after smoke is seen coming from a vehicle. The bomb was ignited, but failed to detonate and was disarmed before it could cause any harm. Times Square was evacuated as a safety precaution. Faisal Shahzad pleads guilty to placing the bomb as well as 10 terrorism and weapons charges.
Oct. 29: two packages are found on separate cargo planes. Each package contains a bomb consisting of 300 to 400 grams (11-14 oz) of plastic explosives and a detonating mechanism. The bombs are discovered as a result of intelligence received from Saudi Arabia's security chief. The packages, bound from Yemen to the United States, are discovered at en route stop-overs, one in England and one in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.
Sept. 11, Benghazi, Libya: militants armed with antiaircraft weapons and rocket-propelled grenades fire upon the American consulate, killing U.S. ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and three other embassy officials. U.S. secretary of state Hillary Clinton said the U.S. believed that Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, a group closely linked to Al Qaeda, orchestrated the attack.
Feb. 1, Ankara, Turkey: Ecevit Sanli detonates a bomb near a gate at the U.S. Embassy. Sanli dies after detonating the bomb. One Turkish guard is also killed. Didem Tuncay, a respected television journalist, is injured in the blast. Unlike the bombing at the embassy in Benghazi last September, the U.S. government immediately calls the bombing a terrorist attack. According to Turkish officials, the attack is from the Revolutionary People's Liberation Party, which has been labeled a terrorist organization by the U.S. and other nations.
April 15, Boston, Mass.: multiple bombs explode near the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Two bombs go off around 2:50 in the afternoon as runners finish the race. Three people are killed. One is an eight year old boy. More than 260 people are injured. Three days later, the FBI releases photos and video of two suspects in the hope that the public can help identify them. Just hours after the FBI releases the images, the two suspects rob a gas station in Central Square then shoot and kill a MIT police officer in his car. Afterwards, the two men carjack a SUV and tell the driver that they had set off the explosions at the marathon. Police pursue the vehicle into Watertown. During the shootout, a MBTA officer is shot and one of the suspects, identified as Tamerlan Tsarnaev, age 26, is killed. A suicide vest is found on his body. The other suspect, Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, age 19, remains at large for several hours, causing a massive manhunt and lockdown for all of Boston, Cambridge, and many other surrounding communities. The manhunt ends when he is found alive, but seriously injured, hiding in a boat behind a house in Watertown. The two suspects are brothers and had been living together in Cambridge. They have lived in the U.S. for about a decade, but are from an area near Chechnya, a region in Russia.
July 17, Ukraine: A Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 crashes in eastern Ukraine near the Russian border, killing all 298 passengers and crew members. The crash occurs in territory where pro-Russian separatists have been battling Ukrainian troops. President Poroshenko says the crash is an act of terror. "I would like to note that we are calling this not an incident, not a catastrophe, but a terrorist act," he says. Ukrainian and American officials say the plane is shot down by a Russian-made surface-to-air missile, citing satellite images. Poroshenko accuses the separatists of launching the missile, which they deny. Russian president Putin also denies having any role in the disaster. A day after the crash, President Obama says he believes that the rebels shot down the plane. He calls the crash a "global tragedy" and faults Putin for continuing to arm the rebels and for not stopping the fighting. Most analysts say rebels may have thought they were targeting a military transport plane rather than a commercial jet. A day before the crash, the U.S. and Europe impose further sanctions on Russia in response to Putin's refusal to stop arming the separatists.
August 19: Members of ISIS behead American journalist James Foley, 40, in apparent retaliation for U.S. airstrikes against the group. Foley, who worked for GlobalPost, went missing in Syria in November 2012.
Sept. 2: An ISIS militant decapitates another American journalist, Steven Sotloff, 31, who worked for Time and other news outlets. He was abducted in 2013 in Syria.
Read more: Terrorist Attacks in the U.S. or Against Americans http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0001454.html#ixzz3XPWGJ6Zq
How much of that was Israel and it's Mossad responsible for? Did your shill website mention that?
Shall I be the one to tell you?
4/15/2015 3:31:53 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

Tyler, TX
74, joined Mar. 2015
Jan. 12, Athens, Greece: the U.S. embassy is fired on by an anti-tank missile causing damage but no injuries.
Dec. 11, Algeria: more than 60 people are killed, including 11 United Nations staff members, when Al Qaeda terrorists detonate two car bombs near Algeria's Constitutional Council and the United Nations offices.
May 26, Iraq: a suicide bomber on a motorcycle kills six U.S. soldiers and wounds 18 others in Tarmiya.
June 24, Iraq: a suicide bomber kills at least 20 people, including three U.S. Marines, at a meeting between sheiks and Americans in Karmah, a town west of Baghdad.
June 12, Afghanistan: four American servicemen are killed when a roadside bomb explodes near a U.S. military vehicle in Farah Province.
July 13, Afghanistan: nine U.S.soldiers and at least 15 NATO troops die when Taliban militants boldly attack an American base in Kunar Province, which borders Pakistan. It's the most deadly against U.S. troops in three years.
Aug. 18 and 19, Afghanistan: as many as 15 suicide bombers backed by about 30 militants attack a U.S. military base, Camp Salerno, in Bamiyan. Fighting between U.S. troops and members of the Taliban rages overnight. No U.S. troops are killed.
Sept. 16, Yemen: a car bomb and a rocket strike the U.S. embassy in Yemen as staff arrived to work, killing 16 people, including 4 civilians. At least 25 suspected al-Qaeda militants are arrested for the attack.
Nov. 26, India: in a series of attacks on several of Mumbai's landmarks and commercial hubs that are popular with Americans and other foreign tourists, including at least two five-star hotels, a hospital, a train station, and a cinema. About 300 people are wounded and nearly 190 people die, including at least 5 Americans.
How much of that was Israel and it's Mossad responsible for? Did your shill website mention that?
Shall I be the one to tell you?
4/15/2015 6:34:55 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

San Clemente, CA
57, joined Jul. 2014
You've intentionally commingled criminal acts of individuals with acts of countries. That is a major logical fallacy & a shill tactic.
Israel Rabinowits, a would-be suicide bomber, tried to blow up the US Capitol. He was caught before he was able to commit mass murder. Would his act of terrorism justify the US bombing the shit out of Israel?
Israelis were caught dancing and celebrating the 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers. Should we have bombed the shit out of Israel?
An official act of a country such as Israel's vicious and murderous attack of the UUS Liberty is not the same as criminal acts of people from any country.
BTW, you might have gained credibility had you mentioned the CIA's murder of Iran's democratically elected prime minister, Dr. Mohammad Mosaddeq, the CIA's murder of South Vietnam's president, Diem, and the CIA's murder of Chile's ambassador to the US, Orlando Letelier. These are merely 3 among many criminal acts committed by the CIA. You might want to read Mark Lane's book, Plausible Denial for proved info of the CIA's role in the murder of JFK. The CIA worked with Mossad to murder an American president.
You can buy Plausible Denial here: http://www.amazon.com/Plausible-Denial-Was-Involved-Assassination/dp/161608359X
Become wise of many lies...
4/15/2015 6:37:10 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

Tyler, TX
74, joined Mar. 2015
Looks like billiam2 likes to make "hit&run" posts in accordance with the 25 Rules of Disinformation. 
4/15/2015 6:54:19 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

Ocala, FL
56, joined Jul. 2013
Pbs just featured one of ayathollas biggest fans. His nickname is mr bigmouth as he's loudest at chants, death to america, israel AND england.
3 choices. Shut up, get out of country or go to prison. For those who oppose.
They don't want CHANGE.
His nephew left and married a western girl and hasn't returned ..yet.
4/15/2015 7:03:22 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

52, joined Apr. 2010
Looks like billiam2 likes to make "hit&run" posts in accordance with the 25 Rules of Disinformation. 
No hit and run posting here, I posted relevant facts that Islam is attacking The U.S.of A !
All sponsored by Islam which is an all encompassing ideology in every Arab country !
It encompasses each of her citizens in every aspect of their lives from what to wear, how
to behave and how and when to kill if someone goes against allah, pig piss be upon him !
You, donkeyb*tch and norwegianDEADwood are paid Islamic shills and poster 

4/15/2015 7:09:42 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

Tyler, TX
74, joined Mar. 2015
@bill_i_am2:No hit and run posting here, I posted relevant facts that Islam is attacking The U.S.of A ! All sponsored by Islam which is an all encompassing ideology in every Arab country ! It encompasses each of her citizens in every aspect of their lives from what to wear, how to behave and how and when to kill if someone goes against allah, pig piss be upon him ! You, donkeyb*tch and norwegianDEADwood are paid Islamic shills and poster
As opposed to you being a paid hasbara agent, you mean?
Chief Rabbi of Holland: It’s Normal to be Called a Dirty Jew Nowadays
The chief rabbi of Holland, Rabbi Benjamin Jacobs, has complained that it is not out of the norm for Jews to be called mean names like “dirty Jew” nowadays.
Doesn’t this make you want to shed six million tears?
Israel is a great safehaven for Jews who don’t wish to experience such mean name-calling. I encourage Jacobs and his Jewish ilk to migrate to Israel en masse.
It’s either voluntary migration now, or forced migration when we take back our nations.
Take your pick, heebs.
is Rabbi Jacobs right, "bill" ? Is it normal for you to be called a "dirty jew" these days?
4/15/2015 7:21:01 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

52, joined Apr. 2010

[Edited 4/15/2015 7:22:40 PM ]
4/15/2015 7:21:40 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

Tyler, TX
74, joined Mar. 2015
Is that a "YES", bill?
4/15/2015 7:29:29 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

Tyler, TX
74, joined Mar. 2015
Israel, where government and business work hand in hand, has obtained significant advantage by systematically stealing American technology with both military and civilian applications.
The US developed technology is then reverse engineered and used by the Israelis to support their own exports with considerably reduced research and development costs, giving them a huge advantage against US competitors.
Sometimes, when the technology is military in nature and winds up in the hands of an adversary, the consequences can be serious. Israel has sold advanced weapons systems to China that are believed to incorporate technology developed by American companies, including the Python-3 air-to-air missile and the Delilah cruise missile.
There is evidence that Israel has also stolen Patriot missile avionics to incorporate into its own Arrow system and that it used US technology obtained in its Lavi fighter development program, which was funded by the US taxpayer to the tune of $1.5 billion, to help the Chinese develop their own J-10 fighter. (Israel is no Ally, Philip Giraldi, The Unz Review, 13th March 2014)
4/15/2015 7:33:12 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

Wheat Ridge, CO
49, joined Jan. 2011
Hey bill has greg ever answered ur questions?
"Khazars NEVER answer questions" gregs words.

4/15/2015 7:39:20 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

Tyler, TX
74, joined Mar. 2015
Israel, where government and business work hand in hand, has obtained significant advantage by systematically stealing American technology with both military and civilian applications.
The US developed technology is then reverse engineered and used by the Israelis to support their own exports with considerably reduced research and development costs, giving them a huge advantage against US competitors.
Sometimes, when the technology is military in nature and winds up in the hands of an adversary, the consequences can be serious. Israel has sold advanced weapons systems to China that are believed to incorporate technology developed by American companies, including the Python-3 air-to-air missile and the Delilah cruise missile.
There is evidence that Israel has also stolen Patriot missile avionics to incorporate into its own Arrow system and that it used US technology obtained in its Lavi fighter development program, which was funded by the US taxpayer to the tune of $1.5 billion, to help the Chinese develop their own J-10 fighter. (Israel is no Ally, Philip Giraldi, The Unz Review, 13th March 2014)
Since the jumashill is now trolling this thread, I suspect there is something in this expose that he doesn't want people to see.
Hmm...what could it be, I wonder?
4/15/2015 7:40:45 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

52, joined Apr. 2010
Hey bill has greg ever answered ur questions?
"Khazars NEVER answer questions" gregs words.

None of them ever answer a question and is why I almost never ask anymore 
I'll throw one out from time to time for shits and giggles.
It's all pro Islamic propaganda from fake sites that I have long ago gave up trying
to research or have a rational conversation with them.
You have proven that more times than not but it never stops the parrots 
Hey, I'm sorry that the English and French lied to them after WWI and carved up the
Middle East as they saw fit ... much to the disappointment of Lawrence of Arabia 

4/15/2015 7:43:51 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

Tyler, TX
74, joined Mar. 2015
@bill_i_am2:None of them ever answer a question and is why I almost never ask anymore I'll throw one out from time to time for shits and giggles.It's all pro Islamic propaganda from fake sites that I have long ago gave up trying
to research or have a rational conversation with them. You have proven that more times than not but it never stops the parrotsHey, I'm sorry that the English and French lied to them after WWI and carved up theMiddle East as they saw fit ... much to the disappointment of Lawrence of Arabia
Project much?
NY Rabbi Ran a $7 Million Ponzi Scheme
In January of this year, Sheldon Silver, who had held the position Speaker of the New York State Assembly (legislature) since 1994, was arrested on federal corruption charges. He was charged with receiving illegal kickbacks from a crooked Jew law firm he was associated with.
This was a huge blow to the Jew York power structure. Silver is an Orthodox Jew born and raised in Jew York City. As Speaker, Silver exerted heavy control over the state budget. He controlled what legislation was voted on. He was frequently courted by other politicians and by wealthy businessmen. He helped propel other Jews to positions of power in NY state government.
This did not get much play in the mainstream media, likely because, despite his immense behind-the-scenes power, Silver was largely unknown to the public at large. The mechanism by which he received kickbacks was also a bit esoteric. Nonetheless, we implore readers to read up on this case in order to gain a deeper understanding of the way the Jewish power structure works, especially in government.
Now, his son-in-law, who happens to be an Orthodox rabbi, is facing charges that he ran a $7 million dollar Ponzi scheme (a.k.a. a pyramid scheme). And, no, this is not just an ancillary charge related to his father-in-law’s corruption. This is a separate scam that this guy ran.
Is the dailmail.co.uk/news "pro Islamic propaganda from [a]fake site" ?
4/15/2015 7:45:53 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

Tyler, TX
74, joined Mar. 2015
Nearly Half of Israel Says Another Holocaust is on the Way
The Goyim must remember...it was real in our mind.
According to a report released this week by the Foundation for the Benefit of Holocaust Victims in Israel, nearly half of Jewistan believes a second Holocaust is on the way – again.
Times of Israel:
The annual study, released ahead of Holocaust Remembrance Day, which begins on the evening of April 15 this year, found that 46 percent of Israelis believe a second Holocaust can happen, five percentage points higher than last year. And a similar number of Israel’s 189,000 Holocaust survivors, or 47%, agree.
Some 46% of survivors also say that future generations will not remember the Holocaust after they are gone, a spike of nine percentage points from last year’s study. A lower 31% of the general public has the same worry, while half of Israelis under 30, the study found, never knowingly met a Holocaust survivor.
Oh don’t you worry about that one, Grandpa Lampshade. They’re not forgetting any time soon.
What we will never hear a discussion of is why this alleged Holocaust allegedly happened, or, in fact, why anyone would be thinking it would happen again. Instead, we will just hear eternally about the suffering, with the not-so-subtle implication that the only people who would ask why anyone would try to exterminate an entire race of people are people who would want to commit such an extermination.
How about the Times of Israel, bill? Are they a fake pro Islam propaganda website?
4/15/2015 8:52:20 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |


Wilmington, DE
34, joined Dec. 2012
All sponsored by Islam which is an all encompassing ideology in every Arab country !
It encompasses each of her citizens in every aspect of their lives from what to wear, how
to behave and how and when to kill...
So in other words they live their lives with discipline and structure.
I go to mosque, and I can assure you, it feels great to live a life of discipline and structure. We get joy from practicing our din.
My fellow Muslims at my mosque are healthy, don't worship idols like Jesus Christ. We happen to be extremely fond of Jesus, but we don't worship him like he's God. There are no graven images in my mosque; not a cross, nor a picture. Nothing. We only worship God, Who's Name is Allah, and yes He is the same God the Christians worship.
God is a jealous God and is not at all fond of Christians who worship their idol Jesus Christ.
Not only is Islam the True Religion, it is the fastest growing religion in the world and soon will be the only religion in the world. The more devout Muslims look younger than their age. They care about what they put into their ]
4/16/2015 3:31:06 AM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

Toledo, OH
51, joined Jan. 2012
So in other words they live their lives with discipline and structure.
I go to mosque, and I can assure you, it feels great to live a life of discipline and structure. We get joy from practicing our din.
My fellow Muslims at my mosque are healthy, don't worship idols like Jesus Christ. We happen to be extremely fond of Jesus, but we don't worship him like he's God. There are no graven images in my mosque; not a cross, nor a picture. Nothing. We only worship God, Who's Name is Allah, and yes He is the same God the Christians worship.
God is a jealous God and is not at all fond of Christians who worship their idol Jesus Christ.
Not only is Islam the True Religion, it is the fastest growing religion in the world and soon will be the only religion in the world. The more devout Muslims look younger than their age. They care about what they put into their
Time to force feed you a BLT you muzzy c*nt.
4/16/2015 6:07:36 AM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |


North Pole, AK
41, joined Jan. 2012
The war drums are beating fresh from the left to war with boko haram!
Apparently Africa can't handle it.
It's the girls, you know.. the kidnapped ones.
Nope. Not oil
It's Gates and Affleck's cocoa beans and coffee 
Boko haram would piss their proverbial pants if anyone with enough troops took them seriously. What they're doing is a travesty but what do you expect? No one over there will stand up to that kind of thing because they're probably exhausted just trying to survive.
Does anyone know wtf they want? Why are they even doing this? Did the girls ever get set free?
4/16/2015 8:27:44 AM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

San Clemente, CA
57, joined Jul. 2014
Time to force feed you a BLT you muzzy c*nt.
You need to resolve your prejudices and hatred. Anger management might help you.
4/16/2015 9:35:34 AM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |


Huntsville, AL
51, joined Jul. 2014
online now!
George Washington not only warned of foreign entanglements but also the "habitual hatred or habitual fondness" of certain countries and how either will make us all slaves.
Iran and Israel are two perfect examples.
4/16/2015 9:39:13 AM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

San Clemente, CA
57, joined Jul. 2014
So is using fake quotes.

That makes you good for two indicators of AIPAC/ADL/JDL shillin'. Your shill status has been confirmed.
4/16/2015 9:42:20 AM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

San Clemente, CA
57, joined Jul. 2014
Really? An outright lie? Are you serious?
Well here's your chance to prove me a liar. Tell me exactly how any Middle Eastern country except Israel -Israel has a proven record of hostility towards America including declaring war on us and murdering American sailors and repeatedly spying on us- is a threat to the USA. Which country in the region has a modern navy? Which country has long range bombers? Which country has nuclear submarines? Which country has aircraft carriers? Which country has ICBM's? Tell me, genius, how is any country in that region a threat to the USA.
Israel is America's most grave enemy. Golda Mier threatened President Nixon with thermonuclear war.
“Israeli spies have done more harm and have damaged the United States more than the intelligence agents of all other countries on earth combined… They are the gravest threat to our national security.”
---Admiral Bobby Inman, Former Deputy Director of the CIA---
"Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves."
---Menachem Begin, Israeli Prime Minister, in a speech to the Knesset [Israeli Parlament], quoted by Amnon Kapeliouk, “Begin and the Beasts,” New Statesman, June 25, 1982---
Hey Probationary Shill, bill_i_am2, when are you going to get after proving me a liar?
4/16/2015 10:08:55 AM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

52, joined Apr. 2010
Hey Probationary Shill, bill_i_am2, when are you going to get after proving me a liar?
Why should I .... I mean really, since you have not disputed all the Islamic attacks against
the United Sates that I've posted that proved you lie that The Middle East and Islam is not
a threat to the Western way of life and never attacked us ..... 
Islam is the greatest threat to Western civilization, to freedom the world has ever seen !
They claim to wanting to make the world an Islamic world by any means necessary and as
evidence I'll point at all the wars in EVERY Islamic state in the Middle East, Asia and
in Africa. Much of the world is a blaze from the spread of the Islamic disease !!

#racetogether_WITHOUT_the _islamic_disease 
4/16/2015 10:29:22 AM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

San Clemente, CA
57, joined Jul. 2014
Why should I .... I mean really, since you have not disputed all the Islamic attacks against
the United Sates that I've posted that proved you lie that The Middle East and Islam is not
a threat to the Western way of life and never attacked us .....
Islam is the greatest threat to Western civilization, to freedom the world has ever seen !
They claim to wanting to make the world an Islamic world by any means necessary and as
evidence I'll point at all the wars in EVERY Islamic state in the Middle East, Asia and
in Africa. Much of the world is a blaze from the spread of the Islamic disease !!
#racetogether_WITHOUT_the _islamic_disease
Your most recent post reveals you to be anti-Christian, America-hating, and unpatriotic. You're a shit-spewin' shill dwellin' in a cesspool of calumny.
Your post is an admission that you had lied when you called me a liar; hence, you've agreed with everything I've posted, to your aggravated consternation.
bill_i_am2, you're a poor quality AIPAC/ADL/JDL shit-spewin' shill & ought to be released during your probationary status.
4/16/2015 10:47:25 AM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

52, joined Apr. 2010
Your most recent post reveals you to be anti-Christian, America-hating, and unpatriotic. You're a shit-spewin' shill dwellin' in a cesspool of calumny.
Your post is an admission that you had lied when you called me a liar; hence, you've agreed with everything I've posted, to your aggravated consternation.
bill_i_am2, you're a poor quality AIPAC/ADL/JDL shit-spewin' shill & ought to be released during your probationary status.
Your one funny islamic loving troll 
I'm anti-all that because I point out factual islamic wars around the world 
Africa has islamic terrorist kidnapping children and spreading the disease !
The whole Middle East is also ablaze with the disease fighting between differing strains !
Southeast Asia has factions of islamic terrorist spreading the disease !
Asian pacific is also in a fight with the islamic terrorist disease !
Even China is fighting back against the spreading of this disease within it's borders !
Europe is also starting now to fight back against the disease !!
The United States ( as my list points out ) has been under attack from this disease !
AND you morons b*tch about Israel ??!?? 
4/16/2015 12:10:33 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

San Clemente, CA
57, joined Jul. 2014
You're anti-Christian, anti-America, unpatriotic, and a shill. You make spurious claims w/o proof.
If you're in fear of contamination of a disease that has addled your brain, move to Israel & seek its cure.
4/16/2015 1:04:30 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

Toledo, OH
51, joined Jan. 2012
You're anti-Christian, anti-America, unpatriotic, and a shill. You make spurious claims w/o proof.
If you're in fear of contamination of a disease that has addled your brain, move to Israel & seek its cure.
Nazi c*nt.
4/16/2015 1:27:21 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
Really? An outright lie? Are you serious?
Well here's your chance to prove me a liar.
"Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves."
---Menachem Begin, Israeli Prime Minister, in a speech to the Knesset [Israeli Parlament], quoted by Amnon Kapeliouk, “Begin and the Beasts,” New Statesman, June 25, 1982---
Not only are you dumber than shit,
This quote never happened,
You just proved yourself a liar. again, again , and again.
And you know this quote never happened, you were already informed it never happened, again, and again,, and again.
But you wait a couple days and quote the same bullshit you were spanked for, again,, and again, and again.
4/16/2015 1:42:32 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

52, joined Apr. 2010
You're anti-Christian, anti-America, unpatriotic, and a shill. You make spurious claims w/o proof.
If you're in fear of contamination of a disease that has addled your brain, move to Israel & seek its cure.
You moronic, islamic d*ck sucking idiots always attack the messenger who brings facts
to your threads simply because you can not deny all the wars being waged by the disease
known as islam.
Fake quotes, name calling and other lies are all you idiots have 
Most of us on these boards are intelligent enough to see the world as it is and not
as some fantastic fantasy of obstructionism by islam and it's d*ck suckers 
Now we need to keep you idiots out of every college in this country to further hasten
the spread of the most destructive disease to human kind the planet has ever known !

4/16/2015 1:51:06 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

Tyler, TX
74, joined Mar. 2015
@bill_i_am2:You moronic, islamic d*ck sucking idiots always attack the messenger who brings facts to your threads simply because you can not deny all the wars being waged by the diseaseknown as islam.Fake quotes, name calling and other lies are all you idiots have Most of us on these boards are intelligent enough to see the world as it is and notas some fantastic fantasy of obstructionism by islam and it's d*ck suckers 
Now we need to keep you idiots out of every college in this country to further hasten
the spread of the most destructive disease to human kind the planet has ever known !
So, in other words, you are accusing doheny of doing that which you and your khazarian shill allies are doing. That's called "projection".
It seems you hate those you accuse of being "jew haters"; yet you never explain how or why "jew hating" is a bad thing. Care to explain it to me?
4/16/2015 2:01:08 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

52, joined Apr. 2010
@bill_i_am2: You moronic, islamic d*ck sucking idiots always attack the messenger who brings facts to your threads simply because you can not deny all the wars being waged by the diseaseknown as islam.Fake quotes, name calling and other lies are all you idiots have Most of us on these boards are intelligent enough to see the world as it is and notas some fantastic fantasy of obstructionism by islam and it's d*ck suckers 
Now we need to keep you idiots out of every college in this country to further hasten
the spread of the most destructive disease to human kind the planet has ever known !
So, in other words, you are accusing doheny of doing that which you and your khazarian shill allies are doing. That's called "projection".
It seems you hate those you accuse of being "jew haters"; yet you never explain how or why "jew hating" is a bad thing. Care to explain it to me?
You can reference several of my previous post that has ample evidence of islam waging
war world wide.
From Africa to the Middle East all the way to the Asian Pacific & China, we see islamic
terrorists waging war to spread the disease known as islam.
From kidnapping children to the social media'd beheadings to out right war and mass killings
in nearly 80 countries worldwide, islam is worse than any biblical plague.
Now, can you tell me how many countries we can find actual Israeli soldiers killing so
many in their quest to spread their religion ?? 

4/16/2015 2:10:55 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

Tyler, TX
74, joined Mar. 2015
You can reference several of my previous post that has ample evidence of islam waging
war world wide. From Africa to the Middle East all the way to the Asian Pacific & China, we see islamic terrorists waging war to spread the disease known as islam. From kidnapping children to the social media'd beheadings to out right war and mass killings
in nearly 80 countries worldwide, islam is worse than any biblical plague.
Now, can you tell me how many countries we can find actual Israeli soldiers killing so
many in their quest to spread their religion ??
I'm not interested in your strawman argument.
That wasn't my question to you. My question was...It seems you hate those you accuse of being "jew haters"; yet you never explain how or why "jew hating" is a bad thing.
Care to explain how or why "jew hating" is a bad thing to me?
4/16/2015 2:27:46 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

52, joined Apr. 2010
You can reference several of my previous post that has ample evidence of islam waging
war world wide. From Africa to the Middle East all the way to the Asian Pacific & China, we see islamic terrorists waging war to spread the disease known as islam. From kidnapping children to the social media'd beheadings to out right war and mass killings
in nearly 80 countries worldwide, islam is worse than any biblical plague.
Now, can you tell me how many countries we can find actual Israeli soldiers killing so
many in their quest to spread their religion ??
I'm not interested in your strawman argument.
That wasn't my question to you. My question was...It seems you hate those you accuse of being "jew haters"; yet you never explain how or why "jew hating" is a bad thing.
Care to explain how or why "jew hating" is a bad thing to me?
I have accused ya'll of being moronic idiots who condemn jews whilst ign**gerantly
ignoring the more severe plague of islam that is running amok worldwide !
Your ign**gerence is truly appalling if one " needs " to explain this to you 
islam is an ideology masked behind a term or a word called religion. isalm and their
moronic leaders preach the need to spread their disease worldwide by any means possible
whether it's by conversion or the sword.
This is something we do not see from the people you refer to as " jews " but we do
see it worldwide from islam and it's followers 
isalm is a plague, a disease and is hell bent on worldwide domination and is the greatest
threat to humans, freedom and the Western way of life, history has ever seen !!

4/16/2015 2:37:12 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

Tyler, TX
74, joined Mar. 2015
@bill_i_am2:I have accused ya'll of being moronic idiots who condemn jews whilst ign**gerantlyignoring the more severe plague of islam that is running amok worldwide !
Your ign**gerence is truly appalling if one " needs " to explain this to you 
islam is an ideology masked behind a term or a word called religion. isalm and their
moronic leaders preach the need to spread their disease worldwide by any means possible
whether it's by conversion or the sword. This is something we do not see from the people you refer to as " jews " but we do see it worldwide from islam and it's followers isalm is a plague, a disease and is hell bent on worldwide domination and is the greatest threat to humans, freedom and the Western way of life, history has ever seen !!
Didn't I tell you I am not interested in your strawman arguments? My question was...
2nd Re-Post:
It seems you hate those you accuse of being "jew haters"; yet you never explain how or why "jew hating" is a bad thing.
Care to explain how or why "jew hating" is a bad thing to me?
I'm starting to get the idea you're using a script and that without your script; you have no idea what-so-ever of how or why "jew hating" could possibly be misconstrued as being a bad thing.
What if I told you "jew hating" is a good thing?
What if i told you only 3-5% of jews are actually religious and the rest are atheist, marxist, war mongers?
Except that they are the war makers. Christians are the ones who have to send their kids off to war while the war makers kids get to stay at home.
4/16/2015 2:42:08 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

52, joined Apr. 2010
I have accused ya'll of being moronic idiots who condemn jews whilst ign**gerantly
ignoring the more severe plague of islam that is running amok worldwide !
Your ign**gerence is truly appalling if one " needs " to explain this to you
islam is an ideology masked behind a term or a word called religion. isalm and their
moronic leaders preach the need to spread their disease worldwide by any means possible
whether it's by conversion or the sword.
This is something we do not see from the people you refer to as " jews " but we do
see it worldwide from islam and it's followers
isalm is a plague, a disease and is hell bent on worldwide domination and is the greatest
threat to humans, freedom and the Western way of life, history has ever seen !!
From Africa to the Middle East all the way to the Asian Pacific & China, we see islamic
terrorists waging war to spread the disease known as islam.
From kidnapping children to the social media'd beheadings to out right war and mass killings
in nearly 80 countries worldwide, islam is worse than any biblical plague.
Now, can you tell me how many countries we can find actual Israeli soldiers killing so
many in their quest to spread their religion ??

4/16/2015 2:43:36 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

52, joined Apr. 2010
Your one funny islamic loving troll
I'm anti-all that because I point out factual islamic wars around the world
Africa has islamic terrorist kidnapping children and spreading the disease !
The whole Middle East is also ablaze with the disease fighting between differing strains !
Southeast Asia has factions of islamic terrorist spreading the disease !
Asian pacific is also in a fight with the islamic terrorist disease !
Even China is fighting back against the spreading of this disease within it's borders !
Europe is also starting now to fight back against the disease !!
The United States ( as my list points out ) has been under attack from this disease !
AND you morons b*tch about Israel ??!??

4/16/2015 3:00:24 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

Tyler, TX
74, joined Mar. 2015
@bill_i_am2:Your one funny islamic loving trollAND you morons b*tch about Israel ??!??
So, in other words, you either CAN'T or WON'T explain to me how or why "jew hating" is a bad thing?
Because your script doesn't have the answer to my question on it?
Because you're a just a moronic troll?
I can see dohenybeach is right about you. I figured he was right about you, but I wanted to give you a chance to explain yourself.
I can see now you are incapable of original thought and are a typical brainless "useful idiot" for the marxist Lucifereans who employ to to copy and paste their hate on online forums.
4/16/2015 3:09:37 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |


Huntsville, AL
51, joined Jul. 2014
online now!
Islam, judaism , and christianity all have major problems...no one is denying that. The problem is zionism has taken over our govt and financial systems....that is the issue. If there was dual US/Arab citizens infesting all forms of our govt and foreign policy....I would be the first one to b*tch about it.
4/16/2015 3:20:58 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

Tyler, TX
74, joined Mar. 2015
Big difference between Torah Judaism and Talmud Judaism.
The Talmud having been used as the template for marxist communism.
Only 3-5% of jews the world over are religious. The rest are marxist communists. "bill" seems incapable of recognizing that.
4/16/2015 3:23:28 PM |
Severing old Ties, Creating New Ties, Avoiding War |

52, joined Apr. 2010
Islam, judaism , and christianity all have major problems...no one is denying that. The problem is zionism has taken over our govt and financial systems....that is the issue. If there was dual US/Arab citizens infesting all forms of our govt and foreign policy....I would be the first one to b*tch about it.
Aside from banking issue, which islam also controls in islamic countries, I've never
once heard you complain about any of the rodeo clown presidents advisers like susan rice
who has family ties directly with islamic terrorist groups .... or the numerous visits
that have been kept secret from us from the likes of the mooseheadbro'hood at the white
We do not see Rome and the Catholic Church nor Judaism committing worldwide acts
of terrorism like we do with the disease called islam now do we 
islam is a major threat to the Western way of life and they specifically state
their wish to destroy the West when preaching their spew of hatred !!
islamic men are backwards thinking knuckle dragging neanderthals who hate individual
freedoms we in the West hold near and dear to our existence !!

[Edited 4/16/2015 3:24:22 PM ]