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5/8/2015 6:00:01 PM |
Jeb Bush invested Florida pension funds in Porn. |


Ravenswood, WV
56, joined Mar. 2013
I read something interesting about Lenin and Churchill the other day.
Apparently Lenin basically acted as a benevolent dictator, because he understood that Russia was too backwards for socialism to really flourish. He was super-hands on, personally editing speeches in the morning and then problem-solving for the management team of some factory in the afternoon.
He suffered several strokes in his 50s, dying as a result. In between the strokes he continued to dictate and work, and in his "Testament" said that he recognized that the system he had set up wasn't sustainable with "unlimited authority concentrated in (one person - The Secretary General) because you couldn't count on the next dictator being benevolent. He even pointed out Stalin as being a really dangerous choice to take over for him - How right he was!
After Lenin's death (arch-right-winger) Churchill described him in a very interesting way:
"He alone could have led Russia into the enchanted quagmire; he alone could have found the way back to the causeway. He saw; he turned; he perished. The strong illumination that guided him was cut off at the moment when he had turned resolutely for home. The Russian people were left floundering in the bog. Their worst misfortune was his birth: their next worst his death."
From your Canada free Press...
You mean this Lenin??
Born for revolt, Vladimir Lenin founded the modern communist state in Russia. His revolutionary actions provoked the end of the tsar’s, adopting Marxism as the new secular religion from which the modern age would rise. Lenin was a furious man, galled by all traditional authority. He was incensed his university expelled him over a minor freshman incident, never letting him re-enroll.
This rage was increasingly directed at the government, the tsar, the church, and other conventional authorities. His incredibly destructive fury was informed and fueled by equally livid and indignant rants by Karl Marx. A brilliant man, Lenin’s reign of terror was only meant to overturn the ancien regime, but became an end in itself. Vladimir created an entire world-view riffed from Marxism called “Leninism,” subsequently used to erect tyrannies and orchestrate the deaths of hundreds of millions of innocent souls around the world. Vladimir Lenin is still the archetype for Marxist revolutionaries, and possibly the most influential man of the 20th century
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

5/8/2015 6:08:33 PM |
Jeb Bush invested Florida pension funds in Porn. |
North York, ON
45, joined Mar. 2015
darth says
No capitalism as in what Adam Smith wrote about, just like there is no socialism in what Fourier wrote about, no communism what Marx wrote about, just perversions of the system these men came up with....
I'll just stick to being a perverted Capitalist....At least the individual has some control over his/her future financial situation..
While others dream of a system that doesn't exist....
And that I agree with, this is why Im a capitalist, I have control over my financial situation, and doesn't depend on the government, this is why I'm not a follower of any political party, any party that advocates for big government, trying to tell me how I should live , eat, dress, scratch my balls, earn etc well I want no part of.
I love capitalism and will defend her to my dying days.
No one out there can convince me that capitalism is evil and when the left is challenged I ask them for facts and all I get is rhetoric, propaganda,sophistry,ad hominems blah blah blah, that is when you know you a valid syllogism.
5/8/2015 6:12:48 PM |
Jeb Bush invested Florida pension funds in Porn. |

New Orleans, LA
56, joined Nov. 2014
I'm site glad homo chorizo blocked me. That gay wet back is an idiot. But let's get back to the topic at hand. Condom says that jeb bush, while governor was also the fund manager for the state employees retirement accounts. Is anyone dumb enough to believe this claim? Anyone other than condom I mean
5/8/2015 6:15:02 PM |
Jeb Bush invested Florida pension funds in Porn. |

Santa Clarita, CA
58, joined Apr. 2013
All I want to know is .
Did he make a good profit ? 
5/8/2015 6:24:41 PM |
Jeb Bush invested Florida pension funds in Porn. |


Ravenswood, WV
56, joined Mar. 2013
And that I agree with, this is why Im a capitalist, I have control over my financial situation, and doesn't depend on the government, this is why I'm not a follower of any political party, any party that advocates for big government, trying to tell me how I should live , eat, dress, scratch my balls, earn etc well I want no part of.
I love capitalism and will defend her to my dying days.
No one out there can convince me that capitalism is evil and when the left is challenged I ask them for facts and all I get is rhetoric, propaganda,sophistry,ad hominems blah blah blah, that is when you know you a valid syllogism.
Evil lies in the hearts of men and women....Not in the financial structures surrounding them..
But in capitalism..If your affiliated with an evil bastard...you can always choose not to do business with him/her..problem solved...
5/8/2015 6:32:32 PM |
Jeb Bush invested Florida pension funds in Porn. |

Naperville, IL
25, joined Jul. 2013
And my momma is yielding 1/10th of one percent on her Treasury bond fund.
While governor of Florida Jeb Bush invested $1.3 Million of Florida State Pension funds into 47,000 shares of a business titled Movie Gallery, which was evidently a high profile distributor of porn videos,these shares were purchased in 2005.Jeb at the time drew very heavy condemnation from Christian Right organizations,which he ignored.The shares were sold sometime in 2006 when the investment began losing money.
5/8/2015 6:34:32 PM |
Jeb Bush invested Florida pension funds in Porn. |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
Movie gallery was a company that rented videos, no different than blockbuster.
I remember lots of these rental places, has an adult section, discretely closed off.
5/8/2015 6:38:39 PM |
Jeb Bush invested Florida pension funds in Porn. |

Naperville, IL
25, joined Jul. 2013
While food costs are skyrocketing.
And my momma is yielding 1/10th of one percent on her Treasury bond fund.
While governor of Florida Jeb Bush invested $1.3 Million of Florida State Pension funds into 47,000 shares of a business titled Movie Gallery, which was evidently a high profile distributor of porn videos,these shares were purchased in 2005.Jeb at the time drew very heavy condemnation from Christian Right organizations,which he ignored.The shares were sold sometime in 2006 when the investment began losing money.
5/8/2015 9:56:46 PM |
Jeb Bush invested Florida pension funds in Porn. |

Salem, OR
62, joined Nov. 2013
Hitler was a RIGHT winger, a FASCIST, NOT a socialist. he used the name National Socialist in the party name to con suckers. Many communists / socialists joined in the early days, and gave a lot of money, and votes, to the NAZIS. Those in the party were killed, along with the homos, during The Night Of The Long Knives. After that, Socialists/ Communists were considered the enemy.
5/8/2015 9:59:47 PM |
Jeb Bush invested Florida pension funds in Porn. |

Naperville, IL
25, joined Jul. 2013
Would Americans step up again to fight tyrants, or have we been trained to applaud tyrants?
5/9/2015 9:11:48 AM |
Jeb Bush invested Florida pension funds in Porn. |

New Orleans, LA
56, joined Nov. 2014
So by the end of this thread we have proven condom is a complete and total liar. How surprising.
5/9/2015 9:27:26 AM |
Jeb Bush invested Florida pension funds in Porn. |


West Plains, MO
46, joined Feb. 2014
I ignore all this type of stuff and most intelligent people do as well. You can find crap on just about anyone if you dig deep enough. Nobody is clean. Hillary has email-gate, Jeb has the porn thing, Christy has bridgegate, Warren has Cherokee-gate, etc. If you are looking for a clean candidate there ain't none. Even if you yourself ran there's crap you've got too. So my advice to everyone is ignore it. Just pay attention to what the candidate is likely to do once in office and how it will affect you. That is all that matters. That is all you should pay attention to.
Remind why these people should have the "right" to rule us?
5/9/2015 9:47:11 AM |
Jeb Bush invested Florida pension funds in Porn. |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
We have a Japanese guy here in seattle, known by the sarcastic moniker as
"The porn king". Because of my link to the Japanese community here, I frequently hear his story come up by people who know him.
What he did when the internet first got started, is he patented domain names.
ie. "P*ssy.com", and a slew of other sexually oriented search names.
He never had a porn site himself, and is a happily married typical citizen.
But he made millions from the sale of his domains.
5/9/2015 11:11:39 AM |
Jeb Bush invested Florida pension funds in Porn. |

New Orleans, LA
56, joined Nov. 2014
Quote from nole_89:
I ignore all this type of stuff and most intelligent people do as well. You can find crap on just about anyone if you dig deep enough. Nobody is clean. Hillary has email-gate, Jeb has the porn thing,
See, more shit. The fact is jeb did not manage any accounts, they have account managers who do that. So the whole premise of this post is a lie, just like everything condom posts. Bole is just as big a liar pretending the governor selects stocks for the retirement funds. The real question is why would anyone lie about this or like this on every single post.
5/9/2015 3:03:33 PM |
Jeb Bush invested Florida pension funds in Porn. |


Orleans, ON
46, joined May. 2008
And that I agree with, this is why Im a capitalist, I have control over my financial situation, and doesn't depend on the government, this is why I'm not a follower of any political party, any party that advocates for big government, trying to tell me how I should live , eat, dress, scratch my balls, earn etc well I want no part of.
I love capitalism and will defend her to my dying days.
No one out there can convince me that capitalism is evil and when the left is challenged I ask them for facts and all I get is rhetoric, propaganda,sophistry,ad hominems blah blah blah, that is when you know you a valid syllogism.
No. You just ignore the answers because your head is too deep in the sand.
To summarize your "logic" regarding Capitalism:
"Capitalism is great! Just read Adam Smith - He writes all about how lovely it is! Of course it's never existed... But we must fight to preserve it anyway!"
Logical problem - You can't preserve something that doesn't exist. It's like trying to put deck stain on a deck before you get the wood for it.
5/9/2015 3:04:46 PM |
Jeb Bush invested Florida pension funds in Porn. |


Orleans, ON
46, joined May. 2008
Would Americans step up again to fight tyrants, or have we been trained to applaud tyrants?
Your tyrant handlers have christened themselves "the job creators", and a shocking number of people lap that up.
5/9/2015 3:20:03 PM |
Jeb Bush invested Florida pension funds in Porn. |


Orleans, ON
46, joined May. 2008
Evil lies in the hearts of men and women....Not in the financial structures surrounding them..
But in capitalism..If your affiliated with an evil bastard...you can always choose not to do business with him/her..problem solved...
Capitalism is founded on greed - The whole idea is that it works automatically because people are greedy.
Greed is a cardinal sin - Evil.
Thus evil lies in the heart of Capitalism.
Sure, some people are going to be evil regardless of the system. The thing about Capitalism is that it is designed specifically to reward evil. The greediest, most ruthless individuals will naturally use capitalist forces to accumulate huge piles of wealth from the majority who just want to be able to have a nice comfortable life with their family.
The result is that the majority (normal fundamentally good people) are constantly struggling because they aren't greedy enough to fight back against the minority who care mainly about money and don't care who they have to step on to get it.
Take Mitt Romney for example. While a rising "star" at Bain Capital, his company was going bankrupt, > $100 million in debt with no prospect for earning the money to pay it off. The banks were closing in.
Romney came up with a clever strategy - Instead of going to the banks with hat in hand, he went on the offensive. He threatened that if they didn't forgive most of the debt, he would legally loot everything that remained of the company and pocket it along with his executive buddies while he still had control, and there would be nothing left for the banks to take in foreclosure. He demanded that they would settle for 1/3 of what he owed them, or he would make sure they would get nothing. (Gotta love incorporation laws that forbid going after the person behind the company to settle debts, right?)
99% of us would never think of such a "clever" strategy for wriggling out of your debt... Because we just aren't evil enough.
5/9/2015 3:47:10 PM |
Jeb Bush invested Florida pension funds in Porn. |
North York, ON
45, joined Mar. 2015
Lobo,Lobo, Lobo,
You must have fallen down and hit your head while you were curling, you seem to have a concussion because you are not making sense ( as usual) you believe that capitalism is avarice ,you believe that we all engage in venal activities because governments does .
Capitalism ( laissez faire) is the only moral system out there, and you're right it doesn't exist because of marxist influenced governments, the capitalism that we do have is so watered down that one needs a life jacket.
What little capitalism we do have is better than the alternative....socialism,marxism etc.
Unfortunately we dont live in a capitalist society, we live in a corporatist society that favours oligarchy, but of course capitalism is to blame right?
By the way, how does one comment or critique capitalism if you've never read any books on capitalism by the fathers of capitalism, its like some of the bone heads on the right that believes they know capitalism because they read Ayn Rand, or someone claiming to be a romantic without reading Dryden, and because they read Fifty shades of grey or harlequin that qualifies them?wrong.
This is why you have a misconstrued view of capitalism, just because your marxist handlers told you capitalism is bad and evil that doesn't mean it so
5/9/2015 10:10:19 PM |
Jeb Bush invested Florida pension funds in Porn. |

Reading, PA
61, joined May. 2013
Capitalism ( laissez faire) is the only moral system out there, and you're right it doesn't exist because of marxist influenced governments, the capitalism that we do have is so watered down that one needs a life jacket.
Pete, Pete, Pete, There is no morality in watching people live in abject poverty while skimming profits made off the backs of underpaid workers. Making a statement like this demonstrates your complete lack of understanding what morality is. Then again, that's what narcissistic psychopaths exhibit so it seems normal to you.
5/9/2015 11:40:02 PM |
Jeb Bush invested Florida pension funds in Porn. |
North York, ON
45, joined Mar. 2015
Stupid stupid stupid wookie, is the dementia kicking in, why do you insist on calling me pete ?hen Ive told you so many times I'm not pete, are you an imbecile?
" There is no morality in watching people live in abject poverty while skimming profits made off the backs of underpaid workers."
Do you know how stupid you sound? unpaid workers 

Your marxist masters have taught you well grandpa, as your collecting your SS on medicare dont forget to thank those working people that allows you to collect your old age stuff gramps, maybe that is why you love khan academy is free although it seems you haven't learned a thing, inculcating imbeciles is an impossible task.
Maybe Khan academy can teach you about Bush's wet cut or how the corporate tax rate was 90%
imbecile .
5/10/2015 12:17:24 AM |
Jeb Bush invested Florida pension funds in Porn. |


Orleans, ON
46, joined May. 2008
you believe that capitalism is avarice ,you believe that we all engage in venal activities because governments does .
Capitalism ( laissez faire) is the only moral system out there, and you're right it doesn't exist because of marxist influenced governments, the capitalism that we do have is so watered down that one needs a life jacket.
Here you go again. "Capitalism is the only moral system out there... The only problem is it doesn't exist."
Do you ever read back what you wrote, and just ask yourself how ridiculous it sounds?
What little capitalism we do have is better than the alternative....socialism,marxism etc.
Unfortunately we dont live in a capitalist society, we live in a corporatist society that favours oligarchy, but of course capitalism is to blame right?
By the way, how does one comment or critique capitalism if you've never read any books on capitalism by the fathers of capitalism, its like some of the bone heads on the right that believes they know capitalism because they read Ayn Rand, or someone claiming to be a romantic without reading Dryden, and because they read Fifty shades of grey or harlequin that qualifies them?wrong.
This is why you have a misconstrued view of capitalism, just because your marxist handlers told you capitalism is bad and evil that doesn't mean it so
lol Darth. Your fantasy of utopian Smithism has no value unless you can propose how you are going to convince the Capitalists to allow it to exist.
The only critique of your Smithism I have is that it doesn't seem to be able to exist in the wild. I critique real-world Capitalism. How do I critique it? I open my eyes and look at how it's working around us, causing wars, completely unnecessary poverty and worker desperation, and on and on.
You try to avoid opening your eyes, and ironically claim that Capitalism as it exists in the real world somehow isn't real Capitalism... I guess because you can't handle the truth.
5/10/2015 12:26:39 AM |
Jeb Bush invested Florida pension funds in Porn. |
North York, ON
45, joined Mar. 2015
I know this arcane process called " reading" is difficult for some people Lobo, but if you actually thumb back to any of my posts , you would see Ive posted that we have a watered down version of capitalism.
We dont have laissez faire capitalism and the only time it was close was during the industrial revolution.
We dont live in a capitalist society, we live in a corporatist society which is a mixed society that supports oligarchy and monopsonies.
Ive said this oh a thousand times already, It's not my fault if you cant comprehend it, it's pretty simple.
5/10/2015 12:33:38 AM |
Jeb Bush invested Florida pension funds in Porn. |


Orleans, ON
46, joined May. 2008
Trust me Darth, none of our disagreement has anything to do with me failing to comprehend anything.

5/10/2015 12:39:52 AM |
Jeb Bush invested Florida pension funds in Porn. |
North York, ON
45, joined Mar. 2015
Sure it does lobo,
this little ditty
" causing wars, completely unnecessary poverty and worker desperation, and on and on."
the aforementioned proves my case, you say capitalism is private ownership for profit, they control means of production, so Ive asked Condor this a few times and to this day no response, perhaps you can answer.
Who declared war on Iraq? was it Bush, or walmart or some corporation, are you going to say Haliburton declared war?
Who declared war on ISIS/ISIL, exxon oil, apple, IBM, McDonalds, Dell? or the government?
Workers desperation as in the ones working at walmart? who told them to take the job at walmart?
5/10/2015 12:42:22 AM |
Jeb Bush invested Florida pension funds in Porn. |


Orleans, ON
46, joined May. 2008
The reason laissez faire failed during the time of the robber barons and steel magnates was that workers got tired of dying due to working conditions so unsafe that Western workers today (much less those who don't do any productive work) can scarcely comprehend it. Cancer from inhaled coal dust, being blown tf up carrying sweating dynamite into railroad tunnels, etc, etc.
The Capitalists loved it because the workers were disposable. As long as they were kept totally desperate, you could always find another coolie to grab another load of dynamite. Profit margins were not limited by pesky safety programs, workman's comp premiums, etc. It was truly utopia... Except for the workers of course. Pretty hellish for them.
5/10/2015 12:45:53 AM |
Jeb Bush invested Florida pension funds in Porn. |


Orleans, ON
46, joined May. 2008
Sure it does lobo,
this little ditty
" causing wars, completely unnecessary poverty and worker desperation, and on and on."
the aforementioned proves my case, you say capitalism is private ownership for profit, they control means of production, so Ive asked Condor this a few times and to this day no response, perhaps you can answer.
Who declared war on Iraq? was it Bush, or walmart or some corporation, are you going to say Haliburton declared war?
Who declared war on ISIS/ISIL, exxon oil, apple, IBM, McDonalds, Dell? or the government?
Workers desperation as in the ones working at walmart? who told them to take the job at walmart?
You get that wealthy special interests control the US government, right? Right?
Bush wasn't the guy who decided Iraq should be invaded, any more than the guy who released the bomb on Nagasaki was behind that happening.
5/10/2015 12:58:19 AM |
Jeb Bush invested Florida pension funds in Porn. |
North York, ON
45, joined Mar. 2015
Who declared war on Iraq? it's a simple question Lobo.
Nagasaki? really so the CEO of Chrysler ordered the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima ? got it.
IBM order the bombing of Hanoi and escalated the Vietnam war, got it.
Dupont and other fortune 500 companies started the cold war with the soviets after WW2.
Burger king ordered the invasion of Grenada and Panama in the 80's
Thank you for clarifying for me, I was lost but now I'm found.
5/10/2015 6:47:29 AM |
Jeb Bush invested Florida pension funds in Porn. |


Springfield, VA
61, joined Sep. 2009
online now!
Capitalism was NOT founded or based on greed. That's propaganda and resentment talking. It was originally just a mechanism to allow trade to expand beyond situations where two people each had what the other wanted, so that they could trade for money instead of goods. The greedy swine of the world LOVE it when someone blames capitalism for their theft and abuse, because it means they get away with more of it.
What happens, as happens with all forms of human organization, is that the greedy bastards of the world HIJACK whatever else anyone comes up with, and manipulate it to feed their personal lusts.
Hence greedy jerks screwed up Capitalism, and they screwed up Communism, and they screwed up Theocracy, and you name it.
Capitalism is SUPPOSED to work by having everyone have equal power. The employers to say what they want done, and the employees to say how much they need to get to do it. It goes wrong as soon as one side or the other gets control of the entire government, and gets to use it's power to force the rest of us to do things their way.
That's what happened when so-called "laissez faire" concepts were being pushed in the past, and what some people are trying to repeat now: the corporatists gained full control of the government, and then used the police and armed forces to turn workers into chattel. They are trying to do it again today.
Then, as now, the "keep the government out of business" people lied to everyone, and pretended that having the government exclusively on their side, means that everything is in balance.
5/10/2015 8:50:14 AM |
Jeb Bush invested Florida pension funds in Porn. |
North York, ON
45, joined Mar. 2015
The reason laissez faire failed during the time of the robber barons and steel magnates was that workers got tired of dying due to working conditions so unsafe that Western workers today (much less those who don't do any productive work) can scarcely comprehend it. Cancer from inhaled coal dust, being blown tf up carrying sweating dynamite into railroad tunnels, etc, etc.
The Capitalists loved it because the workers were disposable. As long as they were kept totally desperate, you could always find another coolie to grab another load of dynamite. Profit margins were not limited by pesky safety programs, workman's comp premiums, etc. It was truly utopia... Except for the workers of course. Pretty hellish for them.
That is a lie and you know that, you dont present one iota of proof.
Jobs were created if you didn't know from these capitalists/robber barrons, some people went from working 14 hours a day on agriculture doing back breaking labour barely surviving to working factory jobs working 8 to 12 hours a day, and by the way it was Henry Ford who implemented the 8 hour work day, not the unions or government.
Did some industry lack Ford's insight? that goes without saying, did the owners of production and government know about cancers working in coal minds? that would be a no. Did some take advantage of workers? unfortunately yes but did most of the working class have better lives? YES.
You dont think cancer existed in Marxist-Leninist societies like The former USSR and china? the only difference is government controls the media so you dont hear about it.
Can you tell me the stats of unhealthy working conditions in the former USSR,China or North Korea? something tells me that you cant.
Robber barons 
Thank God for these men or America,Canada and many of the former colonies would be third world economies too and people like me would be still slaves.
Unlike you I thank God for captains of industries that made my life better because the government sure didn't.
5/10/2015 9:03:46 AM |
Jeb Bush invested Florida pension funds in Porn. |


Ravenswood, WV
56, joined Mar. 2013
Capitalism is founded on greed - The whole idea is that it works automatically because people are greedy.
Greed is a cardinal sin - Evil.
Thus evil lies in the heart of Capitalism.
Sure, some people are going to be evil regardless of the system. The thing about Capitalism is that it is designed specifically to reward evil. The greediest, most ruthless individuals will naturally use capitalist forces to accumulate huge piles of wealth from the majority who just want to be able to have a nice comfortable life with their family.
The result is that the majority (normal fundamentally good people) are constantly struggling because they aren't greedy enough to fight back against the minority who care mainly about money and don't care who they have to step on to get it.
Take Mitt Romney for example. While a rising "star" at Bain Capital, his company was going bankrupt, > $100 million in debt with no prospect for earning the money to pay it off. The banks were closing in.
Romney came up with a clever strategy - Instead of going to the banks with hat in hand, he went on the offensive. He threatened that if they didn't forgive most of the debt, he would legally loot everything that remained of the company and pocket it along with his executive buddies while he still had control, and there would be nothing left for the banks to take in foreclosure. He demanded that they would settle for 1/3 of what he owed them, or he would make sure they would get nothing. (Gotta love incorporation laws that forbid going after the person behind the company to settle debts, right?)
99% of us would never think of such a "clever" strategy for wriggling out of your debt... Because we just aren't evil enough.
People negotiate settlements all the time....
with those evil credit card companies...IE Banksters...
even the IRS....
This was Romneys way of "negotiating"..
So your pissed off cause he settled with those evil Banksters for less than they demanded...
I suspect the banks knew they were holding a losing hand..and were ready to settle for what they received...
Banks dont negotiate otherwise...
[Edited 5/10/2015 9:04:42 AM ]
5/10/2015 11:13:46 AM |
Jeb Bush invested Florida pension funds in Porn. |


Ravenswood, WV
56, joined Mar. 2013
The assertion that capitalism is based on greed and selfishness is one of the most common fallacies. There are many layers to this fallacy but the first thing we must acknowledge is that greed does exist within capitalism, just as it does in every human economic system! Greed extends all the way back to Adam and Eve exiting the Garden. Furthermore, greed is not confined to the wealthy. It exists among all classes of people and it always has.
Capitalism gradually emerged in Europe over several centuries. Many factors led to its development. New crop rotation methods created a boom in agriculture production more than a millennium ago. Monasteries, who owned vast tracts of lands, put these new methods to work. Their strong work ethic combined with these improvements created an agricultural surplus, freeing some for work other than subsistence labor. As the monks prospered, markets began to form around monasteries. Merchants moved close by and sought trade with the monks and other merchants. Cities eventually sprang up around these markets. New methods of international business sprang up with the Knights Templar as they facilitated pilgrimages to and from the Holy Land. Beginning in the 13th century the Medici family in Italy founded a banking system that encompassed all of Europe. Double-entry bookkeeping was invented. Greater and greater precision was developed in monitoring and analyzing production and trade.
By the 18th century Adam Smith identified key elements that were contributing to the expansion of wealth in Europe. Just like Darwin synthesized observations about biology into a coherent model, Smith did the same for economics. At the core of his analysis were the ideas of labor specialization and trade.
5/10/2015 4:38:06 PM |
Jeb Bush invested Florida pension funds in Porn. |


Orleans, ON
46, joined May. 2008
Who declared war on Iraq? it's a simple question Lobo.
Nagasaki? really so the CEO of Chrysler ordered the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima ? got it.
IBM order the bombing of Hanoi and escalated the Vietnam war, got it.
Dupont and other fortune 500 companies started the cold war with the soviets after WW2.
Burger king ordered the invasion of Grenada and Panama in the 80's
Thank you for clarifying for me, I was lost but now I'm found.
No. Apparently you're still lost if you imagine the airman who released the bomb over Nagasaki was responsible for the bombing.
5/10/2015 4:50:24 PM |
Jeb Bush invested Florida pension funds in Porn. |


Orleans, ON
46, joined May. 2008
Capitalism gradually emerged in Europe over several centuries. Many factors led to its development. New crop rotation methods created a boom in agriculture production more than a millennium ago. Monasteries, who owned vast tracts of lands, put these new methods to work. Their strong work ethic combined with these improvements created an agricultural surplus, freeing some for work other than subsistence labor. As the monks prospered, markets began to form around monasteries. Merchants moved close by and sought trade with the monks and other merchants. Cities eventually sprang up around these markets. New methods of international business sprang up with the Knights Templar as they facilitated pilgrimages to and from the Holy Land. Beginning in the 13th century the Medici family in Italy founded a banking system that encompassed all of Europe. Double-entry bookkeeping was invented. Greater and greater precision was developed in monitoring and analyzing production and trade.
By the 18th century Adam Smith identified key elements that were contributing to the expansion of wealth in Europe. Just like Darwin synthesized observations about biology into a coherent model, Smith did the same for economics. At the core of his analysis were the ideas of labor specialization and trade.
Interesting tale... But what is it specifically that the Knights Templar are supposed to have done that the Chinese, Greeks and Romans hadn't done hundreds or thousands of years earlier?
Trade, international or otherwise, doesn't equate to Capitalism. Labour specialization certainly isn't Capitalism. Innovation isn't Capitalism.
All of those things existed long before Capitalism did, and will continue to exist after it's gone.
5/10/2015 5:00:33 PM |
Jeb Bush invested Florida pension funds in Porn. |


Orleans, ON
46, joined May. 2008
That is a lie and you know that, you dont present one iota of proof.
Jobs were created if you didn't know from these capitalists/robber barrons, some people went from working 14 hours a day on agriculture doing back breaking labour barely surviving to working factory jobs working 8 to 12 hours a day, and by the way it was Henry Ford who implemented the 8 hour work day, not the unions or government.
lol no. Henry Ford only had the power to decide that for employees at his own company.
Did some industry lack Ford's insight? that goes without saying, did the owners of production and government know about cancers working in coal minds? that would be a no. Did some take advantage of workers? unfortunately yes but did most of the working class have better lives? YES.
No. Medieval serfs led better lives than industrial age workers.
You dont think cancer existed in Marxist-Leninist societies like The former USSR and china? the only difference is government controls the media so you dont hear about it.
Can you tell me the stats of unhealthy working conditions in the former USSR,China or North Korea? something tells me that you cant.
Strawman argument. Conditions in Tsarist Russia at the time are irrelevant to the fact that the working class in North America got fed up with their horrifying conditions and did something about it.
Robber barons 
Thank God for these men or America,Canada and many of the former colonies would be third world economies too and people like me would be still slaves.
Unlike you I thank God for captains of industries that made my life better because the government sure didn't.
Never thought I'd see the day when a black man trotted out this sick right-wing rhetoric that blacks should be grateful that their ancestors were chained up and dragged over from Africa by the Capitalists.

[Edited 5/10/2015 5:01:47 PM ]
5/10/2015 5:09:09 PM |
Jeb Bush invested Florida pension funds in Porn. |


West Plains, MO
46, joined Feb. 2014
Quote from lobo_corazon:
No. Apparently you're still lost if you imagine the airman who released the bomb over Nagasaki was responsible for the bombing.
They are responsible for their own actions! Are you suggesting the government can order an immoral act, and the follower is no longer responsible for their actions? I'm quite sure they would be war criminals had the West lost.
5/10/2015 5:22:22 PM |
Jeb Bush invested Florida pension funds in Porn. |


Orleans, ON
46, joined May. 2008
Nap - They did not make the choice to bomb Nagasaki. They were just following orders. And yes, there is a big difference.
That doesn't mean they bear no guilt or whatever. Without the person in control who set the wheels in motion the bombing wouldn't have happened.
5/10/2015 5:23:08 PM |
Jeb Bush invested Florida pension funds in Porn. |
North York, ON
45, joined Mar. 2015
who said anything about the pilots dropping bombs in Nagasaki and Hiroshima? hoe did you expect them to get the bombs over those cities to drop them, leprechauns and sky wizards?
The question earlier was who ordered the bombing of those cities? it's irrelevant who drops them talking about straw-man eh? wow.
Conditions in tzarist Russia? wow, you are out to lunch as usual, Tzarist Russia and the USSR are different times and you do know that right?
The conditions in north America proves that capitalism lifted a lot of them out of poverty, you are just to blind to see or want to acknowledge it.
Who said anything about my ancestors Lobo, you are grasping at straws now, It's kind of sad to see really.
Who was responsible for slavery? the government made it legal and some people took advantage of it, when in reality only 7% of the southerners owned slaves and even less in northern states, yet you polarized it somehow?wow.
Who said anything about my ancestors being grateful, why do you insist on lying?
sick really sick.
5/10/2015 5:24:55 PM |
Jeb Bush invested Florida pension funds in Porn. |


West Plains, MO
46, joined Feb. 2014
Quote from lobo_corazon:
Nap - They did not make the choice to bomb Nagasaki. They were just following orders. And yes, there is a big difference.
That doesn't mean they bear no guilt or whatever. Without the person in control who set the wheels in motion the bombing wouldn't have happened.
Nazis at Auschwitz were just following orders. If it wasn't them, someone else would have carried out the same orders.