
Evanston, WY
age: 51
A bachelor is a man who is completely dedicated to life, liberty, and the happiness of pursuit."
A bachelor is a man who carries off all his romances without a hitch.
"A bachelor is a man who is free to choose, and chooses to be free."
A bachelor is a man who is careful not to stumble into a woman's arms while running from another woman.
A bachelor is a man who believes that the proper time for divorce is before the wedding.


Evanston, WY
age: 51
There are two kinds of confirmed bachelors: those smart enough not to enter into matrimony, and those foolish enough to stay out of it."
For a man to remain a bachelor calls for a cool head -- or cold feet.
A bachelor's aim in life is not to lose his liberty in the pursuit of happiness.
"All bachelors are unattached, but some are put together ridiculously."
No one has yet been able to figure out at just what age a bachelor becomes confirmed

Crawford, NE
age: 40
Wish I coulda read this before my marraige!