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5/24/2015 3:53:32 AM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |

Salem, OR
62, joined Nov. 2013
To be a mass murderer you have to murder 5, or more, people in the same place, at the same time. Snipers tend to be serial killers. Since their work is sanctioned-as an act of war-it is legal, and therefore, not murder. It isn't nice, but is sometimes necessary. It's dirty work, but someone's gotta do it. If no one did, you wouldn't be able to sit around, moaning about it. You Would be under the heel of Soviet Russia, or NAZI Germany, or ISIS, or the like, and your dissenting opinion would get you killed. As it is-because of soldiers,and even snipers-you are free to moan all you wish, and you are not even going to jail for it, let alone being executed for it. Because Kyle killed others, you are free to live....and b*tch about Kyle.
Meet singles at, we're 100% free! Join now!

5/24/2015 4:01:27 AM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |

Salem, OR
62, joined Nov. 2013
Anarchy is an impossible Idiot's Dream. There can be no such thing. Anarchy is no government. When there is no formal government-such as in DC-there always springs up an informal government...a crime gang boss, a local warlord, or such, and he runs things...thus constituting the government. Likewise, everyone is a capitalist. Capitalists are those who possess, and / or trade, capital. Capital is anything deemed to have value, and which is thus traded / trade-able for other things of value. Bartering is capitalistic. If I trade you a retreaded car tire for a bushel of apples, both the apples, and the tire, are capital, and the trade is capitalistic. You can never escape capitalism, or government. All you can do is to regulate them to a larger, or smaller, degree, and so alter their form a bit.
5/24/2015 4:42:45 AM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |


Clearwater, FL
51, joined Jul. 2014
How many German snipers were hung at Nuremberg?
How many German snipers were executed period?

My point was when watching a movie like "enemy at the gates", people consider Zaytsev the good guy and Konig the bad guy. Whether the movie is based on facts is not relevant, it just amazes me anything American is praised. We were the invading army on their soil killing their people. If a movie came out that was similar but with fictional countries and fictional characters, you would have been cheering on the Iraqi sniper. Amazing how brainwashed people get when they put a flag on their pickup truck.
5/24/2015 5:34:32 AM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |


Wheat Ridge, CO
49, joined Jan. 2011
My point was when watching a movie like "enemy at the gates", people consider Zaytsev the good guy and Konig the bad guy. Whether the movie is based on facts is not relevant, it just amazes me anything American is praised. We were the invading army on their soil killing their people. If a movie came out that was similar but with fictional countries and fictional characters, you would have been cheering on the Iraqi sniper. Amazing how brainwashed people get when they put a flag on their pickup truck.
I can respect ANY soldier /military, who operate within the "rules of war".
I respect the Nazi military, (grandpa served) for their abilities. However I condemn many of their actions regarding civilians, prisoners etc.

5/24/2015 5:13:04 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |

Canyon Country, CA
52, joined Dec. 2014
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
5/24/2015 5:46:34 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |

North York, ON
45, joined Mar. 2015
online now!
I guess it must be the fact that our beloved military "heroes" bombed, attacked, destroyed, harassed, tortured and killed lots of innocent people in Iraq, Afghanistan, Panama, etc.
Gee Condor, you couldn't even answer a simple question , so you decided to bring your own spin into it about innocent people lost in Iraq, Afghanistan , panama etc.
Hmmmm so when Saddam was killing the Kurds according to amnesty and other leftist human rights group, were you outraged? did you stop buying Iraqi products or refused to use their oil?
When the Taliban was murdering people, women and children were you outraged?
When Noriega was running his drug empire killing Americans and Panamanians were you upset over that?
Probably not nor did you care, but it's good to protest the people protecting your a** so you can put them down from the comforts of your home in Florida.
5/24/2015 5:53:03 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |


Buffalo, MO
59, joined Sep. 2011
The soldiers are doing a job that they signed on to do,I agree the politicians suck. Chris Kyle saved American lives he's a hero. Our soldiers have my support u sir are an a**hole.
5/24/2015 5:53:27 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |


51, joined Jan. 2014
How can America worship this corporate killer? He was an invader, murdering people in their own country. If you're looking for a "War hero", look to those who are defending their own land, not imperialistic cogs.
1) You need to justify your claim regarding 'corporate killer'
2) Your understanding of the term 'imperialist' needs explaining.
Without supporting evidence for your assumptions, it is nothing more than rhetoric.
5/24/2015 6:02:46 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |

Tampa, FL
57, joined Feb. 2013
Gee Condor, you couldn't even answer a simple question , so you decided to bring your own spin into it about innocent people lost in Iraq, Afghanistan , panama etc.
Hmmmm so when Saddam was killing the Kurds according to amnesty and other leftist human rights group, were you outraged? did you stop buying Iraqi products or refused to use their oil?
When the Taliban was murdering people, women and children were you outraged?
When Noriega was running his drug empire killing Americans and Panamanians were you upset over that?
Probably not nor did you care, but it's good to protest the people protecting your a** so you can put them down from the comforts of your home in Florida.
Saddam, the Taliban, Noriega, bin Laden, Al Qaeda, ISIS, are, or were at one time, the close associates of America's gangster-capitalist elite as they plotted and conspired to dominate global markets. They only became "our enemies" when their own interests began to differ from the imperialist interests of America's gangster-capitalists.
Anywhere you find a terrorist entity, from ISIS to Al Qaeda, to organized crime, to Ukrainian Nazis, to Pinochet, to the KKK, and more, you'll find America's gangster-capitalists operating behind the scenes. Anyone who grabs a gun and signs up for the U.S. military is signing on to a terrorist entity.
5/24/2015 6:23:29 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |

Tampa, FL
57, joined Feb. 2013
Hmmmm so when Saddam was killing the Kurds according to amnesty and other leftist human rights group, were you outraged? did you stop buying Iraqi products or refused to use their oil?
When the Taliban was murdering people, women and children were you outraged?
When Noriega was running his drug empire killing Americans and Panamanians were you upset over that?
Probably not nor did you care, but it's good to protest the people protecting your a** so you can put them down from the comforts of your home in Florida.
Everywhere the U.S. military has gone is more of a hell-hole today than it was prior to the arrival of the U.S. military. That's not an accident.
Chaos – not Victory – is Empire’s Name of the Game
By Peter Koenig
May 05, 2015
"Once again a country "liberated" by the West is sinking deeper and deeper into chaos.” - This could be anyone of the countries in conflict, where Washington and its Western and Middle Eastern stooges sow war – eternal chaos, misery, death – and submission.
This is precisely the point: The Washington / NATO strategy is not to 'win' a war or conflict, but to create ongoing - endless chaos. That's the way (i) to control people, nations and their resources; (ii) to assures the west a continuous need for military - troops and equipment - remember more than 50% of the US GDP depends on the military industrial complex, related industries and services; and (iii) finally, a country in disarray or chaos, is broke and needs money - money with hardship conditions, ‘austerity’ money from the notorious IMF, World Bank and other associated nefarious ‘development institutions’ and money lenders; money that equals enslavement, especially with corrupt leaders that do not care for their people.
That's the name of the game - in Yemen, in Ukraine, in Syria, in Iraq, in Sudan, in Central Africa, in Libya.... you name it. Who fights against whom is unimportant. ISIS / ISIL / IS / DAISH / DAESH / Al-Qaeda and whatever other names for the mercenary killer organizations you want to add to the list - are just tags to confuse. You might as well add Blackwater, Xe, Academi and all its other successive names chosen to escape easy recognition. They are prostitutes for the Zionist-Anglo-Saxon Empire, prostitutes of the lowest level. Then come elite prostitutes, like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain and other Gulf States, plus the UK and France, of course.
The west has invented a vocabulary so sick, it’s like a virus ingrained in our brains – or what’s left of it – that we don’t even know anymore what the words really mean. We repeat them and believe them. After all, the MSM drills them into our intestines day-in and day-out. People who fight for their freedom, for survival against oppressive regimes, are ‘terrorists’, ‘rebels’. – The refugees from Africa, from the Washington inflicted conflict-stricken countries, the refugees of whom more than 4,000 have already perished this year trying to cross the Mediterranean for a ‘better life’ – they have been conveniently renamed ‘immigrants’. Often the term ‘illegal’ is added. Thus, the west’s conscience is whitewashed from guilt. Immigrants are beggars. Illegal immigrants belong jailed. They have nothing to do with unrest and chaos planted by the west in the ‘immigrants’ home countries.
Spreading unrest, chaos, misery - that is what Washington and its vassals do best. They do not want to ‘win’ wars; they want eternal chaos, misery; people who can be subdued easily – full spectrum dominance, they call it.
And since the US army and its big brother (or sister) NATO cannot be everywhere, doesn’t want to be seen everywhere, they hire to kill. Washington invents and creates, then funds with its endless money stream, the ISILs, Daesh’s, AlQaedas – and the repertoire grows as the masters please – to fight for them, to kill for them, to produce chaos and false flags – so that eventually they – NATO and the Pentagon bulldozer – can come in and make believe ‘destroying’ those mercenaries that they generated in the first place. But the mainstream media won’t tell you the truth.
Ukraine is the same: Are ISIS / ISIL/ Daesh, AlQaed, or whatever their names may be, in the Ukraine? – You bet they are, under the command of CIA and some 6,000 US troops, trainers of course. They train the Kiev troops how best and fastest to kill their brothers in the Donbass; they train them how to create lasting chaos. And if the soldiers refuse to be trained to kill their brothers, the Kiev Nazi regime will shoot them as traitors. Point blanc. So easy. So that nobody will resist.
5/24/2015 6:34:29 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |

North York, ON
45, joined Mar. 2015
online now!
Saddam, the Taliban, Noriega, bin Laden, Al Qaeda, ISIS, are, or were at one time, the close associates of America's gangster-capitalist elite as they plotted and conspired to dominate global markets. They only became "our enemies" when their own interests began to differ from the imperialist interests of America's gangster-capitalists.
Anywhere you find a terrorist entity, from ISIS to Al Qaeda, to organized crime, to Ukrainian Nazis, to Pinochet, to the KKK, and more, you'll find America's gangster-capitalists operating behind the scenes. Anyone who grabs a gun and signs up for the U.S. military is signing on to a terrorist entity.
Correction, Bin laden, Taliban/ISIS,Noriega, Saddam, Pinochet, the Klan were backed by GOVERNMENT of the united states
The capitalist elites? hmmmmmm Sam Walton didn't back a soul, and definitely not the Taliban, bin laden or Noriega.
I Wasn't aware that Bill gates backed al queda
I Wasn't aware that Rockefeller backed Pinochet
I Wasn't aware that Henry ford, Walter Chrysler , William Durant or the dodge brothers backed the Klan.
Im stunned, I have to lie down now
5/24/2015 6:37:30 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |

Tampa, FL
57, joined Feb. 2013
Correction, Bin laden, Taliban/ISIS,Noriega, Saddam, Pinochet, the Klan were backed by GOVERNMENT of the united states
As I've pointed out countless times, the U.S. government consists entirely of rich capitalists who were funded into power by even richer capitalists. That capitalist government, without fail, does the bidding of America's capitalist elites at the expense of the American people, the overwhelming percentage of whom are working class.
5/24/2015 6:57:13 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |

North York, ON
45, joined Mar. 2015
online now!
So which terrorists did the Koch brothers back?
Which one of the Walton Heirs backed the ISIS group?
Which Billionaire forced Bush 43 to declare war on Saddam?
Who in congress did billionaire activist William Ackman back?
Who is George Soros supporting so that he can keep his assets in the Netherlands Antilles ?
Who did Jamie Dimon backed on the international front screwing american from their manufacturing jobs.
Since these are known to be "gangster capitalist elites"
If you can answer these questions.
5/24/2015 6:58:17 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |

Tampa, FL
57, joined Feb. 2013
So which terrorists did the Koch brothers back?
Which one of the Walton Heirs backed the ISIS group?
Which Billionaire forced Bush 43 to declare war on Saddam?
Who in congress did billionaire activist William Ackman back?
Who is George Soros supporting so that he can keep his assets in the Netherlands Antilles ?
Who did Jamie Dimon backed on the international front screwing american from their manufacturing jobs.
Since these are known to be "gangster capitalist elites"
If you can answer these questions.
As I've pointed out countless times, the U.S. government consists entirely of rich capitalists who were funded into power by even richer capitalists. That capitalist government, without fail, does the bidding of America's capitalist elites at the expense of the American people, the overwhelming percentage of whom are working class.
5/24/2015 7:01:46 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |

North York, ON
45, joined Mar. 2015
online now!
answer the question, no narratives please .
5/24/2015 7:06:29 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |

Tampa, FL
57, joined Feb. 2013
answer the question, no narratives please .
Dude, this is indisputable. Everyone knows it's true. Everyone! Even you! This is game, set and match in the discussion of capitalism and the American government.
As I've pointed out countless times, the U.S. government consists entirely of rich capitalists who were funded into power by even richer capitalists. That capitalist government, without fail, does the bidding of America's capitalist elites at the expense of the American people, the overwhelming percentage of whom are working class.
5/24/2015 7:12:03 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |

North York, ON
45, joined Mar. 2015
online now!
Why cant you answer the question?
I will post it again, maybe you forgot
So which terrorists did the Koch brothers back?
Which one of the Walton Heirs backed the ISIS group?
Which Billionaire forced Bush 43 to declare war on Saddam?
Who in congress did billionaire activist William Ackman back?
Who is George Soros supporting so that he can keep his assets in the Netherlands Antilles ?
Who did Jamie Dimon backed on the international front screwing american from their manufacturing jobs.
Since these are known to be "gangster capitalist elites"
Will you answer the question now we want to know so we can target these gangster elites and hold them responsible.
[Edited 5/24/2015 7:12:52 PM ]
5/24/2015 8:09:43 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |


Bunker Hill, WV
42, joined Jul. 2013
Once again Darth schooling the fools especially condoor .

5/25/2015 2:01:10 AM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |

Tampa, FL
57, joined Feb. 2013
Once again Darth schooling the fools especially condoor .

Actually, Darth asks his silly questions as a cover for the fact that he's lost the argument and he knows it. He isn't "schooling" anyone, rather he is tacitly admitting that he has lost the argument.
As I've pointed out repeatedly, we all know that the American government consists almost entirely of rich capitalists who were funded into power by even richer capitalists and who do the bidding exclusively of super-rich capitalists. That is an indisputable fact! That's why we see multi-trillion dollar bailouts for rich capitalists, lots of capitalist imperialist war, lots of building out the police state to protect capitalists, the crushing of Occupy Wall Street on behalf of rich capitalists, the institution of Gingrichcare to the benefit of rich capitalists, low taxes for the benefit of rich capitalists, austerity on behalf of rich capitalists, stagnant wages for workers on behalf of rich capitalists, and the loss of jobs on behalf of rich capitalists.
[Edited 5/25/2015 2:02:35 AM ]
5/25/2015 6:33:00 AM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |

Ocala, FL
43, joined Oct. 2014
A lot of us joined for college. A rare cadre of us joined to be something bigger than we had ever been.
.  F**kin' A!
5/25/2015 7:05:57 AM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |

Tampa, FL
57, joined Feb. 2013
F**kin' A! 
Everywhere the U.S. military has gone is more of a hell-hole today than it was prior to the arrival of the U.S. military. That's not an accident.
Chaos – not Victory – is Empire’s Name of the Game
By Peter Koenig
May 05, 2015
"Once again a country "liberated" by the West is sinking deeper and deeper into chaos.” - This could be anyone of the countries in conflict, where Washington and its Western and Middle Eastern stooges sow war – eternal chaos, misery, death – and submission.
This is precisely the point: The Washington / NATO strategy is not to 'win' a war or conflict, but to create ongoing - endless chaos. That's the way (i) to control people, nations and their resources; (ii) to assures the west a continuous need for military - troops and equipment - remember more than 50% of the US GDP depends on the military industrial complex, related industries and services; and (iii) finally, a country in disarray or chaos, is broke and needs money - money with hardship conditions, ‘austerity’ money from the notorious IMF, World Bank and other associated nefarious ‘development institutions’ and money lenders; money that equals enslavement, especially with corrupt leaders that do not care for their people.
That's the name of the game - in Yemen, in Ukraine, in Syria, in Iraq, in Sudan, in Central Africa, in Libya.... you name it. Who fights against whom is unimportant. ISIS / ISIL / IS / DAISH / DAESH / Al-Qaeda and whatever other names for the mercenary killer organizations you want to add to the list - are just tags to confuse. You might as well add Blackwater, Xe, Academi and all its other successive names chosen to escape easy recognition. They are prostitutes for the Zionist-Anglo-Saxon Empire, prostitutes of the lowest level. Then come elite prostitutes, like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain and other Gulf States, plus the UK and France, of course.
The west has invented a vocabulary so sick, it’s like a virus ingrained in our brains – or what’s left of it – that we don’t even know anymore what the words really mean. We repeat them and believe them. After all, the MSM drills them into our intestines day-in and day-out. People who fight for their freedom, for survival against oppressive regimes, are ‘terrorists’, ‘rebels’. – The refugees from Africa, from the Washington inflicted conflict-stricken countries, the refugees of whom more than 4,000 have already perished this year trying to cross the Mediterranean for a ‘better life’ – they have been conveniently renamed ‘immigrants’. Often the term ‘illegal’ is added. Thus, the west’s conscience is whitewashed from guilt. Immigrants are beggars. Illegal immigrants belong jailed. They have nothing to do with unrest and chaos planted by the west in the ‘immigrants’ home countries.
Spreading unrest, chaos, misery - that is what Washington and its vassals do best. They do not want to ‘win’ wars; they want eternal chaos, misery; people who can be subdued easily – full spectrum dominance, they call it.
And since the US army and its big brother (or sister) NATO cannot be everywhere, doesn’t want to be seen everywhere, they hire to kill. Washington invents and creates, then funds with its endless money stream, the ISILs, Daesh’s, AlQaedas – and the repertoire grows as the masters please – to fight for them, to kill for them, to produce chaos and false flags – so that eventually they – NATO and the Pentagon bulldozer – can come in and make believe ‘destroying’ those mercenaries that they generated in the first place. But the mainstream media won’t tell you the truth.
Ukraine is the same: Are ISIS / ISIL/ Daesh, AlQaed, or whatever their names may be, in the Ukraine? – You bet they are, under the command of CIA and some 6,000 US troops, trainers of course. They train the Kiev troops how best and fastest to kill their brothers in the Donbass; they train them how to create lasting chaos. And if the soldiers refuse to be trained to kill their brothers, the Kiev Nazi regime will shoot them as traitors. Point blanc. So easy. So that nobody will resist.
5/25/2015 5:35:02 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |

North York, ON
45, joined Mar. 2015
online now!
Actually, Darth asks his silly questions as a cover for the fact that he's lost the argument and he knows it. He isn't "schooling" anyone, rather he is tacitly admitting that he has lost the argument.
As I've pointed out repeatedly, we all know that the American government consists almost entirely of rich capitalists who were funded into power by even richer capitalists and who do the bidding exclusively of super-rich capitalists. That is an indisputable fact! That's why we see multi-trillion dollar bailouts for rich capitalists, lots of capitalist imperialist war, lots of building out the police state to protect capitalists, the crushing of Occupy Wall Street on behalf of rich capitalists, the institution of Gingrichcare to the benefit of rich capitalists, low taxes for the benefit of rich capitalists, austerity on behalf of rich capitalists, stagnant wages for workers on behalf of rich capitalists, and the loss of jobs on behalf of rich capitalists.
Lost the argument?  
what argument? your self exaltation accompanied by demonization of others, you dont get that after a certain point your ignorance becomes a sin.
Ive asked you questions and you reply with non sequitur's not worth reading let alone responding, you marxists are too obdurate to even have a discussion with let alone debate or as you call it "argument".
You wont answer a simple question.
Who are these capitalist gangsters? just one f**kin name.
5/25/2015 5:57:31 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |


Bunker Hill, WV
42, joined Jul. 2013
I dont like the guy because of the lies he told about jesse the body ventura another former vet / seal.
Jesse won his lawsuit by the way and im glad.
Liars who make up stories about other seals who served before u is not cool in my book.
Dude made up the punching him bs to sell more books .
Number one Chris Kyle didn't need to make anything up to sell his book. His story and history was plenty, and he didn't keep any of the proceeds.
Number two, why would he lie about something as unusal as this?
Number three , there were witnesses who said they saw it happen.
So regardless if douchebag Ventura won the lawsuit doesn't mean he didn't get his disgraceful a** knocked down.
He actually said during the wake of another Seal that Chris was attending, that we needed to lose some men, because he protested the war.
5/25/2015 7:59:27 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |


Paducah, KY
64, joined May. 2008
"Once again a country "liberated" by the West is sinking deeper and deeper into chaos.” - This could be anyone of the countries in conflict, where Washington and its Western and Middle Eastern stooges sow war – eternal chaos, misery, death – and submission.
This is precisely the point: The Washington / NATO strategy is not to 'win' a war or conflict, but to create ongoing - endless chaos. That's the way (i) to control people, nations and their resources; (ii) to assures the west a continuous need for military - troops and equipment - remember more than 50% of the US GDP depends on the military industrial complex, related industries and services; and (iii) finally, a country in disarray or chaos, is broke and needs money - money with hardship conditions, ‘austerity’ money from the notorious IMF, World Bank and other associated nefarious ‘development institutions’ and money lenders; money that equals enslavement, especially with corrupt leaders that do not care for their people.
That's the name of the game - in Yemen, in Ukraine, in Syria, in Iraq, in Sudan, in Central Africa, in Libya.... you name it. Who fights against whom is unimportant. ISIS / ISIL / IS / DAISH / DAESH / Al-Qaeda and whatever other names for the mercenary killer organizations you want to add to the list - are just tags to confuse. You might as well add Blackwater, Xe, Academi and all its other successive names chosen to escape easy recognition. They are prostitutes for the Zionist-Anglo-Saxon Empire, prostitutes of the lowest level. Then come elite prostitutes, like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain and other Gulf States, plus the UK and France, of course.
The west has invented a vocabulary so sick, it’s like a virus ingrained in our brains – or what’s left of it – that we don’t even know anymore what the words really mean. We repeat them and believe them. After all, the MSM drills them into our intestines day-in and day-out. People who fight for their freedom, for survival against oppressive regimes, are ‘terrorists’, ‘rebels’. – The refugees from Africa, from the Washington inflicted conflict-stricken countries, the refugees of whom more than 4,000 have already perished this year trying to cross the Mediterranean for a ‘better life’ – they have been conveniently renamed ‘immigrants’. Often the term ‘illegal’ is added. Thus, the west’s conscience is whitewashed from guilt. Immigrants are beggars. Illegal immigrants belong jailed. They have nothing to do with unrest and chaos planted by the west in the ‘immigrants’ home countries.
Spreading unrest, chaos, misery - that is what Washington and its vassals do best. They do not want to ‘win’ wars; they want eternal chaos, misery; people who can be subdued easily – full spectrum dominance, they call it.
And since the US army and its big brother (or sister) NATO cannot be everywhere, doesn’t want to be seen everywhere, they hire to kill. Washington invents and creates, then funds with its endless money stream, the ISILs, Daesh’s, AlQaedas – and the repertoire grows as the masters please – to fight for them, to kill for them, to produce chaos and false flags – so that eventually they – NATO and the Pentagon bulldozer – can come in and make believe ‘destroying’ those mercenaries that they generated in the first place. But the mainstream media won’t tell you the truth.
Ukraine is the same: Are ISIS / ISIL/ Daesh, AlQaed, or whatever their names may be, in the Ukraine? – You bet they are, under the command of CIA and some 6,000 US troops, trainers of course. They train the Kiev troops how best and fastest to kill their brothers in the Donbass; they train them how to create lasting chaos. And if the soldiers refuse to be trained to kill their brothers, the Kiev Nazi regime will shoot them as traitors. Point blanc. So easy. So that nobody will resist.
What a tremendous cold hearted-- in your face-- realistic outlook or definition of the US Govt. creating chaos all over the world. The misery and hell they create on purpose, go in and rape the country of its assests, then loan them money out of fear for starving to death........but those poor people become slaves. So fkn sickening
5/25/2015 8:02:34 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |


Paducah, KY
64, joined May. 2008
The media tells us that the military is there to restore democracy....when the exact opposite is true. I couldnt announce those lies and keep a straight face...but the pros on tv sure can [ I guess ] because I haven't watched the news in quite sometime. Its nothing but propaganda.
5/25/2015 8:37:18 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |

Bellaire, OH
52, joined Apr. 2008
So many things I could say , but I'm not wasting my time on your dumbass.
I will say this, you are NOT AN AMERICAN!
And your above post is one of the worsts I ever seen on DH.
Where I come from making comments like that would put you in the ICU.
I'm not saying me, I'm saying where I come from.
You are kinda like that p*ssy Jesse Ventura who said something similar and got his a** knocked on the ground by none other then .....
You are the enemy nappy.
Best post of the entire thread! good job! Blake6972
5/25/2015 9:11:03 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |


Richland, WA
96, joined Oct. 2012
condork is a commie c*nt, they need to kick his commie a** out our country
f**king commie bastard.
5/26/2015 10:30:38 AM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |


Richland, WA
96, joined Oct. 2012
Number one Chris Kyle didn't need to make anything up to sell his book. His story and history was plenty, and he didn't keep any of the proceeds.
Number two, why would he lie about something as unusal as this?
Number three , there were witnesses who said they saw it happen.
So regardless if douchebag Ventura won the lawsuit doesn't mean he didn't get his disgraceful a** knocked down.
He actually said during the wake of another Seal that Chris was attending, that we needed to lose some men, because he protested the war.

5/26/2015 2:02:17 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |


Paducah, KY
64, joined May. 2008
condork is a commie c*nt, they need to kick his commie a** out our country
f**king commie bastard.
=============================================== a Packer or Bear fan You do realize da game is won on da line of scrimmage, right you do realize that even though this Kyle guy is a mass murderer...your football mentality says he's a fkn hero. 
Move to the USA................ a country filled with average joe rednecks who have been brainwashed to love : war : When its not war at all....its fake football and mass murder
5/26/2015 2:19:20 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |


Wheat Ridge, CO
49, joined Jan. 2011
I dont like the guy because of the lies he told about jesse the body ventura another former vet / seal.
Jesse won his lawsuit by the way and im glad.
Liars who make up stories about other seals who served before u is not cool in my book.
Dude made up the punching him bs to sell more books .
Jessie Ventura wasnt a SEAL, he was UDT (under water demolition team) 26 weeks less training than a SEAL.

5/26/2015 2:44:34 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |


Orleans, ON
46, joined May. 2008
Why cant you answer the question?
I will post it again, maybe you forgot
So which terrorists did the Koch brothers back?
Which one of the Walton Heirs backed the ISIS group?
Which Billionaire forced Bush 43 to declare war on Saddam?
Who in congress did billionaire activist William Ackman back?
Who is George Soros supporting so that he can keep his assets in the Netherlands Antilles ?
Who did Jamie Dimon backed on the international front screwing american from their manufacturing jobs.
Since these are known to be "gangster capitalist elites"
Will you answer the question now we want to know so we can target these gangster elites and hold them responsible.
Where do you imagine we could get these specifics Darth?
Why would the Kochs tell us which terrorists they back? If you were a billionaire actively working against the public interests in order to snowball your wealth, would you publish your nefarious plans for everyone to see? Of course not. If it did get out, they would be killed immediately.
What is evident is that the government is funding and aiding these terrorist groups. I'm sure you would happily agree with that.
Furthermore, it's evident that the US government exists to do the bidding of moneyed special interest groups, aka the capitalist elites. You will likely deny that, but too bad. Feel free to tell us the names of the Presidents or Congressfolk from the past 20 years who didn't take money from the capitalists. When you fail to come up with any, hopefully you'll get it.
Therefore, using logic, we can see that the wealthy capitalists control the government who supports the terrorists. If the capitalists wanted the government to stop funding terror, it would stop immediately.
If you need even more evidence, look at the profit that has been made by corporations like Exxon, Locheed Martin, and Haliburton, due to destabilization in the Middle East. That's all the motive you need - The only motive that matters in Capitalism.
[Edited 5/26/2015 2:45:32 PM ]
5/26/2015 7:08:40 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |

North York, ON
45, joined Mar. 2015
online now!
Where do you imagine we could get these specifics Darth?
Why would the Kochs tell us which terrorists they back? If you were a billionaire actively working against the public interests in order to snowball your wealth, would you publish your nefarious plans for everyone to see? Of course not. If it did get out, they would be killed immediately.
What is evident is that the government is funding and aiding these terrorist groups. I'm sure you would happily agree with that.
Furthermore, it's evident that the US government exists to do the bidding of moneyed special interest groups, aka the capitalist elites. You will likely deny that, but too bad. Feel free to tell us the names of the Presidents or Congressfolk from the past 20 years who didn't take money from the capitalists. When you fail to come up with any, hopefully you'll get it.
Therefore, using logic, we can see that the wealthy capitalists control the government who supports the terrorists. If the capitalists wanted the government to stop funding terror, it would stop immediately.
If you need even more evidence, look at the profit that has been made by corporations like Exxon, Locheed Martin, and Haliburton, due to destabilization in the Middle East. That's all the motive you need - The only motive that matters in Capitalism.
Lobo, you people seem to have all the answers, you say gangster capitalists like the Koch brothers, so who are they sponsoring?
Who is their man in Government? it sure isn't Barrack Obama, John Kerry or Hillary Clinton, so which billionaire gangster capitalist sponsored Barrack? since the market has done well for rich.
Makes me wonder who killed Andrew Briebart after he exposed Obama and Micheal Moore, but lets not go there.
Do I deny that presidents haven't taken money from corporations? ummmm NOOOOO
campaign laws hello!!!!!! supreme court decision , First national bank of boston v Bellotii 1978, which gave corporations the right to campaign donating .
So that answers your question about politicians taking money from corporations.
Governments have always aided and funded terrorist groups or groups that turn into terrorists, this isn't a big surprise news at 11.
America has a history of this Lobo and serving the special interest of certain corporations HELLO, how many ex congress folks end up on K street eg.Chris Dodd, remember him " dodd frank" how many ex secretaries of the presidents administration ended up on wall street? eg Robert Rubin, his secretary of the treasury instrumental in repealing parts of Glass steagall and then taking a job at citigroup one of the key players in the 2008 crash.
How many ex CIA folks serve on boards of defense contractors? eg James Pavitt,former deputy director of operations.
Even CIA bosses uses their connections, and thanks the wiki leaks we can read about what the governments and certain corporations were up to and what they did.
So while you believe that this capitalism I would say you are WRONG, not wrong because you disagree with me you are wrong because your facts are off, crony capitalism isn't capitalism, just like democratic socialism that you see in France and Greece isn't socialism.
Marxism in Cuba and North Korea isnt the marxism Marx wrote about.
5/26/2015 8:00:57 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |


Orleans, ON
46, joined May. 2008
crony capitalism isn't capitalism,
Sure. Like a green apple isn't an apple. Gotcha.

5/26/2015 8:39:04 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |

Madison, VA
41, joined Jan. 2012
I agree that Chris Kyle was a murderer.
The military people have so much hatred towards Muslims, and the Muslims are simply trying to defend themselves and defend their land.
5/26/2015 8:46:15 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |


Bunker Hill, WV
42, joined Jul. 2013
I agree that Chris Kyle was a murderer.
The military people have so much hatred towards Muslims, and the Muslims are simply trying to defend themselves and defend their land.
Seriously you truly are.
Did you read what you posted before you posted it a**hole?
You are part of the problem.
You make me sick!!!
5/26/2015 8:48:09 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |

Berwyn, IL
59, joined Jan. 2009
I agree that Chris Kyle was a murderer.
The military people have so much hatred towards Muslims, and the Muslims are simply trying to defend themselves and defend their land.
What about 9-11?
5/26/2015 8:54:26 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |


Lexington, KY
58, joined Nov. 2014
What about 9-11?
ole Georgie boy took care of that by sacrificing 4500 American men and women
5/26/2015 8:54:40 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |

Lagrange, GA
68, joined May. 2012
I agree that Chris Kyle was a murderer.
The military people have so much hatred towards Muslims, and the Muslims are simply trying to defend themselves and defend their land.
Omg! Not another idiot! Slither back under your rock please.
5/26/2015 8:56:30 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
I agree that Chris Kyle was a murderer.
The military people have so much hatred towards Muslims, and the Muslims are simply trying to defend themselves and defend their land.
Considering the hatred stems from the religion the muslims are in, don't you think your origins are a little misplaced.
people would not hate muslims quite, so much if they did not originate the hatred.
5/26/2015 8:59:58 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |

Canyon Country, CA
52, joined Dec. 2014
Chris Kyle mass hero no murderer.
5/26/2015 9:00:21 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |

Madison, VA
41, joined Jan. 2012
You really think the Muslims are mad at us for no reason at all???
5/26/2015 9:03:24 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |

Berwyn, IL
59, joined Jan. 2009
You really think the Muslims are mad at us for no reason at all???
They hated Israel.
USA was Israels ally.
Thus = hatred of the USA.
5/26/2015 9:05:08 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |

Madison, VA
41, joined Jan. 2012
What has Israel done to Muslims?
Did they steal their land?
5/26/2015 9:05:35 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |


Bunker Hill, WV
42, joined Jul. 2013
You really think the Muslims are mad at us for no reason at all???
Yeah... about that... you ever heard of Sharia Law?
5/26/2015 9:09:30 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |

Madison, VA
41, joined Jan. 2012
Yeah... about that... you ever heard of Sharia Law?
In some ways sharia law is better than our laws.
In this country a woman can absolutely DESTROY a man in divorce, ....but Muslims don't put up with that shit.
5/26/2015 9:24:54 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
You really think the Muslims are mad at us for no reason at all???
They have an excellent reason.
Written orders from God.
5/26/2015 9:26:20 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |

Seattle, WA
60, joined Dec. 2014
In some ways sharia law is better than our laws.
In this country a woman can absolutely DESTROY a man in divorce, ....but Muslims don't put up with that shit.
Yeah, why pay them, when you can just have your friends kill them.
5/26/2015 10:05:31 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |

Madison, VA
43, joined Aug. 2014
Number one Chris Kyle didn't need to make anything up to sell his book. His story and history was plenty, and he didn't keep any of the proceeds.
Number two, why would he lie about something as unusal as this?
Number three , there were witnesses who said they saw it happen.
So regardless if douchebag Ventura won the lawsuit doesn't mean he didn't get his disgraceful a** knocked down.
He actually said during the wake of another Seal that Chris was attending, that we needed to lose some men, because he protested the war.
Not according to the court, it was made up bs 
Doubt Jesse would of went through all that had it been true 
Glad he stuck by his guns and didn't fold, about time someone stands up to slander and lies
5/26/2015 10:07:42 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |

Canyon Country, CA
52, joined Dec. 2014
F--k the Muslims. Mohammed was a pedophile
5/26/2015 10:10:07 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |

Madison, VA
43, joined Aug. 2014
Jessie Ventura wasnt a SEAL, he was UDT (under water demolition team) 26 weeks less training than a SEAL.

back then he was considered a seal, the rules didn't change until later on, so yes he was a seal at that time 
not too mention he was in special op and blew up a bridge in vietnam
he was a veteran
he won his lawsuit in court because it was slander and lies
most let people get away with it like Sarah Palin but Jesse stuck to his guns 
5/26/2015 10:13:42 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |

Canyon Country, CA
52, joined Dec. 2014
Jesse ventura is a douche bag
5/26/2015 10:16:29 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |


Bunker Hill, WV
42, joined Jul. 2013
Not according to the court, it was made up bs
Doubt Jesse would of went through all that had it been true
Glad he stuck by his guns and didn't fold, about time someone stands up to slander and lies
The court wasn't there.
Jesse is a lier and the true slander.
Chris Kyle put that punk a** b*tch on his a** with several witnesses.
Jesse "The P*ssy" Ventura was served by a REAL American hero by Chris Kyle.
5/26/2015 10:28:51 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |


Wheat Ridge, CO
49, joined Jan. 2011
back then he was considered a seal, the rules didn't change until later on, so yes he was a seal at that time
not too mention he was in special op and blew up a bridge in vietnam
he was a veteran
he won his lawsuit in court because it was slander and lies
most let people get away with it like Sarah Palin but Jesse stuck to his guns 
No he was not a SEAL.
SEALs served in Viet Nam, and UDTs were a seperate unit.
After Viet Nam UDTs were attached to SEAL teams, and in the early 80's UDT was integrated into the SEALs.
Jessie never saw combat.

5/26/2015 10:29:38 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |

Madison, VA
41, joined Jan. 2012
The court wasn't there.
Jesse is a lier and the true slander.
Chris Kyle put that punk a** b*tch on his a** with several witnesses.
Jesse "The P*ssy" Ventura was served by a REAL American hero by Chris Kyle.
Chris Kyle got put on his a** GOD, yep God took him out, and Ventura is still enjoying life.
Now let that sink in.
5/26/2015 10:31:54 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |


Wheat Ridge, CO
49, joined Jan. 2011
Chris Kyle got put on his a** GOD, yep God took him out, and Ventura is still enjoying life.
Now let that sink in.
GOD took him out!?  

5/26/2015 10:32:14 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |


Bunker Hill, WV
42, joined Jul. 2013
Chris Kyle got put on his a** GOD, yep God took him out, and Ventura is still enjoying life.
Now let that sink in.
Nothing to sink in dumbass.
Chris Kyle didn't get knocked down, he got promoted fool.
Let that sink in son...
5/26/2015 10:36:18 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |

Madison, VA
41, joined Jan. 2012
Nothing to sink in dumbass.
Chris Kyle didn't get knocked down, he got promoted fool.
Let that sink in son...
Well, if you call roasting in hell a promotion.
If ye live by the gun, shall ye die by the gun.
5/26/2015 10:39:28 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |


Bunker Hill, WV
42, joined Jul. 2013
You do not know or understand God son...
Chris Kyle is in paradise ...
A true American hero who saved more lives then he took (with just cause)...
5/26/2015 10:40:28 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |

Madison, VA
43, joined Aug. 2014
No he was not a SEAL.
SEALs served in Viet Nam, and UDTs were a seperate unit.
After Viet Nam UDTs were attached to SEAL teams, and in the early 80's UDT was integrated into the SEALs.
Jessie never saw combat.

Jesse Ventura
Jesse Ventura joined the Navy after high school and served for six years — four on active duty, two in the Reserves — and is a Vietnam veteran. While on active duty, he was a member of Underwater Demolition (SEAL) Team 12. He returned to Minnesota in 1973.
Ventura’s role as the Governor of Minnesota is the latest aspect of a lifetime spent serving the public in such various ways. He was the mayor of Brooklyn Park, a Navy SEAL, professional wrestler, actor and broadcaster.
Sorry jewman, he was a navy seal 
5/26/2015 10:41:50 PM |
Chris Kyle, Mass Murderer, Not Hero! |


Bunker Hill, WV
42, joined Jul. 2013
Blah, blah, blah...