8/23/2008 1:34:37 PM |
Why people divorce each other? |
Caliente, CA
age: 52
I have been wondering why people divorce each other? What makes love end? And why are there so many unsuccessful relationships in this country.
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8/23/2008 1:38:16 PM |
Why people divorce each other? |
Bentonville, AR
age: 27
Someone in the relationship gives up or takes advantage of the other
8/23/2008 1:50:07 PM |
Why people divorce each other? |
Staten Island, NY
age: 49
Immaturity.Selfishness or they they just fall out of love.
8/23/2008 2:02:45 PM |
Why people divorce each other? |
age: 57
this is realy hard question, there could be million unswers reasons to that.the most reasons just a couple, get married to young,or men or woman work to many hours,the bigest reason is there sex life has droped of,or trying to keep up with next door or there friends finnancely oh boy i could keep going here,but that will do.
8/23/2008 2:21:03 PM |
Why people divorce each other? |
Pompano Beach, FL
age: 59
It is a difficult question and not sure one answer fits all. My favorite part of the day on Sundays is reading about those who are celebrating 50+ years together - how have they managed to get through so many years and still remain together?
It's been said before, but are we really a "McDonald Society" where we want it all, we want it our way and we want it NOW? Ok - a little Burger King thrown in
But my point is are we not committed enough to work through the rough spots, to communicate with each other in non threatening ways when challenges come up between us? Is it too easy for us to dispose of each other?
I wish I had the answer. I would not be divorced.
8/23/2008 2:32:55 PM |
Why people divorce each other? |
New South Wales
age: 53
There are many many reasons for divorce...I am a person who believes if two people are not happy together then why stay and prolong the agony... You have to remember spouses cheat. lie, they fall out of love,they grow apart,they change,things happen beyond their control...I feel it is a lie for a couple to stay together when they no longer share anything and cannot salvage anything from the wrecked remains of their marriage...I also do not believe in marriage anymore just in the committment of the two people involved....
8/23/2008 2:39:50 PM |
Why people divorce each other? |
Monroe, NC
age: 57
If I had an answer I'd be a rich guy... Everyone is different. I think that our society should make people that get married get a licence that expires every 5 to 7 years. Like a drivers license - - you wake up one morning and pull out your purse or billfold and say, "whoops"! "sorry dear but....... we forgot to re-new!!" bye bye!!
8/23/2008 3:03:34 PM |
Why people divorce each other? |
Lincoln, NE
age: 45
8/23/2008 3:22:26 PM |
Why people divorce each other? |
Leggett, TX
age: 50
respect and communcation
8/23/2008 4:03:25 PM |
Why people divorce each other? |
Brookhaven, PA
age: 52
I got tired of being in an abusive marriage. That's why I got divorced.
8/23/2008 4:08:49 PM |
Why people divorce each other? |
Watertown, NY
age: 32
I have been wondering why people divorce each other? What makes love end? And why are there so many unsuccessful relationships in this country.
Ask my last 2 ex wives. Maybe they'll tell you, cause I'm still waiting for the reason.
8/23/2008 4:14:42 PM |
Why people divorce each other? |
Colorado Springs, CO
age: 35
I have been wondering why people divorce each other? What makes love end? And why are there so many unsuccessful relationships in this country.
I never believed I could fall out of love with my husband, but he has hurt me one to many times and my love is turning to hurt ,anger and resentment....I wonder if I dont get divorced will I ever trust him again and If I do will I be alone and for how long..I have been married since I was 18 it is really different and scary out there now...I have to do whats right for my children to....If I ever got with someone that hurt my kids I would go to PRISON!!!!!
8/23/2008 4:19:15 PM |
Why people divorce each other? |
Niceville, FL
age: 47
Because some women cannot keep their legs closed or men cannot keep their pants zipped.
People always think the grass is greener on the other side no matter if it pertains to sex, money, romance or life in general. Some are never happy with what they have.
8/23/2008 4:21:06 PM |
Why people divorce each other? |
Fredericksburg, VA
age: 38
if ya find the right one love dont end
8/23/2008 4:23:53 PM |
Why people divorce each other? |
Omaha, NE
age: 52
I have been wondering why people divorce each other? What makes love end? And why are there so many unsuccessful relationships in this country.
I never believed I could fall out of love with my husband, but he has hurt me one to many times and my love is turning to hurt ,anger and resentment....I wonder if I dont get divorced will I ever trust him again and If I do will I be alone and for how long..I have been married since I was 18 it is really different and scary out there now...I have to do whats right for my children to....If I ever got with someone that hurt my kids I would go to
malinda I felt that way about my older kids father. I thought we would be together Forever.
I was so deeply hurt by him in a very personal way which broke my heart and he didnt want to repair it.
For me you fight for love and you stand by your love.
If you have to prove your love all over again then by God do it.
I couldnt repair it alone so it ended.
8/23/2008 4:50:18 PM |
Why people divorce each other? |
Colorado Springs, CO
age: 35
Believe me I have fought for ten of fifeteen years the same woman keeps poping up and she is on her second marriage as is....After all her lying and backstabbing I never will let her a** near my kids even if they end up together!!!! I have given him the choice when I kicked him out in June and supposeinly he hasnt even called her....Im getting to the point of giving up....I wont miss much but the sex it is pretty great so he is stupid for even talking to her!!!!! He thought as long as they didnt have sex I wouldnt split up with him he was wrong!!!!!!
8/23/2008 5:03:47 PM |
Why people divorce each other? |
New South Wales
age: 53
Well to be truthful I divorced my ex because I almost lost my life and besides the law said I had to take my children away from what we were living with...So there are many real and genuine reasons for divorce its not always about the grass being greener its about survival..... freedom and another chance at life...
8/23/2008 5:05:24 PM |
Why people divorce each other? |
Valparaiso, IN
age: 54
How about dieing if you stayed?
8/23/2008 5:14:20 PM |
Why people divorce each other? |
New South Wales
age: 53
mstme not sure of your question???? But will say had my sons and i not left its highly unlikely I would be here today and it still hurts me that my sons suffered so much trauma..I cant ever erase that pain from their lives....
8/23/2008 5:26:22 PM |
Why people divorce each other? |
age: 57
lillibet i know you are hurting, but its time to let go, you have new life now and move on, i feel for you, sorry to be so blunt,life is to short, and i hope it doesent happen to you again.my mother went through heaps of bashing and abuse, till i was old enughf to smack him in the mouth, trouble is my mother cant let go and you guessed she has no life how sad.
8/23/2008 5:28:16 PM |
Why people divorce each other? |
Cincinnati, OH
age: 50
I have been wondering why people divorce each other? What makes love end? And why are there so many unsuccessful relationships in this country.
You can only forgive so many times for so many different reasons. Marriage/relationships takes two to want to make it work. Along with love comes respect, caring, thoughtfulness, faithfulness etc. when that is non existant, then it is time to move on. When you've had more bad than good, abuse of any kind, or When one couldn't be faithful if their very life depended on it or you'd rather die than live one more day in that hxll....it's time to disolve the marriage.
8/23/2008 6:53:19 PM |
Why people divorce each other? |
Port Saint Lucie, FL
age: 62
Speaking for myself, I was forced to divorce my second husband when I realized I was being manipulated and controlled by him, while at the same time he was emotionally and verbally abusing me. In short, he was throwing a major temper tantrum because I had a mind of my own. I tried to resolve all conflicts, btu when you are married to a drunk, that is impossible. Yes, I was forced to divorce him for my own sanity. Any more questions?
8/23/2008 10:24:29 PM |
Why people divorce each other? |
Greenwood, SC
age: 32
irreconcilable differences.
8/23/2008 10:33:56 PM |
Why people divorce each other? |
Valparaiso, IN
age: 54
The night I left I actually could have ended up dead. He was coming back with a gun to do who knows what. I actually get tired of everyone not grasping the fact that if she or he cheated on or did not do something elese not quite right that is the worst, but if you are faced with possible death at your spouse's hand all that B. S. seems so insignificant.
8/23/2008 10:37:34 PM |
Why people divorce each other? |
Windsor, ON
age: 51
Abuse,years ago a man or woman would take abuse(all types) from their spouse. Nowadays most people only take it for so long and then leave.
[Edited 8/23/2008 10:40:50 PM ]
8/23/2008 10:47:04 PM |
Why people divorce each other? |
Overton, TX
age: 49
no sex
working too much , or use that as an excuse to not be at home
every ten years or so we all tend to change our out look on life.. what we believed in our 20's as important, can become anything but important when we are in our 30,40, 50, ect.
we change, evolve, go through stages of growth.. and go through stages of regression
women become married, some ones' wife some one's mother.. we change as these roles take a hold of us... we evolve our self in the success of our work, we travel with out our spouse or take vacations with out him... easier.. we start buying our own gifts, we have monthly hormonal changes, mother hormonal changes, and menopausal changes. resentment of taking most of the load... kid usually, (not always)goes to the mother to fix their latest problem... resentment... trapped... age... wrinkles... where did her youth go... for what? a man who watches espn... 24/7? or some other hobby? lost education opportunities, bad decisions on careers.. or children to young... bordom... familiarity breeds contempt.. bills and more bills... worry... fear of tomorrow brings. health issues.
men become married, some one's husband some one's father... he changes roles from a single care free man.. to massive responsibilities... burdening... add some one sick, child or family member... a tough boss, a lost job, or a broken dream of education or travel. he goes through 2 drops of testosterone. emotional upheaval... sometimes work through this with his wife, most time alone... he needs his peace, quiet, rarely gets it if have children or a home mother who is looking for her peace and ask him to take care of his kids when he comes home... arguments, resentment... ( lack of libido... him and her)... newness wears off... already tried every trick in the book... just no more to try... resentment. trapped...
i do know this... what ever brought you together. barring, real emotional/physical abuse. if you wait out the trouble times... what ever was there in the beginning will bring you back together.... sometimes it can take a few years...
and no one wants to wait anymore... disposable years of your life.... over ....
8/23/2008 11:09:59 PM |
Why people divorce each other? |
Sacramento, CA
age: 51
you grow different ways and usually one of the partners can't handle it.
I think people have a problem letting there partner grow.
8/23/2008 11:51:13 PM |
Why people divorce each other? |
Dayton, OH
age: 26
I don't know why. I believe that if you promise someone forever you'd had better mean it. You can't go back and change the past in a relationship but if you don't go forward with it you'll never know what could have been, and I'm not a person that can live for what could have been. If you make a promise you should keep it..... Time is fleeting and true love is hard to find.... so if you find it try with all you are to make it work, at least thats what i believe.
8/24/2008 12:02:59 AM |
Why people divorce each other? |
age: 56
marriage is a religious ritual...if there is no basis for religions then wouldn't that cancel out the efficiency of marriage?
never did it never will...don't believe in making unrealistic promises or setting up a best friend...jmo
8/24/2008 12:59:15 AM |
Why people divorce each other? |
age: 56
i would re word this ....true love is fleeting and time is hard to find ..
8/24/2008 1:52:41 AM |
Why people divorce each other? |
New South Wales
age: 53
Noosa I have moved on its been many years now and no it wont happen again in this lifetime..I am totally different person now all my past hurts gone and what matters now is that I will not tolerate any crap from anyone ...mstme I understand what you are saying...After looking death in the eye life is so much more precious dont you think???And I value my life very very much and I am sure you do too.I wish you many blessings love peace and happiness...
8/24/2008 4:40:09 AM |
Why people divorce each other? |
age: 57
lillibet Good for you thankyou for understamding my coment and you take care babe.
8/24/2008 6:02:03 AM |
Why people divorce each other? |
Warren, MI
age: 50
Greed..., everything is mine.., mine.., mine..., you'll be nothing without me!
You can have it..., I don't want it..., all your crappy is killing me... GREED.
8/24/2008 6:38:06 AM |
Why people divorce each other? |
Tucson, AZ
age: 60
In my case, he was abusive, addicted to pornography, and having an affair with his secretary and anyone else who showed interest. I was 25 when I met him and didn't look at red flags in those days. Now that I look back, there were red flags everywhere.
8/24/2008 7:39:56 AM |
Why people divorce each other? |
Brooklyn, NY
age: 43
They were not in love or didn't realize that love was not enough. They didn't know each other and were not prepared when things got tough. Plus it is too easy to get married and divorced today.
8/24/2008 8:03:02 AM |
Why people divorce each other? |
Port Saint Lucie, FL
age: 62
The night I left I actually could have ended up dead. He was coming back with a gun to do who knows what. I actually get tired of everyone not grasping the fact that if she or he cheated on or did not do something elese not quite right that is the worst, but if you are faced with possible death at your spouse's hand all that B. S. seems so insignificant.
I know exactly what you are talking about. In the midst of my divorce proceedings, my ex gave me a hug and said "let's go on a moonlit cruise in the boat, drop anchor for the night and make up." His hug was a little too tight for my comfort zone, if you know what I mean. I had visions of him knocking me out, or shooting me with his newly purchased 9mm glock and dumping me overboard for the sharks. My answer to him as I pushed away from him was "sure, me and ten of my best friends, ok?" Funny, but he never asked me what I meant by that, which is also very telling. It tells me my red flags were waving so much that instinctively I was right!
8/24/2008 8:09:34 AM |
Why people divorce each other? |
Springfield, IL
age: 31
I have been wondering why people divorce each other? What makes love end? And why are there so many unsuccessful relationships in this country.
Well I think it can be from any reason under the sun, why folks get divorced, some fall out of love, but MANY MANY MANY of them didn't start the married because of love, it was because of lust, and that is why those one failed..
8/24/2008 8:55:30 AM |
Why people divorce each other? |
Bartow, FL
age: 53
I have been wondering why people divorce each other? What makes love end? And why are there so many unsuccessful relationships in this country.
The stated reasons vary, but one of these two is always involved:
INFIDELITY, MONEY (Too little or it disappears or one comes into a enough of it be come greedy)
Been there, done that- see my T-Shirt?
8/24/2008 8:59:02 AM |
Why people divorce each other? |
Saint Louis, MO
age: 52
I have been wondering why people divorce each other? What makes love end? And why are there so many unsuccessful relationships in this country.
The stated reasons vary, but one of these two is always involved:
INFIDELITY, MONEY (Too little or it disappears or one comes into a enough of it be come greedy)
Been there, done that- see my T-Shirt?
Naw, not always. Sometimes people just don't step to the plate when life get hard. I got tired of pulling him along...
8/24/2008 9:44:17 AM |
Why people divorce each other? |
Cincinnati, OH
age: 52
My thoughts about marriage are it should last forever that was my intentions when I got married. Too bad that some people change their minds about marriage and then go off and find someone else. Some are so fast to divorce their spouse over simple things and just do not have the will to put the effort into building the relationship but they seem to be more than willing to move on and find someone else and start all over again. I have to think that a lot of people get married to find happiness and when they see that their partner cannot bring them that happiness they become discontent. Happiness is a state of mind that you have to make for yourself no one else can do it for you.
One other thing I believe is people today want everything right now and are not willing to wait. A great marriage comes with time and effort on both people’s part it does not happen overnight it takes a life time.
8/24/2008 9:46:31 AM |
Why people divorce each other? |
Louisburg, NC
age: 45
I divorced my first husband because he thought I was going to be his punching bag and the second because he thought my kids were.
8/24/2008 1:13:56 PM |
Why people divorce each other? |
Hope Mills, NC
age: 50
The main reason for divorce is HURT. One or the other feels hurt by the other for whatever reason; the hurt one perceived it to be. My ex hurt me in many ways; cheating,lying etc. He sees it as my fault. There is always enough blame to go around, as each one claims the other contributed more towards the divorce. This has been my experience.
8/24/2008 3:51:56 PM |
Why people divorce each other? |
Texarkana, TX
age: 48
cause over the years you body change you become biger are you mind change you into a more crazy person and we just can't take it anymore. hell if i fall in love with a woman that is 130 pound 30 years later she in up being 190 pound we hey its time to go .
8/24/2008 4:42:47 PM |
Why people divorce each other? |
Washington Court House, OH
age: 48
I have been wondering why people divorce each other? What makes love end? And why are there so many unsuccessful relationships in this country.
I've always wondered that myself. Most people here have had at least one bad relationship and can give a dozen reasons why they went sour.....I know I have. What ever happened to the good ole' days when our parents and grandparents were young. The divorce rate was so low back then. My ex's grandparents are in their 90's and she still sits on his lap.....they tickle each other and giggle like teenagers.
It's sad.....nowadays when we think of the words, "till death due us part" should we be really be thinking, "till divorce takes us apart"
All I know is that I'm not giving up hope.....and I hope you don't either.
8/24/2008 7:47:01 PM |
Why people divorce each other? |
North York, ON
age: 56
I have been wondering why people divorce each other? What makes love end? And why are there so many unsuccessful relationships in this country.
1. They cannot divorce themselves, or a third party. The people in a marriage have to divorce each other, not someone else. That's why. That's why people divorce each other.
2. What makes love end? Time, boredom and domestic violence. Realizing whom you're really married to. Impotence, frigidity, insanity. A jail term. A disgusting skin infection on the breast that smells bad.
3. I haven't a clue why there are so many unsuccessful relationships. By rights there should be more out there. I think the unsuccessful relationships peaked in 1978, when Michael Jackson came out with "Thriller". Since then, unsuccessful relationships have been steadily declining in numbers and in quality.
[Edited 8/24/2008 7:47:50 PM ]
8/24/2008 7:53:55 PM |
Why people divorce each other? |
Reston, VA
age: 53
too many reasons to even mention.
8/24/2008 8:31:14 PM |
Why people divorce each other? |
Port Monmouth, NJ
age: 57
I have been wondering why people divorce each other? What makes love end? And why are there so many unsuccessful relationships in this country.
When I finish writing my book there still will be more reasons....I'm a Lawyer
Thought I had heard them allbut there is always something new and some new twist
oh well it keeps my bank account open
[Edited 8/24/2008 8:33:37 PM ]
8/24/2008 9:34:11 PM |
Why people divorce each other? |
Alhambra, CA
age: 37
Everyone DIVROCES for different reasons. I personally got a divorce because I was with the same man from the time I was 17 and after awhile you grow, mature want different things people change. I changed for the good, he stood at 17 and took for granted everything about me and my feelings, my needs my wants my hopes my dreams. my own personal happiness he wanted to keep me as that lost little girl. Well I am all grown up now and am the happiest I have ever been. That's why I got a divorce, hey if I wanted to I could of tried harder to make it work. I just didnt want to put the effort anymore. That's when you know it's time to get out.
8/24/2008 11:36:28 PM |
Why people divorce each other? |
Splendora, TX
age: 57
Love never dies, it has to be killed and once it is it's time to be gone. Cheating, lying, being too into ones self, lots of things can kill it. It's when two people try to keep it together and are committed to it, it lives. But when two people go into it saying we'll try to make it, the clock starts ticking....
8/25/2008 3:07:09 PM |
Why people divorce each other? |
New York, NY
age: 91
Everyone DIVROCES for different reasons. I personally got a divorce because I was with the same man from the time I was 17 and after awhile you grow, mature want different things people change. I changed for the good, he stood at 17 and took for granted everything about me and my feelings, my needs my wants my hopes my dreams. my own personal happiness he wanted to keep me as that lost little girl. Well I am all grown up now and am the happiest I have ever been. That's why I got a divorce, hey if I wanted to I could of tried harder to make it work. I just didnt want to put the effort anymore. That's when you know it's time to get out.
I divorced for somewhat the same reasons. I was married at 20 and was married for 17 years, stayed in the marriage for the wrong reasons until I couldnt take it anymore, and once I took my stand it got abusive thats when i knew it was completely over.
8/25/2008 8:21:01 PM |
Why people divorce each other? |
San Clemente, CA
age: 41
- married too young
- drugs / alcohol abuse
- cheating
- financial strains
- grow apart
- verbal / physical abuse
- day to day stress
- boredom
and the list goes on....
Here is another question.. why do people get married?
8/25/2008 9:19:52 PM |
Why people divorce each other? |
Steinbach, MB
age: 48
I believe much of it has to do with lack of communication and respect for each other.
The problems I have experienced in a marriage primarily had poor communication as the root cause for the breakdown. Communication breaks down between two people, assumptions start, resentment builds, frustration along with the hurt surfaces and this all escalates until the relationship is beyond repair.
That is why I personally look at communication as the backbone to any relationship.
8/26/2008 10:59:14 AM |
Why people divorce each other? |
Flushing, NY
age: 49
There are so many reasons why marriages end. It usually comes down to the differences between you and your partner outweigh the similarities. In my case there was not a catastophic event that occured. There was no I'm right, he's wrong. Our relationship ran its course, we grew in different directions, and it was time to move on.
8/26/2008 2:16:55 PM |
Why people divorce each other? |
York, NE
age: 50
My Pastor just had his sermon about this. His view was that movies and songs have programed us to thinking that love is no big deal. He sang a part of the old song, "hello, I love you, can you tell me your name?" like he said we are saying we love you before we get to know someone. We see someone that looks good and is attractive and before we get to know them we say I love you, then after you get married and really get to know that person you find out, the attraction you had for that persons looks has nothing to do how you emotionally feel about that person.
He also explained it that it is so easy to get married and then to get divorced, that in order to get married you do 1) meet the person 2) get married 3) try to have a life and marriage. If steps 1 thru 3 dont work, find someone else and repeat......
It is sad...
8/26/2008 4:09:39 PM |
Why people divorce each other? |
Ft Mitchell, KY
age: 45
Extra marital affairs occurs when intimacy dies down in a relationship.Caring for the children and holding a job leave the spouse with little time for communication.Communication deprivation leads to reduced intimacy.This deficiency drives men away from home.They search for fullfilment outside marriage.The excitement and associated risk in this venture appear novel and challenging.This also provides them an escape route from marital boredom.
9/7/2008 4:24:45 AM |
Why people divorce each other? |
Phoenix, AZ
age: 62
successful marriages, anymore, are for the relatively few capable of sustaining them.. they are simple, benevolent, place the institution above themselves and all else in their lives... they are free from vice... most others have evolved to become inept... the trend of successful marriages roughly parallels that of church goers past to the present...
9/7/2008 5:23:37 AM |
Why people divorce each other? |
Kiel, WI
age: 35
I have heard of many reasons. Mostly cheating to fighting constantly.