6/16/2015 7:34:15 AM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
Wtf is black talk ?
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

6/16/2015 7:40:42 AM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
"B*tch don't front"/"why you frontin?"
"Ain't no thang"
"My pad"/"my crib"
"She's one of my dimes"
etc etc etc
My stomach hurts. That shit was funny. Thanks!
6/16/2015 7:51:04 AM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
Like when a white person says "you people " and a black person or black lady does that head shake thing like they're stretching their neck and responds "what do you mean you people " with that facial expression of Arnold Jackson after he says watchu talkin bout wilis

Is it comedy hour in this motherfu€ker. I can't breath in this bit€h!     
"What you talkin bout Willis?" Then that damn picture of Arnold. 
6/16/2015 7:57:04 AM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
@ Belize:
@ brutha
6/16/2015 8:05:04 AM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
The Egyptians were worse. They'd break their noses for fashion.
And the fact that they were blk ppl just go to show how far this stupid a** fashion and image BULLSHIT really go.
And thousands of yrs later blk ppl still put fashion and image before their families, kids, God and their own souls.  
6/16/2015 8:05:55 AM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |

Beverly Hills, CA
36, joined Sep. 2014
White people trying to be black, ridiculous.
6/16/2015 8:07:45 AM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
I'm a half breed so I can switch between white and brown when it suits me. 
Whats up trucker!!!!! 
6/16/2015 8:13:53 AM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
.....but a lot of the black chicks have extensions or weaves
Trying to look white. 
But the NAACP lady was wrong?
6/16/2015 8:59:16 AM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
White people trying to be black, ridiculous.
Black ppl trying to be white, just stupid.
But what is ridiculous is when I hear blk ppl talking about how the WHITE MAN is holding them back. The WHITE MAN won't hire them, once hired then won't promote them but WILL promote another white man. Once promoted then denied them in management, once in management they get fired stealing, calling out, not coming in after pay day, going to break and lunch TOO early and coming back TOO late!!!
How crazy is that? But white ppl trying to be blk? 
6/16/2015 12:24:25 PM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |

Washington, DC
45, joined Jul. 2014
Exactly! And what the fu€k did blk ppl WIN by pointing out what she did? Or by mking this thread?
What about all tbe blk ppl who WON'T BENEFIT NOW from the work zhe did ith the NAACP? What about that?
That wby as blk ppl we're so fu€ked up as a race. We worry about the most medial BS instead of something for a greater good like opening your own business and getting the fu€k off of drugs. Pulling up their fu€king pants and turning tbe video games off for more han an hour. 
First of all, Illuminati Eye, Lol; symbolic stupidity, but I digress, the Black people who operate the NAACP are all in the Boule. They are the same members of Fraternity/Black Greeks who run Howard University, where this lying lady attended. This lady had a prior suit for discrimination, which made the news, where she claimed she was being discriminated against because she was White by Blacks at the University, at this well known Black College, here in D.C, where I am. Where are you?
No one places at any institution, let alone the NAACP, places someone in a defining and prominent leadership role/position, without a social and criminal background check. It's just not done. There are too many backlashes, such as this, if the person turns out to be not what's promised. For them, the Boule at the NAACP, to place this white lady pretending, going around saying, that she's Black/African American is in itself fishy. This are college educated, political savvy, African Americans running the NAACP, and they wouldn't risk putting her into that position without considering the fall out if it gets discovered, which is did, that she's openly lying about her race. This is an agenda, purely set up by a secret group, to stir public opinion in a direction they want to see take place. This is call, "Mind Wars", that is getting inside your mind, with social debate, staged events, manufactured news, to move you in a direction away from your own choosing.
End of discussion.
[Edited 6/16/2015 12:25:17 PM ]
6/16/2015 12:35:57 PM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |

Washington, DC
45, joined Jul. 2014
Exactly! And what the fu€k did blk ppl WIN by pointing out what she did? Or by mking this thread?
What about all tbe blk ppl who WON'T BENEFIT NOW from the work zhe did ith the NAACP? What about that?
That wby as blk ppl we're so fu€ked up as a race. We worry about the most medial BS instead of something for a greater good like opening your own business and getting the fu€k off of drugs. Pulling up their fu€king pants and turning tbe video games off for more han an hour. 
Let's list the facts first:
1. This lady went to Howard University, had a suit against them for discrimination, for claiming discrimination because she's white.
2. No one gets hired in a leadership posts, recommended without a social and criminal background check. Especially at a well established organization like the NAACP.
3. The same group of Boule Blacks who run Howard University also run the NAACP. That's the Black Greeks. Everyone in the Black community knows who they are and that the Black Greeks run the NAACP and the Urban League. These are political savvy, shrewd, well educated Blacks, none of them would recommend anyone without a check into who they are, that's just how things work.
So the question is, not why was she hired, or by whom because we know that now. The question is how will this affect Black and White racial relations because obviously this was intended to as some racial experiment. A bunch of Black people, emotionally upset, because Black integrity is being flaunted by this fraud. Well she's resigned, put back in her place, etc. But the now same people who put her there, are demanding that her lack of fraud be overlooked because her race shouldn't matter. But if her race didn't matter, then why would they help and aid her to cover it up? Because they knew she wasn't Black/African American. So why deceive the public about it for so long? What's the intent behind the deception?
As I said, it's a "Mind War".
[Edited 6/16/2015 12:36:50 PM ]
6/16/2015 3:40:36 PM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |


Phoenix, AZ
30, joined Mar. 2015
Dolezal just did a morning show interview. I was shaking my head when she was saying that she identified as black as young as 5 years old . Said when she colored with crayons she would draw herself but used the brown crayon for her skin instead of the peach one and black for her hair. Towards the end she tried to push some sympathy that her race is human kind but her culture is black. It's only going to get more ridiculous. I think this whole thing is going to create all kinds of new racial tensions. A fraternity is probably going to get suspended because they threw a Dolezal themed party as its going to be seen as "blackfacing" (dressing as a black person and portraying them stereotypical) Just wait for Halloween and see how many white people decide to dress up as her. I can already see the costumes , fro wig , spray tan and an NAACP t-shirt.
6/16/2015 3:43:52 PM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |


Phoenix, AZ
30, joined Mar. 2015

6/16/2015 4:06:01 PM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |

Norfolk, VA
45, joined Jan. 2014
Lare looks mixed. She looks like she is half black. She got that crazy, bushy, thick, dark eyebrows. She doesn't own a tweezer, I guess. She looks deranged with those eyebrows.
Lare, buy a tweezer & pluck 95 percent of your eyebrows off your face so it won't make u look so deranged. You look like u escaped from the crazy hospital with those thick, bushy, dark eyebrows, lare.
Lare, do u not own a tweezer? Pluck those eyebrows & get rid of it. Too thick! Too thick! It looks so deranged.
Lare & the 300 lbs. Mizzangeleye, oh my gosh, how you can you just let yourself go? How can you both go out in public looking like that? You are both very scary looking. Lare looks like a deranged person. Mizzangeleye is grossly obese. Mizzangeleye looks like she is evolving into a whale. She is so big & fat.
You both look like you have given up on taking care of yourself. You both look like you don't care about how you look to men anymore. Go outside & buy a tweezer today, lare.
Mizzangeleye, go outside & jog for 2 hours everyday. If you don't have money, just go jogging back & forth around the blocks infront of your house. You don't need to have money to exercise, Mizzangeleye.
Mizz, what happened to you, why did you allow yourself to put on so much weight? Why didn't you stop eating when you were 180 pounds? No woman should be more than 180 pounds. You look like you are at leat 270 pounds, Mizzangeleye.
Mizzangeleye: "I am not 300 pounds. I am only 299 pounds. Stop exaggerating about my weight, Sarah. I don't weigh 300 pounds. I am only 299 pounds, Sarah."
6/16/2015 4:11:40 PM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |


Walterboro, SC
65, joined Sep. 2011
6/16/2015 5:23:52 PM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |

Norfolk, VA
45, joined Jan. 2014
Dixie dancer looks like she is half chinese & half white. She has those slanted Chinese eyes. Chinese people are smart. Most of them are good at math & science.
6/16/2015 5:31:22 PM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |


Palatine, IL
28, joined Sep. 2014
Dixie dancer looks like she is half chinese & half white. She has those slanted Chinese eyes. Chinese people are smart. Most of them are good at math & science.
she looks like she take care of her body!!! She looks like she eat healthy and work out hard so kudos to her!!!
6/16/2015 5:32:59 PM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |

Norfolk, VA
45, joined Jan. 2014
Rachel D. claimed these two black people are her parents. Those two black people said they don't know her. She is going to such extreme length to lie to people. She is being deceptive. She can love & embrace black culture without lying. When people lie to you, it's very disrespectful. They are thinking you are too dumb to know the truth.
Rachel was able to fool many black people when she was posing as a black person. She went to the tanning machine to make herself look more brown. By lying to black people, she is disrespecting them. If her parents didn't out her. She would have keep on lying about & create more stories to fit in with lies. Lies on top of other lies. She is lying to people a lot. She is being very disrespectful. What she did was not right. It's immoral & unethical. The NAACP said they were not going to fired her for lying. She resigned to avoid the heat from the media. But she will still get pay & her pension plan from the NAACP. Resigning won't hurt her one bit. She is still getting paid.
6/16/2015 5:55:07 PM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
@ mrscarfaze:
I not once claimed the NAACP to be heaven, where God live and our sole purpose for livng now did I? The Illuminati and all that BS is a TOTALLY fifferent story and off the subject all together.
We're talking about blk ppls reaction to this white womans claim to the blk community and how she benefited from it. The coming of the Anti Christ and the Illuminatis role in that is just going to far brah.
6/16/2015 6:02:58 PM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
@ mrscarfaze:
Now... the point I'm making is simple... what the fu€k did this woman do that BLACK PPL haven't been doing for 100 yrs or more? WHAT? Blks even discuss and tell other blks HOW TO LIE on certain shit just to get over.
So without SIDE STEPPING my question....
Somebody, ANYBODY tell me what this lady did that blk ppl haven't did all their lives? WHAT?

6/16/2015 6:13:58 PM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |


Richmond, VA
38, joined May. 2014
^ just coz others did something wrong, doesn't make it acceptable. You are capable of being better than that.
6/16/2015 6:28:06 PM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |


Phoenix, AZ
30, joined Mar. 2015
Somebody, ANYBODY tell me what this lady did that blk ppl haven't did all their lives? WHAT?
Black people lie about their hair ?

6/16/2015 6:30:59 PM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
^ just coz others did something wrong, doesn't make it acceptable. You are capable of being better than that.
No it doesn't make it acceptable so I aggree with you on that point.
But calling somebody out for something you do yourself is being a fu€king hypocrite which is WORSE than lying. Do you agree with me on that point? 
6/16/2015 6:44:57 PM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |


Phoenix, AZ
30, joined Mar. 2015
Ok that last post made me get up and do the milli vanilli dance .

Girl you know it's true, oh, oh, oh
I love you
Yes you know it's true, oh, oh, oh
I love you
Girl you know it's true.....
6/16/2015 9:19:44 PM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |


Mansfield, OH
55, joined Oct. 2008
Ya know,it used to be black people couldnt pass,but, ever since,say, Warren Moon,why,we see this is NOT so....NOW,it appears white men cant pass anything ...at least NOT the ones the Browns freaking draft...*sigh*..THIS F*CKING YEAR DAMMIT!!Superbowl!!! Johnny Football!!! Hell yeah!!! 
OT Well,since I HAD to quit calling myself an "Indian Princess" as per YOUR instructions,(you mean bastard,you,my lifelong dream,shattered in that instant *whimper,whine*),I figured no-one would care if I wanted to be black..um,if i,uh,if I put "yo"..is it racist???
6/16/2015 9:26:15 PM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |


El Paso, TX
41, joined Feb. 2014
Whats up trucker!!!!! 
Eeees all bueno in el barrio.
6/16/2015 9:30:25 PM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |


Mauston, WI
49, joined Jan. 2012
Could be that she was just trying to get a discount at Popeye's for a bucket meal.
6/17/2015 9:59:15 AM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |

Washington, DC
45, joined Jul. 2014
Dolezal just did a morning show interview. I was shaking my head when she was saying that she identified as black as young as 5 years old . Said when she colored with crayons she would draw herself but used the brown crayon for her skin instead of the peach one and black for her hair. Towards the end she tried to push some sympathy that her race is human kind but her culture is black. It's only going to get more ridiculous. I think this whole thing is going to create all kinds of new racial tensions. A fraternity is probably going to get suspended because they threw a Dolezal themed party as its going to be seen as "blackfacing" (dressing as a black person and portraying them stereotypical) Just wait for Halloween and see how many white people decide to dress up as her. I can already see the costumes , fro wig , spray tan and an NAACP t-shirt.
Those treacherous Negros at the NAACP knew this lady was White. They are so desperate to have a connection with White people they even accept the delusional, placing them in prominent positions. Its pathetic self hatred.
6/17/2015 10:09:57 AM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |
Norcross, GA
28, joined Mar. 2015
I dont understand how they didnt know she was white! She doesnt look black to me,especially in the photos ive seen...op why are you always trying to clown blk ppl? You should be ashamed of yourself its not a good look ijs! 
6/17/2015 10:12:05 AM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |
Norcross, GA
28, joined Mar. 2015
Ok that last post made me get up and do the milli vanilli dance .
Girl you know it's true, oh, oh, oh
I love you
Yes you know it's true, oh, oh, oh
I love you
Girl you know it's true.....
my comment was meant for this dude not the op.
6/17/2015 10:24:54 AM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |


Phoenix, AZ
30, joined Mar. 2015
I dont understand how they didnt know she was white! She doesnt look black to me,especially in the photos ive seen...op why are you always trying to clown blk ppl? You should be ashamed of yourself its not a good look ijs!  
I'm clowning white people ....I like black chicks, we'll just the pretty ones that look like Beyoncé or Marya Careh. I Iike your chocolate boobies lideroos. They make me thirsty for some chocolate milk

6/17/2015 10:39:28 AM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |
Norcross, GA
28, joined Mar. 2015
I'm clowning white people ....I like black chicks, we'll just the pretty ones that look like Beyoncé or Marya Careh. I Iike your chocolate boobies lideroos. They make me thirsty for some chocolate milk
 ive seen your post & i think you're racist but that just me..carry on.
6/17/2015 10:48:53 AM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |


Phoenix, AZ
30, joined Mar. 2015
ive seen your post & i think you're racist but that just me..carry on.
I think you're racist
The white man is the one that is often stereotyped as being racist, which is hypocrisy at its best. It's racist to assume that someone is a racists.
But really I think we're all a little racist in one way or another.
6/17/2015 11:02:00 AM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |
Norcross, GA
28, joined Mar. 2015
I think you're racist
The white man is the one that is often stereotyped as being racist, which is hypocrisy at its best. It's racist to assume that someone is a racists.
But really I think we're all a little racist in one way or another.
I dont have to assume anything its quite clear with your posts, like i said thats jmo though. whats your ethnicity? Look what you just posted in the other thread about hair..
ppl on here are truly crazy your not doing anything positive by calling blk women out for their hair & other things..shit aint cool man ijs!
6/17/2015 11:26:53 AM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |


Portage, WI
66, joined Jul. 2010
Just saw a show on her. What a joke. Even her parents think she is daft. I think she has mental problems. I had a tenant who had cleaved to blacks. She had been married young to a white guy. He was killed in an accident. She told me she thought it was cause of her. She didn't deserve a white husband, even though she was white. So she dated blacks only.
I think this broad has lit onto a different race more for the percs she thinks she can get. Like the position she had and the media coverage. I see it more as self serving than anything else. If she wanted to honor another race or group, and followed fashion and was up front of respecting them..then that is one thing. I honor the Indians by attending Powwows, making their clothes, believing lots of their beliefs and attempting to preserve the People who lived on my farm. But, I dont pretend to BE Indian. I am white. And whites were adopted into tribes. One can try to be something else, but can't change your skin. Well..OK..Micheal Jackson might be the odd one out..but, he was always considered what he was. Just weird.
6/17/2015 11:34:40 AM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |


Phoenix, AZ
30, joined Mar. 2015
I dont have to assume anything its quite clear with your posts, like i said thats jmo though. whats your ethnicity? Look what you just posted in the other thread about hair..
ppl on here are truly crazy  your not doing anything positive by calling blk women out for their hair & other things..shit aint cool man ijs!
Well I'm not white ...and yeah I agree white people shouldn't say some of the things I say. Even though we have freedom of speech there are some things white peoples should never say.
And why didn't I see this before (probably distracted by your boobs)
I took another look at them by going on your profile and it says this in your about me
How racist , shame on you and thats the textbook definition of a racist. When one sees one race superior or better to another. In your case you think chinks and sweaty curry smelling Hindus are better than the brothas or white dudes.
I don't blame you though , most blacks in GA are broke a** moffucars and the whites there are red necked hicks.
I think you're a gold digger , looking for dudes with a good job , software engineers , computer programmers etc
(Racist chick )
6/17/2015 11:39:47 AM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |


Anderson, SC
24, joined Jun. 2014
Those treacherous Negros at the NAACP knew this lady was White. They are so desperate to have a connection with White people they even accept the delusional, placing them in prominent positions. Its pathetic self hatred.
This is my point. Self hatred. You know about as much on this story as I do yet your first assumption is that somebody's self hating. With how manytones and shades there are in black people iI'm pretty ashamed that you think looking at this woman should be enough to tell if she's black or white. Wtf? The people anybody should be percecuting for this are the ones she duped in her process to make it to the top of this association.
6/17/2015 11:45:24 AM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |


Phoenix, AZ
30, joined Mar. 2015
It's cool though ldeleeros
I still think you're hot. I should be going to Columbus for work travel in a couple of moths , we have a vendor there. Maybe I'll hit you up and take you out. I love GA, wouldn't live there though. I love the sweet tea and bbq. Maybe take you to the underground mall , maybe go get some Jamaican food. They got bomb Jamaican food in the ATL
[Edited 6/17/2015 11:48:59 AM ]
6/17/2015 2:26:14 PM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |


Gainesville, FL
54, joined May. 2011
No one got mad at Barack Obama for passing himself off as black. 
6/21/2015 10:59:22 AM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |
Norcross, GA
28, joined Mar. 2015
How racist , shame on you  and thats the textbook definition of a racist. When one sees one race superior or better to another. In your case you think chinks and sweaty curry smelling Hindus are better than the brothas or white dudes.
I don't blame you though , most blacks in GA are broke a** moffucars and the whites there are red necked hicks.
I think you're a gold digger , looking for dudes with a good job , software engineers , computer programmers etc
(Racist chick  )
well if you Read it correctly that means stay off my page then right you're hispanic .
6/21/2015 1:09:34 PM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |


Austin, TX
33, joined May. 2012
I used to dig for gold when I was younger... never found any. 
6/21/2015 1:13:04 PM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |


Bryan, TX
32, joined Apr. 2013
No one got mad at Barack Obama for passing himself off as black. 
When was he not black? He wearing shoe polish?
6/21/2015 1:13:10 PM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |


Bonaire, GA
41, joined Sep. 2014
I'm purple with stripes.
...we might be cousins,
6/21/2015 1:22:11 PM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |


Jessieville, AR
58, joined Jul. 2010
I used to find iron pyrite in the shale
from the hallow.
6/21/2015 1:34:42 PM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |


Austin, TX
33, joined May. 2012
When was he not black? He wearing shoe polish?
Who knows what weirdo things people will come up with to say he's not black.
People need to get over it. He was born in America and he's the first black president. People should just be grateful they were alive to see this history. It's going down in the books and will be taught in history classes for 100s of years probably. And we get to live it.
6/21/2015 1:41:32 PM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |


Bryan, TX
32, joined Apr. 2013
Who knows what weirdo things people will come up with to say he's not black.
People need to get over it. He was born in America and he's the first black president. People should just be grateful they were alive to see this history. It's going down in the books and will be taught in history classes for 100s of years probably. And we get to live it.
A lot of the old farts still barely kicking probably thought they would die before it would happen. I am not a fan of Obama, he's disappointed me on many fronts, but it was important to reach that milestone.
6/21/2015 3:32:18 PM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |

United Kingdom
40, joined May. 2012
Black people
Words of advice.
Stop looking for the good in white. They have none.
Stop looking for empathy from white people. They have none.
Stop thinking there are some good white people. There are none
Understand. The white race is a race of devils.
The only solution is
As the great Khlaid Muhammad said
6/21/2015 3:42:06 PM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |


Bryan, TX
32, joined Apr. 2013
Black people
Words of advice.
Stop looking for the good in white. They have none.
Stop looking for empathy from white people. They have none.
Stop thinking there are some good white people. There are none
Understand. The white race is a race of devils.
The only solution is
As the great Khlaid Muhammad said
I imagine this guy wears a little bow tie. You do realize Nation of Islam is even more hilarious than Mormonism right?
[Edited 6/21/2015 3:42:51 PM ]
6/21/2015 6:40:57 PM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |


Saint Johns, FL
35, joined Sep. 2011
That b*tch is about as nuts as Bruce Jenner is.....
6/21/2015 7:43:47 PM |
White People Who Try to Pass off as Black |

Apple Creek, OH
66, joined Jul. 2008
