7/12/2015 1:39:52 PM |
That fkn mafia bastard lbj |


Bettendorf, IA
64, joined May. 2008
Pretending he is all upset when JFK got half his head blown off.......when he [ lbj ] was one of the biggest perpetrators of the event. The bastard pretends it might be the Communists that killed JFK when HE KNEW it was the mob that he and j edgar hired to do the fkn job.
I refuse to capitalize that bastards name or hoovers name. JFK and RFK [GOOD] vs j edgar and lbj [ pure evil]
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7/12/2015 1:42:56 PM |
That fkn mafia bastard lbj |

Las Vegas, NV
42, joined Dec. 2012
Shit happened over 50 years ago. Time to let it go
7/12/2015 1:50:45 PM |
That fkn mafia bastard lbj |


Bettendorf, IA
64, joined May. 2008
Shit happened over 50 years ago. Time to let it go
Do you mind if talk about the 2 greatest statesmen this country has ever had?? JFK and RFK??
7/12/2015 1:53:44 PM |
That fkn mafia bastard lbj |

Gueydan, LA
83, joined Mar. 2013
If you listen to Jacqueline Kennedy's tapes that have been released after all this time, she clearly states in there that she always suspected it was LBJ over oil.
7/12/2015 1:57:01 PM |
That fkn mafia bastard lbj |


New York, NY
62, joined Dec. 2010
Pretending he is all upset when JFK got half his head blown off.......when he [ lbj ] was one of the biggest perpetrators of the event. The bastard pretends it might be the Communists that killed JFK when HE KNEW it was the mob that he and j edgar hired to do the fkn job.
I refuse to capitalize that bastards name or hoovers name. JFK and RFK [GOOD] vs j edgar and lbj [ pure evil]
Not only that, LBJ was a staunch racist. He said "I'll have those n**gers voting Democrat for the next 200 years".
7/12/2015 2:05:34 PM |
That fkn mafia bastard lbj |

Gueydan, LA
83, joined Mar. 2013
Investigators scoured the scene for fingerprints but the rifle and the boxes had apparently been wiped clean. The only forensic element that could possibly identify the killer was a partial fingerprint that was lifted from one of the cardboard boxes.
In an attempt to identify this print, officials took the prints of everyone who worked at the Book Depository, including the main suspect, Lee Harvey Oswald. They also compared this print to police and FBI agents who had access to the crime scene, but the print remained an enigma.
The print, as it turns out, belongs to Malcolm Wallace, the long time friend and associate of president Lyndon Baines Johnson.
Who was Malcolm Wallace: A hit man for LBJ.
Convicted of killing a golf pro who was having an affair with LBJ's sister. She had a reputation for being promiscuous and, especially when she was high, she disclosed personal information and stories about Lyndon. It was feared that she might have already disclosed some illegal activities about Johnson to Kinser, specifically certain activities he had engaged in during his race for the Senate.
Kinser was gunned down in his golf club. Shortly after, Wallace was arrested and found guilty of First Degree Murder. During his 10 day trial, Wallace was represented by LBJ's own lawyer. Johnson took a room near to the courthouse and had runners keep him updated on the testimony and proceedings. To everyone's surprise, the trial concluded with Wallace receiving a 5 years suspended sentence!
If you want to read a great article on the shooter, here is a link.
7/12/2015 2:16:26 PM |
That fkn mafia bastard lbj |

Berwyn, IL
59, joined Jan. 2009
Pretending he is all upset when JFK got half his head blown off.......when he [ lbj ] was one of the biggest perpetrators of the event. The bastard pretends it might be the Communists that killed JFK when HE KNEW it was the mob that he and j edgar hired to do the fkn job.
I refuse to capitalize that bastards name or hoovers name. JFK and RFK [GOOD] vs j edgar and lbj [ pure evil]
I have to agree on this one. Carlos Marcello set it up. JFK was a great president.
If JFK would have lived and served no telling what the USA would be like now.
LBJs Vietnam war FUBARed the USA in a war of attrition fought against communist
China and the USSR. JFK had too many enemies to contend with. LBJ was one.
7/12/2015 2:16:28 PM |
That fkn mafia bastard lbj |


Bettendorf, IA
64, joined May. 2008
Who was Malcolm Wallace: A hit man for LBJ.
Convicted of killing a golf pro who was having an affair with LBJ's sister. She had a reputation for being promiscuous and, especially when she was high, she disclosed personal information and stories about Lyndon. It was feared that she might have already disclosed some illegal activities about Johnson to Kinser, specifically certain activities he had engaged in during his race for the Senate.
Thanks a ton. I never knew that. I've heard about the print on the cardboard box. On Nov. 21st at a party throw by mafia scumbag Clint Murthison [ Dallas Cowboy owner ] for j edgar...lbj shows up late and says " After tomorrow those dam Kennedys arnt gonna embarrass me anymore. Thats not a threat- thats a promise according to lbjs mistress and I believe every word
7/12/2015 2:18:19 PM |
That fkn mafia bastard lbj |

Gueydan, LA
83, joined Mar. 2013
Senator Johnson used his office to grow his influence with big oil. His main appeal was his support for the Oil Depletion Allowance which allowed oil companies to avoid taxes on their wealth.
Such a system was clearly unfair and only benefited a small group of businessmen in Texas. It seemed only a matter of time before Congress removed this tax loophole. However, these oilmen used some of their great wealth to manipulate the politicians in Washington -- especially LBJ.
Ironically, Kennedy wanted to reduce the Oil Depletion Allowance. Kennedy was also opposed to the escalating Vietnam conflict. With 16,000 military advisors in Vietnam, big oil and big business desperately wanted to see this develop to a full blown war. But Kennedy had already signed a National Security Document (NSA #263) to withdraw all of the troops by 1965. With billions to be made from a military economy, Kennedy was an obvious obsticle. But Johnson was seen as a friend to big money.
This love-hate conflict with the Kennedy administration was especially felt by one wealthy, big-oil man named Clint Murchison. And it was at the Murchison mansion, just before Kennedy's trip to Dallas in 1963, where the fate of both LBJ and JFK would eventually be decided.
So why was LBJ on the JFK ticket?
With their politics often in opposition, it seems odd that Kennedy chose Johnson to be his running mate in 1960. In fact, John Kennedy and his brother Robert didn't want any part of Johnson. But there was a problem.
John Kennedy had his personal demons. He was addicted to IV "meth" (methamphetamine) and steroids because of his severe back pain and chronic Hodgkins disease. He was also a womanizer. He had many affairs while a Senator and these were well documented by J. Edgar Hoover.
Hoover, who had his own sexual demons (he was a closet homosexual), was himself blackmailed by organized crime and big oil interests into threatening the Kennedys with exposure of JFK's sexual activities unless he allowed Johnson a place on his ticket. Hoover played his card and the Kennedys reluctantly folded.
7/12/2015 2:23:42 PM |
That fkn mafia bastard lbj |

Denton, TX
51, joined Jun. 2014
I still cannot get over the lbj ordering haggar pants tapes.
Absolutely the funniest shit i have everheard.
Except for when chong snorted the detergent and then drank the pee
7/12/2015 2:29:51 PM |
That fkn mafia bastard lbj |

Gueydan, LA
83, joined Mar. 2013
The Democrats have been controlling big oil in Texas all these years, not the Bush's.
Not even a conviction for income-tax evasion in 1934 and his subsequent imprisonment for nine months in 1936 and 1937 destroyed Parr's growing political power. His handpicked candidates continued to sweep county elections, and by the time of his father's death in 1942, Parr stood as the undisputed boss of Duval County-in both a political and an economic sense. He amassed a sizable fortune with income from banking, mercantile, ranching, and oil interests and, of course, from the public treasury. His political influence extended into other South Texas counties as well. With pardon from President Harry Truman in 1946, he even reclaimed the right to run for public office, and later held the posts of county judge and sheriff for his home county.
The remainder of Parr's political career was highlighted by a seemingly endless series of spectacular scandals, involving election fraud, graft on the grand scale, and violence. His most celebrated scheme decided the outcome of the United States Senate race between Coke R. Stevenson and Lyndon B. Johnson in 1948. With Stevenson the apparent winner, election officials in Jim Wells County, probably acting on Parr's orders, reported an additional 202 votes for Johnson a week after the primary runoff and provided the future president with his eighty-seven-vote margin of victory for the whole state. Amid charges of fraud, the voting lists disappeared. Even more sordid controversies followed. As strong challenges from the Freedom party, consisting mainly of World War II veterans, developed in several South Texas counties, including Duval, two critics of Parr's rule and the son of another met violent deaths. While denying Parr's involvement in two of the killings, his biographer, Dudley Lynch, concedes that the evidence against Parr in the shooting of the son of Jacob Floyd, an attorney for the Freedom party, was both "highly circumstantial" and "highly incriminating." After this third murder, Governor Allan Shivers, Texas attorney general John Ben Shepperd, and federal authorities launched all-out campaigns to destroy the Parr machine. Investigations of the 1950s produced over 650 indictments against ring members, but Parr survived the indictments and his own conviction for federal mail fraud through a complicated series of dismissals and reversals on appeal. In the face of another legal offensive in the 1970s and a rebellion within his own organization, he finally relented. While appealing a conviction and five-year sentence for federal income tax evasion, the Duke of Duval committed suicide at his ranch, Los Harcones, on April 1, 1975.
7/12/2015 2:35:47 PM |
That fkn mafia bastard lbj |

New Orleans, LA
56, joined Nov. 2014
Shit happened over 50 years ago. Time to let it go
Do you mind if talk about the 2 greatest statesmen this country has ever had?? JFK and RFK?? 
No they weren't. They did very little. Kennedy did the Cuban missile crisis, which was great, but his brother was one of the first atty generals that began stripping people's rights. Under jfk is where the hand out spending seriously began running deficits in peace time and got so bad that lbj moved the ss fund into the general fund to covert up the size of the deficit.
It was the beginning of the gibbsmedat mentality.
7/12/2015 2:45:44 PM |
That fkn mafia bastard lbj |

Gueydan, LA
83, joined Mar. 2013

7/12/2015 2:51:06 PM |
That fkn mafia bastard lbj |


Bettendorf, IA
64, joined May. 2008
Hoover, who had his own sexual demons (he was a closet homosexual), was himself blackmailed by organized crime and big oil interests into threatening the Kennedys with exposure of JFK's sexual activities unless he allowed Johnson a place on his ticket. Hoover played his card and the Kennedys reluctantly folded.
Why JFK didnt fire that foggot piece of shit hoover is beyond me???? I guess it all comes down to who owns and controls the media..............doesn't it?? Why did hoover want lbj on the ticket?? I thought JFK picked up lbj to get the southern vote. Everybody has demons basically. So JFK was on meth for his pain?? So what?? Would the people care?? How about FDR?? They can keep that stuff hidden?? Womanizing?? So what?? Who cares??? Its unimportant as to the policies of the President...IMO of course
7/12/2015 2:55:27 PM |
That fkn mafia bastard lbj |

Gueydan, LA
83, joined Mar. 2013
That is what they wanted you to believe. Big Texas Oil Senator Parr blackmailed Hoover if he didn't blackmail the Kennedy's because Hoover had the dirt on Kennedy and the Parr's from Texas had the dirt on Hoover's perversions. Remember, this is the 60's, promiscuity and homosexuality was hidden.
Also, you couldn't have a President on mind altering drugs, might hit the big RED button you know.
[Edited 7/12/2015 2:56:34 PM ]
7/12/2015 3:00:20 PM |
That fkn mafia bastard lbj |


San Antonio, TX
25, joined Sep. 2012
7/12/2015 3:00:25 PM |
That fkn mafia bastard lbj |


Bettendorf, IA
64, joined May. 2008
Just think........everything would have been untangled and different IF the Kennedys' had a tape of j edgar taking one in the ass, or wearing a dress or whatever?? Why in the heck didnt they?? Why didntr Joe Kennedy get involved with all this blackmailing and shit?? Lots of questions???
7/12/2015 3:07:11 PM |
That fkn mafia bastard lbj |

Jacksonville, FL
50, joined Jul. 2014
JFK was Reagan before Reagan. He advocated deficit spending and major tax cuts. They killed him for it.
7/12/2015 3:07:58 PM |
That fkn mafia bastard lbj |

Albuquerque, NM
56, joined Feb. 2015
There's gotta be some kind of medication for this shit.
7/12/2015 3:09:02 PM |
That fkn mafia bastard lbj |


Cincinnati, OH
40, joined Jul. 2014
Shit happened over 50 years ago. Time to let it go
OK now let slavery go
7/12/2015 3:30:48 PM |
That fkn mafia bastard lbj |

Gueydan, LA
83, joined Mar. 2013

OK now let slavery go
7/12/2015 5:47:26 PM |
That fkn mafia bastard lbj |

New Orleans, LA
56, joined Nov. 2014
JFK was Reagan before Reagan. He advocated deficit spending and major tax cuts. They killed him for it.
Reagan tax cuts more than doubled tax revenues. The Democrat congress promised to cut $1 in spending for every $2 revenue increase. That means avoiding to their promise that they would cut spending by 1/3. Oddly, rather than keeping their promise, they tripled spending. Imagine that, lying democrats.
[Edited 7/12/2015 5:47:42 PM ]
7/12/2015 5:49:55 PM |
That fkn mafia bastard lbj |

Gueydan, LA
83, joined Mar. 2013

7/12/2015 8:05:25 PM |
That fkn mafia bastard lbj |


Bettendorf, IA
64, joined May. 2008
Ruthless bastard, just like papa Bush. That sure does not say much for their wives to stay married to those cutthroat bastards. 
7/12/2015 8:14:49 PM |
That fkn mafia bastard lbj |

Gueydan, LA
83, joined Mar. 2013
Again, 57 you have to remember the era. Marriage vows were held together by the wives usually, the philandering politicians did not care. Women were "owned" back then.
Not until the 1970's did women establish their own credit.
7/13/2015 1:35:24 AM |
That fkn mafia bastard lbj |

Chapel Hill, NC
60, joined Feb. 2007
Shit happened over 50 years ago. Time to let it go
Do you mind if talk about the 2 greatest statesmen this country has ever had?? JFK and RFK?? 
We cant let it go...because the perps are still in our gov..
LYNDON BANES (BEN)JOHNSON WAS A ZIONIST JEW...most peeps dont know that..but its true
Knowing that alone..tells the story quite clearly...
JFK was pulling troops out of VIETNAM..where the PARALELL GOV was getting HEROIN to sell on the streets of America
7/13/2015 1:37:31 AM |
That fkn mafia bastard lbj |

Chapel Hill, NC
60, joined Feb. 2007
JFK was Reagan before Reagan. He advocated deficit spending and major tax cuts. They killed him for it.
JFK was the last true American president we have ever had...
The rest are JEWBOTS..or JEWS themselves
JEWS ARE WARMONGERS..its how they make their money..WELL..ITS ONE WAY...there are many other ways too..
7/13/2015 1:44:34 AM |
That fkn mafia bastard lbj |

Chapel Hill, NC
60, joined Feb. 2007
OH YEA...THE LARGEST MOST NOTORIOUS MAFIA WAS JEWISH..not Italian...but Jews in Hollywood PROGRAM you through their many movies to think so..
JFK was liquidated by the mafia WHOS KINGPIN WAS MEYER LANSKY..A JEW..
{{THEY TRIED TO KILL RENSE RECENTLY..The Zionist Communist Jews are getting desperate..and are trying to stop their exposure as the most vile disgusting genocidal people on the planet.))
JEFF RENSE SITE.......Hes a 'GOOD' Jew himself..
"Today, seven Jewish Americans run the vast majority of US television networks, the printed press, the Hollywood movie industry, the book publishing industry, and the recording industry. Most of these industries are bundled into huge media conglomerates run by the following seven individuals:
Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner
Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company
Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd
Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios
Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc
Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric
Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited
Those seven Jewish men collectively control ABC, NBC, CBS, the Turner Broadcasting System, CNN, MTV, Universal Studios, MCA Records, Geffen Records, DGC Records, GRP Records, Rising Tide Records, Curb/Universal Records, and Interscope Records.
Most of the larger independent newspapers are owned by Jewish interests as well. An example is media mogul is Samuel I. "Si" Newhouse, who owns two dozen daily newspapers from Staten Island to Oregon, plus the Sunday supplement Parade; the Conde Nast collection of magazines, including Vogue, The New Yorker, Vanity Fair, Allure, GQ, and Self; the publishing firms of Random House, Knopf, Crown, and Ballantine, among other imprints; and cable franchises with over one million subscribers."
I coul d add that Michael Eisner could depart Disney tomorrow but the company will remain in the hands of Shamrock Holdings, whose principal office is now located in Israel".
http://wais.stanford.edu/History/history_KennedyAssassination(092803).ht ml
JEFF RENSE SITE.......Hes a 'GOOD' Jew himself..
From Donna Halperin
Hi Jeff - I am Jewish and I take exception to some of the articles you post on your site. However, this particular article is staggering in its implications. It is said there are less than 15 million Jews on the planet. Most of us...and I know a lot of people... are kind, normal and not megalomaniacal in our approach to life. When someone of ANY religious or political persuasion reads this story and then also factors in the dominance of Jews in finance and the economy, government, science, the medical profession, the legal profession - in fact all the professions - one has to come away pondering how such staggering influence has been acquired by such a microscopic percent of the world's 7 BILLION people. For ANY group to wield such power clearly and obviously injects profound bias and skewing into all areas of a nation so dominated. Is there a Zionist/Jewish bias in Western society and especially the US? Is grass green? It is often whispered that Baron Rothschild really owns and controls Great Britain. It is reported that 7 of the 8 oligarch/gangsters who control most of Russia are Jews ...probably hard core Zionists. (Maybe Putin is trying to prevent a total Zionist takeover of Russia with the Lukos oil magnate's arrest?) And then look at the Zionist Jewish near domination of the Bush administration (no coincidence, that) and the more than one trillion dollars the kindly American people have given to Israel in 'loan guarantees'...not a penny of which has ever...or will ever... be paid back. I could go on but it when a Jew starts to point out the facts and connect the dots, they are quickly smeared as 'self-hating' and so forth. Well, this Jew is an American first and I'm hoping you continue to post factual articles like this on your site. Thank you.
7/13/2015 3:41:02 AM |
That fkn mafia bastard lbj |

Las Vegas, NV
42, joined Dec. 2012
OK now let slavery go
I'm not a black guy so why should slavery concern me?
7/13/2015 7:12:51 AM |
That fkn mafia bastard lbj |

Denton, TX
51, joined Jun. 2014
I'm not a black guy so why should slavery concern me?
Slavery was not just blacks
7/13/2015 8:01:25 AM |
That fkn mafia bastard lbj |

Las Vegas, NV
42, joined Dec. 2012
Don't care