8/3/2015 2:02:45 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |

Ocala, FL
56, joined Jul. 2013
Koch Bros doesn't invite him...
More points for the Donald
Dissers stay out!
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

8/3/2015 2:03:21 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |


San Diego, CA
30, joined Nov. 2013
online now!
This Thursday is going to be great. 
8/3/2015 2:23:20 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |


Philadelphia, PA
49, joined Aug. 2014
Koch Bros doesn't invite him...
More points for the Donald
Dissers stay out!  Tell me something O.P....what has Trump done for you? 
8/3/2015 2:29:28 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |
New York, NY
42, joined Jul. 2015
I'd vote for him if I could 
8/3/2015 2:39:25 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |

Fort Lauderdale, FL
55, joined May. 2007
prefer other candidates or stay neutral, its already been reported months ago
8/3/2015 2:45:21 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |


Las Vegas, NV
60, joined Mar. 2011
I think all that's left is to pick a VP. 
8/3/2015 2:45:53 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |

Ocala, FL
56, joined Jul. 2013
Tell me something O.P....what has Trump done for you? 
Ask not what your Country...
Btw.. which one of u in PHILLY killed
8/3/2015 2:47:27 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |


Euless, TX
47, joined May. 2014
online now!
I like Trump because he doesn't need money. No one controls him.
“I wish good luck to all of the Republican candidates that traveled to California to beg for money etc. from the Koch Brothers,” Mr. Trump, who leads in many national polls, wrote in a Sunday morning Twitter post. “Puppets?”
8/3/2015 2:51:03 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |


Las Vegas, NV
60, joined Mar. 2011
I love when they asked him how he's going to do in the debate and his answer was that he didn't know too much about debating, HE GETS THINGS DONE. HAHAHA Gotta love that.
8/3/2015 2:58:23 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |


Philadelphia, PA
49, joined Aug. 2014
Ask not what your Country...
Btw.. which one of u in PHILLY killed
HITCHBOT   Lmao.. That's what we tryna find out Nat_now..he was on the side of the road like road kill...maybe he ran out of gas or battery power! 
8/3/2015 2:59:47 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |
New York, NY
42, joined Jul. 2015
Trump - Fiorina
8/3/2015 3:01:01 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |


Euless, TX
47, joined May. 2014
online now!
I love when they asked him how he's going to do in the debate and his answer was that he didn't know too much about debating, HE GETS THINGS DONE. HAHAHA Gotta love that.
Everyone else spent the weekend rehearsing their debating and Trump went to a golf tournament in Scotland 
8/3/2015 3:18:02 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |


Las Vegas, NV
60, joined Mar. 2011
Trump - Fiorina
Perfect, I've said that too. 
8/3/2015 3:26:41 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |

Salem, OR
63, joined Nov. 2013
Trump is a Hillary mole, destroying the GOP from within. He, and his Tea Bagger supporters will put Hill in The White House.
8/3/2015 3:30:31 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |


Las Vegas, NV
60, joined Mar. 2011

8/3/2015 3:35:19 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |

Ocala, FL
56, joined Jul. 2013
Trump is a Hillary mole, destroying the GOP from within. He, and his Tea Bagger supporters will put Hill in The White House.

Give the government your $ muzik..they'll decide how to spend it for you..I guess because you don't know how to spend it yourself.
I pay as little as possible," Trump said. "I fight like hell to pay as little as possible." Trump said he hates the way the government spends taxes.
"I hate the way they waste our money. Trillions and trillions of dollars of waste and abuse. And I hate it," he said.
8/3/2015 3:39:13 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |

Tampa, FL
58, joined Feb. 2013
I like Trump because he doesn't need money. No one controls him.
Damn right! He won't be promoting the agenda of billionaires because he's not . . . Oh! Oh yeah. He is a billionaire. And the political agenda of gangster-capitalist billionaire one-percenters is his natural agenda. So, what we can expect from a President Trump is that every major policy passed will be a boon for the gangster-capitalist one-percenters and a total affront for the working class masses. Just like it is now.
8/3/2015 3:47:10 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |

Ocala, FL
56, joined Jul. 2013
Damn right! He won't be promoting the agenda of billionaires because he's not . . . Oh! Oh yeah. He is a billionaire. And the political agenda of gangster-capitalist billionaire one-percenters is his natural agenda. So, what we can expect from a President Trump is that every major policy passed will be a boon for the gangster-capitalist one-percenters and a total affront for the working class masses. Just like it is now.
More script.. ^^^ Wasserman-Schultz can't even answer the difference between a dem and a socialist.
Trump will energize the economy!!!!
Stop being a "debbie" downer
8/3/2015 3:59:15 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |

Tampa, FL
58, joined Feb. 2013
Wasserman-Schultz can't even answer the difference between a dem and a socialist.
No member of the ruling class can accurately answer that question in public. No right-winger on this forum has ever declared there to be any difference between liberals and socialists. And there's a very good reason why.
The ruling-class gangster-capitalists work very hard to convince the working class masses in America that the furthest left anyone could ever go is the liberal Democrats. That keeps any conversation firmly within the boundaries of capitalism. For Wasserman-Schultz to have made the easy observation that liberalism is a faction of capitalism while socialism is government by the working class would have unveiled a closely-held secret that the ruling-class desperately wants kept on the down-low. Imagine the revolutionary potential if the American working class, the largest faction of the American people, quickly came to the realization that socialism is government by the working class, and that liberalism is nothing more but another faction of right-wing, criminal, parasite capitalism.
[Edited 8/3/2015 4:00:21 PM ]
8/3/2015 4:00:27 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |

New Hope, PA
74, joined Feb. 2008
They only invited four candidates Bush,Walker,Cruz and Fiorina.
8/3/2015 4:00:37 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |


Euless, TX
47, joined May. 2014
online now!
No member of the ruling class can
Nobody reads your rants.

8/3/2015 4:04:35 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |

Tampa, FL
58, joined Feb. 2013
Damn right! He won't be promoting the agenda of billionaires because he's not . . . Oh! Oh yeah. He is a billionaire. And the political agenda of gangster-capitalist billionaire one-percenters is his natural agenda. So, what we can expect from a President Trump is that every major policy passed will be a boon for the gangster-capitalist one-percenters and a total affront for the working class masses. Just like it is now.
The oligarchs’ election
3 August 2015
World Socialist Web Site
Reports filed earlier this month with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) confirm that the US political system is completely dominated by the super-rich. The figures are so staggering, and so at odds with the conventional claims that the United States is a democracy, that even the corporate-controlled media has been compelled to take notice.
Below are some representative headlines that appeared over the weekend:
Small Pool of Rich Donors Dominates Election Giving—New York Times
Million-dollar donors pump huge sums into 2016 White House race—Washington Post
Data: Nearly 5 dozen give a third of all ’16 campaign cash—Associated Press
67 donors and gusher of cash change 2016 race—Politico.com
Each of these reports relies on the figures from the FEC to document the role of a tiny group of extraordinarily wealthy contributors in shaping the course of the 2016 presidential campaign in both the Democratic and Republican parties. The bulk of this money has been channeled through so-called super PACs, the nominally independent political action committees called into existence by the Supreme Court’s 2010 decision in the Citizens United case, which legalized unlimited political contributions by millionaires and billionaires.
A few of the most important figures are worth citing:
* Fewer than 400 families account for nearly half of the $388 million raised by June 30 for the 2016 campaign.
* Just 130 families provide more than half of the super PAC money raised for Republican candidates.
* Some 67 donors have kicked in more than $1 million apiece, nearly half of them in the camp of Jeb Bush, who leads the fundraising race with $119 million.
* Super PAC fundraising has shot up ten-fold since the last presidential campaign, from $26 million at this point in 2011 to $258 million this year, nearly two-thirds of the total campaign cash that has been raised.
Perhaps the most naked expression of the dominant role of big money is the weekend event held by the billionaire brothers Charles and Edward Koch. They invited five of the Republican hopefuls to audition before an audience of 450 like-minded reactionary money men. The Koch brothers alone have pledged to pump $900 million into electing a Republican president and Congress. Republican strategist Mark McKinnon told the New York Times, “For that kind of money you could buy a president. Oh right. That’s the point.”
The fundraising figures help explain the proliferation of Republican candidates, as 13 of the 17 depend on a handful of wealthy supporters to fund their campaigns. Four donors account for two-thirds of the super PAC money for Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker; four donors account for three quarters of the funding for Senator Marco Rubio; three donors account for nearly all the funding for Senator Ted Cruz; two investors fund Senator Rand Paul’s campaign; one poultry magnate is keeping former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee’s campaign afloat. In the case of Donald Trump, one donor, the billionaire himself, accounts for 100 percent of his funding.
The Democratic campaign, in terms of the number of candidates, offers the inverse of the Republican. Hillary Clinton became the prohibitive favorite because she was the only candidate with significant backing from the financial oligarchy. Already, eight individuals have given $1 million or more to one of Clinton’s super PACs, with Wall Street and Hollywood the main contributors.
Clinton released eight years of tax returns on Friday, documents that certify the Clintons’ entrance into the financial elite—at least its lower rungs. They made $139 million in adjusted gross income from 2007 to 2014, mainly from speaking fees and books. The former secretary of state gave three speeches to Goldman Sachs, one of the main financial criminals of the 2008 Wall Street crash, for a total of $675,000.
In a little-noticed commentary on a national radio program Tuesday, former President Jimmy Carter said that money had completely corrupted the political system of the United States. “Now it’s just an oligarchy,” he said, “with unlimited political bribery being the essence of getting the nominations for president or to elect the president. And the same thing applies to governors and US senators and Congress members.”
Carter has become something of a Cassandra in recent years, cautioning the US ruling elite that it has become so corrupt, reactionary and anti-democratic, so reckless in its militarism, that it risks losing all political legitimacy. His latest warning will be ignored like all the others.
The pleas from Carter, or the editors of the New York Times, to somewhat insulate the political system from the influence of big money are both pathetic and futile. What is emerging in the corruption and filth of the 2016 US presidential election is the essence of capitalist politics—the dictatorship of the financial overlords who dominate every aspect of American society.
There is no quarantining money from politics. The only way to purge the oligarchs from politics is to purge the oligarchs.
The fortunes of the billionaires, amassed through financial fraud, market manipulation and brutal exploitation, must be confiscated and made available to serve the needs of working people. This will be an essential component of the socialist reorganization of economic life as a whole, including the nationalization of the banks and basic industry, and the establishment of a rationally planned economy under democratic control.
8/3/2015 4:24:43 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |


Philadelphia, PA
49, joined Aug. 2014
Trump is one ugly mother F#&K3R ain't no way he gonna beat Hillary or Biden...
8/3/2015 4:41:59 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |


Las Vegas, NV
60, joined Mar. 2011
Trump is one ugly mother F#&K3R ain't no way he gonna beat Hillary or Biden... 
Ah, so you think Hillary's cute, do ya? And Uncle Joe, too??
To each his own, I guess. 
8/3/2015 5:27:51 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |


Bunker Hill, WV
43, joined Jul. 2013
The Trumpster 
8/3/2015 5:35:10 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |

Ocala, FL
56, joined Jul. 2013
Voters first presidential forum 7pm cspan.. tonight. tuning in. "road to the whitehouse"
14 participating.
Huckabee, Gilmore, and Trump...not attending..
[Edited 8/3/2015 5:36:55 PM ]
8/3/2015 5:43:44 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |


Las Vegas, NV
60, joined Mar. 2011
Voters first presidential forum 7pm cspan.. tonight.  tuning in.  "road to the whitehouse"
14 participating.
Huckabee, Gilmore, and Trump...not attending..
Thanks, didn't know that! Got it on now.
8/3/2015 6:15:22 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |
Highland, MI
67, joined May. 2014
Trump - Fiorina
8/3/2015 6:58:24 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |

Tampa, FL
58, joined Feb. 2013
What Percentage of Message-Board Trump Supporters are Sock Puppets?
Political Theater: Company with crowds for hire sees opportunity in politics
Published: August 3, 2015
As the race for the White House heats up with the first Republican debateset for Thursday, there appears to be a growing number of supporters showing up at campaign speeches and appearances. The increasing pressure to gain an edge has some candidates paying actors to be faces in the crowd, CBS News' Carter Evans reports.
When Donald Trump entered the presidential race, spurred on by an energetic crowd, apparently not all were true believers. According to an email obtained by The Hollywood Reporter, actors were offered $50 to wear T-shirts, carry signs and cheer.
Adam Swart is CEO of Crowds on Demand. His initial clients were minor celebrities looking to get create a buzz. He hired actors to play paparazzi and fans. It wasn't long before politicians came calling.
"You want the world to think that it's really a genuine crowd, and that's what we do," Swart said.
Swart said party affiliation doesn't matter. You want a crowd, he'll give you a crowd to cheer or go negative. He'll even provide protesters for an event.
8/3/2015 7:06:32 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |


Tacoma, WA
51, joined Dec. 2009
Imagine the revolutionary potential if the American working class, the largest faction of the American people, quickly came to the realization that

8/3/2015 7:07:41 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |


Philadelphia, PA
49, joined Aug. 2014
Ah, so you think Hillary's cute, do ya? And Uncle Joe, too??
To each his own, I guess.  Yes madam! Hillary is cute...she ages gracefully! 
8/3/2015 7:09:44 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |


West Plains, MO
46, joined Feb. 2014
I'm pro-Trump when I bid with a long suit, and no-Trump when I bid with a lot of hight cards 
8/3/2015 7:12:56 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |
New York, NY
42, joined Jul. 2015

Yes madam! Hillary is cute...she ages gracefully! 
8/3/2015 7:21:16 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |

New Hope, PA
74, joined Feb. 2008
Trump chickened out of tonight's New Hampshire CSPAN Presidential Forum.
8/3/2015 7:26:45 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |


Philadelphia, PA
49, joined Aug. 2014
Trump chickened out of tonight's New Hampshire CSPAN Presidential Forum.
Because trump knows new Hampshire is one state he won't win! 
8/3/2015 7:29:41 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |


Tacoma, WA
51, joined Dec. 2009

When it comes to money Trump trumps Hillary. The main bragging right is that he made it from business that employs private sector business, and not like Hillary with campaign contributions from foreign pedophilic leaders.
8/3/2015 7:33:22 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |

Ocala, FL
56, joined Jul. 2013
I told u no dissers..
He didn't chicken out.
This NH Union Leader newspaper is hosting, and they had written a negative article about his McCain remarks. Therefore, a smart business decision..don't show where you're not endorsed...or where people have supported spinning truths...
8/3/2015 7:59:51 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |


Las Vegas, NV
60, joined Mar. 2011
Voters first presidential forum 7pm cspan.. tonight.  tuning in.  "road to the whitehouse"
14 participating.
Huckabee, Gilmore, and Trump...not attending..
Thanks for posting that Nat, I never would have seen it. We are spoiled for choice, as they say. 
8/3/2015 8:20:42 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |

Ocala, FL
56, joined Jul. 2013
You're Welcome.
I oppose Santorum 20% flat tax.
I oppose that Carson at urban league said 10% flat tax but said 10%-15% tonight.
Carson recommends no ACA but health care accounts instead. I oppose it if it tethers us to IRS or gov rather than privately with bank/ special private account.
Graham with his open hand or fist
I oppose Christie calling heroin addiction a "disease" but I suppose for tax funded healthcare treatment, it might have to be. Idk.
The question was why prisoners weren't treated INSIDE? He didn't answer that directly.
Fiorina said challenge the status quo.
Jindal said D.C. has "math deniers" and is for term limits.
I might have fallen asleep during the rest..I'll await the re-run..
8/3/2015 8:24:35 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |

Gueydan, LA
83, joined Mar. 2013
This Thursday is going to be great. 
You lookin' sporty there man! Chick magnet in that get up....
So what time and where Thursday. I don't have cable.
8/3/2015 8:29:44 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |


West Plains, MO
46, joined Feb. 2014
You're Welcome.
I oppose Santorum 20% flat tax.
I oppose that Carson at urban league said 10% flat tax but said 10%-15% tonight.
Carson recommends no ACA but health care accounts instead. I oppose it if it tethers us to IRS or gov rather than privately with bank/ special private account.
Graham with his open hand or fist
I oppose Christie calling heroin addiction a "disease" but I suppose for tax funded healthcare treatment, it might have to be. Idk.
The question was why prisoners weren't treated INSIDE? He didn't answer that directly.
Fiorina said challenge the status quo.
Jindal said D.C. has "math deniers" and is for term limits.
I might have fallen asleep during the rest..I'll await the re-run..
I used to see it as you do, but disease = dis ease, and addiction could hardly be considered a state of ease.
8/3/2015 8:41:20 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |

Ocala, FL
56, joined Jul. 2013
Or when Carson spoke at urban league and said "I ain't the teleprompter type"....
8/3/2015 8:44:13 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |

Gueydan, LA
83, joined Mar. 2013
Or when Carson spoke at urban league and said "I ain't the teleprompter type"....
Good one. Because he knows what to say, the truth you never forget, you won't remember your lies.
They all will crap their pants if Trump is in the run offs
8/3/2015 8:51:33 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |

Ocala, FL
56, joined Jul. 2013
I'm already noticing the candidates taking from Trump the blunt points and also some of his concerns they know we have raised his polls on.
8/3/2015 8:59:55 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |

Ocala, FL
56, joined Jul. 2013
I used to see it as you do, but disease = dis ease, and addiction could hardly be considered a state of ease.
Christie says "mandatory inpatient treatment" instead of prison for first time drug offenders." forced "intervention"?
So... now they are imprisoned in a hospital? Or else what if they don't stay in...? Prison?

8/3/2015 9:36:44 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |

Gueydan, LA
83, joined Mar. 2013
I'm already noticing the candidates taking from Trump the blunt points and also some of his concerns they know we have raised his polls on.
26 percent in the polls tonight, Jeb Bush is 
8/3/2015 9:39:36 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |
New York, NY
42, joined Jul. 2015
Christie says "mandatory inpatient treatment" instead of prison for first time drug offenders."  forced "intervention"?
So... now they are imprisoned in a hospital? Or else what if they don't stay in...? Prison?

Rehab only works if the patient decides to stop. Forcing is impossible.
8/3/2015 9:48:35 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |

Ocala, FL
56, joined Jul. 2013
Rehab only works if the patient decides to stop. Forcing is impossible.
Dems want to decriminalize drugs.
Republicans are softening on reasons to incarcerate.
All I know is I don't want druggies openly wandering streets and occupying alleys and committing crimes to feed their addiction.
8/3/2015 9:49:56 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |


Las Vegas, NV
60, joined Mar. 2011
Dems want to decriminalize drugs.
Republicans are softening on reasons to incarcerate.
All I know is I don't want druggies openly wandering streets and occupying alleys and committing crimes to feed their addiction. 
Too late...
8/3/2015 9:58:25 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |

Berwyn, IL
59, joined Jan. 2009
Yep too late.
It is turning into the utopia in the citys.
Booze bottles, empty drug pkgs..needles...feces and urine..all over..
Beautiful man, just lovely.
8/3/2015 10:47:37 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |


Tacoma, WA
51, joined Dec. 2009
That's The TICKET!

8/4/2015 6:22:58 AM |
PRO Trump!!! |

Salem, OR
63, joined Nov. 2013
Trump is Peroting the GOP. He will never get enough votes to be President, and would decline to serve if he were elected. He is in the race to help Hillary win.
BTW - Trump is getting 25 percent of the GOP vote. 100 percent of the GOP vote is only 35 percent of the total vote. So, Trump is getting just 25% of just 35% of the vote...for just 8.75% of the total vote. Be generous, and round up to 9%, and say that Trump is getting 9% of the total vote.
NO ONE EVER got elected POTUS with just 9% of the national vote...NOT EVER.
Idiot Tea Baggers who think Trump will ever be POTUS need a Shrink...and a third grade math education.
8/4/2015 6:32:42 AM |
PRO Trump!!! |


Philadelphia, PA
49, joined Aug. 2014
The Trumpster Dumpster
There ya go pal...I fixed it for you! 
8/4/2015 1:11:06 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |


Aurora, CO
64, joined Oct. 2008
Muslin Book Store
So, I was walking through the mall in Chicago and I saw that there was a "Muslim Book Store." I was wondering what exactly was in a Muslim bookstore so I went in.
As I was wandering around taking a look, the clerk stopped me and asked if he could help me.
I imagine I didn't look like his normal clientele, so I asked, Do you have a copy of Donald Trump's book on his U.S. Immigration Policy regarding Muslims and illegal Mexicans?"
The clerk said, "F--- off, get out and stay out!"
I said, "Yes, that's the one. Do you have it in paperback?"
8/4/2015 1:36:34 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |

New York, NY
65, joined Jan. 2010
Trump 'just another liberal'?
Washington – As he claims to get more serious about mounting a presidential bid, Donald Trump is taking fire from an influential conservative group that claims the business mogul is "just another liberal."
"Donald Trump for President? You've got to be joking," said Chris Chocola, the president of the conservative anti-tax group Club for Growth. "Donald Trump has advocated for massive tax increases that display a stunning lack of knowledge of how to create jobs."
Trump has, in the past, expressed support for positions that are embraced by liberal voters, including abortion rights (though he has since said he is pro-life). The "Celebrity Apprentice" host also supported then-Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in 2008.
But the Club for Growth is most concerned with Trump's previous endorsements of a universal healthcare plan and hiking taxes on Chinese imports.
"His love for a socialist-style universal health care system and his alarming obsession with protectionist policies are automatic disqualifiers among free-market conservatives," Chocola said.
8/4/2015 2:45:40 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |

Ocala, FL
56, joined Jul. 2013
My opening post said no dissers.
Can't you dems read? I didn't think so. You have how many other threads going against him to post in? This one is pulling FOR HIM...
Respect it please or get blocked.
Fellow is known for shameless bumps, maybe he can go retrieve the other negative threads for you all
Trump WILL WIN if people show up to vote. Hopefully, people will wake up and see this is the time.. our last chance or lose our country forever..
We'll need someone strong in the Presidency because SH*T IS BOUND TO HIT THE FAN if things keep going as they are.
Hill needs to sit this out-so does Uncle Joe... she, just like O will have HALF the country oppose her at every turn..Dems have zero good ideas, and are destructive... other countries are still laughing at us for the liberal b.s. approved here
8/4/2015 2:55:01 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |

Brockton, MA
51, joined Sep. 2011
My opening post said no dissers.
Can't you dems read? I didn't think so. You have how many other threads going against him to post in? This one is pulling FOR HIM...
Respect it please or get blocked.
Fellow is known for shameless bumps, maybe he can go retrieve the other negative threads for you all
Trump WILL WIN if people show up to vote. Hopefully, people will wake up and see this is the time.. our last chance or lose our country forever..
We'll need someone strong in the Presidency because SH*T IS BOUND TO HIT THE FAN if things keep going as they are.
Hill needs to sit this out-so does Uncle Joe... she, just like O will have HALF the country oppose her at every turn..Dems have zero good ideas, and are destructive... other countries are still laughing at us for the liberal b.s. approved here 
lol doesn't work that way skippy...it's a public forum and you are not an "overlord"
i really don't care either way about Trump, i still think he is just an attention wh*re stringing some of you along
love or hate Trump he still is behind Hilliary in the polls
8/4/2015 2:57:52 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |

Ocala, FL
56, joined Jul. 2013
Well, it might not work that way for you, but everyone of you who didn't have any respect, I've read your garbage/ worthless posts for months and I can assure you, you're all worthless contributors and dead heads. So good riddance
8/4/2015 3:02:58 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |


Vallejo, CA
56, joined Feb. 2008
All these "pro Trump" posts and threads prove a basic truth.
Does "Some of the people All of the time" ring any bells?

8/4/2015 3:05:34 PM |
PRO Trump!!! |

Ocala, FL
56, joined Jul. 2013
24 hrs. Unfortunately mobile doesn't show column for OP name. I have to see page 1 to know. 24 hrs. Or you can block me. 