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8/31/2008 6:26:44 PM |
What's your excuse, for not asking a man, out for a date? |

Sunset, TX
age: 35 online now!
I agree with the others. You did the right thing turning her down. I'd much rather be rejected than go out with a guy who is still hung up on someone else. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.
Until you have closure, you are doing a disservice to yourself and the lady by going out with her.
So, don't beat yourself up!!!
8/31/2008 6:49:41 PM |
What's your excuse, for not asking a man, out for a date? |

Farmersville, TX
age: 27
Can only get told NO so many times than you start not bothering to ask!! Met a really great guy on here, we became the best of friends, always hung out, he always called/text me, blah blah blah. It seemed we both had feelings for each other but neiher of us admitting it. Than FINALLY I told him how I felt about him, and the wonderful statement we hate to hear, "we can only be friends!" Slap me and call me stupid for ever opening my mouth!! He started seeing someone which only lasted 2 weeks, I had put distance in our friendship, figured if Im only good enough to be your "friend" you dont deserve my full attention. I am still wondering why it bothers him my ex and I are back on talking terms, (for the sake of our child) and he acts all jealous about it, if we are only "friends" why does it matter to him who I talk to or who I see? Sometimes I wish I understood men, yet I am glad I dont, seems like such a headache!!! 
"Dates" arent my style, going out and having a good time is more me, I dont need a man to go out and have fun, but if he would like to be my company and have a good laugh, he is welcome to join me. If not, hes loss, theres plenty more where he came from.
8/31/2008 7:14:30 PM |
What's your excuse, for not asking a man, out for a date? |

Corpus Christi, TX
age: 58
It's not a "slap in the face", he was being honest with you. Unless it went further than friendship (sexually), between you both, then it was more like "WAM BAM THANK YOU MAM, but no thanks" 
I always believe friendship first, than if both agree to move to the next stage and they become more intimate with each other, a healthier relationship is then develop from what they sow. 
Count you blessing, that he told you earlier, before you both became intimate. Learn from that, and cautiously moved on. 