8/31/2008 10:15:00 PM |
marryed twice would you do it again ? |

Shelton, CT
age: 48
I have seen many marriages fall apart, I myself have been marryed twice. My brother is going though his third divoce. It is easy to get hicht then unhicht. Would like to believe love it forever. Both my marriages I did try to work it out. It would take a lot of convencing for me to try it again not that I would`nt but this is why most of us are here because are special someone left us or we them . I`m not trying to give a dark picture of marriage there are some that work. I just want to know how many would do it again?
9/4/2008 6:49:10 AM |
marryed twice would you do it again ? |

New Fairfield, CT
age: 40 online now!
I only got married once, divorced once but I don't think I would do it again.
9/4/2008 9:39:41 AM |
marryed twice would you do it again ? |
Waterbury, CT
age: 44
I was married once and we divorced. Met a man, lived with him for 14 years, asked him twice to marry me and he wouldn't. So I said bye bye!! I would get married again. Third times the charm they say! It's not so much the being married as being married to the wrong person that makes a marriage go bad. Keep up the faith and try try again!
9/4/2008 7:38:34 PM |
marryed twice would you do it again ? |

Shelton, CT
age: 48
I was married once and we divorced. Met a man, lived with him for 14 years, asked him twice to marry me and he wouldn't. So I said bye bye!! I would get married again. Third times the charm they say! It's not so much the being married as being married to the wrong person that makes a marriage go bad. Keep up the faith and try try again!
He must of been leading you to belive he would marry you if you stayed with him for 14 years. I don`t know the circumstances, but if you had your heart set on marriage why stay so longe ? After the first time you sould of had an idea . At that point if he did`nt say yes it sould been clear to you.
9/10/2008 1:47:55 PM |
marryed twice would you do it again ? |
Berlin, CT
age: 46
Oh HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL no,,,,married is too much like having a extra full time job or two,,,its like never having a chance to unwind,rest,relax,,,,,I much rather enjoy life and whatever comes in front of me,,,and have a few good friends,,and maybe one special friend,,,,and skip the marriage,,,,
anyone agree? 
9/10/2008 1:49:41 PM |
marryed twice would you do it again ? |
Berlin, CT
age: 46
smart lady,,,enjoy life and stay single,,,enjoy what is offered,,,from jobs,relationships,or passion,,and skip the marriage!!!!
9/23/2008 7:21:17 AM |
marryed twice would you do it again ? |

Newington, CT
age: 52
I was married way to young and it lasted 3 years. got married a 2nd time it lasted 19 years no children from either marriages. Not sure if I would do it again. maybe for the right guy if I found him. Any one of you guys feel your the right one for me? Let me know.
9/24/2008 6:15:41 AM |
marryed twice would you do it again ? |
Bridgeport, CT
age: 54
I frankly don't see the big deal about being "married" or not. If it's all about the legal stuff for you, then I see that as more of a trust issue. As you can see below, the defintion has no mention of legality here at all. What it does say is that marriage is about and intimate unification of two people. Thus, im my mind, it's far more about personal committments to each other. People who live together for long periods of time are essentially married, whether they do anything legal or not. Thus it's the committment and dedication that matters here in the end. The piece of paper or some form of religious recognition are secondary concerns in my mind.
10 dictionary results for: marry
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This
mar·ry1 /'mæri/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[mar-ee] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation verb, -ried, -ry·ing.
–verb (used with object)
1. to take as a husband or wife; take in marriage: Susan married Ed.
2. to perform the marriage ceremonies for (two people who wish to be husband and wife); join in wedlock: The minister married Susan and Ed.
3. to give in marriage; arrange the marriage of (often fol. by off): Her father wants to marry her to his friend's son. They want to marry off all their children before selling their big home.
4. to unite intimately: Common economic interests marry the two countries.
5. to take as an intimate life partner by a formal exchange of promises in the manner of a traditional marriage ceremony.
6. to combine, connect, or join so as to make more efficient, attractive, or profitable: The latest cameras marry automatic and manual features. A recent merger marries two of the nation's largest corporations.
7. Nautical. a. to lay together (the unlaid strands of two ropes) to be spliced.
b. to seize (two ropes) together end to end for use as a single line.
c. to seize (parallel ropes) together at intervals.
8. to cause (food, liquor, etc.) to blend with other ingredients: to marry malt whiskey with grain whiskey.
–verb (used without object)
9. to take a husband or wife; wed.
10. (of two or more foods, wines, etc.) to combine suitably or agreeably; blend: This wine and the strong cheese just don't marry.
9/24/2008 7:31:26 AM |
marryed twice would you do it again ? |
Waterbury, CT
age: 44
I was in a long term relationship for 14 years! Asked him twice to marry me but I guess he really didn't want to. Everytime he tried to get me on his medical they wouldn't let me cause we weren't married. I wasn't on the deed to the house or listed as recipient on his life insurance. If he passed away, I would have walked away with nothing!!! I am a Capricorn and security is an important issue with me. Basically, he had a live in lover and that's all I really was. But I still would like to get married again. Marriage gives you security and priveleges that you don't get as single people living together. Society rewards you for being married not as a committed couple!! Society needs to get with the times!!!
9/26/2008 2:06:50 PM |
marryed twice would you do it again ? |

Shelton, CT
age: 48
I feel no one values a marriage as they did years ago, today people don`t take the for better or for worse till death do us part serious. So before they speed up the death do us part they get adivorce. My mom and dad I remember as a child didn`t display their affection to each other. I wondered how they stayed together for so long. My father died April of this year,when he took ill of cancer. I realized the love they had for each other. My mom had a lot of devotion and compassion for my father 59 years of marriage. As he was ill she never wavered.I never saw such love before and never knew the two people I all so loved, had that much love for one another.
9/26/2008 2:49:14 PM |
marryed twice would you do it again ? |

Bristol, CT
age: 49
627..OMG you brought me to tears. First I am so sorry for your loss.....But I think even with all that your father had been through ..together with your Mom ...you have been given such a gift. I saw the same when my Mom was ill years ago...they raised 11 kids ..but I never saw any affection until they became ill. They did Love each other...and they could count on each other....so important . They have since both passed and not a day goes by that I don't miss them. They were also married for 53 years.
I will say that I tried to live up to their morals...for better or worse....I coulda handled anything ....but it had to work both ways and I was never number 1 . I don't regret getting out of the marriage ...23 years later...I do regret losing 23 years and never being number 1. Everyone deserves that 
9/26/2008 8:10:34 PM |
marryed twice would you do it again ? |

Shelton, CT
age: 48
Scarfs, thank you for your condolences,and I hope you find someone who puts you first but there is allways one person you can and that is yourself.
9/27/2008 3:03:38 PM |
marryed twice would you do it again ? |

Bristol, CT
age: 49
Thanks 627
10/7/2008 6:30:53 PM |
marryed twice would you do it again ? |

Newtown, CT
age: 45 online now!
I was married twice. The first girl was from England. Had she been able to adapt to the US we'd still be married. She was my second true love. After the divorce which I did my self for $125.00. She would call up at 2AM every other night wanting to come back. I was a cop and it was distracting to say the least. To get myself killed is one thing but to get somebody else hurt or killed because I was thinking would be inexcusable. There was one year where I had spent $20,000 bring her back. That will be one of the only regrets of my life.
The second one was a rebound which I would have knawed my leg off to get away from. I want, I want I want. I was working 90 hrs a week.
The concept of marriage is a good one. Waking up next to somebody you love is the king. I fell in love with a girl from Denmark in the 80's my first true love. I should have married her.
If you have property and you meet a women from around get a prenup. American women and men don't understand what marriage really is. The concept of love isn't an easy one. Ask yourself if you'd be willing to give up your life to save your partner. If I'm lucky a third time I wouldn't hesitate.
10/13/2008 7:48:35 AM |
marryed twice would you do it again ? |
Stamford, CT
age: 48
Only if I was in a rut of repeating mistakes.