Largo, FL
age: 50
yes danny thats why god says we are to be as one mind
we are there for our brother and sisters
everyone starts with milk
but paul says we are not to stay infants for long...when u see someone not growing or they are staying in a palce to long or in the wrong place...satan is good at that...making u believe u belong some where...we as brothers and sister need to be corrected..or moved to a new church ..if the church is dead move out the word says it ...there will be no profit in it ... ..thats where it comes in with us as one proverbs it says we are to tell our brother or sister something if we know something they think is different we need to correct them and they are to get wisdom...where the word says a fool will get mad at u and not recieve it yes we are in all different levels,,,we need to be as one mind thats the most important thing....

Porterdale, GA
age: 23
I will believe the trip to being born again requires a few things, accepting that Jesus died to pay the price of our sins and for that he is our savior. Next, you must repent and turn away from the sins he paid the price for, be baptized by water in Jesus' name (completely under water), and finally (the part I haven't got to) be filled with the Holy Ghost as evidenced through speaking in tongues.
Rural Retreat, VA
age: 56
so char what bible do u use?
are u bornagain?
I use the Authoized King James and yes I am a born again, bought by the blood, Christian.

Saltillo, MS
age: 39
why do we think different if we are suppose to be as one....the bible clearly states we are suppose to have one mind only unless ur born again u will not see the kingdom of god...john 3:3
I have studied at great lenght comparing the bible versions. All but the Authorized KJV waters down sins and leaves words, phrases, and complete scriptures out changing the meanings. The Authorized KJV was translated by men inspired by the Holy Ghost and the words were put down as the Holy Spirit gave them utterance, but the others are nothing more than satan's counterfiets to deceive and cause confusion. And it causes confusion amoungst the brethern more than anyone. Because the church is asleep and not being watchful as the devil slips right in. Also he is deceiving people with music. There is godly music as stated in Col. 3:16 and satan is using rock, rap, R&R, country, and any other kind of music to deceive. Excuses are, God can use whatever he wants to bring people to the Lord. That's true, but he won't use what is of the world to do it.
The devil is out to deceive and he's doing a good job of it, but praise God, those who are awake to what's happening and understanding the scripture, "We are not ignorant of satan's devices." will be wide awake and catch those things quickly because, "Ye shall know them by their fruits.
Satan is out to get the Christians every way he can. And he will use everything he can to get them. Bibles, music, sex, computers, tv, drink, The list goes on and on. Remember the devils transform themselves into angels of light. Beware of false prophets.
That is true for the most part but, Satan doesn't always have to do anything. Sometimes it's our human nature that gets in the way and Satan only helps it. Many people blames Satan when its really us. Satan knows he can't stop us by attacking from the outside so, he mostly attacks from the inside, through other believers, differnces in opinion and even physical and financial problems
Largo, FL
age: 50
u are right roy!!! right the offended thing also
i put the bait of satan.out there so no one fell victim....