Brick, NJ
age: 55
you know it's funny I've owned at least 3 homes at the shore over the year I can tell you the best places to crab or tuna fish, I can get in most of the best resturants any time I want (Shipwreck included) weekend or not but I don't live at the shore full time (thank god) yet I'm more local than most of the people who b*tch about the benny's it cracks me up all the aholes who live in Wall Twp (like its the shore anyway) b*tch about the benny's give me a break. There are like 3 blood lines that are really not benny's anyway other than that get over it and thank god for us other wise your property values would be shit and your taxes higher so keep inbreeding and wish your women looked as hot!!!
we are all technically bennys unless we were born in south jersey such as my kids who were born in point pleasant hospital and raised in brick...but even though i've lived in brick 30 yrs..i am still considered technically abenny because i came from north jersey............................. we really love everyone here..it makes summer interesting  and the beaches are empty now and boring...tiki bar too..and seaside