Los Banos, CA
age: 29
I dont get it im pretty famous at what i do and its a bad a** job but yet no one talks to me

Fresno, CA
age: 63
This IS California Chat... why don't you tell us about what you do, about where you live, and about the area, so that
those in other areas will learn something? I wager you will get responses. You are young, so rave on, we are listening!

Rocklin, CA
age: 36
It might have something to do with how your profile comes across. You seem rather arrogant and angry and that put me off right away. Dating is a sensitive area for people and demanding that someone be interested in you probably isn't going to get many responses. Maybe you could say how you are very successful in what you do and that you enjoy it. Personally, I would take out all the complaining about not getting any responses from your profile. It's just tacky and not flattering to you at all. Please take this as constructive criticism. I'm not trying to be mean. This is my honest feedback to your profile review request.

Redding, CA
age: 55
Dude, I once spent the night in Los Banos and I have never wanted to get out of a place as much in my life. The air is not breathable. I'm probably not the only one who knows this. If I were a chick and Mel Gibson lived there, I wouldn't be interested. Nothing personal.