Omaha, NE
age: 54 online now!
Am I the only one here who had a good blind date? We met through mutual friends, married three years later, and stayed that way for 18 years, which is fairly long these days.
Eventually things did change, and we divorced. Today we are better friends than lovers.

Appleton, WI
age: 53
Ive always had a positive experience with blind dates..Might not have been perfect but I always find the good in people

Linn, MO
age: 31
iv never been on a blind date... never been blind,just kiddin yall but never been on one myself...THANK GOD !!!!!!!! I GET NERVOUSE ENUFFF LOL

Grand Rapids, MI
age: 42
have been on many......most turn out to be older looking than my grandpa or lecherous fools who can't take their eyes off my shirt, a couple couldn't stop talking about their ex-partners (the last wouldn't be so bad except that they don't realize that the complaints they had or have are what alot of women do or say and if they didn't want a woman then why are they on the date?) 

West Palm Beach, FL
age: 34
Blind date #1 was'nt bad, just big, which was what I expected... Met her in a yahoo chat room.. Nice girl.. Good head on her shoulders.. Lunch was a pleasure.. We still say Hi once in a while if we catch each other online..
Blind date #2 was just "ok" on the first date.. I was'nt overly impressed on the first date, but we dated for a while.. Just after we realized there was a real mutual interest and attraction, she stopped talking to me all together.. I still can't figure it out, and it still bugs me..
Blind date #3 was nice.. We got together a couple more times, but there was just nothing there for me.. I did'nt call, and neither did she (I should have called..bad karma to me).. She probably thinks i'm an asshole..

Chicago, IL
age: 51
Hate is a pretty strong word, run maybe