9/3/2008 6:29:28 AM |
Heaven & Hell |

Dumont, NJ
age: 46
I am interested in differing views of Heaven & Hell - Are there repercussions in the after for what we do today?
9/3/2008 5:16:35 PM |
Heaven & Hell |

London, KY
age: 46
"The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a Heaven of Hell, and a Hell of Heaven."
John Milton
Paradise Lost
This is where the world is made - out here in Hell.
but, there is no sense to Hell when there are no people in Heaven. some of us must choose Hell, and some Heaven.
I've made my choice. and I intend to rule this place if I can. if only to make some sense of it!
circa june 1983
9/3/2008 6:12:04 PM |
Heaven & Hell |
Hillsdale, NJ
age: 42
Isn't that why you have purgatory. Usually it's because of what you do today That makesyou suffer the consequenses Before you can go to heaven. or go directly to hell
9/3/2008 6:45:30 PM |
Heaven & Hell |

Belleville, IL
age: 48
I have a great thread on this in the Religion forum called Heaven and Hell.
You may be interested on all the replies I got from it.

9/3/2008 7:12:02 PM |
Heaven & Hell |

Dumont, NJ
age: 46
Isn't that why you have purgatory. Usually it's because of what you do today That makesyou suffer the consequenses Before you can go to heaven.  or go directly to hell 
So My Dear - Where will you be going? Today?
9/4/2008 1:43:59 AM |
Heaven & Hell |

Austin, TX
age: 31
Heaven and Hell as understood in Christainity, are transcendent realities that one freely and justly recieves according to one's faith in Christ. All deserve hell in taht we are separated from God's love by our fallen nature and sinful actions. For those who ask and accept God's ever present call to repentance and forgiveness, all may be spared hell, or the absence of God's presence and love. We can only speak by way of analogy about realities such as these, and associate life's experiences as foretastes of that permanent, future,as yet-undetermined destination.
Purgatory according to the Catholic Church, is the post-death purging, or perfecting of those who did not achieve perfect sanctity here on earth. Thus, in a sense, one's entire life is an experience, an invitation to embrace "purgatory", on earth.
It is impossible for one to rationally prove that these realities exist OR dont exist. Attempts to do so are futile and counter-productive to either position. Belief for me should not be contrary to my natural desire for the reasonableness my positions and convictions, after all we are naturally moved to defend the reasonableness of our views by means of an argument, and "just because" defenses strike us as unsatisfying - don't they?

9/4/2008 1:52:31 AM |
Heaven & Hell |

Austin, TX
age: 31
I am interested in differing views of Heaven & Hell - Are there repercussions in the after for what we do today?
Are you looking for the truth about whether there actually is a heaven and a hell, and if there is what is the nature of their relationship to us and to each other?
As for differing views - these realities first originated from Christianity, so that will color the typical view, but I would say that one's views of heaven and hell and their description and relationship or lack of existence are open to the full range of human speculation and imagination in that we can not visit them, nor employ the scientific method to them to establish them as a not b and b is not a, type of scientific, repeatable truths, that we accept so readily and unquestioningly as the limits and expanse of reality.
There are somewhat similar formulations and beliefs in all the major religions, regarding the existence of an afterlife and its connection in some way and degree to just compensation for one's life on earth.
9/4/2008 5:42:05 AM |
Heaven & Hell |

Campbellsville, KY
age: 64
raventalon , I went and read the heven and hell on the religon forum ...Very good !
as for me : i dont believe in heven or hell ,I belive in today ! living today the best I can and harming none while I am doing it ...
I belive when I die my energy will go back into the universe ..and after that I really dont care !
I also belive that what you do, good and bad comes back to you 3 fold in body , soul and spirit ..so what you do you will get it back ....
9/4/2008 6:31:50 AM |
Heaven & Hell |

Fresno, CA
age: 63
We create our own heaven and hell on earth by our actions.
9/4/2008 9:39:49 AM |
Heaven & Hell |

Dumont, NJ
age: 46
We create our own heaven and hell on earth by our actions.
Do we really? So in your opinion when bad things happen to people, it's of there own creation?
9/4/2008 10:40:57 AM |
Heaven & Hell |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
I do not know about heaven or hell, only what life is, and it is a little of each. No I do not think there is justice always in this life, but, justice may be inside our own mind.
9/10/2008 3:31:45 PM |
Heaven & Hell |
Hillsdale, NJ
age: 42
Isn't that why you have purgatory. Usually it's because of what you do today That makesyou suffer the consequenses Before you can go to heaven.  or go directly to hell 
So My Dear - Where will you be going? Today? 
Ok,I had to think about this one. Every day is different. Every one has a little bit of the devil inside them. It depends on what your doing or who you're with that brings out the in you. I'm an only when i have to be. I thinks it's more fun for being  
To be perfectly honest there is only one person who has the last say where you are going after you vistit here on earth and how you lived your life. That would be the God.(if you believe).
9/10/2008 4:00:21 PM |
Heaven & Hell |

Shawnee, OK
age: 37
We create our own heaven and hell on earth by our actions.
Do we really? So in your opinion when bad things happen to people, it's of there own creation?
yes,whether you consciously or sub consciously are aware of it your own negative energy calls it upon you,this is "the Secret" and also from "the 4 Agreements",I was skeptical on this belief at first but then I started to notice it was true you call it on yourself.
Hell is created from negativity right here on Earth, you can choose to live in it or rise above it,Hell isn't some fiery pit filled with demons and tormented souls.God is the Father of all correct?? and being a father I know no greater love than that for my daughter and God loved us enough to create us and by the Bible sacrificed his only son for us that means he has greater love for us and knowing that, no father could condemn any of his children ,no matter what,to an eternity of torment and pain.
The devil was given dominion to tempt and test Humans,why? So we can create our own living Hell,Hell to me is being away from my creator and his universal power,sounds a little on the Baptist side but I believe the creator made us from love and accepts us back into the universe through love and forgiveness and Hell is our own creation.
[Edited 9/10/2008 4:03:27 PM]
9/10/2008 4:25:14 PM |
Heaven & Hell |

Nanuet, NY
age: 47
Well, it depends on what your own personal beliefs are, but as a Christian with strong beliefs, I believe there absolutely are consequences.  
9/10/2008 4:26:47 PM |
Heaven & Hell |

Columbia, SC
age: 20
heaven and hell are figments of our own need to believe there is something concrete beyond this existence. whether or not they truly exists remains to be seen from my perspective (haha death). If i were to look at it from my own belief systems, i'd have to agree with a more reincarnation focused afterlife, such as a short termed purgatory before you either ascend or descend in energy frequencies.