Conroe, TX
age: 57
I personally do not believe in heaven and hell. To me (I believe in reincarnation) hell is what we make on earth if we are choosing a path of suffering and self punishment but if a soul experiences too many dark lives, they have what is called a dark oversoul. You can get out of it. Just keep incarnating until you resolve or balance enough of the darker energies you experienced.
Heaven is what I call the spiritual realms. We all go 'back' there. There are different areas for different soul families and of course, if your soul has gotten dark, you are in quarantine sort of.
The bardo is where you go to plan out your next life that hopefully will balance karma or resolve any unresolved energies from past lives for the older souls.
The only consequences for 'wrong doing' is you have to be segregated til you recover your light if you get overly darkened by some of your roles. To me, we all take turns being the bad guy so we 'get' our lessons in growth and consciousness. I mean, after all, how can you experience forgiveness if you are not victimized in some way?
It just makes you dense and dark for awhile and some 'evil' roles take longer to recover from. Try Hitler Germany. That was LITERALLY, the pits. I died buried alive in a prison camp. I had the worst reaction to grit in my teeth until I cleared the energy of that life. I rarely get grit in my teeth now and NO reactivity now.
I love the book, 'The Little Soul and the Sun' by Neale Donald Walsch. It really does describe a lot of what I believe in.

Campbellsville, KY
age: 64
I am interested in differing views of Heaven & Hell - Are there repercussions in the after for what we do today? [/quThe devil was given dominion to tempt and test Humans,why? So we can create our own living Hell,Hell to me is being away from my creator and his universal power,sounds a little on the Baptist side but I believe the creator made us from love and accepts us back into the universe through love and forgiveness and Hell is our own creation.
ote]OK , does this mean that we create or own Heaven ?

Brookwood, AL
age: 29
I believe hell is seperation from the universal spirit, we are trapped in the physical plane and the cycle of samsara until we are reconnected with source energy, the universal spirit...this is hell-
Heaven is breaking this cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, and being one again..