9/3/2008 11:08:36 AM |
"A Dedication To My Friend and Fellow Combat Veteran" |

Cleveland, OH
age: 42
I got some real bad news last night my fellow veterans. A close friend of mine who I served in combat with during Desert Storm lost his life last night in a car accident. I posted a thread about it in the General Discussion , but not to my surprise not many have responded. My friend and fellow combat veteran suffered from Gulf War Syndrome. He just could'nt rid himself of the demons that he brought back with him from that war. I am fortunate to have come to terms with my experience in Desert Storm long ago. For some of us though , it is re-lived every day. I don't know guys....but it hurts real bad. I can only say that I will miss my friend and fellow combat veteran. So I will leave him with this.
You will be missed Robert. I will never forget your courage and sacrifice. I know that you suffered , but I hope that now you have found peace.
"Soldiers of MISfortune"
We sent them off to battle
in a war they could not win.
For they returned with illnesses
and symptoms never seen.
Injected them with vaccines
exposed to chemicals unknown.
For seventeen years now a virus
deep inside them has been growing.
For those who could not handle it
they died by their own hand.
Mental illness , nervous breakdown
their fate they could not stand.
The time has come for answers
abd the help that they all need.
To kill their growing cancers
expose the treachery and greed.
The children now who suffer
from a fate to which their born.
Deserve to know the truth of
questions raised by Desert Storm.
Silent HEROS who served boldly,
in a war with "little blood shed".
Waste no more time in their honour,
for to many are now dead.
Peace my brothers.
[Edited 9/3/2008 11:09:18 AM]
9/3/2008 11:14:26 AM |
"A Dedication To My Friend and Fellow Combat Veteran" |
Columbus, OH
age: 59
Sending my prayers and best wishes to you and his Family..I have put 5 of my fellow warriors in the ground since Nam, and it never gets easy..
Peace my Brother
9/3/2008 11:16:15 AM |
"A Dedication To My Friend and Fellow Combat Veteran" |

Auburn, WA
age: 53
Sorry for the loss of your friend ...and my prayers are with you and his family.
Couldn't be said any better.
9/3/2008 11:27:59 AM |
"A Dedication To My Friend and Fellow Combat Veteran" |

Tonasket, WA
age: 58
I got some real bad news last night my fellow veterans. A close friend of mine who I served in combat with during Desert Storm lost his life last night in a car accident. I posted a thread about it in the General Discussion , but not to my surprise not many have responded. My friend and fellow combat veteran suffered from Gulf War Syndrome. He just could'nt rid himself of the demons that he brought back with him from that war. I am fortunate to have come to terms with my experience in Desert Storm long ago. For some of us though , it is re-lived every day. I don't know guys....but it hurts real bad. I can only say that I will miss my friend and fellow combat veteran. So I will leave him with this.
You will be missed Robert. I will never forget your courage and sacrifice. I know that you suffered , but I hope that now you have found peace.
"Soldiers of MISfortune"
We sent them off to battle
in a war they could not win.
For they returned with illnesses
and symptoms never seen.
Injected them with vaccines
exposed to chemicals unknown.
For seventeen years now a virus
deep inside them has been growing.
For those who could not handle it
they died by their own hand.
Mental illness , nervous breakdown
their fate they could not stand.
The time has come for answers
and the help that they all need.
To kill their growing cancers
expose the treachery and greed.
The children now who suffer
from a fate to which they're born.
Deserve to know the truth of
questions raised by Desert Storm.
Silent HEROES who served boldly,
in a war with "little blood shed".
Waste no more time in their honour,
for too many are now dead.
Peace my brothers.
My Heart
My Soul
My Brother
9/3/2008 11:38:19 AM |
"A Dedication To My Friend and Fellow Combat Veteran" |

Bonneau, SC
age: 64
Sorry my friend,I know first hand how it is to lose a friend.please feel free to contact me or any of the vets here at any time.We all share your loss.
9/3/2008 11:47:22 AM |
"A Dedication To My Friend and Fellow Combat Veteran" |

Cleveland, OH
age: 42
Thank you my brothers (and sisters). I knew that I could count on you people. We share something deep in our souls. I have'nt thought about my experience in Desert Storm in years. But now it just seems to all be flooding back in. Tears come to my eyes when I think of what my fellow soldiers and I experienced in that war. I guess what hurts the most is that we feel that we are the fogotten ones. But I don't hold bad feelings against anyone. I am not proud of some of the things that I was forced to do in Kuwait , but I am proud and honored to have served with some of the bravest people in this world. Peace my brothers.
9/3/2008 11:47:36 AM |
"A Dedication To My Friend and Fellow Combat Veteran" |

Pittsburgh, PA
age: 54
GBU Justme . I am sorry to hear of the loss of your friend Robert , if you would like a Flag Line or Escort at his wake and final resting place please inform me so I can find the appropriate Stae Captain to notify . Thank You Robert for Your Service God Speed . Bikerangel3 PGR NY
9/3/2008 11:58:11 AM |
"A Dedication To My Friend and Fellow Combat Veteran" |

Cleveland, OH
age: 42
Thank you angel. All of the arrangements are being made by his family , but thank you very much for that offer. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to handle being part of putting my good friend and fellow veteran to rest. But I will be there for him and his family. I guess right now I'm both angry and sad. Peace all.
9/3/2008 8:15:58 PM |
"A Dedication To My Friend and Fellow Combat Veteran" |

Peoria, IL
age: 50 online now!
We will pray for peace
We will remember their scarifies
We will cry at their loss
To honor our fallen
We will hold their memory gently
In the palm of our hand
To honor our fallen
Our grief will flow to the depths of
Our soul, yet make us proud
To honor our fallen
We will salute our flag
We will stand for what is right
To honor our fallen
We will support the ideals
Of one nation under God
To honor our fallen
We will support our military
Protectors of our nation
To honor our fallen
We will stand to salute them
And kneel to pray for them.
By: Mary Akey
Copyright 2007
9/3/2008 8:35:15 PM |
"A Dedication To My Friend and Fellow Combat Veteran" |

Cleveland, OH
age: 42
Thanks brothers and sisters. Just got home from visiting with my dear friends wife and family. They live about an hour away from me. It was pretty bad. I felt so bad. The look in his daughters eyes..... it crushed me. His wife , and also a dear friend of mine wanted me to have some pictures of my friend and I that were taken in Kuwait. It brought back so many memories. Some good, and some very bad. I have'nt thought about that time in my life for so long, but now the memories are so clear. I just could'nt find the words to describe what I was feeling. My dear friend suffered from something horrible. Gulf War Syndrome is real, and it is devestating to those who suffer from it. We will bury my dear friend and fellow combat veteran on Friday. The pain I feel now is something that I will harbor for a long time. I should have done more for my friend brothers, and I will have to live with that for the rest of my life. But I will always remember him as a true American hero. He was my friend , a fellow veteran, and a loving husband and father. Peace all.
9/3/2008 8:41:01 PM |
"A Dedication To My Friend and Fellow Combat Veteran" |

Rogers, AR
age: 49
Sorry for your loss. What else can be said?
9/3/2008 8:48:45 PM |
"A Dedication To My Friend and Fellow Combat Veteran" |

Cleveland, OH
age: 42
Thanks bucfan. Not sure I'll be able to sleep tonight though. I have'nt thought about my experience in Desert Storm for years. But now..... I just can't seem to shake the ghosts. I guess thats just part of he deal. But I'll be allright. Those ghosts can haunt me tonight, but they will never take my soul. Peace brothers and sisters.
[Edited 9/3/2008 8:51:39 PM]
9/6/2008 12:23:03 AM |
"A Dedication To My Friend and Fellow Combat Veteran" |

Fort Myers, FL
age: 60
I'm sorry for the loss of your brother in arms, and my condolences go out to his family and my special consolation to you.
It is a sad testimony to the terrible losses suffered by our troops in Kuwait and Iraq, that our government purposely exposed them to chemical weapons, depleted uranium, and vaccines that were never tested.
I know quite a bit of Gulf War Syndrome, and have lots of info on it. Go to this site:
www.gulfwarvets.com with former Capt. Joyce Riley (Army Nurse, ret.)giving a great deal of info on this man-made illness affecting tens of thousands of Vets.
A Marine NBC Sgt. located the Khamasiya chemical weapons stockpile in a huge bunker, and Schwartzkopf lied to Congress about having them blow it up, releasing huge clouds of very harmful toxic chemical weapons into the local air. The Marine NBC tech was wise enough to make two copies of the video he took before blowing the chemical dump, and he testified that most of the munitions were marked with US, GB, and Soviet chemical markers. They wanted to destroy the evidence of supplying Saddam Hussien with the chemicals he used to kill the Kurds and Iranians. Our troops paid the price for that mistake. This is on tape, and you can see it for yourself.
Strange, but there is even a patent on Gulf War Syndrome, registered with the US Patent Office in Washington, D.C.!!!
American Gulfwar Veterans AssociationComprehensive site giving lots of information on gulf war illness, biological and chemical warfare, CFS, FMS, Vaccines, anthrax, mycoplasma, ...
www.gulfwarvets.com/ - 12k - Cached - Similar pages
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Thank you for bringing this to my attention, as I have been remiss in not posting any info on this devastating desease.
Now I will.....and may Robert finally rest in peace. You could do no more than be his friend, and that you have done admirably.
Semper Fi~

9/6/2008 2:04:24 PM |
"A Dedication To My Friend and Fellow Combat Veteran" |
Simms, MT
age: 56
May the Lord hold you tight justme68
sorry for the pain, for all of you folks
9/9/2008 7:01:07 PM |
"A Dedication To My Friend and Fellow Combat Veteran" |

Cleveland, OH
age: 42
We buried my friend and fellow veteran last Friday. Full Military honors. It was hard for me. Especially because I am still not certain about our place in history , those of us that served in Desert Storm. The whole story is still untold. But for those of us who served and helped to liberate the country of Kuwait , it was our honor. To my dear friend and fellow veteran Robert.... thank you for saving my life brother. Peace.