Florissant, MO
age: 24
WHats up everyone? I got a question? This is a alright site, but why is that when people write you are you write them. There is never a response, or anything. At first I thought is was me, but I asked my friend to do it and same thing happened and she was a girl. People of Missouri please tell me what that is?

Springfield, MO
age: 54
It's a dating site, and a free one at that. There are alot of people on here, maybe too many to choose from and that's why they don't write back. Not everyone feels obligated to send an email back if you write them, even to say thanks for writing but you are not what I am looking for.
Post in the Singles Groups for your age. The 50+ group is the most active one on here, you get to know people better by what they post on a daily basis than just reading profiles. We even have meetings in person, of anywhere from a few to quite a few and they are always fun. In our age group, MO has the most active "meet in person" members on here.
There are lots of places to interact on here, which makes it a better dating site than most, make use of more of the features of it and maybe you will find that special person?
Kirksville, MO
age: 41
Some of use Missouri are not very talk to just anyone at all.
North East Missouri

Florissant, MO
age: 33
Honestly I think the problem is that people are a little afraid of some people's motives on dating sites. However, if you're going to give this kind of thing a shot you need to be willing to take some chances. Good luck everyone! 

Dexter, MO
age: 23 online now!
yeah i'd say use more of the features, go to the age group categories.. lot's of good topics and pretty active. just be patient.. atleast that's what i've read lol.

Kirksville, MO
age: 58
Well there is a Kirksville person on here, 
Fort Leonard Wood, MO
age: 46 online now!
Hey sexy boy! Woman should be all over that! I don't know about Missouri - I just moved here myself but I wish you better luck!!