9/6/2008 5:42:43 PM |
What do you do if you like a guy more then a friend? |

Sharon, PA
age: 47
I need advice what to do. I like this guy more then a friend But I dont know if he likes me more then a friend. But how do you know if a guy likes you more then a friend?

Okay here are some tips that he likes you more than a friend.
1) He laughs at all of your jokes no matter how lame.
2) He compliments you continually (You look pretty today etc.)
3) He finds sneaky ways to touch you like brushing your arm, putting his arm
around your shoulder or lightly bumping into you.
4) He is ALWAYS clean, neat, hair combed and smelling really good when you are around.
5) He straightens up his apartment before you get there.
6) He drops hints like.."if you were my girlfriend I would.."
There are more BUT HERE IS AN IDEA..Why don't you just bite the bullet and tell
him how you feel? He may or may not reject you..be prepared for that but if
he does you can still be firends. Thats the best way..JUST TELL HIM! 
This one is right on. Believe me, I am in that situation, just different with me, he is the one that wants more but it is not there for me. We are still friends and I know how he feels and he knows how I feel. Sure it is weird at times cause I know he wants more but we get through it and talk about it. The 6 hints above are right on. Be honest and open about your feelings, you never know, if you do not say something it may never happen and you might lose him. Take a chance live it before it goes away.
9/8/2008 4:14:56 PM |
What do you do if you like a guy more then a friend? |
Bakersfield, CA
age: 28
tell him but do it in a cute lowkey way   but dont break his make sure you mean it
[Edited 9/8/2008 4:17:24 PM PST]
9/8/2008 5:09:07 PM |
What do you do if you like a guy more then a friend? |

Brick, NJ
age: 33
Thanks for your advice sng. Yes I do mean it that i like him. I wont brake his heart.
10/19/2008 6:32:01 PM |
What do you do if you like a guy more then a friend? |

Brick, NJ
age: 33
I because I said hi and then i said bye and then he wink at me and smile at me on friday. I think he knows now that i like him. 
[Edited 10/19/2008 6:34:13 PM PST]
10/19/2008 10:22:24 PM |
What do you do if you like a guy more then a friend? |

Springfield, MO
age: 22
I'm only 22 but what I did was I wrote a letter to my friend that I was really falling for and I told him how I felt about him and around him and that I was confused as to his feelings about me and I would rather have his friendship over anything if he wasn't into me the same. Things were still confusing after because he just said that we don't see each other that often, he was just out of a relationship and had been hurt and he didn't want to hurt me or feel like he was using me. So in the end he just said he wasn't into me the same as I was him. Since then we haven't spent nearly as much time talking or hanging out. I still enjoy spending time with him though.
10/20/2008 11:50:22 AM |
What do you do if you like a guy more then a friend? |

Brick, NJ
age: 33
songbird well u gave it a shot buy writting to him and telling him how u feel.
11/13/2008 4:08:51 AM |
What do you do if you like a guy more then a friend? |
Cobourg, ON
age: 48
When the guys are in their 40s and 50s you dont just go up and tell them "hey i like you for more then a friend" I wish I knew tho how to approach this one. Im lost too. lol 
Just sharing what I did - I finally summoned up the guts (I'm really very shy) to write them a short (guys don't deal well with lengthy emails and heavy subjects, lol) email that didn't intimidate him, but definitely let him know what I thought. I got the most beautiful "reject" email back...I'm sure it wasn't easy for him to write that. Sucked..but at least I knew where I stood (although after that email, it made me kinda like him even more..cuz it proved that, for once, i'd chosen wisely in a great guy). *sigh*
Good luck with your situation.
11/15/2008 12:09:15 AM |
What do you do if you like a guy more then a friend? |

Boise, ID
age: 54
If you like a guy more than a friend..
Go to a card store
buy a card that has words similar to how you feel.
Sign it and mail it to him.
By mailing it to him he has his private time to
read it.
Some men read cards more than once.
You should hear back from him.
He might call
He might mention it the next time you are out together.
11/17/2008 10:15:50 PM |
What do you do if you like a guy more then a friend? |

Lawrenceville, GA
age: 35
read "he's just not that into you"
i loaned my book to someone and i either need to get it back or buy another copy. it is funny and so true. i read it 3 times in 3 days when i got it.
basically, if a guy likes you, he will find time to contact you, be with you, let you know that he likes you. if he doesn't find the time or let you know, he's just not that into you.
plain and simple.
if you like someone, you think about him, want to talk and be with him, right? if he likes you, he will do the same.
i've put it out there a few times by telling someone how i feel about them and been burned. i'll give subtle hints and maybe i'll actually tell them that i like them but i'm not throwing it all out on the table and making myself feel or look vunerable.
i don't play games, hard to get, ect. if i like someone, i'm available. if i don't, i'm not. if two people like each other, it will happen. if one isn't feeling it as much as the other, it will not, or it will soon fizzle.
truth hurts, but it's plain and simple.
11/18/2008 8:25:46 AM |
What do you do if you like a guy more then a friend? |
Preston, ID
age: 46
I like a guy here too,but I am going to play it safe and keep him as my friend
11/18/2008 9:02:39 AM |
What do you do if you like a guy more then a friend? |

Pell City, AL
age: 62
Hey girls, It ain't easy when you in your 60's. I got the same problem that started this conversation, and I'm just plain scared to tell him. LOL To top it off he is my BEST FRIEND and has been for a about three years. 
11/20/2008 7:47:53 AM |
What do you do if you like a guy more then a friend? |


Willard, MO
age: 44
Well...alot of good advice here...but I feel that I must say this...
IMHO...Not a good idea to 'date' someone that you work with...As a manager, he could lose his job...and you might be fired as well...sexual harrassment in the workplace is nothing to laugh about these days...and everyone will notice the changes in the both of you, there will be 'talk' behind your backs, depending on the work environment...
I know it is where we spend most of our time and its hard not to be attracted to men we spend alot of time with on a daily basis, but ask yourself this...Would I be attracted to him if I met him on the street?...or in a bar?...or is it just because we see each other every day?
Yes, if you do make any moves on the manager it should definitely be outside the workplace...and if you do date him...no flirting with each other at work...no googly eyes...no touching/brushing...no extra trips to his part of the bldg...it can be kept a secret and should be, but let me tell you, it is very, very difficult to keep it from everyone...
Remember too there are other fish in the sea before you take on this dangerous mission...
this message will self destruct in 10...9...dat dat da da dat dat...
Good Luck...gemini
2/14/2009 9:52:03 AM |
What do you do if you like a guy more then a friend? |

Granite Falls, NC
age: 49
Maribeth, I've just experienced this. I got up my courage and talked to my "man" this week, telling him that although I said last year I wanted to be friends, now I care for him and want a relationship with him. I knew I was risking losing that friendship but I had to get those feelings out into the air and off my chest. He didn't run....he actually started talking alot about the things we've done in the past year and when our dinner was over, and we hugged and kissed goodbye....I was looking sad, because I didn't know if i would ever see him again or not....he told me we would start seeing more of each other, he promised....and he's never broken a promise......time will tell...but right now I've very happy and hopeful....do what your heart tells you to do
2/14/2009 2:27:00 PM |
What do you do if you like a guy more then a friend? |

Palmetto, GA
age: 53
Been there done that and never got it figured out... One minute I was his friend the next minute he was sending mixed signals, so I got out of there...
2/15/2009 3:31:52 AM |
What do you do if you like a guy more then a friend? |
Campbellsville, KY
age: 60
Why not just ask " where is this relationship headed " ? or are "we just friends or is this going to lead to something more ?" or "where do we stand ?" or is "are we just friend or what ?" Be honest ... I find it works the best ...
I'm 60 and don't have time to wait around to many fish to be caught ...lol