9/24/2008 5:53:46 PM |
why is it so hard to find a date |

Saint Paul, MN
age: 48
well for 1 thing u look like forrest gump. ur a homley lookin also. u might consider a face lift or a make over  
what is your problem troll man....do you have the need to be mean??look in the mirror before degrading innocent ppl...please....
now can ya see why we hold back guys???
9/25/2008 4:35:12 PM |
why is it so hard to find a date |

Minneapolis, MN
age: 27
what is your problem troll man....do you have the need to be mean??look in the mirror before degrading innocent ppl...please....
now can ya see why we hold back guys???
Amen that, Scuffer.
9/29/2008 9:38:00 AM |
why is it so hard to find a date |

Saint Joseph, MN
age: 22
im not degrading no one i just hate how people love to hurt your feelings for real i am really f**king sick of it
9/29/2008 11:26:25 AM |
why is it so hard to find a date |
Saint Paul, MN
age: 37
So a guy should be able to take you for a "test drive" and squeeze your melons?

Come on thats no way to talk to a lady.
9/29/2008 1:19:31 PM |
why is it so hard to find a date |

Saint Paul, MN
age: 48
im not degrading no one i just hate how people love to hurt your feelings for real i am really f**king sick of it
SO YOU HAVE THE NEED TO EMAIL ME AN CALL ME UGLY???i wasnt referring to you.dude....i was talking to the dude that made the rude comment-so before you throw temper tantrums-read your frikken thread...all the way ok....????....now you see why no one will date you-its bout respect an manners...which you clearly have.....NONE.....
9/29/2008 1:23:23 PM |
why is it so hard to find a date |

Saint Joseph, MN
age: 22
well read what you wrote and see where i can get mixed up there im not trying to be a a** im just trying to defend myself im sorry if a affend you i thought you were coming after me
9/29/2008 1:37:52 PM |
why is it so hard to find a date |

Hutchinson, MN
age: 23
It is so hard to find a date because no one wants what they are actually capable of getting. Most people want what the other person has, because if someone else has it; it must be good. Humans were programed in ancient times to want the the things that kept us alive and often when we saw other people going after something we assumed it was worthwhile. If you win a million dollars you aren't going to go spend it all on a Honda. You will go buy a Cadilac,Lamberguini, or corvette. The problem with relationships no one knows our own value. People place different amount of emphasis on this or that and it is very difficult to measure out which mate your qualities are comparable with. We know people with jobs that pay are difficult to obtain are desirable, people who are genetically born with certain characteristics,People who despite odds are able to obtain desirable things and so forth. However, all humans are ethnocentric, we place more value on our own looks, abilities, and talents than on others. We expect others to see us as we see ourselves (Quite frankly you would be someone else if you thought you'd be better off being someone else or you are physically, socially, intelectually, or emotionally incapable of developing the skills or you are unwilling to other characteristics that are linked to gaining that skill or you completely misjudge what it means to have that skill and develop a skill that mimics that skill but isn't it. )People may relize that this or that isn't what it is of other people. "I can't jump like Micheal Jordan" "I can't think as fast as Albert Einstein" "I can't spill my emotions like Shakespere" I can't spell as well as you can" However, we don't value those things that much otherwise we would have spent more time on them. To one person learning every detail about Ancient Rome is worthless knowledge. Whereas for someone else it is the greatest knowledge in the world. (You can Take ancient rome out and replace it with any subject in the previous sentence {I like using the subject toileting})Therefore we place higher value on our likes. Some guys run around performing magic trying to win girls over because they think it is such a great talent the girl should think so to. If she isn't impressed she says what a loser, because she doesn't value the talent the way he does. And many people end up with the wrong partner or single or the right partners changes into the wrong partner as life changes.
9/29/2008 2:57:22 PM |
why is it so hard to find a date |

Saint Paul, MN
age: 48
well read what you wrote and see where i can get mixed up there im not trying to be a a** im just trying to defend myself im sorry if a affend you i thought you were coming after me
apology accepted-i kinda figured thats what happened-no problem...its real easy to get defensive on this site-just relax-i didnt even see who beaverman(??)was attacking-didnt care-he was just mean an it was uncalled for.its all good.....
10/5/2008 12:42:03 PM |
why is it so hard to find a date |

Minneapolis, MN
age: 39
I think with the busy lives that we live now it is very hard for anyone to find a good date. I'm a workaholic and I have a very hard time in finding someone worthy of my time. I'm still hopeful, I will get lucky someday and so will everyone else. No one should be alone and we will find what we all truly need.
10/5/2008 10:58:36 PM |
why is it so hard to find a date |

Andover, MN
age: 59 online now!
If you felt you had the best. Could be we all want what we had before when we were happy and contented. Hard to find that!! If we can't then it's not acceptable.
If you had the worst. Don't want that!!!
Any compromise in between means we have to negotiate with ourselves. Hard to do.
Someone said when you get older....
Well you still want to make love with your partner. If you LISTEN and find out who that is before you get to older both of you can satisfy the other, be happy and be together forever.
10/6/2008 6:34:58 AM |
why is it so hard to find a date |

Brainerd, MN
age: 25
why is is so hard to find a date ? I have a theory.
You try to hard , you seem needy. women don't attract to needy guys very well , trust me I've learned that the hard and painful way. Dont get me wrong . Its not bad to show that you are interested , but dont show her that you're drooling.
Example: last Saturday night I went to a wedding then to the dinner party. All I did was told one of the brides maids how pretty she looked, and gave her a little wink to let her now i was interested. Then I just walked away, making my rounds. It was'nt long and here she came forcing her number on me. After that I left and went to a friends house for a little party. I heard that the most of the Applebees staff was gonna be there gotta love the waitresses lol. anyways . I spied a little cutie . All I did was offer a chair . Then went on to smile laugh and tell a few jokes with some of the other people . Basic entertainment skills. And before I knew it she was on my lap tell me that she was a "fan" yes thats right. she said she was a fan ! lol I guess I can say I never got that before but I just went along with it. I guess
oh and another thing. If you happen to score a number or a date.Dont call right away , or everyday, bugging the S*** out of the poor woman. It makes you seem "Needy"
10/6/2008 11:10:13 AM |
why is it so hard to find a date |
Little Falls, MN
age: 25
Ok heres the thing I had a house fire about a month ago and lost my scanner for my pic. SORRY.Anyway I think women r just looking for someone they can't get enough of.Most women won't admit it we decide in the first 10 min. if we're gonna call you again just cause if they are like me they have met alot of bad guys..
10/6/2008 2:46:22 PM |
why is it so hard to find a date |

Saint Paul, MN
age: 33
I think that dateing is just like fast food for most people...... You want as much as you can get at a cheep price...... when it is time to eat again you want the next place because you already ate there before.... people dont really want or respect that others want a companion and a team not an I I I person.