9/7/2008 9:44:24 AM |
why is it so hard to find a date |

Saint Joseph, MN
age: 22
I dont get why its so hard to find a date this days! Its not like you got to get into a serious relationship right away or anything! Just to get to know the person a little more is the point of a date!
9/7/2008 11:27:30 AM |
why is it so hard to find a date |

Arlington, MN
age: 31
I agree! It seems like the women are looking for the perfect guy and are scared to even go out on a date. How do you know if you like or dislike a person if you never meet? It should not be that difficult!
9/7/2008 2:01:35 PM |
why is it so hard to find a date |

Minneapolis, MN
age: 53
Apparently that's why they want everyone to post a photo ( except of course them ) so they
can see if you're the perfect person for them. Then they check out your profile and ignore
you if they don't like the way you look.
9/7/2008 2:59:53 PM |
why is it so hard to find a date |

Saint Joseph, MN
age: 22
i know what you mean its all about the looks these days but what the hell is looks going to do for you in the future when your old nothing its the personality that counts
9/8/2008 5:07:23 PM |
why is it so hard to find a date |

Milaca, MN
age: 22
I'm not sure why it is that woman are afraid to go out on dates.... maybe its all the freaks out there that think the word "date" means their gonna get laid. Maybe its because most of the guys out there that seem too good to be true.. usually are 70 year old perverted bald fat guys looking to get their rocks off and don't care how they go about it. Its not necessarily that we're afraid to go out and meet new people but maybe because we have a past that makes us a little more cautious of whom we go out with even if it is a public place. Did you ever take that into consideration?? And not ALL woman are all about looks!!
[Edited 9/8/2008 5:08:23 PM]
9/15/2008 8:22:16 PM |
why is it so hard to find a date |

Saint Joseph, MN
age: 22
well i found a date with you jenny and now your ignoring me great you said we had a good time now your ignoring me like a dirty rag wow i thought you were a good person
9/16/2008 9:44:46 AM |
why is it so hard to find a date |

Saint Paul, MN
age: 33
People are just are looking for the perfect match and they want to have nothing less it is the world we live in. So it is hard and what I think people should know is that we are all human and have good and bad about us you can not have one without the other.
9/16/2008 11:16:53 AM |
why is it so hard to find a date |

Minneapolis, MN
age: 27
Gentlemen, women want a pic of you, YES, to see what you look like. I mean c'MOOOON, do you buy a car without driving it, buy milk without checking the date? How about melons, don't you squeeze them before deciding whether or not they're ripe enough?? Same principal. I'm pretty sure you all wouldn't chat a gal up, in more than a friendly manner, before seeing what she looks like. Right, or wrong??
And I agree with what Jennifer said, maybe she asks what you look like, has her guard up because of getting hurt in the past. It's well known that men do get over hurt more easily than women...we are emotional, you're "logical". (I use logical loosely, mind you....)
ummmm, I think that's about it for now.
9/16/2008 12:46:52 PM |
why is it so hard to find a date |

Saint Paul, MN
age: 33
I so agree with you, but then answer this anyone why do woman hide there pic's..... Also I feel it is rude to ask for the picture dont yeah think....... you all will find I ask lots of questions
9/21/2008 8:10:41 AM |
why is it so hard to find a date |

Chandler, OK
age: 63
well for 1 thing u look like forrest gump. ur a homley lookin also. u might consider a face lift or a make over 
9/21/2008 8:21:12 AM |
why is it so hard to find a date |

Jordan, MN
age: 22
For me, everyone lives to far from me. 
9/22/2008 3:42:33 PM |
why is it so hard to find a date |

Minneapolis, MN
age: 27
I so agree with you, but then answer this anyone why do woman hide there pic's..... Also I feel it is rude to ask for the picture dont yeah think....... you all will find I ask lots of questions
Well, Stan, maybe some people only have DIAL-UP, (I shudder to think) and it takes forEVER to load, or maybe they don't have the means to load a pic. Whatever the case, it's their business, and it shouldn't really bother you any. jmo.
9/23/2008 8:03:51 PM |
why is it so hard to find a date |

Saint Paul, MN
age: 26
Here's the answer in a nutshell...
What is the biggest thing that makes dating awkward for women?
Guys all anticipate getting laid big time. You know it and they know it.
I admit the most important thing for me at the start of a relationship is sex. Its the big weight on the other side of the scale of women.
Lots and lots of things to disagree about- be they small- including her family and music preference then the good things like understanding when you had a horse shit day and rubbin yer feet for being the "big strong man" that tolerates the fuzzy toilet seat cover for her etc. Then of course there's the issue of whether BJs are enjoyed or tolerated. One side of the scale or the other. The give and take thing has not been established in the beginning and we all want too much too fast and its completely obvious even when its not.
Read a few profiles... They all have the "if you're looking to score" clause. That's it.
All you gotta do is not want sex, or at least pretend as well as they do.
By the way, note to the fellas: We all have to learn this they have us "by the balls". Its gonna take decades to swing the scale back to the way it was in the "good old days" of bread bringer and personal slave that makes your decisions for you. They unbalanced the equation too far to their benefit causing the cash cow to go dry now all that's left of us is gays and broken cowboy complex.
Whos in to a Mens Rights Campaign? The only qualification is that you have to be a stand up dude and the only issue will be that we need to get laid and be appreciated - or at least lied to - all your broken will requires.
What the hell was this guy going on about,
P.S. Or not a nutshell so much as a rant. At least I got the discussion started...
Send all hate mail to:
Hate Mail
69 return to sender blvd.
Beverly Hills CA 90210
9/24/2008 3:40:02 PM |
why is it so hard to find a date |

Minneapolis, MN
age: 27
Here's the answer in a nutshell...
What is the biggest thing that makes dating awkward for women?
Guys all anticipate getting laid big time. You know it and they know it.
I admit the most important thing for me at the start of a relationship is sex. Its the big weight on the other side of the scale of women.
Lots and lots of things to disagree about- be they small- including her family and music preference then the good things like understanding when you had a horse shit day and rubbin yer feet for being the "big strong man" that tolerates the fuzzy toilet seat cover for her etc. Then of course there's the issue of whether BJs are enjoyed or tolerated. One side of the scale or the other. The give and take thing has not been established in the beginning and we all want too much too fast and its completely obvious even when its not.
Read a few profiles... They all have the "if you're looking to score" clause. That's it.
All you gotta do is not want sex, or at least pretend as well as they do.
By the way, note to the fellas: We all have to learn this they have us "by the balls". Its gonna take decades to swing the scale back to the way it was in the "good old days" of bread bringer and personal slave that makes your decisions for you. They unbalanced the equation too far to their benefit causing the cash cow to go dry now all that's left of us is gays and broken cowboy complex.
Whos in to a Mens Rights Campaign? The only qualification is that you have to be a stand up dude and the only issue will be that we need to get laid and be appreciated - or at least lied to - all your broken will requires.
What the hell was this guy going on about,
P.S. Or not a nutshell so much as a rant. At least I got the discussion started...
Send all hate mail to:
Hate Mail
69 return to sender blvd.
Beverly Hills CA 90210
9/24/2008 4:01:56 PM |
why is it so hard to find a date |

Motley, MN
age: 39
So a guy should be able to take you for a "test drive" and squeeze your melons?
