9/8/2008 4:40:29 AM |
Asleep or in heaven |

Janesville, WI
age: 68
There are some who believe that upon death a Christian is asleep until the rapture or resurrection. Others feel that their loved one goes immediately to be with the lord.
What are your thoughts on this subject?
God Bless
Danny Boy
9/8/2008 5:27:27 AM |
Asleep or in heaven |

Morgan, VT
age: 66
i beleive after death most are resurected in the Mansion worlds,or what many would call Heaven [en mass].This might be after an epoch or dispensation or about every thousand years.
paper112 of TUB tells of personality survival....
p1230:3 112:3.5 After death the material body returns to the elemental world from which it was derived, but two nonmaterial factors of surviving personality persist: The pre-existent Thought Adjuster[part of God the Father], with the memory transcription of the mortal career, proceeds to Divinington; and there also remains, in the custody of the destiny guardian, the immortal morontia soul of the deceased human. These phases and forms of soul, these once kinetic but now static formulas of identity, are essential to repersonalization on the morontia worlds[what most Christians call Heaven]; and it is the reunion of the Adjuster and the soul that reassembles the surviving personality, that reconsciousizes you at the time of the morontia awakening.
p1230:4 112:3.6 For those who do not have personal seraphic guardians, the group custodians faithfully and efficiently perform the same service of identity safekeeping and personality resurrection. The seraphim are indispensable to the reassembly of personality.
p1230:5 112:3.7 Upon death the Thought Adjuster temporarily loses personality, but not identity; the human subject temporarily loses identity, but not personality; on the mansion worlds both reunite in eternal manifestation. Never does a departed Thought Adjuster return to earth as the being of former indwelling; never is personality manifested without the human will; and never does a dis-Adjustered human being after death manifest active identity or in any manner establish communication with the living beings of earth.
9/8/2008 11:17:51 AM |
Asleep or in heaven |

Ogden, UT
age: 50
Paul stated "absent from the body is present with the Lord."
9/8/2008 12:07:53 PM |
Asleep or in heaven |
Largo, FL
age: 50
yes quincy is right it also states we are in abrahams bossom..like lazurus
9/8/2008 12:32:36 PM |
Asleep or in heaven |

Morgan, VT
age: 66
Paul stated "absent from the body is present with the Lord."
yes,but we are always 'present with the Lord'
asleep or wating for the resurection.
my thoughts are we are ALL going to [Heaven]
i guess i'm a Christian that puts Jesus' words before dogma.
as far as being in Abrahams bossom
i think that is alligorical.
and besides he was a guy ...no?
[Edited 9/8/2008 12:35:18 PM]
9/8/2008 2:22:56 PM |
Asleep or in heaven |
Rural Retreat, VA
age: 56
I believe the believers are taken to paradise, which is under the throne of God waiting for the ressurection, while the souls of the unbelievers are taken straight to hell waiting for that few seconds they will come out of hell to stand before the great white throne judgment just to be thrown into the lake of fire. Just my opinion.
9/8/2008 2:53:59 PM |
Asleep or in heaven |

Morgan, VT
age: 66
I believe the believers are taken to paradise, which is under the throne of God waiting for the ressurection, while the souls of the unbelievers are taken straight to hell waiting for that few seconds they will come out of hell to stand before the great white throne judgment just to be thrown into the lake of fire. Just my opinion.
i used to beleive that, and hope your wrong....
question as to what is a unbeleiver?
another religion?....a Christian who doesn't agree with certain docterns
such as the atonement or seventh day sabath?...
or do you count an unbeleiver as one who alows the evil of the world to become a sin in his life?....finally lusting after that sin and following an iniquitous life?
the iniquitous one[one who continiously rejects the Fathers plan for personality survival,and the Sons merciful ministry of salvation.
i don't agree that you have to be a certain type of Christian...or our loving Father is going to fry their but for eternity.....how barbaric
....but i've been wrong before ...i think
9/8/2008 3:47:02 PM |
Asleep or in heaven |
Rural Retreat, VA
age: 56
I believe the believers are taken to paradise, which is under the throne of God waiting for the ressurection, while the souls of the unbelievers are taken straight to hell waiting for that few seconds they will come out of hell to stand before the great white throne judgment just to be thrown into the lake of fire. Just my opinion.
i used to beleive that, and hope your wrong....
question as to what is a unbeleiver?
another religion?....a Christian who doesn't agree with certain docterns
such as the atonement or seventh day sabath?...
or do you count an unbeleiver as one who alows the evil of the world to become a sin in his life?....finally lusting after that sin and following an iniquitous life?
the iniquitous one[one who continiously rejects the Fathers plan for personality survival,and the Sons merciful ministry of salvation.
i don't agree that you have to be a certain type of Christian...or our loving  Father is going to fry their but for eternity.....how barbaric
....but i've been wrong before  ...i think 
God is not the one that puts us in hell or the lake of fire. We do that ourselves by the way we live.
9/8/2008 4:21:54 PM |
Asleep or in heaven |

Syracuse, IN
age: 39
According to Jesus's own words on the cross,"Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise." Luke 23:43. These words were spoken to one of the criminals as they were being crucified and about to die, so I would say you go straight to your eternal destination.
9/8/2008 5:53:21 PM |
Asleep or in heaven |
Largo, FL
age: 50
but u need to be careful..if ur worried we are to be for eternity,,,the bible says my chlidren perish for a lack of knowledge he said we are not to be partakers of this world..and his word is truth..and he doesnt change..holy before the LORD 
9/8/2008 5:58:12 PM |
Asleep or in heaven |
Largo, FL
age: 50
if we repent and live as god says ...he said the first will be last and the last will be first
many that were called young who fell away ...never came back
they decided to deny Christ...so when they die,,and if they dont repent and come back,,,the backslidders will have palce in the lake of fire..HE WARNS US OF THIS.now for the new ones the christians following now..we need to be alert and not get caught sleeping ..we need always be ready for his comming
just like the virgins
some where ready
and some werent
always be sure by the word and ur life lining up with it
9/8/2008 6:42:25 PM |
Asleep or in heaven |

Denver, CO
age: 43
To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.
9/8/2008 7:31:32 PM |
Asleep or in heaven |

Janesville, WI
age: 68
So far It looks like almost if not a 100% agree that upon death a person goes immediately home to be with the Lord if they are saved. I agree that scripture supports this. Let me ask another silly question if you would indulge me. Does this mean that upon the resurrection, the soul comes back to be reunited with the body?
If so can I protest, once I am with the Lord I don't want to come back. LOL
God Bless
Danny Boy
[Edited 9/8/2008 7:34:30 PM]
9/9/2008 2:32:51 AM |
Asleep or in heaven |

Morgan, VT
age: 66
the Guardian Seriphim return the soul to the new morontia body,
and at the same time the Father Spirit
or[Mystery Monoter or Thought Adjuster] reenters the new body and there resides with us
as we progress through the Mansion worlds.
this world of the flesh is just the begining of an exciting cosmic journey toward the Father in Paridice[the center of Havona].
9/9/2008 6:34:35 AM |
Asleep or in heaven |
Rural Retreat, VA
age: 56
So far It looks like almost if not a 100% agree that upon death a person goes immediately home to be with the Lord if they are saved. I agree that scripture supports this. Let me ask another silly question if you would indulge me. Does this mean that upon the resurrection, the soul comes back to be reunited with the body?
If so can I protest, once I am with the Lord I don't want to come back. LOL
God Bless
Danny Boy
Doesn't look like anyone can answer that one. LOL I know I can't.