Pittsburgh, PA
age: 38
Any advice for a Christian who inadvertently found herself involved with an O.T.O. member? I'm obviously researching the practice and Aleister Crowley, himself but I can't find any FAQ's or books on dealing appropriately with the obvious differences in religious beliefs/practices. At the moment I am no longer dating this guy for other reasons but I'm just curious if anyone has had experience with this subject or insightful thoughts regarding the topic.

Seymour, IN
age: 62
Yeah it can cause a lot of problems. Might think about how that could effect your future.

Syracuse, NY
age: 51 online now!
I have not found any difficulties with the study of Aleister Crowley's studies or writings.
In fact, I found a great deal of insight within them.
The majority of those who study his writings do mis-understand the intentions of the philosophy however and their actions have mudded the face of his exposed insights.
To the general public it is viewed as Devil worship hilarious really.
If you have a specific questions I will be glad to assist in a response if I am able to.
I no longer participate in the O.T.O. ritualistically. I find it as nonsensical as organized religion. On the other hand, if I could perform music to lift up the spirits of everyone then I would love performing. The rituals I walk away from, real BS....IMHO
Have a great evening


Fresno, CA
age: 63
Sorry, what is OTO, or am I just tired?

Seymour, IN
age: 62
Was wondering myself but too embarrassed to ask.

Columbia, SC
age: 20
Ordo Templi Orientis or Order of The Temple of the East... ceremonial magicians like freemasonry though it was slightly twisted by Alleister Crowley's teachings, also... I agree with my fellow above us, i find great insight looking at the teachings from a less than... let's say literal viewpoint.

Pittsburgh, PA
age: 38
Sorry - I've just realized there were replies to this thread. I appreciate your input!
The guy in questions has a few other issues that concern me. Having said that - he seems to take the 'doctrine' if you will and use it for his own misguided ways. I just can't imagine an OTO member approving of another alleged OTO member for 'attacking the church from within' which is what he wrote on an offering envelope at a Christrian church and left for its 'Sheoples' to find. He even bragged about to his fellow OTO members. From my limited research it seems Crowley suggests each person has his/her own will and own path and that one should not impose his/her will/path on another - that that's contradictory to following what he and the Book of Laws suggests.
We spoke about the OTO and Freemasonry last night and he told me that he too, was turned off by the ritualism of both groups but was still practicing (or whatever it would be appropriately called).
Thanks again! I'll present questions as I have them and if you have additional input - I welcome it as a learning opportunity.