9/9/2008 7:43:28 PM |
Whooo out here is a night owl? |

Monroe, WI
age: 43
I find that alot of times when I talk to men on this sight they don't keep in contact knowing that I like to stay up late and chat. U can sleep when you die.
9/10/2008 9:51:52 AM |
Whooo out here is a night owl? |
Janesville, WI
age: 38
i love staying up late, and sleep is over rated
9/10/2008 1:44:17 PM |
Whooo out here is a night owl? |
Kansasville, WI
age: 35
im a night owl hooooooooooooooo
9/10/2008 10:27:36 PM |
Whooo out here is a night owl? |
Appleton, WI
age: 37
9/11/2008 6:18:34 AM |
Whooo out here is a night owl? |

Krakow, WI
age: 31
well sweet lady jane... i am guessing i am not the one u want to talk to.. BUT I FEEL YA!!!!! i am such a night owl.. i love the YOU CAN SLEEP WHEN YOU YOU'RE DEAD!!! if i was good at this thread stuff.. i would of quoted you
but i have no idea how to do that fancy stuff yet!!! i dont even know how to chat on here..can you!! but i would love conversation late nights!!!
9/11/2008 8:57:20 PM |
Whooo out here is a night owl? |

Appleton, WI
age: 51
I'm a night owl, stems waaaaay back from when I was a kid. My Mom would find me up coloring or playing with my toys until the wee hours of the morning.
Sleep wastes my time but I know I need it...and I dream in color so that's always fun too!
Wish we had a chatroom on this site. I used to belong to one but you had to pay per month to be in it and I hated the fights that would go on...like highschool all over again so I quit being a paid member and that's how I found THIS site!
So everyone hooting......Have a great evening! lol
9/12/2008 9:52:57 AM |
Whooo out here is a night owl? |

Oshkosh, WI
age: 58
Hi Everyone....
Longtime Night Owl here ... Glad to know I am NOT the only one...hehehe!!!
Just finding my way around the site...pretty user friendly so far.
9/12/2008 1:55:26 PM |
Whooo out here is a night owl? |

Poynette, WI
age: 46 online now!
9/12/2008 2:22:12 PM |
Whooo out here is a night owl? |

Beloit, WI
age: 42
i was a night owl but just on sundays because i have mondays off
9/14/2008 11:53:50 AM |
Whooo out here is a night owl? |
Racine, WI
age: 55
I can be a night owl, depends on if I get a nap after work.
My schedule has changed in the last few weeks.
And I find myself getting to bed earlier, and earlier these days.
Maybe it's seasonal. . . Getting ready for winter and all.
(I am not mentioning the "S" word yet.) But with the sun going down
a lot sooner, my body must be telling me something !
9/14/2008 3:38:33 PM |
Whooo out here is a night owl? |

Mequon, WI
age: 31
Total insomniac since high school. People are amazed at how little I actualy sleep.
9/17/2008 10:58:19 PM |
Whooo out here is a night owl? |

Krakow, WI
age: 31
where r all the night owls now??
9/17/2008 11:09:41 PM |
Whooo out here is a night owl? |

Appleton, WI
age: 51
I'm here I'm here! I just got my freaking computer back online! SHEESH! I got home and panicked that my wireless wasn't hooking up with my laptop. I'm fine now. I'm fine. lol
But I do think after driving 12 hours I need to go to bed. I'm wide awake but brain dead.
It's a blonde thing. Hi Kro!
P.S. I forgot the H on hooking so that's why the edit!
Yeah, I need to go to bed.
[Edited 9/17/2008 11:10:47 PM]
9/18/2008 7:12:11 AM |
Whooo out here is a night owl? |

Appleton, WI
age: 54
Im the same way I sleep about 4 hours a night, always have and I look at it the same way..you can sleep when your dead..
9/18/2008 7:29:26 AM |
Whooo out here is a night owl? |

Mauston, WI
age: 54
Hey, all you night owls...Yup, I'm one, too. Been that way for many,many years. Think it goes back to when I was doing all that Hospice and sometimes didn't get sleep for 3 or 4 days..YIKES!!! I was a zombie...And now, well,,, 2 nights a week I get knocked out, so I get completely regenerated for the next week..LOL ..WOW, do I fell so refreshed... ...I agree Annie, there should be a chat area on here. Actual chat, not just this asychronous communication stuff...Maybe we'll get lucky and Dustin will add that feature for us???,,,Ok, I know...it was a nice thought...LOL..See all ya night owls after I get regenerated...
edited to add: I was always told..People die in bed, so might as well get moving and enjoy the waking minutes....Have no clue who made that one up..but, it sounded good to me..
[Edited 9/18/2008 7:31:00 AM]