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9/23/2007 3:35:29 AM Why do Christians preach Hell, Fire and damnation??  

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48

Jewelz you said....
Most of religion is disguised satism, turn the other cheek, bless those who hurt you, martyrdom to the needs of others. They create a tone of violence, aggression and belligerence that is sweetened up and clocked with religion and spirituality.

Anyone could mistake the,violence,aggression and belligerence in the Bible as some sort of satanic message, if they "choose" to. Heck,"anything" can ultimately be twisted around and made to look like something bad,but the fact is....Not all things have "double meanings",and simply are what they are.If you try "convincing"someone w/evil in their heart of that, youll end up "banging your head against a wall, "trying" to "convince"them "otherwise", to no avail!

The Bible, "is what it is",a book of "writings" based on the,"Beliefs" and "Perceptions" of people who lived many yrs before us,who put the "God who Created them", first and foremost in their lives.

Lovinglife put it in a "great perspective".....
I think the hell & damnation preaching is sad... but knowing that it largely came from people seeking power, can we not recognize that and perhaps revisit God's word from the perspective of love? God gave us free will... and unfortunately, that means corruption - shame on the leaders who took advantage of the masses; shame on the masses for allowing it to happen. That doesn't mean the original intent of the teachings was as one-sided as some would have us believe. In fact it was very well-rounded.

As far as our children go....they should'nt be taught,Hell,Fire or Damnation,but we sure better come up with"something" thats going to get their attention so that theres "no mistaking"....If you do the "crime"(wrong)you better be "prepared' to do the "time". This goes for ALL People,if you choose to be,mean,hurtful,violent,lie,cheat or steal and such,you can "expect" and perhaps "deserve" to be "treated" "less than" and pay a "price" for your "wrong doings"! ..........peace

9/23/2007 5:31:59 AM Why do Christians preach Hell, Fire and damnation??  

Meadville, PA
age: 44

lol... fuzzy bunnies, marshmallows, and flowers.... LOL......

I thought about that for a minute, "if a man bears up under pain of unjust suffering because he is conscious of God…"

It DOES sound like a bad thing, doesn't it. and boy do I dislike injustice.

Then I went in the bathroom to snap a picture of my son and his overnight-guest-friend shaving with scooby doo razors, shaving cream down their shirts. Innocence... and it occurred to me that most of the time when I reel that child back in, he thinks I'm a big meany.

we are the children of God.

9/23/2007 5:50:34 AM Why do Christians preach Hell, Fire and damnation??  

Prairie Grove, AR
age: 51

Knight I just read what you wrote and that is so true. You have hit the nail on the head. I agree with you 100%

9/23/2007 3:02:14 PM Why do Christians preach Hell, Fire and damnation??  

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48

I've keep asking myself this same question..why "do" Christians preach Hell,Fire and Damnation???
It seems to be "so important" and "wrong" to some people,yet a lot of Christians and others with some kind of Religious backgrounds or teachings see it as...."consequences" for our "bad choice" and being "not right" with God.

Hell,Fire and Damnation are just words that signify that something "not nice" will happen to those who "choose" to "sin". Its like me telling my grandson that if he hits me again w/that toy,Im going to take it and put in under my car tire and roll over it!
He does something "not right"(hits) and there is a "price to pay"(no more toy)!...

But....Like God,I will never "not love" him for his "mistakes"!!!!!.......peace

9/23/2007 5:08:46 PM Why do Christians preach Hell, Fire and damnation??  

Seymour, IN
age: 61

Maybe cause they think it applies to the other guy and not to them.

9/23/2007 5:18:52 PM Why do Christians preach Hell, Fire and damnation??  

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48

Thats one way to look at it,but I prefer to "think" that.. it "should" apply to "everyone"!JMO!!!!..........peace

9/25/2007 3:29:43 AM Why do Christians preach Hell, Fire and damnation??  

Duncansville, PA
age: 42

well through the years as the bible we know today...has been re translated many times over to fit the living society...the words from yesteryear would be definitely hard to translate to the effect of the full true meaning behind some of the harshest translations...some of those words can not come close to depict exactly what the true words are...this is why we have some concordenances and preachers to try to relay what exactly it is meant to be...what makes it even more hard to understand is that christ was a jew and tried to relay his fathers message to the time went on and people were divided into their own sub colonies it was harder to share all the words under one language...

9/25/2007 11:20:48 AM Why do Christians preach Hell, Fire and damnation??  

Seymour, IN
age: 61

They wouldn't not be yelling so loud about hellfire if the realized how many of them qualified for it.

9/25/2007 2:26:04 PM Why do Christians preach Hell, Fire and damnation??  

Belchertown, MA
age: 57

Just a note: First I am not a religious scholar, nor a historian, I posed
the question..because I was raised in a severely strict catholic environment.
all I felt that I got from my religious education, was a quilt complex, I was
made to feel inferior and as a child lived in an atmosphere that I was condemned.
Great for the self esteem..My way out from being lost in all the negativity, fear,
doctrine, dogma etc, was to look for the good in operate from a
foundation of Love and forgiveness, for I chose to believe in an All Loving
compassionate, forgiving God...if I allowed myself to continue in the environment
that I raised...I would have been crippled spiritually, and would have lost all
faith in a supreme being. I live my life by what I feel is my inner spirit guiding me,
but that is simply me, who I am at this point in life. We all have free will,
to be catholic, protestant, jehovah,etc. as for the end I guess...its
just between me and God....

[Edited 9/25/2007 2:28:53 PM]

9/26/2007 12:15:53 AM Why do Christians preach Hell, Fire and damnation??  

Seymour, IN
age: 61

Nonick that is the way I feel too, and for pretty much the same reasons as you. I do believe the Supreme being speaks in a different way. Not a voice, I don't think I can even describe it, but I do believe it is there. Only you and your Creator know if you are ok with each other.

9/26/2007 9:12:41 AM Why do Christians preach Hell, Fire and damnation??  

Knoxville, TN
age: 65

God dosn't put any one in hell we put our own selves there for unbelief.If we go to hell it means we had to step over the blood of Jesus My goodness isn't giving his life for us good enough.Well he's not coming back to do it again!!!!!!! We only got one go around at it (lets get it right). God bless

9/26/2007 10:54:59 PM Why do Christians preach Hell, Fire and damnation??  

Seymour, IN
age: 61

No the creator does not put anyone in hell, we live through it here on earth. The only test we have have is to keep on living and learning and someday 'that peace that is beyond all understanding' will come to us.

I do not think that falling on our faces a humans would condemn anyone to a forever of suffering. And if you get right down to it even the worst of us were not made all by our choices. We have no way of knowing what others have lived through that have brought them to where they are.

I think hell and damnation are not what jesus[in the words attributed to him] or his creator ever taught.

9/28/2007 5:00:26 AM Why do Christians preach Hell, Fire and damnation??  

Seymour, IN
age: 61

I think people who preach hell and damnation do it because they do not know any better. Once they undstand what the Creater is all about then they will know better.

I also think there is something about humans that feels there should be justice and hell is a way to think of justice for those who do harm to others and do not seem to get punished for it here on earth. But we do not know what is going on because we have not seen what is happening inside of them.

9/28/2007 8:16:09 PM Why do Christians preach Hell, Fire and damnation??  

Belchertown, MA
age: 57

I would like to add the following...Jesus was not about hell, fire and damnation,
Jesus was a Gnostic, a seeker of truth. Gnostics try to show the world that
fear breeds fear, hate breeds hate, that vengence breeds vengence and Love
breeds Love. The Gnostics believe in a loving, trusting, Omnipotent all merciful
God. They believed in the power of reasoning and intellect. Please think about
this, if you worship a God that is vengeful and mean, what is that doing to your
soul? Our behavior reflects what we believe in, emulating what we worship and
adhere to. We become a reflection of that God, that God we love. If our soul
must fear, to hate and to be vengeful, to worry about hellfire and damnation,
Then we are creating a vengeful and jealous God within us as well as outside.
We are worshiping the wrong God!

9/28/2007 8:47:49 PM Why do Christians preach Hell, Fire and damnation??  

Seymour, IN
age: 61

I have a name for my belief. What a joy to know I am not alone like I have thought for the last 22 years. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am not alone.

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